NFC Munzee Conversion
As the launch of Munzee 4.0 gets closer, we have an update regarding the removal of the Near Field Communication (NFC) Munzee type. All undeployed NFC Munzees are currently being archived and all deployed NFC Munzees are being converted to white Virtual Munzees.
Please note that players have not had the ability to deploy NFC Munzees for many years, but this next step will remove the type entirely from the map. Although NFC Munzees were technically a physical type, the GPS coordinates attached to the NFCs will be where the newly converted Virtuals are located. Additionally, this also includes a substantial point update from what NFCs used to be worth. For those that have captured NFC Munzees in the past your capture count will remain in tact and you’ll still be able to see the special icon under the achievements tab.
UPDATE: This newly deployed virtual is available to be captured by anyone who previously capped the NFC. It is a brand new deploy.
Deploy Points:
5 —> 55
Capture/CapOn Points:
5 —> 70 points split with a minimum of 10
3 —> * * * *
We appreciate the player support for this type, but unfortunately NFC technology is not easily accessible for developers on all platforms so it’s time to move on. We promise the release of 4.0 is very close, so once again thank you for your patience during all of these changes. Remember this is just the start, we have some really big plans ahead!
Munzee on!