Archive for March, 2022

March 31, 2022

April 2022 MunzPak Contents Revealed!

All 3 Paks have a great assortment this month and include a brand new Meal Mech. Check out the breakdown of each Pak below for more details!

MunzPak is a monthly subscription service that delivers munzees directly to your door! Each of our three MunzPak options contain a variety of munzees, including some new items that you won’t be able to find anywhere else! The three different types of MunzPaks that you can subscribe to each month are as follows:

  • Physical MunzPak features blocks of generic stickers and pre-coded stickers including brand new munzees which can only be purchased through the subscription service. $~25 value for $15 each month.
  • Virtual MunzPak features a variety of virtual munzees that are automatically added to your account each month such as Destination Munzees, Jewels, and more. $~40 value for $25 each month.
  • Hybrid MunzPak is the best of both worlds! Get both physical and virtual munzees such as Places Munzees, Magnets, and more. $~30 value for $20.01 each month.

Never subscribed to MunzPak before? If this is your first month subscribing, you’ll have the chance to earn one-time badges for each type of Pak! All you have to do is stop by the Freeze Tag Online Store and subscribe today!

The April MunzPaks will contain the items listed below, effective as of 00:01 MHQ time on April 1. Please note that any purchases made before then will be for the March MunzPak, which contains different items.

April Physical MunzPak

Purchase HERE!  Remember the stickers in this pak can be shared with others!

  • 25 Generic Stickers
  • 1 BananaBorg Mech tPOB (more info below!)
  • 1 Diamond
  • 1 Physical Joystick
  • 1 Fire Mystery
  • 1 Rose
  • 1 Prize Wheel

April Virtual MunzPak

Purchase HERE!

  • 1 BananaBorg Mech tPOB (more info below!)
  • 2 Virtuals & Color Credits
  • 1 Virtual Citrine
  • 1 Virtual Joystick
  • 1 Flat Murray
  • 1 Electric Mystery
  • 1 Jellyfish
  • 1 Sir Prize Wheel
  • 3 April 2022 Exclusive MunzPak Greeting Cards

April Hybrid MunzPak

Purchase HERE!

  • 25 Generic Stickers (sent via mail)
  • 1 BananaBorg Mech tPOB (more info below!)


  • 5 Cogs
  • 1 Ruby
  • 1 Tomato


  • 1 Flat Murray
  • 1 Air Mystery
  • 1 Thoth
  • 1 Colt
  • 3 April 2022 Exclusive MunzPak Greeting Cards

NEW Exclusive MunzPak Greeting Card Details

Starting this month, we’ll be releasing exclusive, Limited Edition Greeting Cards in Hybrid and Virtual MunzPaks! Here’s a sneak peek at what this month’s card looks like:

MunzPak April 2022 Card
  • Limited Edition
    • Deploy: 60
    • Capture: 50
    • CapOn: 30

Don’t forget to edit the title and the notes to add a personal touch! While the capture message will contain your Munzee username as all Greeting Card capture messages do, we think typing in a more specific note will go a long way to creating a more unique and special experience!

Remember that these munzees will be archived 7 days after they are deployed, so make sure your intended recipient captures it before then!

For more information on the Greeting Cards, you can check out our Help Guide article.

BananaBorg Details

The BananaBorg is the second in a new line of Meal Mechz, based on the food pyramid. These will launch exclusively through the MunzPak at various points throughout the year so be sure your subscription is set up!

  • Deploy: 500
  • Capture: 250
  • CapOn: 100
  • Burn (5th Cap): 500
Additional Info
  • Cost to rebuild: 7 Cogs
  • Available for multi-capture
  • Non-blastable
  • Attracted to both Physical Magnets and Virtual Magnets
  • Filters: “All Expiring Specials”

BananaBorgs are temporary POBs that will remain on the map until they have been captured 5 times. When you purchase a MunzPak, you will receive a fully-built BananaBorg that auto-deploys. You will also receive the Blueprint to rebuild it when you have earned enough Cogs in the future. For now, these Mechs will be available in this month’s MunzPak only — meaning the deadline to get one is 23:59 MHQ on Saturday, April 30th.

You can find these fruity phones swinging by the following landing pads every 6 hours or when captured:

When a BananaBorg is captured, it will scatter up to 3 P33Ls. These will be visible to any player and will be deployed on the BananaBorg owner’s account. This means that unlike Feathers/Boulders, there are CapOn rewards for the owner! They expire after 120 minutes, have a capture radius of 300 feet, and you’ll be able to use Rover Treats to capture them as well. These scatters will NOT count for deploy streaks, ZeeOps, or clan activity since they are passive deploys.

  • Capture: 50 points
  • CapOn: 25 points


Deploying a BananaBorg will earn you the corresponding Blueprint badge, which you can see below. There is also a badge that you can earn by capturing a BananaBorg — but since there’s only one badge in this line, we’ll keep it a secret for now.

BananaBorg Blueprints- Deploy 1 BananaBorg Munzee.

We hope you’re looking forward to another Munzee-filled month!

Munzee on!

March 29, 2022

Virtual Vacation ZEE-Dayz + End-of-Month Reminders

This month was jam-packed with new releases, so we’ve put together this blog with a roundup of all the things that’ll be going away at the end! But first, we hope you’ll join us in our…

…Virtual Vacation Day Celebration!

From the period of Tuesday, March 29th at 17:00 MHQ through Thursday, March 31st at 23:59 MHQ, enjoy double magnet effectiveness (meaning, magnets will attract TWICE the number of bouncers) AND double capacity on tPOB Pubs, Treehouses, and Skylands!

In addition, all Destinations except the tPOB Pub are 20% off for the same period at the Freeze Tag Store!

The “VIRTUALVACATIONDAY2022” discount code should be automatically applied.

National Cereal Day Specials

As we posted earlier today, the National Cereal Day specials will be leaving the map on 23:59 MHQ on Thursday, March 31st. If there are still any rare spoons you’re hunting down, the double magnet effectiveness mentioned above should help with that!

If you need to refer to the blog on these specials, the link is HERE.

Sham Rocks

As we’re close to the end of the month, please keep in mind the deadlines we announced in our original SRC post:

  • Sham Rock Credits can be earned until 23:59 MHQ on Thursday, March 31st.
  • Sham Rock Credits can be redeemed until 02:30 MHQ on Sunday, April 3rd (when April Clan Wars starts).

Make sure to head to the Redeem Store and use up as many Sham Rocks as you can! Don’t forget the items in the [Sham Rocks Surprise] tab — those are EXCLUSIVE to Sham Rocks!

Sham Rock n Rolla Mech Recyclops Skin
Click HERE for details! Click HERE for details!

Last Chance at St. Patrick’s Day Themed Items!

If you’re interested in our newest Destination, changing up the look of your Myths, or sending some seasonal Greeting Cards, make sure to stock up before they leave the Freeze Tag Store at the end of the month! You can shop the entire collection HERE!

Don’t Forget to Use Your PinPoints!

As we announced last week, limitations by third party developers have forced us to shut down the PinPoints program. PinPoints can be redeemed until 15:00 MHQ on March 31st.

Here are some helpful links we posted in last week’s blog, if you need them:

Please Fill Out Our Survey!

We’ve gotten a good amount of responses, but we want to make sure everyone interested has the chance to be heard! If you haven’t already filled out the survey, the link to it is HERE!

If you want to refer to our original blog post, it’s HERE.

Munzee on!

March 28, 2022

April 2022 Clan Wars Requirements

It’s almost April! You’ll find all the latest details to our clan requirements and rewards in the clan section of our app. There have been a few issues with activity not counting for some players in the opening minutes of the clan war. Please be sure to give our servers a bit of time to switch from Clan Wars OFF to Clan Wars ON. 🙂 This will ease frustration, just 10 or 15 minutes will make all the difference. We’re happy everyone is so anxious to get started on the 3rd of each month! In addition: Please do not change your clan membership for at least 2 hours after the month ends. The calculations are still being made and it could ruin your efforts.

It is possible that we could update clan requirements prior to April 3 and reserve the right to do so. The final requirements and rewards will always be shown in the app. All of this is up in the air based on how situations continue to change worldwide based on COVID-19.

April ClanPak

Last year, we introduced the ClanPak! While MunzPaks started as a product to aid in Clan Wars, they have transitioned over time. Sometimes you may need a few things to help meet Clan War Requirements, (i.e. magnets, QRowbars, etc.) and reach your goals.

There is a limit of one per player per product/month. You can purchase the April ClanPak HERE! This is NOT a subscription program.

Level 1


  • at least 5 days of activity
    • 2 days must be at least 3,000 total points
  • at least 20 total captures
  • at least 20,000 total points
  • at least 5 total deploys
  • at least 15 Places captures
  • at least 18 Bouncer captures
  • at least 100 Mystery points
  • at least 100 Greeting Card points

Clan: in addition to the above individual requirements

  • at least 100,000 total points
  • at least 200 Evolution points
  • at least 5 Jewel caps/deploys
  • at least 10 Weapon caps/deploys
  • at least 500 Flat points
  • at least 5 Reseller caps/deploys
  • at least 250 Gaming points

Rewards: 2 Virtuals & Colors, 1 Flat Matt, 50 Zeds, 1 Physical Joystick, 1 Clan War Card, 1 Trojan Unicorn, 10 Jewel Shards, 2 Rover Treats, 1 QRowbar

Level 2


  • at least 10 days of activity
    • 3 days must be at least 3,000 total points
  • at least 48 total captures
  • at least 50,000 total points
  • at least 10 total deploys
  • at least 24 Places captures
  • at least 36 Bouncer captures
  • at least 200 Mystery points
  • at least 250 Greeting Card points

Clan: in addition to the above individual requirements

  • at least 250,000 total points
  • at least 400 Evolution points
  • at least 10 Jewel caps/deploys
  • at least 20 Weapon caps/deploys
  • at least 1,000 Flat points
  • at least 10 Reseller caps/deploys
  • at least 500 Gaming points

Rewards: 3 Virtuals & Colors, 1 Fire Mystery, 50 Zeds, 1 Virtual Joystick, 1 Flat Disc Golf Basket, 15 Jewel Shards, 6 Weapon Shards, 2 Rover Treats, 1 QRowbar, 5 Cogs

Level 3


  • at least 14 days of activity
    • 4 days must be at least 4,000 total points
  • at least 80 total captures
  • at least 75,000 total points
  • at least 20 total deploys
  • at least 44 Places captures
  • at least 48 Bouncer captures
  • at least 350 Mystery points
  • at least 500 Greeting Card points

Clan: in addition to the above individual requirements

  • at least 450,000 total points
  • at least 800 Evolution points
  • at least 20 Jewel caps/deploys
  • at least 50 Weapon caps/deploys
  • at least 2,000 Flat points
  • at least 15 Reseller caps/deploys
  • at least 1,000 Gaming points
  • at least 20 QRewzee/Sleepzee captures
  • at least 2 claimed QRates

Rewards: 3 Virtuals & Colors, 1 Void Mystery, 1 Flat DHS, 150 Zeds, 1 Life Is Good Card, 15 Jewel Shards, 6 Weapon Shards, 5 Rover Treats, 1 QRowbar, 6 Cogs

Level 4


  • at least 22 days of activity
    • 5 days must be at least 6,000 total points
  • at least 110 total captures
  • at least 125,000 total points
  • at least 30 total deploys
  • at least 75 Places captures
  • at least 80 Bouncer captures
  • at least 500 Mystery points
  • at least 750 Greeting Card points
  • at least 1 QRewzee/Sleepzee capture
  • at least 1 claimed QRate

Clan: in addition to the above individual requirements

  • at least 700,000 total points
  • at least 1,600 Evolution points
  • at least 40 Jewel caps/deploys
  • at least 68 Weapon caps/deploys
  • at least 4000 Flat points
  • at least 30 Reseller caps/deploys
  • at least 2,000 Gaming points
  • at least 30 QRewzee/Sleepzee captures
  • at least 3 claimed QRates

Rewards: 3 Virtuals & Colors, 1 Magnet, 1 Virtual Magnet, 1 Flat Hammock, 200 Zeds, 1 Electric Mystery, 25 Jewel Shards, 8 Weapon Shards, 5 Rover Treats, 1 QRowbar, 7 Cogs 

Level 5


  • at least 26 days of activity
    • 5 days must be at least 8000 total points
  • at least 240 total captures
  • at least 200,000 total points
  • at least 50 total deploys
  • at least 120 Places captures
  • at least 165 Bouncer captures
  • at least 1,000 Mystery points
  • at least 1,000 Greeting Card points
  • at least 5 QRewzee/Sleepzee captures
  • at least 2 claimed QRates

Clan: in addition to the above individual requirements

  • at least 950,000 total points
  • at least 3,200 Evolution points
  • at least 65 Jewel caps/deploys
  • at least 88 Weapon caps/deploys
  • at least 5,500 Flat points
  • at least 40 Reseller caps/deploys
  • at least 4,200 Gaming points
  • at least 48 QRewzee/Sleepzee captures
  • at least 5 claimed QRates

Rewards: 5 Virtuals & Colors, 1 Flat Rob, 1 Magnet, 1 Virtual Magnet, 1 Flat Lou, 500 Zeds, 4 Evo Resets, 1 Destination, 1 Butterfly, 1 Virtual Joystick, 25 Jewel Shards, 10 Weapon Shards, 5 Rover Treats, 1 QRowbar, 10 Cogs

April Badges

Your Clan can earn monthly badges to earn for reaching distinct levels of Clan Wars each month. You won’t be able to earn a badge until the entire clan has reached the specified level. Since there is NO Level X this month, there will be a total of 5 badges available in April. The first badge will appear as follows:

Overall Clan Notes:

Please keep in mind Levels 4 & 5 are considered advanced gameplay and not recommended for brand new players. Be aware when allowing new players to join your clans. QRew/ZeeQRew status will be required for any clans earning levels 3, 4 & 5. See qualifications for ZeeQRew here. If you are not a member on April 1st you will not be able to qualify until April 15th. If you lose qualification before the 15th you will not be able to qualify until May 1st.

*Claimed QRates will not carry over from before the clan battle starts. The QRate must be found, opened, and claimed during the month of the current clan battle. This time period begins on the 3rd, same as the clan battle.

*All shards may be redeemed at
Total points include Cap, Deploy, and CapOn of all types.
Reseller caps/deploys include all types of RUM/vRUM/reseller card but NOT reseller gnomes or any scatters.
Bouncer captures include any POB, MOB, or TOB (even the temporary POB).
Social and Personal will not count for Deploy requirements.
Social and Universal will not count for total Capture requirements.
Personal and Universal will not count for Physical points of any sort.

For complete information regarding Clan Wars, access our Help Guide!

Hints for how to play during Stay Home orders:
Use the swap feature for brand new virtual deploys.
Use the online map to deploy virtuals worldwide or find gardens to deploy in on social media groups.
Watch the online store for sales during the month to help meet your goals.
Use evolution reset credits to get new CapOn points from OLD deploys (they do NOT count as new deploys)

And finally, be responsible. If your local government, your health, or any circumstances require you to Stay Home – DO NOT participate. It is up to each of us to determine what is safe and what is allowed. This is a game and not worth risking your own live or the lives of others.
Munzee on, stay safe and Play Your Way!

Requirements and rewards found in app are the final word. Please report any issues to Munzee support.
Play at your own risk, within the laws of your local area.

March 26, 2022

April 2022 Skin: Foolish Flamingo

As the month comes to a close, we wanted to make sure you were heading into April with your desired Flamingos! The skin for completing your March capture streak (and the corresponding badge), which is the Lucky Garden Flamingo shown below, will be awarded in early April. But, we couldn’t wait to share what’s in store for next month!

March Flamingo Reminders

If you haven’t picked up a Flamingo yet, they are available in the Freeze Tag Store for $10.

Each month, the price of a Flamingo will decrease by $1. However, players can only purchase 1 Flamingo every 28 days.

Don’t forget that you’ll need to own at least 8 Flamingos by the end of the year to have a permanent one next year — so make sure to stock up soon if you’re a fan of these brightly-colored lawn decorations!

We also released special Reseller Garden Flamingos in February — if you’re interested, you can check out our blog post on them HERE!

April Flamingo Details

What Flamingo Skin can you look forward to earning in April? The funny Foolish Garden Flamingo! Like the other flamingos, the Foolish Garden Flamingo is a temporary POB that will remain on the map as long as players with permanent Garden Flamingos continue to use it.

Foolish Garden Flamingo
  • Capture: 250
  • CapOn: 300
Additional Info
  • Available for multi-capture
  • Non-blastable
  • Attracted to both Physical Magnets and Virtual Magnets
  • Filters: “All Limited Edition Specials” and “All Expiring Specials”

As stated earlier, to earn this skin, you’ll need to complete next month’s (April’s) capture streak. Once the skin is awarded in May, you can change the skin on the flamingo to this one at any point — refer to our Help Guide article for the instructions!

You can find these frivolous fowls adding cheer to the following landing pads every 6 hours or when captured:

Additionally, the Foolish Garden Flamingo will scatter up to 3 NEW Plastic Garden Flamingos OR Funny Feathers nearby when it is captured, similar to how Tree scatters can be split! Like the other Flamingo Feathers, these scatters will be visible to any player and will be deployed on the Flamingo owner’s account. This means that unlike Air Mystery Feathers/Boulders, there are CapOn points for the owner! They expire after 120 minutes and have a capture radius of 300 feet. These flamingo scatters will NOT count for deploy streaks, ZeeOps, or clan activity since they are passive deploys.

Plastic Garden Flamingo Funny Feather
Points Points
  • Capture: 50 points
  • CapOn: 50 points
  • Capture: 50 points
  • CapOn: 50 points


As a reminder, Garden Flamingos have 4 associated badge lines:

  • Unique type deploy badges — you’ll need to earn each month’s skin by keeping your streak up!
  • Overall deploy badges — the more flamingos you deploy, the merrier!
  • Unique type capture badges — capture at least 1 of each skinned flamingo!
  • Overall capture badges — capture as many flamingos as you can find!

While we revealed images for the first of each badge line in the original post, we are happy to show you the “Unique type deploy” and “Unique type capture” badges associated with the Foolish Garden Flamingo:

We hope you don’t laugh yourself silly earning April’s Flamingo Skin!

Munzee on!

March 24, 2022

A ZEE-Dayz for Premium Members + NEW Greeting Cards!

As we mentioned earlier in the week, today we’re kicking off a very special ZEE-Dayz! While some of the important details were already revealed, we thought it wouldn’t hurt to give you a refresher, along with some additional details. Read on for everything you need to know!

NEW Greeting Card Munzee Details

We have 2 new Open Edition cards for your deploying pleasure available HERE! As Mother’s Day and Father’s Day dates vary around the world, we thought to release these new designs ahead of those days in the U.S.!

Magnificent Mother Card Fantastic Father Card
Points Points
  • Open Edition
    • Deploy: 50
    • Capture: 40
    • CapOn: 25
  • Open Edition
    • Deploy: 50
    • Capture: 40
    • CapOn: 25

Don’t forget to edit the title and the notes to add a personal touch! While the capture message will contain your Munzee username as all Greeting Card capture messages do, we think typing in a more specific note will go a long way to creating a more unique and special experience!

This brings the current lineup of Greeting Cards available for purchase to the following:

Remember that these munzees will be archived 7 days after they are deployed, so make sure your intended recipient captures it before then!

For more information on the Greeting Cards, you can check out our Help Guide article.

Double Points Details

From the period of Thursday, March 24th at 00:01 MHQ through Sunday, March 27th at 23:59 MHQ, non-trial Premium Members can enjoy double points on Flat Friends and Flat Objects!

Please note that Fancy Flat Friends are not included, as they are bouncing munzees.

We hope you join us in finding Flats this weekend — thanks for reading until the end!

Munzee on!

March 23, 2022

March 2022 GOTM Winners

As we end the first quarter of the year, things are definitely starting to pick up! We started off the month bringing back the limited-time credit program — this month’s incarnation, as you know, is called Sham Rocks! We then kicked off our first ZEE-Dayz of the month for all players, featuring the humble Shamrock Munzee and also the return of St. Patrick’s Day Greeting Cards.

The next week, we launched the cute and colorful Cereal Specials, a pack of St. Patrick’s Day-themed skins, and a NEW Mech purchasable with Sham Rocks!

Just last week, we launched the newest Secret ZeeOps, which, for the first time, includes TWO Mechz as rewards! We also tried out a second ZEE-Dayz, this time specifically for March MunzPak owners, along with the NEW tPOB Pub and Recyclops skin. Most importantly, we announced a new survey we’d like everyone to participate in!

We are now happy to announce the winners of the March Gardens of the Month (GOTM)! The badges will be awarded by early April, but we couldn’t wait to share the winners we’ve chosen!

March GOTM

Recently we’ve been receiving a lot of nominations for summer-y gardens — at first, this puzzled us, as we are currently experiencing the end of winter here in the states. After realizing where these gardens were located, it made perfect sense — it’s summer on the other side of the world! Remember that all winning GOTM organizers and all players who deployed in the winning gardens will be awarded special badges for their contribution to growing the map. This month we’re happy to award the Nessie in Grenaa garden, designed by MetteS for Henning49, and the Palmuranta garden, designed by tartu61 and enkku, as our winning March GOTM! The gardens appear as follows:

Nessie in Grenaa by MetteS for Henning49 in Grenaa, Denmark

Indeed, as the nominator mentioned, you can see that this garden is along a river. It covers 3 bus stops!

Here’s a note from the player who nominated this garden:

This beautiful garden is perfect for the city of Grenaa. It is by the sea, and this sea monster is making its way up the stream from the sea to the main city.

We thought this garden was a fun twist on the typical St. Patrick’s day theme! The Loch Ness Monster hails from Scotland, but there’s no denying its similarities with the Irish Oillipheist, which we featured earlier this month as our latest skin for the Hydra!

Oillipheist Hydra

Palmuranta by tartu61 and enkku in Hyvinkää, Finland

Non-Finnish Munzee players: can you guess what “palmuranta” means? If you guessed “palm beach”, then you are correct! If you were curious, “ranta” on its own is the word for “beach”.

This garden was created to celebrate the first Munzee event in Hyvinkää, Finland! The event is called Palmurannan alla and will take place on April 9th — so if you’d like to show your support, feel free to deploy any Greeting Cards or other Virtual Munzees nearby before then!

The garden shares its design with the event badge and icons, as you can see below:

All players who deployed in the respective winning gardens will receive the following special badges:

Rules for GOTM nominations:

  1. Garden must feature non-licensed character designs.
  2. The garden must feature a Garden Places Pin.
  3. The garden must be built using a publicly available spreadsheet which we will ask to be locked after being 100% deployed.
  4. We’re asking for ongoing nominations and we will release the winners throughout the year.

Based on your feedback, we’ve created a Google Form where you can submit GOTM nominations — here’s the link:

We’ll still check the inbox for stragglers, but please try to send your submissions to this new Google Form instead. Keep in mind that we take all former nominations into consideration for upcoming months. Just be sure your garden follows the nomination rules in order to be considered eligible!

If you need help deploying in a Virtual Garden, you can check out this step-by-step tutorial that will making deploying in a garden easy no matter how long you’ve been playing. To fill in the gardens, make sure to stock up on Virtuals and Color Credits from the Freeze Tag Online Store.

Munzee on!

P.S. Are you looking for POTM requirements? Remember that last year, we announced that we were holding off on POTM for now as we develop a new way to highlight our unique player base!

March 22, 2022

Use Your PinPoints Before They’re Gone!

Almost three years ago, we started the PinPoints program to give players a way to earn game pieces through gameplay and purchases. Although we’ve enjoyed this opportunity to reward players, certain limitations by third party developers have forced us to shut down the program. Because of this PinPoints will no longer be redeemable after 15:00 MHQ on March 31st.

If you have PinPoints you can read more about these changes below, but we do want to highlight a number of reward opportunities we’ve added over the last three years for the Munzee community:

  • We launched our In-App Store, which allows players to purchase items using Zeds, an in-app currency which are often given as rewards for various gameplay achievements.
  • By rebooting our ZeeOps program, players can earn daily rewards for completing missions, as well as different credits that can be used in the Redeem Store.
  • For special occasions, limited-time credits like the Sham Rocks are earnable via gameplay and can be redeemed for unique seasonal game pieces.
  • Key areas of the game have been revamped such as the NEW Daily Activity Tracker, and Clan Wars, where players are able to earn rewards through gameplay as well.

Ultimately as our team has developed better ways to deliver rewards, it has become unrealistic to rely on third party providers for these tools. We appreciate all of those that have embraced the PinPoints program so we want to be sure that you can make the most of those points while you have them.

How to Make the Most of Your PinPoints

To see past PinPoints transactions on our website visit:

To see current options to redeem in the store

  • Earn PinPoints on purchases until 15:00 MHQ on March 28th – PP have a 3 day delivery/hold period on them, so we will deactivate new purchases at that time.
  • Review other items in the Freeze Tag Store to see if there’s anything else you want to redeem using PinPoints.
  • Use discount codes produced by PinPoints starting with “LL” before they are voided permanently April 1st.
  • Refer to our Help Guide article if you need a refresher on how everything works.
  • We know there are some players with large amounts of PinPoints left, so we have added a handful of NEW, higher value items until 15:00 MHQ on March 31st.

We do not anticipate offering PinPoints as part of a loyalty program in the future, so you will need to redeem your PinPoints before the removal date. Please note that we do not have PinPoints stored in the Munzee databases. PinPoints are held by a third-party provider through our Shopify store, so we won’t be able to bring those points back.

We hope you enjoy spending your leftover PinPoints, and stay tuned for more exciting ways to earn rewards in the future!

Munzee on!

March 21, 2022

Stake Your Claim on the Map With This NEW Flat Object!

It’s been a little over 2 weeks since Munzee Madness 11, and though it was still a multi-stage event, it feels like it ended so quickly. We really missed attending events in-person and seeing players we’ve known for years, along with some new faces! As its first event was in 2012, Munzee Madness is the longest-running annual event hosted by players. It was originated by one of our Resellers, 1849, who owns Gold’n Coins! This quick history lesson is just one example of Resellers helping to maintain and grow the Munzee community — so in honor of ALL our Resellers, we’ve created a NEW game piece just for them!

The sixth Flat Object is a little different from the previous objects, as it was not designed by one specific team member — instead, we’ve developed it to represent our Resellers! As Munzee is a global game, we appreciate that our Resellers make it easier for local players to get their hands on Munzee stickers and other physical items. On top of that, as mentioned above, they are often a huge part of maintaining and growing the local Munzee community.

This Flat (and the badges associated with them) will be continuing the pirate theme we’ve established for our Resellers. Read on to learn more!

Flat RUM Details

The Flat RUM joins the Flats as a virtual type. If you are interested in picking one up, they will be available at most of our Authorized Resellers’ shops some time today. The links to shop all of our resellers are below!

Flat RUM
  • Deploy: 19
  • Capture: Split 83 with a minimum of 18
  • CapOn: Split 83 with a minimum of 18
Additional Info
  • Capture Radius: 300 feet
  • Blastable
  • Proximity: 50 feet from other players’ Flats, 150 feet from your own
  • Filters: In “Virtual – Flats” or “All Flat Types” filter
  • Counts towards both Flat and RUM reqs for Clan Wars and ZeeOps
Store Links

For more information on Flats, you can check out our Help Guide article.


There are badge lines for deploying and capturing the Flat RUM, which, as hinted above, feature the gear you need for a nautical voyage. You can see the first of each below!

ZEE-Dayz Coming Soon!

Similar to last week’s MunzPak ZEE-Dayz, expect a ZEE-Dayz event for non-trial Premium Members kicking off Thursday at 00:01 MHQ! Flat Munzees will see double their normal point values!

If you are shooting for the the badge and exclusive bouncer for hosting an event every month this year, why not plan your March event for this weekend? Your attendees will be raking in the points! To refer to the details for the Monthly Event Packages again, click HERE!

We hope you enjoy capturing the flags and embracing the pirate life!

Munzee on!

March 18, 2022

A Gameplay Survey for 2022!

It’s been a while since our last big survey — can you believe it’s been 2 years already? We are getting to a point where we can start planning new things — so we thought it would be prudent to check in with the community via a new survey!

The link to the survey is HERE, but read on for more details regarding the survey and prize drawing!

Survey Details

Like our past surveys, this survey does not collect e-mail addresses, nor will it require sign-in to Google. We’ve chosen to go this route since we want to make it as open to everyone as possible — some people may not be comfortable sharing their e-mail address, others may not have a Google account.

You’ll find that the questions at the beginning of the survey ask for some basic information about you — this is just to get a general idea of our our current player base, and will not be used to identify you in any way, even if you choose to enter the prize drawing (more details on it below). If you’ve filled out our past surveys, many of these questions will likely be familiar to you.

The survey will then shift to more opinion-based questions — feel free to type as much as you’d like (or as much as the Google Form will allow)! We do read every response, though it may take us a while to get through everything.

Once again, the link to the survey is HERE.

Prize Drawing Details

To sweeten the deal, we’ll be doing another random prize drawing! Like in our past surveys, you have the option to submit your username at the end for an entry. Please note the following:

  • Usernames will ONLY be used to conduct this prize drawing.
    • As mentioned above, even if you do enter in your Munzee username, we will not use the data in this survey to identify you in any way. The survey data will remain in this Google Form, separate from the Munzee databases.
  • Multiple entries will disqualify you from winning.
    • We’d like the data to be as accurate as possible — multiple entries from the same people will artificially sway the data a certain way.
  • We will determine the total number of winners based on the number of unique survey responses — said another way, the more players that fill out the survey, the more winners there will be!
    • However, as mentioned in the previous bullet points, please DO NOT fill out the survey multiple times as this will cause our data to be inaccurate, and we will disqualify anyone with multiple entries.
    • DO ask any of your Munzee friends and family to fill out the survey, if they don’t know about it already!
  • Entering the prize drawing is OPTIONAL.
    • If you are not comfortable with having your Munzee username tied to your response, you can certainly leave the field blank.
    • That being said, you should have nothing to fear — we will never punish players for writing honest opinions in this survey. If there is something we can improve, this survey and are the best places for you to tell us.

The survey will be closed some time on April 1st — and no, this is not a joke. We are looking forward to hearing from everyone!

Munzee On!

March 17, 2022

NEW Cyclops Skin in the Redeem Store!

We love to know that our players make the effort to pick up trash around their local areas and dispose of them properly as they #MunzeeOn! To honor that practice, we’ve created a new skin just in time for Global Recycling Day! This skin would also be perfect to see on the map on Earth Day next month.

Recyclops Skin

It is available in the Redeem Store in the [Sham Rocks Surprise] tab, also for 25 SRC. Like the Sham Rock n Rolla, it will remain available through 02:30 MHQ on Sunday, April 3rd (the expiration date we had set for Sham Rock Credits).

Landing Pads

If you don’t already own the base Myth, but are still interested in using this skin, here is the link to shop: Cyclops. Keep in mind that the base Myth will also need to be upgraded in order to use the skin. If you haven’t upgraded your base Myth yet, you can purchase a Bouncer Upgrade Credit.

For more information on Skins, you can check out our Help Guide articles HERE and HERE.

Sham Rocks Week 3

As usual, the most up-to-date list of what’s available will be what you see on, where the [Sham Rocks (Week X)] tab swaps out on 12:00 MHQ every Thursday. So make sure to spend your credits each week!

Here is what we have in the Week 3 tab:

Quantity Item Sham Rock Cost Limit
1 Lucky Charm Greeting Card 3 SRC 1 per player
1 Good Luck Greeting Card 2 SRC 5 per player
1 Wish I Was Here Greeting Card 2 SRC 5 per player
1 QRowbar 5 SRC 5 per player
1 Physical Magnet 5 SRC 2 per player
1 Temporary Virtual 5 SRC 5 per player
1 Seasonal Munzee 10 SRC 1 per player
1 Mini Blast 15 SRC 1 per player
5 Cog 20 SRC 1 per player

We hope you continue to enjoy earning Sham Rocks from gameplay this month!

Munzee on!