Archive for January, 2015

January 31, 2015

Munzee Videocast Episode 11: Munzee <3 Eventzee

Our eleventh videocast has been converted to audio, so click the link and listen on!

You can also re-watch the videocast HERE.

This week we talked about:

  • Rob is back from Australia, Dylan is mimicking his 14 hour flight back- on the road.
  • The Yuma trip has been cancelled due to unforeseen Eventzee commercial filming.
  • Candy Heart Virtuals go on sale Sunday and all proceeds will go to the American Heart Association.
  • Candy Hearts will count as Mystery Virtual Munzees in Clan Wars this month.
  • Eventzee will launch in the first week of February, and to celebrate Eventzee pins will be on the Munzee map.

Remember to join us Fridays at 3 pm (MHQ Time) for the live videocast where you can interact with us, ask questions and see us stumble over our words! To learn more follow us on Google + and if you missed last week’s videocast click HERE.

We’ve also created a NEW WEBPAGE strictly for the Videocast. Here you can watch the past and present podcasts anytime and it also allows downloads to iTunes! If you’d like to subscribe to the Munzee Podcast on iTunes go to File > Subscribe to Podcast > enter If you want to interact live with the Videocasts and ask questions, you will still need to join us on our Google+ page,


January 29, 2015

Munzee Player of the Week: Ari Gempäsch (TheUglyHari)

Munzee may be very popular in certain parts of the world, but there are many areas where the game is still small. The responsibility falls upon our players to grow the map and we’re indebted to their hard work. This week’s Player of The Week helps keep Munzee thriving in Austria- despite trouble finding Clan War teammates from time to time. We thank Ari Gempäsch (TheUglyHari) for his hard work and we’re excited for the day when he has people lining up to be in his clan. Read on to learn more about TheUglyHari!    

Who are you?
My name is Ari Gempäsch (TheUglyHari).

Where in the world do you live?
I live in Linz, Austria. A small country in the middle of Europe with a small amount of munzers.

How long have you played Munzee?
I have been playing for two years. But I really started 18 months ago with deploying a lot.

IMAG0063How did you find Munzee?
I colleague of mine told me about munzee. We started together (with a few colleagues). But they all stopped playing according to problems with the app and the change of rules. (Editor’s Note: Maybe you should tell them to start playing again. The game has changed at lot in two years!)

What do you enjoy most about Munzee?
To be outside and deploy (I am a top-30-greenies deployer). To play in the only active clan in Austria (it is always a challenge to find ten active players – thanks to BettyLou, Malof, SineUsa and a lot of other players which supported us a while). I have also learned a lot about my own home-town.IMG_0106 - Copy

What is on your wish list?
1) I would like if everything was inside the app. It shouldn’t be necessary to visit the blog, the store, statzee, the hp…. to find the right information, to buy something or to deploy some weapons, motels, hotels etc.
2) Focus on the basics: greenies – at the moment – are undervalued.
3) More time to organize the clan.
4) A chat also for clans within the app.

IMG_1856Tell us about yourself!
I am 39 years old. I have three children and enjoy my life with them. I am working as a SAP-consultant and have to travel a lot. So it is really a good way to play Munzee to avoid a lot of hotel bars.

Other hobbies include:
Skiing in The Alps in the winter. Swimming and relaxing in the Salzkammergut during the summer. To play and to care about my children.

TheUglyHari included his Social so cap away!


If you know a player that should be nominated for Munzee Player of the Week, shoot us a message at and let us know just why this person is outstanding in the global Munzee community!

-Please note, this is a super active campaign. We may not be able to get back to everyone, but you’re helping to grow the list of amazing people in the Munzee community!

January 29, 2015

Announcing Candy Heart Virtual Specials

February is the month of romance and Munzee wants to share our love with the world. In connection to American Heart Month we’re proud to announce that new special virtual icons will be for sale and proceeds will be donated to heart research. These special virtual Candy Hearts will be on sale from February 1-7, and the munzees will stay on the map through March 15th at 23:59 MHQ time (GMT -6).

Each pack of 4 virtual heart munzees will cost $5, with all proceeds going to the American Heart Association. The owner of the Candy Heart virtual gets 14 points when they deploy and 14 points will be given to the owner and capper when it is captured. An in-game badge will also be earned for any player who captures or deploys a candy heart. These virtual munzees are available for purchase at the beginning of February with no limit in quantity. Like our past virtual specials, the Candy Heart munzees will disappear after a certain amount of time, but we still encourage our players to construct gardens and base events around these deployed munzees. Create your local event at

According to the US Center for Disease Control, Cardiovascular disease (including heart disease, stroke, and high blood pressure) is the number 1 killer of women and men in the United States and a leading cause of disability. This is an important cause that affects every human being and we hope that with the help of our players we can aid in this fight. Throughout the month we’ll also help spread information about heart health and what you can do to avoid heart disease. Munzee is a game that promotes healthy living so love yourself and take care of your body. Learn about the risks of heart disease and, of course stay, active with Munzee.


January 27, 2015

February 2015 Clan Requirements… with a twist.

This month’s Clan Requirements have kicked the new year up a notch. The focus for February is mysteries, so prepare for war. Also, as this is a New Year, we’ve decided to take a New Perspective for Clan Wars. Starting from February, we’ll reward the TOP 3 players in each full clan. So it’s no longer just a competition between clans, but also in-clan. We want our players to push their clan forward, but also promote a little friendly rivalry within the clans. The top 3 players in each clan will be rewarded after the round has finished- so the winners of February will be receive their prizes in March for the first time.

Individual Rewards:

  • #1 gets a battle axe
  • #2 gets a longsword
  • #3 gets a mace munzee. 

February Clan Requirements:

capture 25 greenies
capture 2 mystery virtuals (colors do count)
400 total points per player
clan total points min. 6,000
Rewards: 1 virtual, 1 virtual color

capture 40 greenies
capture 10 mystery virtuals (colors do count)
900 total points per player
deploy 3 munzees
clan total points min. 10,000
Rewards: 1 virtual, 2 maces, 1 virtual color

capture 60 greenies
capture 10 mystery virtuals (colors do count)
capture 5 regular mystery munzees
2,200 total points per player
deploy 5 munzees
clan total points min. 28,000
Rewards: 1 longsword, 1 mystery virtual, 1 diamond, 2 virtual colors

capture 120 greenies
capture 20 mystery virtuals (colors do count)
capture 15 regular mystery munzees
6,000 total points per player
deploy 10 munzees
clan total points min. 70,000
Rewards: 1 battle axe, 3 longswords, 1 motel, 2 virtual colors

capture 300 greenies
capture 30 mystery virtuals (colors do count)
capture 25 regular mystery munzees
15,000 total points per player
deploy 25 munzees
clan total points min. 180,000
Rewards: 2 battle axe, 3 mace, 1 motel, 1 virtual, 1 ruby, 3 virtual colors

January 23, 2015

Munzee Videocast Episode 10: Rob goes Down Under, so Scott goes Behind the Wall

Our tenth videocast has been converted to audio, so click the link and listen on! 

You can also re-watch the videocast HERE.

This week we talked about:

  • Rob is in Australia, so Scott helped out
  • Eventzee has been submitted for approval
  • Trail Munzees
  • We’re working on a new side app for Munzee points

Remember to join us Fridays at 3 pm (MHQ Time) for the live videocast where you can interact with us, ask questions and see us stumble over our words! To learn more follow us on Google + and if you missed last week’s videocast click HERE.

We’ve also created a NEW WEBPAGE strictly for the Videocast. Here you can watch the past and present podcasts anytime and it also allows downloads to iTunes! If you’d like to subscribe to the Munzee Podcast on iTunes go to File > Subscribe to Podcast > enter If you want to interact live with the Videocasts and ask questions, you will still need to join us on our Google+ page,

January 22, 2015

Munzee Player of the Week: Zack Barnett (ZandK)

Munzee is perfect for the whole family. It gets you outside, pushes you to adventure and explore with your loved ones. Every day we see new Munzers brought into the game following their parents in the hunt. This week’s Player of The Week thought the game seemed silly when his parents introduced it to him, but now he’s hooked. Zack Barnett (ZandK) now has his own daughter out searching for munzees and she’s sure to follow in her father and grandparents’ footsteps. Read on to learn a bit more about ZandK!

Who are you?
Zack Barnett aka ZandK

Where in the world do you live?
I currently live in Ogden, Utah. However, being active duty Army I move often, which allows me to spread the Munzee wealth.

How long have you played Munzee?
I started playing Munzee in February of 2013.

SLC Meet and GreetHow did you find Munzee?
My parents; Michael and Kelly; 2psnapod1 and 2psnapod2 started talking about it. I thought it was the dumbest thing ever, who wants to walk around and scan a little sticker? Reluctantly, I downloaded the application. Within a few days I learned that Munzee was an excellent way to make monotonous runs fun. Immediately I started planning running routes that allowed me to capture the munzees in my area. A few weeks later I started deploying as I had already cleared the Munzees in my area!

Munzee pic 2What do you enjoy most about Munzee?
I enjoy that Munzee can be done anywhere. I typically travel a lot without my family, Munzee allows me to fill in that void while I am away and pass the time. Munzee is also an excellent way for me to exercise and stay in shape for my Army duty. Adding the Fitbit to my Munzee addiction allows me track the benefit of the game. I really enjoy the “urban” aspect of the game, I can always get a chance to capture or deploy no matter where I am going. I enjoy the ability to get quick points while passing through airports via virtuals but I enjoy walking and running from light pole to light pole or gator to gator most 🙂 Even though I focus on the “urban” aspect of Munzee, the game has still taken me to many neat areas that I wouldn’t have typically experienced had it not been for Munzee. Some of my favorite places have been the Troll under the bridge and the gum wall in Seattle, Washington.

What is on your wish list?
(1) From the inception of the clan wars I have always wished for a separation of clans either by country or by level. Much like intramural sports where the clan would sign for a level. For example we would have divisions such as an “A” division, a “B” division, and a “C” division. The clan wars would still utilize the same requirements but they would compete for the top spot amongst their division, this would allow some of the lower clans without big point opportunities the ability to win their division. If they won the lower division they would be required to then compete in the next higher division the next war.

(2) I would love for Fitbit or similar fitness trackers to be implemented into the game more. Of course badges for activity levels would be very welcomed.

(3) Restructuring of point levels. After level 100 it is much more difficult to level up.

Paityn MunzeeTell us about yourself!
I am happily married to my awesome wife Kelsea (KandZ) and have two children, Paityn and Cameron. Paityn is also an avid Munzer but only plays with Momma and Papa. I am an Active Duty Army Captain and am currently in my 11th year of service. I followed in the footsteps of my father who retired a few years ago with over 28 years of service! I am originally from Wisconsin and even though I have lived in many states I still call Wisconsin home. Go Packers, Go Brewers, and go Marquette Golden Eagles! Oh, and the Badgers when they are not playing Marquette. 😉

One of the greatest areas I have played Munzee in is Washington State. With help from a fellow Munzer Divernick and KandZ we created a Munzee trail spanning two states at length greater than 7 miles. The trail included every munzee type possible. The trail starts in Vancouver, Washington and crosses the I-84 bridge in to Portland, Oregon. In March of 2014 I was blessed with the ability to travel to California for Munzee Madness III. This was an awesome time in which I was able to meet most of team Munzee (the old team). This only solidified my addiction of Munzee and made me want to play more and more.

In the Summer of 2014 I was moved by the Army to Utah. When I arrived the Munzee population was strong, but not quite as strong as Washington/Oregon. So I started growing the map. In order to draw more and more players in the area I organized the states first Munzee event the “SLC Meet and Greet.” We had 11 attendees, 2 of which had just joined the game! Since the event the area has grown tremendously.

Other hobbies include:
In addition to Munzee I am a very family oriented man. I enjoy spending as much time as I can with my family as I am often away for long periods of time. I also am a very avid sports fan. I love watching all sports live or on TV. Playing sports (basketball, golf, bowling, softball, etc) is also something I enjoy greatly. Playing Settlers of Catan (Seafarers, Cities and Knights, and Traders and Barbarians) with friends and family also ranks high on my hobby list. Other hobbies I enjoy frequently include; woodworking, winemaking, and fixing things.

ZandK included his Social  so cap away!

Social Munzee

If you know a player that should be nominated for Munzee Player of the Week, shoot us a message at and let us know just why this person is outstanding in the global Munzee community!

-Please note, this is a super active campaign. We may not be able to get back to everyone, but you’re helping to grow the list of amazing people in the Munzee community!


January 20, 2015

Munzee Videocast Episode 9: The Trail Less Travelled

Our ninth videocast has been converted to audio, so click the link and listen on!

You can also re-watch the videocast HERE.

This week we talked about:

Remember to join us Fridays at 3 pm (MHQ Time) for the live videocast where you can interact with us, ask questions and see us stumble over our words! To learn more follow us on Google + and if you missed last week’s videocast click HERE.

We’ve also created a NEW WEBPAGE strictly for the Videocast. Here you can watch the past and present podcasts anytime and it also allows downloads to iTunes! If you’d like to subscribe to the Munzee Podcast on iTunes go to File > Subscribe to Podcast > enter If you want to interact live with the Videocasts and ask questions, you will still need to join us on our Google+ page,

January 16, 2015

Trail Munzees are available now!

trailGreenFor those who made it through all 5 episodes of Rob’s adventures in the “Tale of Trails” web series, we’re sure you’ve been on the edge of your seats waiting for more information about the new Trail Munzee. Well the time has finally come- you can buy your 5 pack of Green Trail Munzees in the online store now! For $5 you get one complete Green Trail made up of 5 Trail Munzee credits. Each of the munzees can be deployed within a 5 mile radius of the starting point. Each munzee must be deployed at least 1000 feet from other Trail munzees.

The Trail Munzee is a credit applied to your account and used for conversion of regular “greenie” munzees. A previously deployed greenie can be converted to a trail munzee only if it has had zero captures. You can see your available credits at

For more information on the conversion/deployment process check out this video with President Rob Vardeman:

You will receive 5 points per deploy of a trail Munzee, but your trail will not become live until you deploy all 5 munzees.

When capping a trail only the first munzee will be visible on the map, but as you capture each Trail Munzee the next in line will appear for your to follow. If you stumble upon a Trail Munzee that is not next in line you will receive an error message.

As you cap the trail the points you receive will increase as you progress.

  • Stops one and two are worth 5 points for capture and owner cap on.
  • Stops three and four are worth 10 points for capture and owner cap on.
  • Stop five is worth 30 points for capture for completing the trail, and 30 points for owner cap on for creating a good trail.

The goal of the Trail Munzee is to move beyond the light pole, the street sign, and the parking lot. Create a trail that leads other players to something worth seeing. Lead them on a tour of your favorite local places. Take them to places that are off the beaten path. This purchase will allow you to blaze your own trail!

January 15, 2015

Munzee Player(s) of the Week: Bill and Susan Balling (TheIrishDuo)

Munzee is a game for hunters, adventurers, and travelers. Our community spans the entire world and more than a few of our players have taken their Munzee trek into foreign lands. Even our world-traversing President Rob Vardeman has made his way throughout the Munzee world to meet our dedicated players more than once. What makes Munzee so much more spectacular than any other worldwide brand is that Munzee players know no strangers and we all open our lives to one another in the name of the game. This week’s Player(s) of the Week are Bill and Susan Balling (TheIrishDuo) and they have been on both ends of the Munzee journey. When Munzeeing the world they were welcomed by international Munzee companions and in turn when Munzee players (and even employees) show up in the Ballings’ home of Butte, Montana, they heartily toast to the occasion. Read on to learn more about TheIrishDuo!

irish2Who are you?

We are Bill and Susan Balling aka TheIrishDuo

Where in the world do you live?

We live in Butte, Montana in the northern Rocky Mountains.

How long have you played Munzee?

Just over 3 years. We signed up on Christmas Day, 2011 when we lived in St. Paul, Minnesota and capped our first Munzee the same day.

How did you find Munzee?

Susan heard about it from a cacher. We looked into it and signed up and haven’t looked back since. We were instantly hooked.

irish1What do you enjoy most about Munzee?

4 things jump out at us:

1. Getting out and seeing new places right around us as well as different parts of the US and world.
2. Meeting new Munzers along the trails or at events.
3. The new innovations MHQ keeps introducing to really keep the game fresh and interesting and moving along.
4. The community feeling that Munzee has established.

We were very fortunate to have visited a lot of places in the US as well as internationally over these 3 years. In 2014 we visited Prague, Munich, Cologne and Paris in June to celebrate Susan’s birthday. We met a lot of great Munzers on that trip, including CACHEEATER in Prague. The EuroAmbassador Robje64 along with Zeusi were kind enough to set up a Munzee event to meet TheIrishDuo while we were in Cologne! We met so many Munzers there including Robje64, Bixby, Zeusi, hugosoft, c-bn, Seal, Paverick, Tinkerbell, johanandpaula and a host of others. We had a great time spending the weekend with many of them as they took us around to capture! And of course, we had great food and drinks in both Prague and Cologne – vital to TheIrishDuo!

irish3What is on your wish list?

Several things. 1) Restructuring the points needed for the different levels. I know it is on MHQ’s list already. 2) To see some type of new twists to Clan play other than just changing requirements each month 3) Allowing for players to cap their own Munzees when they become random specials (maybe reduced pts?) 4) New Badges for: higher number of First To Captures (other than First Responder); a Jeweler or Precious Stone Badge when you cap and/or deploy ‘x’ number of Diamonds and/or Rubies 5) More Specials similar to Munzee Munch that triggered other specials to pop up locally by capping one.

Tell us about yourself!
We have been married for 4 years. Previously, we lived in the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul in Minnesota before moving to Butte, Montana 2 years ago. We have a dog, an Australian labradoodle, named Keeva.

We started both the Minnesota Munzers and Montana Munzers Facebook groups. When we first moved to Montana, there might have been a half-dozen Munzees in the entire state, We enjoy spreading the Munzee word and growing the game! It’s been great to see how Munzee has grown in our 2 years here in Montana. In 2014, there were 3 Munzee events held in Montana (Helena, Butte and Kalispell). CoachV and Dylan made the trek to Butte in late June to experience a variety of wild weather we had in store for them. TheIrishDuo also has the distinction of having our Premium Gold Star as the first Gold Star ever captured!

We were preparing to move to Portland, Oregon in October of 2014. However, while we were in Dallas for the Munzee Oktoberfest Bash in September, Susan suffered a major stroke. The stroke affected all of her speech. Needless to say, we did not move to Portland. Susan is recovering here in Butte and learning to speak again and she is progressing well.

image3I mentioned above that one of the things we most enjoy about Munzee is the Munzee community as a whole. Susan spent 10 days in the hospital in Plano, TX and MHQ went above and beyond with their concern and support. They sent ‘care packages’ to us at the hospital. Many from MHQ stopped by to see Susan as a show of support. TheRealGigi, ThePiedPiper, MeanderingMonkeys and The Yote all took time away from the event to stop by the hospital and they lent lot of emotional support and prayer. In fact, Munzers everywhere around the world, and especially here in Montana, have been in contact to inquire as to Susan’s progress. I can’t say enough about the Munzee Community and MHQ and how Munzee is more than just a game; we are all part of a very large and caring family. You guys are just tremendous.

We would like to thank the Munzer(s) responsible for nominating us for POTW; we are very humbled and appreciative!

Other hobbies include:

We both like to travel and the outdoors. We especially like Munzee trails forcing us to walk and capture. We love discovering new beers and especially love drinking Belgian beers. We love Craftsman/Mission Style furniture of which Bill made a good portion to furnish our house.

TheIrishDuo included a new POTW Social as well as their original Social, so cap away!

unnamedimage1 (1)

If you know a player that should be nominated for Munzee Player of the Week, shoot us a message at and let us know just why this person is outstanding in the global Munzee community!

-Please note, this is a super active campaign. We may not be able to get back to everyone, but you’re helping to grow the list of amazing people in the Munzee community!

January 12, 2015

Be a part of the Second Official Munzee Virtual Garden!


In connection with Munzee President Rob Vardeman’s trip to Australia, we’re proud to announce the formation of the Second Official Munzee Virtual Garden in Melbourne, Australia. Just like the garden outside of MHQ, we want our players to help us build this monument Down Under. Munzee is offering a limited amount of pins in the store until supplies last.


For $10 you can be a part of this virtual garden, which will be in the shape of Australia on the map. No work is necessary on your part to deploy this virtual pin, it will be assigned coordinates and deployed at the time of purchase. You may edit the name and notes if you choose. LIMITED TO ONE PER PLAYER ACCOUNT.

GemVirtEmerald128When you purchase the Munzee Emerald Virtual Pin you get:

  • Limited Edition badge, only available to those who have purchased a pin for any official garden.
  • Points: 20 to owner on deploy. 20 to owner as residual on each cap. 20 to capper.
  • A limited edition emerald pin permanently deployed automatically by Munzee on your account.

These pins will be very popular, especially since Rob is attending an event very near the location, so we expect them to sell fast and high traffic will slow the store down. Please note that even if the online store says the item is sold out, keep trying. Until the page has been pulled completely there will still be pins left- just practice patience.

Update: All pins have been sold.  Stay tuned for another garden in the future.