Archive for June, 2024

June 30, 2024

🎉🧁 Mix It Up With Enchanted Ingredients! 🧁🎉

🎉🧁 Light the candles and get ready to celebrate Munzee’s 13th birthday with a twist that’s sweeter than ever!🧁🎉

But it’s not just about the cake (credits). We treasure the enchantment of growing up, and are thrilled to introduce our ALL NEW Enchanted Ingredients Temporary Player Owned Bouncers (tPOBs) which start baking on July 1st at 12:00 MHQ! Inspired by the tradition of receiving a little extra, if you work hard you’ll receive all the mystical ingredients needed to create the Baker’s Dozen Cupcake. Don’t miss out on this delightful high-flier that captures your heart’s sweetest desires!

Keep reading for a scrumptious spellbinding recipe!

Enchanted Ingredients Overview

You’ll need to mix n’ match Enchanted Ingredients if you want to create a magical baking bouncer! Each of the Enchanted Ingredient tPOBs can be earned in a different way, and if you deploy all 5 you will also earn the Baker’s Dozen Cupcake. As a reminder, for this initial release you can only earn these 6 tPOBs from July 1st 12:00 MHQ until 12:00 MHQ on August 1, so get cooking!

You can find details on points and landing pads at the end of the blog post, but read on to learn how you can get your hands on each Ingredient below!

  • Enchanted Sugar
    • You are guaranteed to earn an Enchanted Sugar tPOB when capping an Event Indicator at a Baker’s Dozen Event.
    • There is also a special chance to earn/deploy an Enchanted Sugar when you deploy Prize Wheels, Sir Prize Wheels, or Red/Blue Bounty Ships from Resellers.
  • Enchanted Flour
    • There is a special chance to earn/deploy an Enchanted Flour tPOB when capping Event Pins.
    • There is also a special chance to earn/deploy an Enchanted Flour when deploying Virtual Sapphire/Onyx/Citrine or Virtual RUMs from Resellers.
      • NOTE: The RUMS will only include the following
        • Virtual Gold’n Coins Reseller
        • Virtual NEGS Reseller
        • Virtual GeoLoggers Reseller
        • Virtual SCGS Reseller
  • Enchanted Egg
    • There is a special chance to earn/deploy an Enchanted Egg tPOB when you deploy ANY Greeting Card.
  • Enchanted Butter
    • You can purchase an Enchanted Butter tPOB through the In-App Store for 500 Zeds at launch.
  • Enchanted Cream
    • You can earn an Enchanted Cream tPOB when you trade 1 Ruby and 1 Flat Lou in the Misc section of the Redeem Store.
  • Baker’s Dozen Cupcake
    • You’ll automatically earn the Baker’s Dozen Cupcake tPOB after you deploy all 5 of the Enchanted Ingredients above.

Bake To Your Heart’s Content!

Cake Credit

Each of the Enchanted Ingredients will automatically deploy to your account upon purchase or earning it, and it will stay on the map until it has been captured TEN times. Similar to Mechz, you’ll also earn a Recipe Badge when you deploy each Enchanted Ingredient and you can rebuild them for Cake Credit in the Redeem Store at any time in the future.


Alongside the individual recipe badges for deploying, there are also three badges for capturing/deploying Enchanted Ingredients and the Baker’s Dozen tPOB.

Enchanted Ingredients Details:

Enchanted Ingredient Points

  • Capture: 100
  • CapOn: 300

Baker’s Dozen Cupcake Points

  • Capture: 250
  • CapOn: 300
Landing Pads
ALL Enchanted Ingredients

  • Greenies
  • Calf
    • Cow
    • Milk
  • Chick
    • Chicken
    • Eggs
  • Flats
    • Flat Rob
    • Flat Matt
    • Flat Lou
    • Flat Hammock
    • Flat DHS
    • Flat Disc Golf Basket
    • Flat Flashlight
    • Flat Typewriter
    • Flat Murray
    • Flat RUM
    • Flat Cats
    • Flat Van
    • Flat Cup
    • Flat Fountain Pen
  • Elementals
    • Fire Mystery
    • Ice Mystery
    • Earth Mystery
    • Water Mystery
    • Air Mystery
    • Electric Mystery
    • Void Mystery
    • Light Mystery
  • Seasonal
    • Spring Seasonal Munzee
    • Summer Seasonal Munzee
    • Fall Seasonal Munzee
    • Winter Seasonal Munzee
    • Seasonal Munzee
  • All Virtual Colors
  • All Bouncer Destinations

Only Bakers Dozen Cupcake

  • Greenies
  •  Western Zodiacs
    • Scorpio
    • Sagittarius
    • Capricorn
    • Aquarius
    • Pisces
    • Aries
    • Taurus
    • Gemini
    • Cancer
    • Leo
    • Virgo
    • Libra
  • Chinese Zodiacs
    • Dog Chinese Zodiac
    • Pig Chinese Zodiac
    • Rat Chinese Zodiac
    • Ox Chinese Zodiac
    • Tiger Chinese Zodiac
    • Rabbit Chinese Zodiac
    • Dragon Chinese Zodiac
    • Snake Chinese Zodiac
    • Horse Chinese Zodiac
    • Goat Chinese Zodiac
    • Monkey Chinese Zodiac
    • Rooster Chinese Zodiac
  • Egyptian Zodiacs
    • Nile
    • Amon-Ra
    • Osiris
    • Thoth
    • Horus
    • Seth
    • Anubis
    • Sekhmet
    • Mut
    • Bastet
    • Geb
    • Isis
  • Celtic Zodiac
    • Celtic Wolf
    • Celtic Falcon
    • Celtic Stag
    • Celtic Cat
    • Celtic Adder
    • Celtic Fox
    • Celtic Bull
    • Celtic Seahorse
    • Celtic Wren
    • Celtic Horse
    • Celtic Salmon
    • Celtic Swan
    • Celtic Butterfly
  • Norse Zodiacs
    • Isa Norse Zodiac
    • Jara Norse Zodiac
    • Eihwaz Norse Zodiac
    • Perthu Norse Zodiac
    • Algiz Norse Zodiac
    • Sowulo Norse Zodiac
    • Teiwaz Norse Zodiac
    • Berkana Norse Zodiac
    • Ehwaz Norse Zodiac
    • Mannaz Norse Zodiac
    • Laguz Norse Zodiac
    • Ingwaz Norse Zodiac
    • Othala Norse Zodiac
    • Dagaz Norse Zodiac
    • Fehu Norse Zodiac
    • Uruz Norse Zodiac
    • Thurisaz Norse Zodiac
    • Ansuz Norse Zodiac
    • Raidho Norse Zodiac
    • Kaunaz Norse Zodiac
    • Gebo Norse Zodiac
    • Wunju Norse Zodiac
    • Hagalaz Norse Zodiac
    • Naudiz Norse Zodiac
  • All Virtual Colors



June 29, 2024

⚔️🐉 July Glass Guardian 🐉⚔️

Harnessing the power of the sun, this celestial defender of dragons awaits. Add this NEW Glass Guardian to your collection by completing your July capture streak and witness the sky-based phenomena!

If you completed your June capture streak, prepare to receive the Horned Glass Guardian Skin (and corresponding badge) in early July. Read on to learn more about the latest addition for July!

June Glass Guardian Reminders

If you haven’t picked up a base Glass Guardian yet, they are available in the Freeze Tag Store for $7.

How to have a permanent Guardian on your account next year:

  • Own at least 8 Guardians by the end of the year.
    • Each month, the price of a Guardian will decrease by $1.
    • However, players can only purchase 1 Guardian every 28 days.

July Glass Guardian Details

What Glass Guardian awaits in July? The Winged Glass Guardian, protector of of the skies and companion to the Horned Glass Guardian, soars to unmatched heights. The Winged Glass Guardian is a temporary POB that will remain on the map as long as the players with permanent Glass Guardians continue to use it.

Winged Glass Guardian

Winged Glass Guardian

  • Deploy Points: 500
  • Capture Points: 250
  • CapOn Points: 300
Additional Info
  • Available for multi-capture
  • Non-blastable
  • Attracted to both Physical Magnets and Virtual Magnets
  • Filters: “All Limited-Edition Specials” and “All Expiring Specials”

As stated earlier, you’ll need to complete this month’s (July) capture streak to earn this skin. Once the skin is awarded in August, you can change the skin on the hedge to this one at any point! If you need some help refer to our Help Guide article for the instructions on swapping skins!

You can find this golden winged wonder at the following landing pads every 6 hours or when captured:

Additionally, when captured, the Winged Glass Guardian will scatter up to 1-3 NEW Ascension Marbles nearby!

Ascension Marble

  • Capture: 50 points
  • CapOn: 50 points


As a reminder, Glass Guardians will have 4 associated badge lines:

  • Unique type deploy badges — you’ll need to earn each month’s skin by keeping your streak up!
  • Overall deploy badges — the more guardians you deploy, the merrier!
  • Unique type capture badges — capture at least 1 of each skinned Glass Guardian!
  • Overall capture badges — capture as many Glass Guardians as you can find!

Check out the unique deploy and capture badges linked with the Winged Glass Guardians below!

Soar into July and earn your Winged Glass Guardian before it’s gone!


June 28, 2024

July 2024 Clan Wars Requirements

July is upon us, and so are the new Clan War requirements! We’ve listened to player feedback from our recent survey and made some changes. We hope these changes suit new players in low level clans as they learn the game and earn rewards, but also provide a challenge for veteran players at higher levels.
We appreciate our loyal premium players and choose to reserve levels 4-6 for them this month. Please consider supporting the game through a premium membership. This is available via monthly or yearly subscription in the app store, or a yearly purchase online.

Head over to the Clan section in our app for all the info and rewards. For enhanced gameplay, use CuppaZee app and website to track clan stats and daily gameplay!

New ClanPak for July’s battle is available HERE! Tailored for Clan battles, it includes items to chase scatters, grow Evos, cap Bouncers, and deploy Mechz like never before. Limit 1 per player account per 30 days, and for $15 you’ll get:

  • 5 cogs
  • 3 QRowbars
  • 2 magnets
  • 2 virtual magnets
  • 3 capture radius boosters
  • 3 rover treats
  • 1 flat Typewriter
  • 1 Pumpkin
  • 4 Quick Grow
  • 1 limited edition greeting card

Level 1 (Designed with new players in mind)


  • at least 7 days of activity
  • at least 10,000 total points

Clan (in addition to individual requirements)

  • at least 50,000 total points

Rewards: 1 crossbow, 1 mace, 1 clan war card, 1 water mystery, 1 magnet, 2 cogs

Level 2 (Intended to challenge new players and introduce them to growing the map)


  • at least 10 days of activity
  • at least 25,000 total points
  • at least 100 Greenie points

Clan (in addition to individual requirements)

  • at least 100,000 total points
  • at least 500 Greenie points
  • at least 500 Scatter points

Rewards: 1 longsword, 1 catapult, 1 virt + color, 1 temp virt, 1 QRowbar, 2 cogs, 1 stamp

Level 3 (Increased types of requirements as players develop in skill and growing the map)


  • at least 15 days of activity
  • at least 50,000 total points
  • at least 250 Greenie points
  • at least 28 Places caps
  • at least 1 Elemental Mystery deploy

Clan (in addition to individual requirements)

  • at least 250,000 total points
  • at least 1250 Greenie points
  • at least 1000 Flat Friend/Object points
  • at least 5000 Greeting Card points
  • at least 1000 Zeecret Weapon points
  • at least 1000 Mech points
  • at least 1000 Scatter point
  • at least 5 Elemental Mystery deploys

Rewards: 1 longsword, 1 crossbow, 1 virt + color, 1 flat Rob, 1 temp virt, 2 Rover treats, 2 cogs, 2 stamps

Level 4 (Our lowest Premium only level with a new temporary type to redeem)


  • at least 18 days of activity
  • at least 100,000 total points
  • at least 500 Greenie points
  • at least 56 Places caps
  • at least 2 Claimed QRates
  • at least 1 Baby Squirrel tPOB* deploy
  • at least 2 Elemental Mystery deploys
  • at least 2 Elemental Mystery scatter captures

Clan (in addition to individual requirements)

  • at least 500,000 total points
  • at least 2500 Greenie points
  • at least 2000 Flat Friend/Object points
  • at least 10,000 Greeting Card points
  • at least 2000 Zeecret Weapon points
  • at least 2000 Mech points
  • at least 2000 Scatter points
  • at least 2000 Evo Bouncer points
  • at least 5 Broken Mech captures
  • at least 10 Elemental Mystery deploys
  • at least 10 Elemental Mystery scatter captures

Rewards: 1 crossbow, 1 battle axe, 2 virtuals + colors, 1 magnet, 1 temp virt, 100 Zeds, 1 evo reset, 1 electric mystery, 5 cogs, 1 virtual Amethyst, 4 stamps

Level 5 (Reserved for premium players who have grown the map and reached QRew/ZeeQRew status)


  • at least 20 days of activity
  • at least 250,000 total points
  • at least 1500 Greenie points
  • at least 112 Places caps
  • at least 1 QRewzee/Sleepzee cap
  • at least 4 Claimed QRates
  • at least 5 days with 1500 points
  • at least 1 Baby Squirrel tPOB* deploy
  • at least 3 Elemental Mystery deploys
  • at least 5 Elemental Mystery scatter captures
  • at least 1000 Pouch Creature points

Clan (in addition to individual requirements)

  • at least 1,250,000 total points
  • at least 7500 Greenie points
  • at least 4000 Flat Friend/Object points
  • at least 5 QRewzee/Sleepzee captures
  • at least 20,000 Greeting Card points
  • at least 4000 Zeecret Weapon points
  • at least 4000 Mech points
  • at least 4000 Scatter points
  • at least 3000 Evo Bouncer points
  • at least 15 Broken Mech captures
  • at least 15 Elemental Mystery deploys
  • at least 25 Elemental Mystery scatter captures
  • at least 5000 Pouch Creature points

Rewards: 1 crossbow, 1 hammer, 2 virtuals + colors, 1 earth mystery, 1 virtual magnet, 1 temp virt, 100 zeds, 1 evo reset, 1 butterfly, 2 rover treats, 5 cogs, 1 flat Flashlight, 1 Scrap Star, 8 stamps

Level 6 (Our most advanced level for ZeeQRew members to test their abilities and reach the top of the leaderboard)


  • at least 25 days of activity
  • at least 450,000 total points
  • at least 2500 Greenie points
  • at least 224 Places caps
  • at least 10 QRewzee/Sleepzee cap
  • at least 6 Claimed QRates
  • at least 7 days with 2500 points
  • at least 1 Baby Squirrel tPOB* deploy
  • at least 5 Elemental Mystery deploys
  • at least 10 Elemental Mystery scatter captures
  • at least 2000 Pouch Creature points
  • at least 1000 Garden Scatter** points

Clan (in addition to individual requirements)

  • at least 3,150,000 total points
  • at least 17,500 Greenie points
  • at least 7500 Flat Friend/Object points
  • at least 70 QRewzee/Sleepzee captures
  • at least 35,000 Greeting Card points
  • at least 7500 Zeecret Weapon points
  • at least 7500 Mech points
  • at least 7500 Scatter points
  • at least 5000 Evo Bouncer points
  • at least 25 Broken Mech captures
  • at least 35 Elemental Mystery deploys
  • at least 70 Elemental Mystery scatter captures
  • at least 14,000 Pouch Creature points
  • at least 7000 Garden Scatter** points

Rewards: 4 virtuals + colors, 1 magnet, 1 virtual magnet, 200 zeds, 15 cogs, 1 flat Disc golf basket, 1 capture radius booster, 1 Celtic butterfly, 12 stamps

Access our Help Guide for complete information regarding Clan Wars. For tips on how to maximize your gameplay, visit our Tips & Tricks Guide, created by players! Find more information about QRates and see the qualifications for ZeeQRew here.

July Badges

Your Clan can earn monthly badges by reaching certain levels in Clan Wars. But remember, you only get a badge (and rewards) if the whole clan reaches that level. In July, there are six badges up for grabs. The first badge will appear as follows:

*Clan (Baby) Squirrel will be available to claim as a special trade in the Premium section of the redeem store beginning July 3rd. Cost will be 0 zeds (that’s right, ZERO zeds). This takes the place of the golden carrot in the month of July. 😍 Clan Squirrels will be archived August 1st, so enjoy them while they are bouncing!

**Garden Scatter points are all capture, deploy, and cap on points from the scatters that belong to the set of Garden bouncers. This includes garden gnome hats, garden flamingo feathers, garden hedge flowers, glass guardian marbles.

QRates must be found during the current clan war (after 00:10 on July 3rd) — give the system a few minutes to fully switch into the new battle.


Note: Clan requirements may update before July 3 and we reserve the right to do so. The final requirements and rewards will always be shown in the app.

June 25, 2024

June 2024 GOTM Winners!

All this sun has entries thriving to shine above the rest, but we have a duo that truly takes the stage! We’re thrilled to announce the June Garden of the Month WINNERS, a rockstar pair that will have you jamming all summer long! Don’t forget, special badges await the green-thumbed organizers and players deployed in these winning gardens. Thank you for helping our map flourish!

A big Munzee congratulations to Munzee Drum Set, designed by Jeffeth and Technicolor Guitar, designed by Mdeezy as our winning June GOTM!

Munzee Drum Set by Jeffeth in Navan, Ottawa – Canada

A beat we can vibe to!

Technicolor Guitar by Mdeezy  in Leeds, Alabama – USA

“Virtually tuned in all summer!”

Special Badges for all players deployed within the winning GOTM:

If you’d like to nominate a Virtual Garden for GOTM or need help deploying in a Garden, you can check out the Munzee Help Guide to learn more! Stock up on Virtuals from the Freeze Tag Online Store to bring your garden visions to life!


June 24, 2024

Light The Way With A New Elemental Mystery and Pouch Creature!

In the depths of space a cosmic ray has lit a path toward worlds unknown! We are happy to announce the Light Mystery is now available for purchase, alongside the all new Kalmaar Pouch Creature! You can pick up both from the Freeze Tag Online Store:

  • Purchase the Light Mystery HERE
  • Purchase the Kalmaar Pouch Creature HERE

Can you master the bending rays of the Light Mystery and discover the origins of the alien submariner Kalmaar? Read on to learn more!

Light Mystery Munzee Details

The Light Mystery joins the Air, Electric, and Void Mysteries as a virtual Elemental Mystery type. Once the Light Mystery is captured, it will scatter up to 2 Light Wave scatters nearby.

There are three different ways the light can bend:

Upon capture:

  • If the result is a Reflection up to 2 Mirrors will then scatter nearby.
  • If the result is a Refraction up to 2 Prisms will then scatter nearby.
  • If the result is a Diffraction both the capper and owner will receive an undeployed Silver Lining Card.
  • After a Mirror is capped there is a chance the light could continue to reflect and additional Mirrors could once again be scattered nearby.
  • After a Prism has been capped there is a chance that a Rainbow Road Greeting Card could be deployed nearby for YOU to capture on the Light Mystery owner’s account.
    • NOTE – Will not be capturable if scattered on your own account, but will earn CapOn points from other players capturing it.

The points for all these munzees are as follows:

  • Light Mystery
    • Deploy: 50 points
    • Capture/CapOn: Split of 60 points with 10 point minimum
  • Light Wave Scatters
    • Capture: 50 points
    • CapOn: 10 points
  •  Mirror and Prism Scatters
    • Capture: 50 points
    • CapOn: 10 points
  • Silver Lining and Rainbow Road Cards
    • Capture: 50 points
      Deploy: 60 points
      CapOn: 30 points

The Light Mystery, Light Wave Scatters, and Mirror/Prism scatters all have a capture radius of 300 ft and are not blastable. The Silver Lining and Rainbow Road Cards have a capture radius of 500 ft and are blastable. You can use Rover Treats to capture the scatters as well. To access the Light Mystery, turn on your “Virtual – Mysteries” filter. For more information on the Light Mystery, you can check out our Help Guide article.

Like the other Elementals, Light Mysteries can be magnetized with Virtual Magnets. Here are a list of Munzees that are currently attracted to land on Light Mysteries:

  • Kalmainium (NEW POUCH CREATURE)
  • Hadavale Myth
  • Cyclops Myth
  • All Funfinity Stone Pouch Creatures
  • All Glass Guardian Skins

NEW Pouch Creature Details

A Light has broken through the darkness of the Void and our newest Pouch Creatureis shining with enthusiasm! Meet Kalmaar, the sweet-natured squid. Does the tentacled Kalmaar, and its evolved form Kalmainium, come from the depths of sea or space? We may never know!

You can shop Kalmaar HERE!

Kalmaar Kalmainium
Points Points
  • Deploy: 250
  • Capture: 200
  • CapOn: 100
  • Capture: 400
  • CapOn: 100
Landing Pads Landing Pads
  • Virtual Colors
  • Virtual Sapphire
  • Submarine Evo
  • Wildlife & Beach POI
  • Elemental Mysteries:
    • Void Mystery
    • Light Mystery

Both Kalmaar and Kalmainium will bounce to the landing pads above every 6 hours or when capped. —  Pouch Creatures are bouncing munzees based on items from our sister app, WallaBee.

New Badges!

There will be a number of badges to enjoy along with Kalmaar / Kalmainium, including the following Deploy badge:

Kalmaar Pouch Creature Munzee- Deploy Kalmaar Pouch Creature Munzee.

Additionally there will be three badges to earn for Kalmaar / Kalmainium for a total of 6 additional Capture badges. The first badge per each level will appear as follows:

If you want to brush up on any Pouch Creature knowledge, be sure to check out our Help Guide!


June 19, 2024

🎂 July 2024 Double Point Weekend Dates 🎉

Light the candles and cap the cake because our birthday month is nearly here! Join us for back-to-back fun with FOUR Double Point Weekends in July! Plus, rumor has it that upcoming mailbox owners will enjoy a triple-point bonus during the final two weekends! Stay tuned for more info on that at a later date, but start planning your month out NOW! 

Don’t miss your chance to enjoy the party—your invitation is waiting.

Stock up NOW for double the party favors HERE!

Double Point Weekends (DPWs)

Dates Double Points ON
Fri, July 5 – 00:01 MHQ to Sun, July 7 at 23:59 MHQ Cards, Flats, Greenies, Jewels, Virtual Colors
Fri, July 12 – 00:01 MHQ to Sun, July 14 at 23:59 MHQ Cards, Flats, Greenies, Gaming, Evolutions 
Fri, July 19 – 00:01 MHQ to Sun, July 21 at 23:59 MHQ Cards, Flats, Greenies, Resellers, Mechz 

Mailbox owners get x3 points!

Fri, July 26 – 00:01 MHQ to Sun, July 28 at 23:59 MHQ Cards, Flats, Greenies, Mysteries, Scattered Types

Mailbox owners get x3 points!

If you haven’t signed up for the Festival Feast Mailbox yet, check it out HERE!

Make sure you get your cake and scoop up double the fun EVERY weekend in JULY!


June 17, 2024

Secret ZeeOps – Sea Serpent (June 2024)

You better dive deep and brace yourself, because this case is making red hot waves! An ALL NEW Secret ZeeOps is now available in the app ZeeOps Hub for the usual cost of 1,500 Zeds. It is NOW available for purchase until 23:59 MHQ on July 31st. Remember, if you’ve purchased a Secret ZeeOp, you can complete it and collect rewards even after purchasing it is unavailable.

Agents: the ocean holds many secrets, and an ancient gathering of seafolk is about to kick off, posing a mysterious challenge. A legendary Dragon Boat has surfaced, and it’s up to you to uncover the phenomenon behind it. Your mission? Go undercover, join a crew, and navigate your way across the ocean. Follow the stars to the center of the seven seas to reveal the mystery behind this coast-to-coast contest. Completing a series of missions will unlock new levels in this operation. There are three levels, each with five missions. If you conquer every mission in Operation: Sea Serpent, you’ll earn a celebratory badge, the NEW C++ S3RP3NT MECH (info below), and more exciting rewards listed in the app!

Set sail on your flaming mission TODAY!

NEW Mech Details

Like the other Munzee Mechz,  C++ S3RP3NT is a temporary POB that will remain on the map until it has been captured 15 times.

C++ S3RP3NT 
  • Deploy: 350
  • Capture: 230-330
  • CapOn: 100-200
  • Extinguished (Crushed): 500
Landing Pads
  • Greenies
  • Elemental Mysteries
    • Earth Mystery
    • Water Mystery
  • Jewels
    • Ruby
    • Topaz
    • Diamond
    • Virtual Onyx
    • Virtual Emerald
  • Places
    • POI Transportation
    • POI Unique Attraction Gaming Munzees
  • Zodiacs
    • Dog Chinese Zodiac
    • Pig Chinese Zodiac
    • Rat Chinese Zodiac
    • Ox Chinese Zodiac
    • Tiger Chinese Zodiac
    • Rabbit Chinese Zodiac
    • Dragon Chinese Zodiac
    • Snake Chinese Zodiac
    • Horse Chinese Zodiac
    • Goat Chinese Zodiac
    • Monkey Chinese Zodiac
    • Rooster Chinese Zodiac
  • Seasonal Munzee
  • All Virtual Colors
  • Treehouses & Skylands
  • All Temporary Destinations

This volcanic vessel can be spotted on the landing pads listed above every 6 hours or when captured.

C++ S3RP3NT will be available for multi-capture. That means players can capture C++ S3RP3NT on their own munzees, any previously captured munzees, and more than once if the same C++ S3RP3NT visits you. C++ S3RP3NT is non-blastable. It will be attracted to both Physical Magnets and Virtual Magnets. You can access C++ S3RP3NT by turning on your “All Expiring Specials” filter.

When C++ S3RP3NT is captured, it will scatter up to 3 Dragon Oars on the Mech owner’s account.

Dragon Oar
Capture: 30-50

CapOn: 5-30

These scatters will be visible to any player and expire after 120 minutes. They have a capture radius of 300 feet. Since they are passive deploys, these scatters will NOT count for deploy streaks, ZeeOps, or clan activity.


As with other Munzee Mechz, the badge for deploying C++ S3RP3NT depict the Blueprints, and is shown below:

For those who capture C++ S3RP3NT, a badge awaits. As there’s just one badge in this category, we’ll keep it secret, for now.

On behalf of MHQ, we thank you for your continued service.


This message will self destruct in 321

June 14, 2024

🎊Get Festive with June Greeting Cards🎏

As the days grow longer and the nights warmer at Munzee HQ, our festive spirit is in full swing with the launch of some NEW Greeting Cards! Bug out under the sun with the June Bug card, or embrace good fortune and beat the summer heat with 3 new Dragon Boat Festival cards!

Share the joy of seasonal traditions with friends, perfectly timed alongside an exciting Double Points Weekend—there’s so much to celebrate! Shop the collection HERE or keep reading for more details!

New Greeting Cards :

Celebrate the season with 4 new Limited Edition Greeting Cards available HERE!

  • The June Bug Card eagerly awaits, both the root-eating Phyllophaga and the delightful fireflies and cicadas of childhood summers.
  • Cheer on rowers or join a race amidst vibrant decorations, rhythmic drums, and delicious foods for an unforgettable experience with the Dragon Boat Card!
  • Perfume Pouch Card comes embroidered with metal accents and herbal scent to ward off bugs and evil spirits!
  • The Zongzi Card provides a special delicacy: zongzi, with its irresistible chewy rice texture and umami-filled flavors, making its time-consuming preparation absolutely worth it!

Fantastic Fathers Day Ahead!

Experience more Munzee celebrations this weekend with Father’s Day! Surprise your amazing dad or fatherly figure with a Fantastic Father’s Day Card!

Double Points Weekend Reminder!

This weekend be sure to join in a weekend to remember with Double points on ALL MUNZEE TYPES from Friday, June 14 at 00:01 MHQ through Sunday, June 16 at 23:59 MHQ.

Keep the party going—visit the Freeze Tag Store to stock up on your favorites for endless fun!

Looking for a quick tutorial on Greeting Card deployment?

SeeMyShell has got you covered. Check out his tutorial below!



June 11, 2024

🐾 A Flat Double Feature! 📼

In celebration of both International Corgi Day and National VCR Day this month, we’re hitting rewind for some paw-pular fun! From NOW until Sunday, June 16th at 23:59 MHQ, enjoy a combo Scatter Event for both Flat Murray and Flat DHS and take advantage of our Buy 3 Get, 1 Free Sale as well!

Deploy these Flat co-stars for their big screen debut – grab yours HERE.

Limited Time Scatter Details

During this period, be on the lookout for Corgi toys scattered from Flat Murray and Tapes scattered from Flat DHS!

Flat Murray Scatters

Flat DHS Scatters

The scatters will be visible to any player and will be deployed on the Flat Murray and Flat DHS owner’s account. This means that, unlike Feathers/Boulders, there are CapOn points for the owner! They expire after 120 minutes, have a capture radius of 300 feet, and you’ll be able to use Rover Treats to capture them as well! These scatters will NOT count for deploy streaks, ZeeOps, or clan activity since they are passive deploys.

The rewards for scatters are as follows:

  • Capture: 50 points
  • CapOn: 25 points

For more information about Flat duo, check out our Help Guide article!


During this combo celebration, we’ve got a brand-new, wag-worthy badge up for grabs! So, dust off your VCR for some action-packed fun!

Hair Bud- Capture 4 Corgi toys scattered from Flat Murray and 4 Tapes scattered from Flat DHS during the combo International Corgi Day and National VCR Day event in 2024.

Sale🏷️ Buy 3 Get 1 Free!

From Tuesday, June 11 at 12:00 MHQ to Sunday, June 16th at 23:59 MHQ, enjoy a special offer: Buy 3 Flat Murray or Flat DHS Munzees, and get 1 FREE! You can mix and match both to take advantage of the discount, so stock up on these Flat favorites before they exit the spotlight!


June 10, 2024

2024 Gameplay Survey ✨

There have been a lot of big changes to the world of Munzee over the last couple years and we would love to gather some input from our trusted players! As we look ahead and start planning exciting new initiatives, your input is invaluable as we decide on the nest steps forward! To ensure we’re heading in the right direction, we’re launching a NEW survey to gather your valuable insights.

Click HERE to participate, and read on for more details about the survey and the chance to win prizes!

Survey Details

Like our past surveys, this survey does not collect e-mail addresses, nor will it require sign-in to Google. We’ve chosen to go this route since we want to make it as open to everyone as possible — some people may not be comfortable sharing their e-mail address, others may not have a Google account.

You’ll find that the questions at the beginning of the survey ask for some basic information about you — this is just to get a general idea of our our current player base, and will not be used to identify you in any way, even if you choose to enter the prize drawing (more details on it below). If you’ve filled out our past surveys, many of these questions will likely be familiar to you.

The survey will then shift to more opinion-based questions — feel free to type as much as you’d like (or as much as the Google Form will allow)! We do read every response, though it may take us a while to get through everything.

Once again, the link to the survey is HERE.

Prize Drawing Details

As an added bonus, we’ll be conducting a random prize drawing! Similar to our past surveys, you have the chance to enter by providing your username at the end. Please note the following important information:

  • Usernames will ONLY be used to conduct this prize drawing.
    • As mentioned above, even if you do enter in your Munzee username, we will not use the data in this survey to identify you in any way. The survey data will remain in this Google Form, separate from the Munzee databases.
  • Multiple entries will disqualify you from winning.
    • We’d like the data to be as accurate as possible — multiple entries from the same people will artificially sway the data a certain way.
  • We will determine the total number of winners based on the number of unique survey responses — said another way, the more players that fill out the survey, the more winners there will be!
    • However, as mentioned in the previous bullet points, please DO NOT fill out the survey multiple times as this will cause our data to be inaccurate, and we will disqualify anyone with multiple entries.
    • DO ask any of your Munzee friends and family to fill out the survey, if they don’t know about it already!
  • Entering the prize drawing is OPTIONAL.
    • If you are not comfortable with having your Munzee username tied to your response, you can certainly leave the field blank.
    • That being said, you should have nothing to fear — we will never punish players for writing honest opinions in this survey. If there is something we can improve, this survey and are the best places for you to tell us.

The survey will close on Monday, June 24th at 12:00 MHQ —cap off the summer vibes with your sizzling feedback! Thank you for participating, and we can’t wait to hear your responses.
