Archive for January, 2023

January 28, 2023

February 2023 Clan Wars Requirements

It’s almost February! You’ll find all the latest details to our clan requirements and rewards in the clan section of our app.

This month you’ll find our first crossover to include Zeecret weapons in clan wars. This has been requested by many recently and now feels like the right time to make it happen! Remember you can earn Zeecret weapons free through our daily zeeops! Good luck completing your missions!

There have been a few issues with activity not counting for some players in the opening minutes of the clan war. Please be sure to give our servers a bit of time to switch from Clan Wars OFF to Clan Wars ON. 🙂 This will ease frustration, just 10 or 15 minutes will make all the difference. We’re happy everyone is so anxious to get started on the 3rd of each month! In addition: Please do not change your clan membership for at least 2 hours after the month ends. The calculations are still being made and it could ruin your efforts.

It is possible that we could update clan requirements prior to February 3 and reserve the right to do so. The final requirements and rewards will always be shown in the app.

February ClanPak

In 2021, we introduced the ClanPak! While MunzPaks started as a product to aid in Clan Wars, they have transitioned over time. Sometimes you may need a few things to help meet Clan War Requirements, (i.e. magnets, QRowbars, etc.) and reach your goals.

There is a limit of one per player per product/month. You can purchase the February ClanPak HERE! This is NOT a subscription program.

Level 1


  • at least 5 days of activity
  • at least 5000 total points
  • at least 100 deploy points
  • at least 1 Places capture
  • at least 100 Jewel points
  • at least 100 Zeecret weapon points (caps, capons, deploys for all physical and virtual zeeops weapon types – no scatters or mechz included)

Clan: in addition to the above individual requirements

  • at least 75,000 total points
  • at least 1000 deploy points
  • at least 1000 Jewel points
  • at least 5 Mystery caps/deploys
  • at least 10 Reseller caps/deploys
  • at least 3 Renovated Destinations
  • at least 1 Claimed QRate
  • at least 500 Zeecret Weapon points

Rewards: 1 crossbow, 1 virtual + color, 1 aquamarine, 1 clan war card

Level 2


    • at least 7 days of activity
    • at least 10,000 total points
    • at least 500 deploy points
    • at least 5 Places capture
    • at least 250 Jewel points
    • at least 500 Zeecret weapon points (caps, capons, deploys for all physical and virtual zeeops weapon types – no scatters or mechz included)

    Clan: in addition to the above individual requirements

    • at least 175,000 total points
    • at least 2000 deploy points
    • at least 2000 Jewel points
    • at least 15 Mystery caps/deploys
    • at least 25 Reseller caps/deploys
    • at least 7 Renovated Destinations
    • at least 5 QRewzee/Sleepzee captures
    • at least 2 Claimed QRates
    • at least 1000 Zeecret Weapon points

Rewards: 1 mace, 1 diamond, 50 zeds, 1 destination/renovation credit, 1 QRowbar, 2 cogs 

Level 3


    • at least 10 days of activity
    • at least 35,000 total points
    • at least 1500 deploy points
    • at least 15 Places capture
    • at least 600 Jewel points
    • at least 1 QRewzee/Sleepzee capture
    • at least 1 Claimed QRate
    • at least 1000 Zeecret weapon points (caps, capons, deploys for all physical and virtual zeeops weapon types – no scatters or mechz included)

    Clan: in addition to the above individual requirements

    • at least 375,000 total points
    • at least 4000 deploy points
    • at least 4000 Jewel points
    • at least 25 Mystery caps/deploys
    • at least 50 Reseller caps/deploys
    • at least 15 Renovated Destinations
    • at least 25 QRewzee/Sleepzee captures
    • at least 5 Claimed QRates
    • at least 2500 Zeecret Weapon points

Rewards: 1 longsword, 1 virtual + color, 1 ice mystery, 50 zeds, 2 evo reset, 1 Trojan unicorn, 2 rover treats, 2 cogs, 1 ruby

Level 4


    • at least 19 days of activity
    • at least 111,111 total points
    • at least 4000 deploy points
    • at least 55 Places capture
    • at least 1500 Jewel points
    • at least 5 QRewzee/Sleepzee capture
    • at least 2 Claimed QRates
    • at least 2000 Zeecret weapon points (caps, capons, deploys for all physical and virtual zeeops weapon types – no scatters or mechz included)

    Clan: in addition to the above individual requirements

    • at least 600,000 total points
    • at least 20,000 deploy points
    • at least 6000 Jewel points
    • at least 60 Mystery caps/deploys
    • at least 100 Reseller caps/deploys
    • at least 30 Renovated Destinations
    • at least 60 QRewzee/Sleepzee captures
    • at least 7 Claimed QRates
    • at least 5000 Zeecret Weapon points

Rewards: 1 battle axe, 1 surprise, 1 virtual + color, 1 magnet, 1 diamond, 50 zeds, 1 destination, 1 QRowbar, 3 cogs, 1 pink diamond, 1 flat Murray

Level 5


    • at least 24 days of activity
    • at least 250,000 total points
    • at least 10,000 deploy points
    • at least 125 Places capture
    • at least 4000 Jewel points
    • at least 15 QRewzee/Sleepzee capture
    • at least 3 Claimed QRates
    • at least 4000 Zeecret weapon points (caps, capons, deploys for all physical and virtual zeeops weapon types – no scatters or mechz included)

    Clan: in addition to the above individual requirements

    • at least 1,000,000 total points
    • at least 40,000 deploy points
    • at least 10,000 Jewel points
    • at least 125 Mystery caps/deploys
    • at least 150 Reseller caps/deploys
    • at least 50 Renovated Destinations
    • at least 100 QRewzee/Sleepzee captures
    • at least 10 Claimed QRates
    • at least 10,000 Zeecret Weapon points

Rewards: 1 crossbow, 1 hammer, 2 virtuals + colors, 1 earth mystery, 1 magnet, 1 virtual magnet, 4 rover treats, 5 cogs, 1 topaz, 1 Anubis Egyptian zodiac, 1 flat cats, 1 tPOB pub

Level 6   Requirements released today since February is a short month


    • at least 25 days of activity
    • at least 555,555 total points
    • at least 25,000 deploy points
    • at least 150 Places capture
    • at least 10,000 Jewel points
    • at least 25 QRewzee/Sleepzee capture
    • at least 5 Claimed QRates
    • at least 10,000 Zeecret weapon points (caps, capons, deploys for all physical and virtual zeeops weapon types – no scatters or mechz included)

    Clan: in addition to the above individual requirements

    • at least 7,000,000 total points
    • at least 50,000 deploy points
    • at least 20,000 Jewel points
    • at least 250 Mystery caps/deploys
    • at least 300 Reseller caps/deploys
    • at least 100 Renovated Destinations
    • at least 200 QRewzee/Sleepzee captures
    • at least 15 Claimed QRates
    • at least 25,000 Zeecret Weapon points

Rewards: 1 Flat Friends Pack, 4 virtuals + colors, 1 magnet, 1 virtual magnet, 200 zeds, 5 cogs

February Badges

Your Clan can earn monthly badges to earn for reaching distinct levels of Clan Wars each month. You won’t be able to earn a badge until the entire clan has reached the specified level. There will be a total of 5 badges available in February. The first badge will appear as follows:

Overall Clan Notes:

Please keep in mind Levels 4 & 5 are considered advanced gameplay and not recommended for brand new players. Be aware when allowing new players to join your clans. QRew/ZeeQRew status will be required for any clans earning levels 3, 4 & 5. See qualifications for ZeeQRew here. If you are not a member on February 1st you will not be able to qualify until February 15th. If you lose qualification before the 15th you will not be able to qualify until March 1st.

*Claimed QRates will not carry over from before the clan battle starts. The QRate must be found, opened, and claimed during the month of the current clan battle. This time period begins on the 3rd, same as the clan battle.

*All shards may be redeemed at
Total points include Cap, Deploy, and CapOn of all types.
Reseller caps/deploys include all types of RUM/vRUM/reseller card but NOT reseller gnomes or any scatters.
Bouncer captures include any POB, MOB, or TOB (even the temporary POB).
Social and Personal will not count for Deploy requirements.
Social and Universal will not count for total Capture requirements.
Personal and Universal will not count for Physical points of any sort.

For complete information regarding Clan Wars, access our Help Guide!

Hints for how to play during Stay Home orders:
Use the swap feature for brand new virtual deploys.
Use the online map to deploy virtuals worldwide or find gardens to deploy in on social media groups.
Watch the online store for sales during the month to help meet your goals.
Use evolution reset credits to get new CapOn points from OLD deploys (they do NOT count as new deploys)

And finally, be responsible. If your local government, your health, or any circumstances require you to Stay Home – DO NOT participate. It is up to each of us to determine what is safe and what is allowed. This is a game and not worth risking your own live or the lives of others.
Munzee on, stay safe and Play Your Way!

Requirements and rewards found in app are the final word. Please report any issues to Munzee support.
Play at your own risk, within the laws of your local area.

January 27, 2023

February 2023 Skin: Rabbit Hedge

As the month comes to a close, we wanted to make sure you were heading into February with your desired Hedges! The skin for completing your January capture streak (and the corresponding badge), which is the GodZEEla Garden Hedge shown below, will be awarded in early February. But, we couldn’t wait to share what’s in store for next month!

January Hedge Reminders

If you haven’t picked up a Hedge yet, they are available in the Freeze Tag Store for $12.

How to have a permanent Hedge on your account next year:

  • Own at least 8 Hedges by the end of the year
    • Each month, the price of a Hedge will decrease by $1.
    • However, players can only purchase 1 Hedge every 28 days.

February Hedge Details

What Hedge Skin can you look forward to earning in February? The timely Rabbit Garden Hedge! Like the other hedges, the Rabbit Garden Hedge is a temporary POB that will remain on the map as long as players with permanent Garden Hedges continue to use it.

Rabbit Garden Hedge
  • Capture: 250
  • CapOn: 300
Additional Info
  • Available for multi-capture
  • Non-blastable
  • Attracted to both Physical Magnets and Virtual Magnets
  • Filters: “All Limited Edition Specials” and “All Expiring Specials”

As stated earlier, to earn this skin, you’ll need to complete next month’s (February’s) capture streak. Once the skin is awarded in March, you can change the skin on the hedge to this one at any point — refer to our Help Guide article for the instructions!

You can find these bouncing bushes at the following landing pads every 6 hours or when captured:

Additionally, the Rabbit Garden Hedge will scatter up to 3 NEW Bunny Blooms nearby when it is captured!

Bunny Bloom
  • Capture: 50 points
  • CapOn: 50 points

Like the other Hedge Flowers, these scatters will be visible to any player and will be deployed on the Hedge owner’s account. This means that unlike Air Mystery Feathers/Boulders, there are CapOn points for the owner! They expire after 120 minutes and have a capture radius of 300 feet. These hedge scatters will NOT count for deploy streaks, ZeeOps, or clan activity since they are passive deploys.


As a reminder, Garden Hedges have 4 associated badge lines:

  • Unique type deploy badges — you’ll need to earn each month’s skin by keeping your streak up!
  • Overall deploy badges — the more hedges you deploy, the merrier!
  • Unique type capture badges — capture at least 1 of each skinned hedge!
  • Overall capture badges — capture as many hedges as you can find!

While we revealed images for the first of each badge line in the original post, we are happy to show you the “Unique type deploy” and “Unique type capture” badges associated with the Rabbit Garden Hedge:

We hope the ability to earn February’s Hedge Skin doesn’t hop out of reach!

Munzee on!

January 26, 2023

Mega Events started with an absolute BLAST!

Today is a very special day — it’s Lou’s birthday! ?

? Happy birthday Lou! To celebrate, we wanted to look back at the recent Mega events, which were a smashing success thanks to her and all the hosts she coordinated with.

Mega Events started with an absolute BLAST, literally! The first Mega events, collectively called Munzee Mecca 2023, were held January 13-15 on the Space Coast of Florida. The event happened to coincide with SpaceX launching a Falcon Heavy rocket on the evening of the 15th, witnessed by many players still in the area.


Thank you to the team of hosts and sponsors for putting on a great series of events. The events were well attended with over 60 players including Flat Rob himself, and the Geocaching Vlogger.

If you haven’t seen the highlight video produced from the weekend please watch it on YouTube.


We are looking forward to seeing other Mega events taking place around the world. Here is a list of confirmed Mega events throughout the rest of the year:

We’d love for you all to join these Mega events in person, but remember you can also take part in the fun by deploying Virtual Munzees around the event area. The Munzee Mecca attendees were certainly kept busy capping, and those CapOn points are a nice bonus too!

We plan to promote all Mega events and will make our best attempt to have members of our team attend whenever possible.

Members of our California-based team will be in attendance, as well as Rob and Lou, for the upcoming Munzee Madness events! Each will have a special badge just for this event! Please make your plans to join our team in Southern California, March 3-4.

If you’d like to host your own Mega events contact Lou

Munzee on!

January 25, 2023

January 2023 GOTM Winners

Is it just us, or has January just flown by? We even started off quite slow in the first week, with just the usual reveal of this year’s Monthly Streak Bouncers, the Garden Hedges, and the January MunzPak contents which include the latest Celtic Zodiac. A little later in the week we put out our first Greeting Card Catalog, which we are shooting to do at the start of every month.

The next week we launched a new limited-time credit, the HeartBeatz! We also created a separate layer for Greeting Cards, and celebrated the 6th installment of Flat Day the 13th.

The week after that, we released the B00mBox Mech in the HeartBeatz Redeem Store section, launched Operation: Swatch Out! and added more WhoDuckIt suspects to the mix.

Just this week, we announced our update to blast captures, and also released new Fitness skins for select Myths. We’ve still got just under a week left in January, so make sure to keep an eye out for our usual end-of-month posts!

We are now happy to announce the winners of the January Gardens of the Month (GOTM)! The badges will be awarded by early February, but we couldn’t wait to share the winners we’ve chosen!

January GOTM

We wanted to start this year off with two big and beautiful cool-toned gardens that came on our radar late last year. Remember that all winning GOTM organizers and all players who deployed in the winning gardens will be awarded special badges for their contribution to growing the map. This month we’re happy to award the Caretta Sea Turtle garden, designed by tlmeadowlark, and the Adventure Garden For Bluestreek, designed by Sanli and roughdraft, as our winning January GOTM! The gardens appear as follows:

Caretta Sea Turtle by tlmeadowlark in Montgomery, AL

The massive size of this garden alone is already quite an accomplishment — it can be difficult for larger gardens to reach completion as there are so many beautiful designs out there for players to contribute towards!

Here’s a note from a player who nominated this garden:

The Caretta sea turtle garden in Montgomery, Alabama USA is one of the better designed gardens I have seen in all the years since gardens began. The designer, tlmeadowlark, and the garden deserve to be recognized for the artistry and subject matter.

There is great use of different types of munzees to bring the threatened Loggerhead (Caretta caretta) sea turtle to life in a munzee garden while being able to show the details of the actual turtle’s shell fairly well. That is not easy task to do in a munzee garden. Additionally, the designer worked quite hard to get this large garden completely deployed in time for National Sea Turtle day.

It would be especially nice if this garden can be recognized during the Loggerhead’s Alabama nesting period of April through August.

Thank you for your consideration.

This garden has been so enthusiastically recommended to us by many players, both via the Google Form and in-person. But even if only 1 player had told us about it, we knew we would choose it as the GOTM at some point. It was just a matter of finding the right partner, which you’ll see below, and then afterwards, the right month to showcase them both.

Adventure Garden For Bluestreek by Sanli and roughdraft in Vancouver, BC, Canada

The beautiful sky in this garden reminds us of the iconic Starry Night painting, but the galleon in the center promises an adventure of the swashbuckling variety! The combination is fresh and eye-catching!

Here’s a note from the player who nominated this garden:

Back in 2018, one of our local players, bluestreek, here in Metro Vancouver, BC, Canada was diagnosed with cancer. A garden aptly named “Adventure Garden For Bluestreek” was created with Sanna Lindgren’s (Sanli) design of a ship on a nighttime adventure to honour his journey ahead.

Despite his severe illness, he has continued to be a pioneer in the local Munzee community, inspiring his community to get out there and Munzee.

I want to encourage folks to deploy virtuals with messages of encouragement not only to bluestreek, but to anyone who might need one.

While we are sad to hear about bluestreek’s cancer diagnosis, we appreciate the story behind this garden. Not every player has a garden designed and deployed in his honor, so we hope that bluestreek knows the impact he has had on the Munzee community. Our thoughts are with bluestreek now.

All players who deployed in the respective winning gardens will receive the following special badges:

Rules for GOTM nominations:

  1. Garden must feature non-licensed character designs.
  2. The garden must feature a Garden Places Pin.
  3. The garden must be built using a publicly available spreadsheet which we will ask to be locked after being 100% deployed.
  4. We’re asking for ongoing nominations and we will release the winners throughout the year.

Based on your feedback, we’ve created a Google Form where you can submit GOTM nominations — here’s the link:

We’ll still check the inbox for stragglers, but please try to send your submissions to this new Google Form instead. Keep in mind that we take all former nominations into consideration for upcoming months. Just be sure your garden follows the nomination rules in order to be considered eligible!

If you need help deploying in a Virtual Garden, you can check out this step-by-step tutorial that will making deploying in a garden easy no matter how long you’ve been playing. To fill in the gardens, make sure to stock up on Virtuals and Color Credits from the Freeze Tag Online Store.

Munzee on!

P.S. Are you looking for POTM requirements? Remember that in 2020, we announced that we were holding off on POTM for now as we develop a new way to highlight our unique player base!

January 24, 2023

Turn Your Myths into Exercise Buddies with NEW Skins!

Our inspiration this time was the Jazzercise tapes of the 80s! We think you’ll enjoy the bright candy colors of these skins and also get a kick out of seeing these mythical creatures participating in less-than-mythical activities.

Fitness Skins

Like last year’s Halloween skins, these skins are available in the Freeze Tag Store as a 3-Pack for $10! They will remain in the store until 23:59 MHQ on February 7th. You can shop them HERE!

Landing Pads:

If you don’t already own the base Myths, but are still interested in using these skins, you can shop them HERE, but keep in mind that the base Myth will also need to be upgraded in order to use the skin. If you haven’t upgraded your base Myth yet, you can purchase a Bouncer Upgrade Credit.

For more information on Skins, you can check out our Help Guide articles HERE and HERE.

HeartBeatz Week 3

As usual, the most up-to-date list of what’s available will be what you see on, where the [HeartBeatz (Week X)] tab swaps out on 12:00 MHQ every Tuesday. So make sure to spend your credits each week!

We’ve also got a new Fitness Skin available in the Redeem Store in the [HeartBeatz Surprises] tab, for 25 HBC. Like the B00mBox Mech, it will remain available through 02:30 MHQ on Thursday, February 9th (the expiration date we had set for HeartBeatz).

Aquarobics Mermaid
Landing Pads

If you don’t already own the base Myth, but are still interested in using this skin, you can shop the Mermaid HERE!

We hope the sight of these active Myths on the map gets you in the mood to be on the move!

Munzee on!

January 24, 2023

An Update Regarding MEGA Blasts

Ever since we introduced the Mini and MEGA Blast Captures via the In-App Store, we’ve been monitoring their processing times and also how they affect the overall app’s performance. Over the years we’ve made various code changes in the hopes of improving things, but after our recent tests, we’ve decided it’s time to retire the MEGA Blast.

As you can see in the first screenshot below, we’ll be removing the MEGA Blast from the selection screen and will also remove it from the In-App Store. Since 1 MEGA Blast could capture up to 500 virtual munzees, while regular Blasts can capture up to 100 virtual munzees, if you have any MEGA Blasts in your inventory, we will be converting them to regular Blasts at the exchange rate of 1 MEGA Blast = 5 regular Blasts.

Another change shown in the screenshots above is that we’ll also lower the max number of Mini Blasts and regular Blasts you can fire at once. You will only be able to fire 4 Mini Blasts or 3 regular Blasts at a time (200 – 300 virtual munzee captures). We’re making this change for the same reason as removing the MEGA Blast — to improve the app’s performance and reduce processing times.

While we understand that the convenience of setting off a larger number of Blast Captures will be missed, we believe that this change will provide a better experience in the long run — instead of wondering when your blasts will complete, they should finish within just a few minutes once this update is out. In addition, you’ll be able to set off more blasts much sooner, which is especially good if you have to move to another location. No more feeling like your phone is locked up by in-process blasts!

Munzee on!

January 19, 2023

Secret ZeeOps- Operation: Swatch Out! (January 2023)

All caught up with Secret ZeeOps and looking for more? Here’s a new one available in the ZeeOps Hub for the usual cost of 1,500 Zeds. For now, it will be available for purchase until 23:59 MHQ on February 28. If you’ve purchased a Secret ZeeOp, you will be able to complete it and collect rewards even after it is no longer available for purchase.

While the year started off quietly, it seems we’ve just gotten the most bizarre case yet. The town of Flatville has got a vandal on the loose, which ordinarily wouldn’t raise much alarm — but the unique monochrome aesthetic of the town has been ruined, and the clean-up will cost millions. If you complete ALL the missions in Operation: Swatch Out!, you’ll receive the snazzy badge below, along with the FREDDi Fr0g Mech (more info below!) and various other rewards listed in the app!

There are 3 levels. Level 1 has 3 missions, Level 2 has 5 missions, and Level 3 has 5 missions. Each level ends with more prizes.

We may share this information moving forward with other Operations but possibly not.

NEW Mech Details

Like the other Munzee Mechz, FREDDi Fr0g is a temporary POB that will remain on the map until it has been captured 15 times.

  • Deploy: 350
  • Capture: 230-330
  • CapOn: 100-200
  • Outline (15th Cap): 500
Landing Pads

You can find this artistic amphibian tagging the landing pads above every 6 hours or when captured.

FREDDi Fr0g will be available for multi-capture. That means players can capture FREDDi Fr0g on their own munzees, any previously captured munzees, and more than once if the same FREDDi Fr0g visits you. FREDDi Fr0g is non-blastable. He will be attracted to both Physical Magnets and Virtual Magnets. You can access FREDDi Fr0g by turning on your “All Expiring Specials” filter.

When FREDDi Fr0g is captured, it will scatter up to 3 BLOTerflies.

  • Capture: 30-50
  • CapOn: 5-30

These scatters will be visible to any player and will be deployed on the Mech owner’s account. This means that unlike Air Mystery Feathers/Boulders, there are CapOn points for the owner! They expire after 120 minutes and have a capture radius of 300 feet. These scatters will NOT count for deploy streaks, ZeeOps, or clan activity since they are passive deploys.


As with other Munzee Mechz, the badge for deploying FREDDi Fr0g depicts the Blueprints, and is shown below:

There is also a badge for capturing FREDDi Fr0g. Since there’s only one badge in this line, we’ll keep it a secret for now.

On behalf of MHQ, we thank you for your continued service.

This message will self destruct in 3

January 17, 2023

Play Your Favorite Beatz with this NEW Mech

In our first HeartBeatz post, we mentioned that another tab in the Redeem Store would appear later on. As planned, this tab contains items that will remain available through 02:30 MHQ on Thursday, February 9th (the expiration date we had set for HeartBeatz Credits) — so you don’t need to worry about them going away like the items in the [HeartBeatz (Week X)] tab (which swaps out on 12:00 MHQ every Tuesday)!

As before, this new tab is limited to Premium members only.

Currently there’s only one item in there right now, so here’s everything you need to know!

B00mBox Details

Like the other Munzee Mechz, the B00mBox is a temporary POB that will remain on the map until it has been captured 5 times. At 12:00 MHQ today, it was made available in the Redeem Store in the [HeartBeatz Surprises] tab for 25 HBC. If you decide to make the trade, a B00mBox will be automatically deployed on your account at once! You will also receive the Blueprint to rebuild it when you have earned enough Cogs in the future.

  • Deploy: 600
  • Capture: 200-250
  • CapOn: 100-200
  • DEADlifting (5th Cap): 500
Landing Pads

You can find these muscular music players dancing at the landing pads above every 6 hours or when captured.

The B00mBox will be available for multi-capture. That means players can capture a B00mBox on their own munzees, any previously captured munzees, and more than once if the same B00mBox visits you. The B00mBox is non-blastable. It will be attracted to both Physical Magnets and Virtual Magnets. You can access it by turning on your “All Expiring Specials” filter.

When a B00mBox is captured, it will scatter up to 3 T4P3s.

  • Capture: 50
  • CapOn: 34-43

These scatters will be visible to any player and will be deployed on the Mech owner’s account. This means that unlike Air Mystery Feathers/Boulders, there are CapOn points for the owner!  They expire after 120 minutes, have a capture radius of 300 feet, and you’ll be able to use Rover Treats to capture them as well. These scatters will NOT count for deploy streaks, ZeeOps, or clan activity since they are passive deploys.


Deploying a B00mBox will earn you the corresponding Blueprint badge, which you can see below. There is also a badge that you can earn by capturing a B00mBox — but since there’s only one badge in this line, we’ll keep it a secret for now.

B00mBox Blueprints- Deploy 1 B00mBox Munzee.

We hope this B00mBox makes you want to get up and move to the groove!

Munzee on!

January 13, 2023

QUACKED!: A Flat Day The 13th WhoDuckIt

While past Flat Day the 13ths have been heavily slasher-inspired, this time we’ve decided to turn to the cozy mystery for inspiration. The star of the show are the new specials you’ll be able to cap into early February, but we’re also turning this weekend into a ZEE-Dayz-style event, with double points, a sale, a NEW Greeting Card, AND special badges to earn! Read on to find out more!

WhoDuckIt Specials

These specials are live NOW until 23:59 MHQ time on February 5th! They will be released in waves, but will end at a total of 1,500 Quacknifying Glasses and 1,500 Webbed Fingerprints. Though there will only be one icon shown on the map, at launch there are a possibility of 5 different icons for each (a total of 8 different results, as 2 overlap) revealed after this special is captured.

Each icon will correspond with a different rubber duck that will not be visible until captured, similar to how the Magic 8 Ball specials worked. More rubber ducks will appear as the month goes on, so make sure to keep an eye out!

These specials are also the MOBs we mentioned in the HeartBeatz blog — so every time you cap them, you have the chance to earn 1 HBC! They will bounce around every 3 hours or when capped.


  • Capture: dependent on result
  • CapOn: 50

Landing Pads

Curious as to the potential suspects? We’ll give you a sneak peek, but you’ll have to track down some WhoDuckIt specials to discover the other 7 (for now) options:

These munzees will not be blastable. They will be attracted to magnets, available from the Freeze Tag Online Store. You can access the WhoDuckIt specials under the “All Expiring Specials” and “All Limited Specials” filters.

Cryptic Cards

To commemorate the occasion, we have 1 new and 1 old Limited Edition card for your deploying pleasure available HERE! They will be available until Sunday, January 15th at 23:59 MHQ.

Like the WhoDuckIt specials, these cards fall under the “January Greeting Cards” category mentioned in the HeartBeatz blog — so every time you cap them, you have the chance to earn 1 HBC!


  • Limited Edition
    • Deploy: 60
    • Capture: 50
    • CapOn: 30

Don’t forget to edit the title and the notes to add a personal touch! While the capture message will contain your Munzee username as all Greeting Card capture messages do, we think typing in a more specific note will go a long way to creating a more unique and special experience!

You can check out the currently available Greeting Cards in the Freeze Tag Store Collection!

Remember that these munzees will be archived 7 days after they are deployed, so make sure your intended recipient captures it before then!

For more information on the Greeting Cards, you can check out our Help Guide article.


There are 8 new badges to earn with the WhoDuckIt specials. The first line, comprised of 5 badges, are based on the total number of WhoDuckIt specials you’ve captured. You can see the first badge in this line below.

The remaining 3 badges are based on receiving unique WhoDuckIt special results, so we’ll keep those a secret for now. Make sure to cap as many WhoDuckIt specials as you can to earn these badges!

We’ve also put together a special badge with art relating to the Unlucky Ducky card, similar to the one we had made for the Kill Them With Kindness card’s original run. You can see this badge (if you haven’t already) above. Please note that you can deploy Greeting Card munzees of ANY type to earn the badge, they do not have to be Unlucky Ducky cards.

Sale Details

For the same period as the Greeting Card availability mentioned above (until Sunday, January 15th at 23:59 MHQ), Flat Friends and Flat Objects will be on sale for 13% off in the Freeze Tag Store!

Double Points Reminder

As we promised last week, from the period of Friday, January 13th at 12:01 MHQ through Sunday, January 15th at 23:59 MHQ, Premium Members will enjoy double points on ALL Greeting Cards AND Flats, excluding Fancy Flats!

We hope you enjoy unraveling this mystery!

Munzee on!

January 10, 2023

HeartBeatz Credits are Beating for You!

We wanted to hit the ground running this year with a new limited-time credit for you to earn through specific gameplay actions listed below! We’re not only kicking off the new year with a focus on fitness, we’re also celebrating heart health leading into the Valentine’s Day season. So love yourself and get moving to the beat!

Like Jewel Shards, Weapon Shards, and Cogs, you’ll be able to redeem HeartBeatz Credits (HBC) at the Redeem Store for game pieces. However, like the past limited-time credits, they can only be redeemed until 02:30 MHQ on Thursday, February 9th.

How to Earn HeartBeatz Credits

HeartBeatz Credits can be earned from now until 23:59 MHQ on Tuesday, February 7th.

You can earn them the following ways:

Goodies You Can Get With HeartBeatz Credits

As usual, the most up-to-date list of what’s available will be what you see on Like the tabs for Pumpkoin Credits, you’ll only be able to redeem items in the “Week 1” tab during Week 1, after which, only the “Week 2” tab will be visible until Week 3, and so on. So make sure to spend your credits each week!

The rewards/rates may change from time to time, but to start off with, this is what we have planned:

  • ALL Players:
    • 1 Howdy Greeting Card: 1 HBC, limited to 1 per non-Premium player, 5 per Premium player
    • 1 Winter Greeting Card: 1 HBC, limited to 1 per non-Premium player, 5 per Premium player
    • 4 Rover Treats: 3 HBC, limited to 1 per non-Premium player, 2 per Premium player
    • 1 Virtual Magnet: 5 HBC, limited to 1 per non-Premium player, 2 per Premium player
    • 5 Cogs: 20 HBC, limited to 1 per non-Premium player, 2 per Premium player
  • Premium Players:

However, you may see another tab appear later on, which will contain items that will remain available through 02:30 MHQ Feb 9th — this should appeal to those who prefer to save for bigger prizes.

We hope you enjoy reaping the benefits of getting your HeartBeatz up!

Munzee on!