February Resolution Badge Details!
How has 2019 been treating you so far? As we announced last month in our January Resolutions blog, we will be launching monthly Capture Streak Badges centered on a year of self-improvement. Each month’s badge will be dedicated to accomplishing a different New Year’s Resolution. Similar to how our Super Streak badges operate, you will be awarded a badge if you capture at least one munzee* each day for the entire month. And since this month is the shortest, you have no excuse not to try!
Each month’s badge will be themed around the particular resolution goal. While our January resolution focused on eating healthy, we decided to do something special for the month of love. Love comes in more than just romantic forms, so we made our February resolution to make new friends.

February resolutions badge
Why meet new people?
Though socializing comes natural to some lucky humans, many struggle to build new friendships. While it’s tempting to retreat into yourself, there are actually proven health benefits that friendship can provide.
In fact, having friends may even extend your lifespan. People who forge strong social relationships are less likely to die prematurely compared to their isolated counterparts. Friends help each other get healthier, as well as improve mental sharpness. And, of course, we need friends to lean on in tough times, bounce ideas off, challenge our beliefs, and widen our perspectives. Overall, having a trusted network of friends makes us healthier, more balanced, and more centered beings.
One of our favorite parts about Munzee is all the new people we meet along the way. Whether we’re traveling across states or nations, or simply checking our social media and e-mails, we love hearing about and seeing how Munzee has brought people together. It’s not always easy to branch out, but sharing a common interest really helps with meeting new people. And while nothing can replace physical friends, it’s pretty awesome to have virtual ones as well!
So go out, make some friends, and maybe even introduce them to Munzee! Good luck and Munzee on!
* In order to encourage active gameplay we will not count Social Munzees for these capture streaks. If you know you’ll be in an area without munzees, plan ahead!