🤺 Reseller KNi6HTs Have Joined The Tourney! 🛡️
It wouldn’t be a very exciting show without some competition for the White KNi6HT! After making the journey from faraway lands, these ALL NEW Reseller KNi6HTs and their trusty steeds will do their utmost to secure honor in their respective kingdoms’ names.
Reseller KNi6HT Mechz
- Yellow KNi6HT
- Green KNi6HT
- Red KNi6HT
- Blue KNi6HT
- Yellow KNi6HT: purchase from the kingdom of Space Coast Geo Store.
- Green KNi6HT: purchase from the kingdom of GEOLoggers.
- Red KNi6HT: purchase from the kingdom of NE Geocaching Supplies.
- Blue KNi6HT: purchase from the kingdom of Gold’n Coins.
Like the other Munzee Mechz, the Reseller KNi6HTs are temporary POBs. Reseller KNi6HTs will remain on the map until they have been captured 10 times (twice as long as the White KNi6HT and RUMbots), as you can see below. You will receive a fully-built KNi6HT that will auto-deploy on your account when you purchase from one of our Authorized Resellers listed above. You will also receive the Blueprint to rebuild it when you have earned enough Cogs in the future. It will cost 11 Cogs to rebuild this mech.
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You can find these KNi6HTs of the Runed Table at the landing pads above every 6 hours or when captured.
Reseller KNi6HTs will be available for multi-capture. That means players can capture a Reseller KNi6HT on their own munzees, any previously captured munzees, and more than once if the same Reseller KNi6HT visits you. Reseller KNi6HTs are non-blastable. They will be attracted to both Physical Magnets and Virtual Magnets. You can access it by turning on your “All Expiring Specials” filter.
When a Reseller KNi6HT is captured, it will scatter up to 3 JOUST3Rs.
- Yellow JOUST3R
- Green JOUST3R
- Blue JOUST3R
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These scatters will be visible to any player and will be deployed on the Mech owner’s account. They expire after 120 minutes and have a capture radius of 300 feet. These scatters will NOT count for deploy streaks, ZeeOps, or clan activity since they are passive deploys.
There is one Blueprint for each KNi6HT and an additional badge for capturing at least one of each type. Remember, you can rebuild each of these KNi6HTs with Cogs, but only if you earn the accompanying blueprint badge.
You can see the blueprint badge for the Yellow KNi6HT and the capture badge for the Blue KNi6HT as an example below.
We hope you are looking forward to a joust for the ages!