Archive for February, 2023

February 25, 2023

March 2023 Clan Wars Requirements

It’s almost March and we’re releasing the requirements and rewards early so you can prepare! You’ll find all the latest details to our clan requirements and rewards in the clan section of our app (not updated until the 28th as usual).

There have been a few issues with activity not counting for some players in the opening minutes of the clan war. Please be sure to give our servers a bit of time to switch from Clan Wars OFF to Clan Wars ON. 🙂 This will ease frustration, just 10 or 15 minutes will make all the difference. We’re happy everyone is so anxious to get started on the 3rd of each month! In addition: Please do not change your clan membership for at least 2 hours after the month ends. The calculations are still being made and it could ruin your efforts.

It is possible that we could update clan requirements prior to March 3 and reserve the right to do so. The final requirements and rewards will always be shown in the app.

March ClanPak

There is a limit of one per player per product/month. You can purchase the March ClanPak HERE! This is NOT a subscription program.

Level 1


  • at least 10 days of activity
  • at least 5000 total points
  • at least 9 Places captures
  • at least 250 Flat Friends/Objects points
  • at least 250 Greeting Card points
  • at least 1 Claimed QRate (must be found, completed, and opened during the current battle — after March 3rd)

Clan: in addition to the above individual requirements

  • at least 50,000 total points
  • at least 1000 Evolution points
  • at least 15 Urban Fit caps/deploys
  • at least 5 Reseller caps/deploys
  • at least 250 Zeecret Weapon points

Rewards: 1 mace, 1 clan war card, 1 Trojan Unicorn, 1 cog, 1 shamrock

Level 2


    • at least 14 days of activity
    • at least 10,000 total points
    • at least 18 Places captures
    • at least 500 Flat Friends/Objects points
    • at least 600 Greeting Card points
    • at least 2 Claimed QRates (must be found, completed, and opened during the current battle — after March 3rd)

    Clan: in addition to the above individual requirements

    • at least 100,000 total points
    • at least 2000 Evolution points
    • at least 30 Urban Fit caps/deploys
    • at least 10 Reseller caps/deploys
    • at least 500 Zeecret Weapon points

Rewards: 1 crossbow, 1 longsword, 2 evolution reset, 1 virtual shamrock, 1 QRowbar, 1 bacon, 1 bee

Level 3


    • at least 18 days of activity
    • at least 40,000 total points
    • at least 27 Places captures
    • at least 1000 Flat Friends/Objects points
    • at least 1500 Greeting Card points
    • at least 3 Claimed QRates (must be found, completed, and opened during the current battle — after March 3rd)
    • at least 1 Golden Carrot deploy (1 credit will be given to all current premium members on March 18th — not including trial members)

    Clan: in addition to the above individual requirements

    • at least 400,000 total points
    • at least 4000 Evolution points
    • at least 45 Urban Fit caps/deploys
    • at least 20 Reseller caps/deploys
    • at least 10 QRewzee/Sleepzee captures
    • at least 750 Zeecret Weapon points

Rewards: 1 mace, 1 longsword, 1 magnet, 2 evo reset, 1 physical evo pack

Level 4


    • at least 21 days of activity
    • at least 100,000 total points
    • at least 54 Places captures
    • at least 2000 Flat Friends/Objects points
    • 1 QRewzee/Sleepzee capture
    • at least 2500 Greeting Card points
    • at least 4 Claimed QRates (must be found, completed, and opened during the current battle — after March 3rd)

Clan: in addition to the above individual requirements

  • at least 650,000 total points
  • at least 100 greenie captures (not QRewzee or with bouncer)
  • at least 8000 Evolution points
  • at least 60 Urban Fit caps/deploys
  • at least 50 Reseller caps/deploys
  • at least 50 QRewzee/Sleepzee captures
  • at least 1250 Zeecret Weapon points

Rewards: 1 crossbow, 1 battle axe, 1 virtual and color, 1 virtual magnet, 2 evo reset, 1 congrats card, 1 jellyfish, 4 rover treats, 1 flat DHS, 5 cogs, 1 scrap star

Level 5


  • at least 25 days of activity
  • at least 300,000 total points
  • at least 108 Places captures
  • at least 4000 Flat Friends/Objects points
  • 10 QRewzee/Sleepzee capture
  • at least 5000 Greeting Card points
  • at least 5 Claimed QRates (must be found, completed, and opened during the current battle — after March 3rd)

Clan: in addition to the above individual requirements

  • at least 1,000,000 total points
  • at least 200 greenie captures (not QRewzee or with bouncer)
  • at least 12,500 Evolution points
  • at least 150 Urban Fit caps/deploys
  • at least 100 Reseller caps/deploys
  • at least 200 QRewzee/Sleepzee captures
  • at least 1750 Zeecret Weapon points

Rewards: 1 crossbow, 1 catapult, 2 virtuals and colors, 1 virtual evo pack, 2 evo reset

Level 6


  • at least 28 days of activity
  • at least 600,000 total points
  • at least 162 Places captures
  • at least 10,000 Flat Friends/Objects points
  • 25 QRewzee/Sleepzee capture
  • at least 7500 Greeting Card points
  • at least 6 Claimed QRates (must be found, completed, and opened during the current battle — after March 3rd)

Clan: in addition to the above individual requirements

  • at least 6,000,000 total points
  • at least 400 greenie captures (not QRewzee or with bouncer)
  • at least 25,000 Evolution points
  • at least 300 Urban Fit caps/deploys
  • at least 200 Reseller caps/deploys
  • at least 500 QRewzee/Sleepzee captures
  • at least 2500 Zeecret Weapon points

Rewards: 2 crossbow, 1 hammer, 2 virtuals and colors, 1 magnet, 1 virtual magnet, 500 zeds, 4 evo reset, 1 Sir Prize wheel, 4 rover treats, 1 QRowbar, 5 cogs, 1 flat cats, 1 tPOB Pub

March Badges

Your Clan can earn monthly badges to earn for reaching distinct levels of Clan Wars each month. You won’t be able to earn a badge until the entire clan has reached the specified level. There will be a total of 5 badges available in March. The first badge will appear as follows:

Overall Clan Notes:

Please keep in mind the following:
Level 3 requires premium membership before March 18th to receive the golden carrot credit required for deploy.
Levels 4 – 6 are considered advanced gameplay and not recommended for brand new players. Be aware when allowing new players to join your clans.
QRew/ZeeQRew status will be required for any clans earning levels 3 – 6. Level 3 requires clan captures of QRewzee/Sleepzee.
See qualifications for ZeeQRew here. If you are not a member on March 1st you will not be able to qualify until March 15th. If you lose qualification before the 15th you will not be able to qualify until April 1st.

*Claimed QRates will not carry over from before the clan battle starts. The QRate must be found, opened, and claimed during the month of the current clan battle. This time period begins on the 3rd, same as the clan battle.

*All shards and cogs may be redeemed at
Total points include Cap, Deploy, and CapOn of all types.
Reseller caps/deploys include all types of RUM/vRUM/reseller card but NOT reseller garden hedges or ANY scatters.
Social and Personal will not count for Deploy requirements.
Social and Universal will not count for total Capture requirements.
Personal and Universal will not count for Physical points of any sort.

For complete information regarding Clan Wars, access our Help Guide!

Hints for how to play if you don’t have room in your home zone:
Use the swap feature for brand new virtual deploys.
Use the online map to deploy virtuals worldwide or find gardens to deploy in on social media groups.
Watch the online store for sales during the month to help meet your goals.
Use evolution reset credits to get new CapOn points from OLD deploys (they do NOT count as new deploys)

And finally, be responsible. If your local government, your health, or any circumstances require you to Stay Home – DO NOT participate. It is up to each of us to determine what is safe and what is allowed. This is a game and not worth risking your own live or the lives of others.
Munzee on, stay safe and Play Your Way!

February 24, 2023

March 2023 Skin: Frog Hedge

As the month comes to a close, we wanted to make sure you were heading into March with your desired Hedges! The skin for completing your February capture streak (and the corresponding badge), which is the Rabbit Garden Hedge shown below, will be awarded in early February. But, we couldn’t wait to share what’s in store for next month!

February Hedge Reminders

If you haven’t picked up a Hedge yet, they are available in the Freeze Tag Store for $11.

How to have a permanent Hedge on your account next year:

  • Own at least 8 Hedges by the end of the year
    • Each month, the price of a Hedge will decrease by $1.
    • However, players can only purchase 1 Hedge every 28 days.

Also, don’t forget that Reseller Garden Hedges have arrived!  These unique munzee types are only available for purchase from participating Munzee Resellersso shop now!

March Hedge Details

What Hedge Skin can you look forward to earning in March? The Frog Garden Hedge! Like the other hedges, the Frog Garden Hedge is a temporary POB that will remain on the map as long as players with permanent Garden Hedges continue to use it.

Frog Garden Hedge
  • Capture: 250
  • CapOn: 300
Additional Info
  • Available for multi-capture
  • Non-blastable
  • Attracted to both Physical Magnets and Virtual Magnets
  • Filters: “All Limited Edition Specials” and “All Expiring Specials”

As stated earlier, to earn this skin, you’ll need to complete next month’s (March’s) capture streak. Once the skin is awarded in April, you can change the skin on the hedge to this one at any point — refer to our Help Guide article for the instructions!

You can find these hopping hedges at the following landing pads every 6 hours or when captured:

Additionally, the Frog Garden Hedge will scatter up to 3 NEW Johnny Jump Up Flowers nearby when it is captured!

Johnny Jump Up Flower
  • Capture: 50 points
  • CapOn: 50 points

Like the other Hedge Flowers, these scatters will be visible to any player and will be deployed on the Hedge owner’s account. This means that unlike Air Mystery Feathers/Boulders, there are CapOn points for the owner! They expire after 120 minutes and have a capture radius of 300 feet. These hedge scatters will NOT count for deploy streaks, ZeeOps, or clan activity since they are passive deploys.


As a reminder, Garden Hedges have 4 associated badge lines:

  • Unique type deploy badges — you’ll need to earn each month’s skin by keeping your streak up!
  • Overall deploy badges — the more hedges you deploy, the merrier!
  • Unique type capture badges — capture at least 1 of each skinned hedge!
  • Overall capture badges — capture as many hedges as you can find!

While we revealed images for the first of each badge line in the original post, we are happy to show you the “Unique type deploy” and “Unique type capture” badges associated with the Frog Garden Hedge:

Don’t let March’s Hedge Skin ribbit round’ the corner!

Munzee on!

February 23, 2023

A Charming Universal to Unlock Special Scatters!

If you’ll be attending a Munzee Event but don’t feel safe touching and scanning others’ Personal Tags, ask other attendees to share their Universal code (if they have one) online so you can scan it from your home. Of course, the same goes if you are not attending any events but want to join in on the fun virtually — play your way!

Universally United

Featuring special Munzee-themed charms, it has the best of both Social and Personal Munzee functionality as other players can capture it from anywhere in the world AND activity on it will earn you points. However, as this makes it incredibly valuable, we are limiting it to 1 per player. You can find this limited edition Universal HERE!

This LuckZEE Charms Universal is a limited release item only available through March 31 at 12:00 MHQ.

A Universal has the same point structure as a regular Personal:

  • Capture: mystery random points 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45
  • CapOn: sum of 50 between player capture and residual
    • Example: player capture = 30, owner residual = 20. Total = 50
  • Deploy: 100 points (only deploy it once with no proximity or expiration!)
  • **Boosters will have no effect on Universal points.

You can find your Universal in the My Social Munzees section of the app, or the corresponding page on the website.

Like the Wonder11and Universals, these will be auto-deployed upon purchase!

For more information, check out the Help Guide article.

Unlock Special Scatters!

If you add a LuckZEE Charms Universal to your collection, the pool of charms that can scatter from Charm Boxes and Charm Cases will grow to include the 4 new charms featured in the Universal art!

This means there will also be a new Bracelet Badge to earn!

Munzee on!

February 22, 2023

February 2023 GOTM Winners

This month, we’ve had fun working in different forms of love into some of our releases. With the Tunnel of Hugz, we transformed a typically romantic ride into one that was more friendship-focused. Our special duo Mech set, Y1N and Y4NG, highlighted the importance of balance in partnerships. Our limited-time credits, the HeartBeatz, brought a focus on self-care through exercise.

Towards the middle of the month, we went back to more traditional Valentine’s Day-themed releases, with a ZEE-Dayz featuring Jewels and Virtual Colors, new Greeting Cards, and new Charm Bracelet specials to collect.

Lastly, we’ve been posting quite frequently about upcoming Munzee Events — things are looking up, and we’re excited to do more attending and hosting, or at the very least, help spread the word about events y’all are putting on! Rob and Lou hosted an event in Prague just this past weekend, we have Munzee Madness to look forward to in March, and we are also excited about the Osaka Castle Summer Bash in July!

We are now happy to announce the winners of the February Gardens of the Month (GOTM)! The badges will be awarded by early March, but we couldn’t wait to share the winners we’ve chosen!

February GOTM

As promised, we’ve chosen 4 winners this month! Remember that all winning GOTM organizers and all players who deployed in the winning gardens will be awarded special badges for their contribution to growing the map. This month we’re happy to award the HeartBeatz Virtual Garden, designed by Waves117, the Wine O’Clock garden, designed by GoodLifeZombie, the Shire Horse Sanctuary garden, also designed by Waves117, and the Scooter garden, designed by biggoalie31, as our winning February GOTM! The gardens appear as follows:

HeartBeatz Virtual Garden by Waves117 in Glemsford, Suffolk, England

Waves117 included a variety of virtual types in this garden’s design — the simple Virtual Color for the heart, Void Mysteries for the rhythm line, and Electric Mysteries, Night Vision Googles, Onyxes, and Crossbows for the headphones.

Here’s a note from a player who designed this garden:

The garden was designed for our very hard working paramedic clan mate BigBadJohn1402 who has organised a Munzee Event in July. Due to working long hours, his time is very limited so the clan are designing gardens for his event. My garden has a medical theme based on his role of a paramedic and features a heart with the heart rhythm line. With Valentines day mid February it only seemed appropriate to launch the 500+ pin garden in January with a view to it being fully deployed by 14th February, which it is. When the HeartBeatz new limited time credits were announced by MHQ I just had to include the earphones to enhance the original design. So all in all a very topical Virtual garden.

This is exactly why we love hearing the story behind garden designs! It was interesting to find out that Waves117’s original design was just the heart with the rhythm line on its own — it definitely highlights BigBadJohn1402’s important work as a paramedic, and then adding the headphones to transform it into the HeartBeatz credit adds another layer of meaning.

We hope that if you’re reading this, you’ll consider attending BigBadJohn1402’s event in the summer!

Wine O’Clock by GoodLifeZombie in Aranda de Duero, Spain

To outline, or not to outline? In this case, it was a smart decision since the wine glass may have blended into the map too well without it. We also think the different Virtual Colors were cleverly chosen and placed to add a shading effect, creating depth.

Here’s a note from the player who designed this garden:

Aranda de Duero is a small Spanish town, known for its historical heritage, kilometric underground wine cellars interconnecting below the streets of the town centre, and its excellent gastronomy, based around its local speciality, “lechazo” (roast baby lamb).

“Ribera del Duero” is an internationally acclaimed wine which is been brewed and stored in Aranda since the XII century, and a must try upon visit!

And also a note from a different player who nominated this garden:

This garden represents 3 things I think are important (even if the design is unrelated).
1: Clan Comradery. It’s been a team effort for quite some time, and while of course many players helped, The Pirates Return worked really well trading around to get it complete.
2: Growing the Map. There are other deploys in Spain, but in general it doesn’t seem ‘kept up’ as much as it could be!
3: Munzee Spirit. The owner of this garden has more of it than any player I’ve interacted with. Sociable, helpful to anyone needing trades or advice, engaged with many branches of the game (rovers, coins, badges, etc.) Ultimately, I just think he should win.

After reading those notes, we think we know why GoodLifeZombie is living the good life — Aranda de Duero sounds like the kind of place we’d love to go to on vacation! If you enjoy fine dining and want to visit somewhere new, this place has the added benefit of being home to a wonderful fellow Munzee player!

Shire Horse Sanctuary by Waves117 in West Runton, Norfolk, England

This horse has a twinkle in its eye and moistness in its nostrils from Virtual Onyxes!

Here’s a note from the player who designed this garden:

The Village of West Runton was a Munzee sparse location close to a nearby munzee event planned for October. The Village is home to the Hillside Shire Horse Sanctuary which cares for rescued Horses as well as other animals. This is where the idea of the horse head came from for the virtual garden I have also deployed an urban fit route to follow to hand cap part of the garden which aids the munzee development of the area.

While there have been many unicorn-inspired gardens, it was rare for us to see the humbler horse featured in a garden’s design. The red bridle cinched the deal as it matched the other winners we chose this month!

Scooter by biggoalie31 in Warren, PA

We’re always impressed by the level of detail garden designers have been able to achieve, especially when the garden has less “pixels”. You can tell that this garden is a scooter from a mile away!

Here’s a note from the player who designed this garden:

The POI is part of the design. It’s part of the front turn signal. I ride my scooter around town to get Munzees. Munzee is a reason to ride. Riding is a reason to Munzee.

Rounding out our GOTM picks is this striking red scooter! biggoalie31’s short and sweet note gives us the impression that they have reached a Zen-like state, achieved by successfully combining hobbies. Like the previous garden, we felt it matched well with the other winners, and is also a mode of transportation!

All players who deployed in the respective winning gardens will receive the following special badges:

Rules for GOTM nominations:

  1. Garden must feature non-licensed character designs.
  2. The garden must feature a Garden Places Pin.
  3. The garden must be built using a publicly available spreadsheet which we will ask to be locked after being 100% deployed.
  4. We’re asking for ongoing nominations and we will release the winners throughout the year.

Based on your feedback, we’ve created a Google Form where you can submit GOTM nominations — here’s the link:

We’ll still check the inbox for stragglers, but please try to send your submissions to this new Google Form instead. Keep in mind that we take all former nominations into consideration for upcoming months. Just be sure your garden follows the nomination rules in order to be considered eligible!

If you need help deploying in a Virtual Garden, you can check out this step-by-step tutorial that will making deploying in a garden easy no matter how long you’ve been playing. To fill in the gardens, make sure to stock up on Virtuals and Color Credits from the Freeze Tag Online Store.

Munzee on!

P.S. Are you looking for POTM requirements? Remember that in 2020, we announced that we were holding off on POTM for now as we develop a new way to highlight our unique player base!

February 21, 2023

Reseller Garden Hedges

Is it just us, or does our Garden Décor line just keep getting better and better? We’re in awe of what Andy has drawn! Please welcome these very special Garden Hedges themed around each Reseller’s shop!

Reseller Garden Hedge Details

Like the other hedges, Reseller Garden Hedges are temporary POBs that will remain on the map as long as players with permanent Garden Hedges continue to use it. When you purchase a Garden Hedge from a Reseller, you will receive the base Garden Hedge with their respective hedge skin already equipped. However, you can still swap out the skins just like the other Garden Hedges — refer to our Help Guide article if you need a refresher!

Interested? They will be available at our Authorized Resellers’ shops some time today. Here are the links to shop all of our resellers:


  • Deploy: 500
  • Capture: 250
  • CapOn: 300

You can find these global bushes sprouting at the following landing pads every 6 hours or when captured:

Also like the other hedges, up to 3 NEW Hedge Flowers may be scattered nearby when they are captured!

The Hedge Flowers will be visible to any player and will be deployed on the Hedge owner’s account. This means that unlike Air Mystery Feathers/Boulders, there are CapOn points for the owner! They expire after 120 minutes and have a capture radius of 300 feet. These hedge flower scatters will NOT count for deploy streaks, ZeeOps, or clan activity since they are passive deploys.

The rewards for Hedge Flowers are as follows:

  • Capture: 50 points
  • CapOn: 50 points

Reseller Garden Hedges of ANY type will be available for multi-capture. That means players can capture Reseller Garden Hedges on their own munzees, any previously captured munzees, and more than once if the same Reseller Garden Hedge visits you. Reseller Garden Hedges are non-blastable. They will be attracted to both Physical Magnets and Virtual Magnets. You can access Reseller Garden Hedges by turning on your “All Limited Edition Specials” and “All Expiring Specials” filters.


As a reminder, Garden Hedges have 4 associated badge lines:

  • Unique type deploy badges — you’ll need to earn each month’s skin by keeping your streak up! You’ll also receive these upon purchasing a Reseller hedge!
  • Overall deploy badges — the more hedges you deploy, the merrier!
  • Unique type capture badges — capture at least 1 of each skinned hedge!
  • Overall capture badges — capture as many hedges as you can find!

First, here are the “Unique type deploy” and “Unique type capture” badges associated with the Kangaroo Garden Hedge:

The badges for the other Reseller Garden Hedges follow the same pattern.

We hope these Reseller hedges are a welcome addition to your garden!

Munzee on!

February 16, 2023

E-mail Address Updates

Have you checked your Munzee account details lately?

We want to make sure you don’t lose access to your Munzee account! A future update will require you to use your e-mail address instead of your username to log in. This also means that any Munzee accounts sharing an e-mail address must be updated so that they have unique e-mail addresses.

Please do take some time to make sure your e-mail address is correct. You can do so at Make sure to click the green [Save Settings] button if you make any changes!

Munzee on!

February 14, 2023

Charm Bracelet Specials for the Magpie in All of Us!

As today is Valentine’s Day, we wanted to treat everyone to something shiny and new to collect — charms for charm bracelets! As physical reminders of special occasions or even manifestations of one’s personality, charms are a fun conversation piece — so we’ve designed some lovely charms around upcoming holidays and events!

Charm Bracelet Specials

Charm Bracelet specials are now live on the map for everyone! We’re trying something new this time and don’t have an end date for them yet, but we’ll make sure you have ample time to cap them and that you’ll be informed well in advance of the end date once it’s decided. These specials will be released in waves, but will end at a total of 1,500 Charm Boxes and 1,500 Charm Cases.


  • Capture: 150
  • CapOn: 50

They will bounce around to the following landing pads every 4 hours or when capped:

These specials will be available for multi-capture. That means players can capture a Charm Box or Charm Case on their own munzees, any previously captured munzees, and more than once if the same Charm Box or Charm Case visits you. These munzees will not be blastable. They will be attracted to magnets, available from the Freeze Tag Online Store. You can access the Charm Box or Charm Case under the “All Expiring Specials” and “All Limited Specials” filters.

When a Charm Box or Charm Case is captured, it will scatter up to 1 Charm for all players. At launch the Charm Box and Charm Case will scatter different charms, and more charms will appear as the months go on, so make sure to keep an eye out!

While we want to keep most of the charms a surprise right now, here’s a sneak peek at one of them:

These scatters will be worth 50 points per capture and visible to any player! They expire after 30 minutes, have a capture radius of 300 feet, and you’ll be able to use Rover Treats to capture them as well!


There are two lines of badges related to Charm Bracelet specials.

The first line is based on overall Charm Box and Charm Case captures. These badges will show the journey of a growing jewelry collection! The first badge in this line depicts a green velvet jewelry box and is earned by capping either a Charm Box or Charm Case!

The second line of badges is based on capping different combinations of Charms, similar to last year’s Pizza My Heart specials. Make sure to cap at least one of each charm so you can complete your bracelets!

You can sneak a peek at the first of each badge line below:

We hope you enjoy collecting charms and building beautiful bracelets from them! If you love this artwork, look for it and so much more on our sister app, WallaBee!

Munzee on!

February 13, 2023

Munzee Postal Service: February 2023

Following our resolution in January, here are the new cards that you can find in the store this month! They will be available until March 1st.

NEW Greeting Card Munzee Details

We have 4 new Limited Edition cards — the Garden Party Cards — and 1 new Open Edition card — the RUM Never Broke My Heart Card — for your deploying pleasure!

The RUM Never Broke My Heart Card will be available at our Authorized Resellers’ shops some time today. Here are the links to shop all of our resellers:

As a refresher, the points are as follows:

  • Limited Edition Cards:
    • Deploy: 60
    • Capture: 50
    • CapOn: 30
  • Open Edition Cards:
    • Deploy: 50
    • Capture: 40
    • CapOn: 25

General Info

Don’t forget to edit the title and the notes to add a personal touch! While the capture message will contain your Munzee username as all Greeting Card capture messages do, we think typing in a more specific note will go a long way to creating a more unique and special experience!

Remember that these munzees will be archived 7 days after they are deployed, so make sure your intended recipient captures it before then!

Helpful Links:

We hope you enjoy sending and receiving new cards from friends around the world!

Munzee on!

February 10, 2023

A Kaleidoscopic ZEE-Dayz: February 2023

We know many of you like to host events towards the beginning of the month to knock out Clan Wars requirements as quickly as possible! To start off February strong we’ve featured two types of munzees in this ZEE-Dayz (if you follow us on FB | TWTR | IG you got a heads-up earlier this week!) — one that is part of Clan War requirements, the other not directly specified — but should be easy to rack up points with due to their abundance on the map.

Special Bonus Details

From the period of Friday, February 10th at 12:00 MHQ through Sunday, February 12th at 23:59 MHQ, enjoy double points on ALL Virtual Colors and Jewels!

Sale Details

For the same time period mentioned above (Feb 10 at 12:00 MHQ – Feb 12 at 23:59 MHQ), everything in the Jewel Munzees Collection at the Freeze Tag Store is 50% off!

Similarly, the price of a Virtual Munzee + Color Credit will drop from $5 to $3! This should make it easier to stock up on these game pieces if you’d like to deploy some near friends!

We hope you’re looking forward to a more colorful weekend!

Munzee on!

February 6, 2023

These Mechz Live Together in Perfect Harmony!

Last week we kicked off our theme of love and friendship with the Tunnel of Hugz! We know romantic love isn’t for everyone, so this time we’ve created a Mech set that focuses on another aspect of pairs — the ability to balance each other by working together.

Y1N, Y4NG, and Y1NY4NG Details

Like the other Munzee Mechz, the Y1N, Y4NG, and Y1NY4NG are temporary POBs. The Y1N and Y4NG will remain on the map until they have been captured 5 times, while the Y1NY4NG will remain on the map until it has been captured 3 times. Once the Mechz reach their capture limit they will be “cat napping,” in “charging mode,” or “deconstructed” respectively, which results in more points for the capper.

You have the option of purchasing the Y1N in the Freeze Tag Store HERE and the Y4NG in the In-App Store for 750 Zeds. They’ll be in the stores until 12:00 MHQ on February 20th. Both will automatically deploy on your account upon purchase, and you’ll be able to rebuild them for 7 Cogs each. As for the Y1NY4NG Mech, the only way to deploy it is by deploying both the Y1N and Y4NG Mechz within the same MHQ day. Once you’ve met this requirement, a new Y1NY4NG Mech will be deployed on your account.


  • Y1N and Y4NG:
    • Deploy: 500
    • Capture: 250
    • CapOn: 100
    • Cat Napping / Charging Mode (5th Cap): 500
  • Y1NY4NG:
    • Deploy: 104
    • Capture: 251-254
    • CapOn: 100
    • Deconstructed (3rd Cap): 501-504

These Mechz will bounce to the following landing pads every 6 hours or when captured:

These Mechz will be available for multi-capture. That means players can capture a Y1N, Y4NG, or Y1NY4NG on their own munzees, any previously captured munzees, and more than once if the same Y1N, Y4NG, or Y1NY4NG visits you. These munzees will not be blastable. They will be attracted to magnets, available from the Freeze Tag Online Store. You can access these Mechz under the “All Expiring Specials” filter.

When a Y1N is captured, it will scatter up to 3 STR1P3s. Similarly, when a Y4NG is captured, it will scatter up to 3 SC4L3s. The Y1NY4NG will scatter 1 STR1P3 and 1 SC4L3.


  • Capture: 50
  • CapOn: 25

These scatters will be visible to any player and will be deployed on the Mech owner’s account. This means that unlike Air Mystery Feathers/Boulders, there are CapOn points for the owner! They expire after 120 minutes and have a capture radius of 300 feet. These scatters will NOT count for deploy streaks, ZeeOps, or clan activity since they are passive deploys.


As with other Munzee Mechz, the badges for deploying the Y1N and Y4NG depict the Blueprints, and are shown below:

There are 4 more badges associated with these Mechz: the first is for deploying a Y1NY4NG Mech. The remaining 3 are for capturing each of these Mechz. We’ll keep these badges a secret for now.

We hope you enjoy the intricate designs of these mostly monochrome Mechz!

Munzee on!