Archive for April, 2024

April 30, 2024

🌊🪸 May 2024 Glass Guardian 🪸🐉

May’s mes-mer-izing arrival kicks off a fin-tastic chance to lure in a NEW Glass Guardian! A majestic beauty that is only rivaled by that of its mermaid riders to add to your Glass Guardian collection. If you completed your April capture streak, prepare to receive the Serpent Glass Guardian Skin (and corresponding badge) in early May.

We’re also excited to launch new badge lines for overall Glass Guardian captures and deploys! You can check out that info at the bottom of the blog.

Read on to learn more about these new additions!

April Glass Guardian Reminders

If you haven’t picked up a base Glass Guardian yet, they are available in the Freeze Tag Store for $9.

How to have a permanent Guardian on your account next year:

  • Own at least 8 Guardians by the end of the year.
    • Each month, the price of a Guardian will decrease by $1.
    • However, players can only purchase 1 Guardian every 28 days.

May Glass Guardian Details

What Glass Guardian awaits in May? The Maiden Glass Guardian, found deep below the sea in the long lost kingdom of Atlantis this glass maiden is oceanic royalty! The Maiden Glass Guardian is a temporary POB that will remain on the map as long as the players with permanent Glass Guardians continue to use it.

Maiden Glass Guardian

  • Deploy Points: 500
  • Capture Points: 250
  • CapOn Points: 300
Additional Info
  • Available for multi-capture
  • Non-blastable
  • Attracted to both Physical Magnets and Virtual Magnets
  • Filters: “All Limited-Edition Specials” and “All Expiring Specials”

As stated earlier, you’ll need to complete this month’s (May) capture streak to earn this skin. Once the skin is awarded in June, you can change the skin on the hedge to this one at any point! If you need some help refer to our Help Guide article for the instructions on swapping skins!

You can find this leafy sea dragon at the following landing pads every 6 hours or when captured:

Additionally, when captured, the Maiden Glass Guardian will scatter up to 1-3 NEW Seastar Marbles nearby!

Seastar Marble

  • Capture: 50 points
  • CapOn: 50 points


As a reminder, Glass Guardians will have 4 associated badge lines:

  • Unique type deploy badges — you’ll need to earn each month’s skin by keeping your streak up!
  • Overall deploy badges — the more guardians you deploy, the merrier!
  • Unique type capture badges — capture at least 1 of each skinned Glass Guardian!
  • Overall capture badges — capture as many Glass Guardians as you can find!

Check out the unique deploy and capture badges linked with the Maiden Glass Guardians below!

New Glass Guardian Badges:

For those aiming for collector’s bliss, we’ve launched new badges for capturing and deploying Glass Guardians. Here’s a glimpse of the first badge for each, and the rest await your discovery!

Net yourself a royal Maiden Glass Guardian to dazzle all eyes before it returns to Atlantis to reign!


April 28, 2024

May 2024 Clan Wars Requirements

It’s time to armor up and MAY this month’s Clan Wars be in your favor! Check the Clan section in our app for requirements and rewards. For enhanced gameplay, use CuppaZee app and website to track clan stats and daily gameplay!

Note: Clan requirements may update before May 3 and reserve the right to do so. The final requirements and rewards will always be shown in the app.

New ClanPak for May’s battle is available HERE! Tailored for Clan battles, it includes items to chase scatters, grow Evos, cap Bouncers, and deploy Mechz like never before. Limit 1 per player account per 30 days, and for $15 you’ll get:

  • 5 cogs
  • 3 QRowbars
  • 2 magnets
  • 2 virtual magnets
  • 3 capture radius boosters
  • 3 rover treats
  • 1 flat Lou
  • 1 Pumpkin
  • 4 Quick Grow
  • 1 limited edition greeting card

Level 1


  • at least 4 days of activity
  • at least 25,000 total points
  • at least 20 Places caps
  • at least 100 Jewel points
  • at least 200 Flat Friends/Objects points
  • at least 100 Elemental points
  • at least 200 Greeting Card points
  • at least 100 RUM points
  • at least 100 Zodiac points
  • at least 100 Scatter points

Clan (in addition to individual requirements)

  • at least 110,000 total points
  • at least 5 Urban Fit caps/deploys
  • at least 150 Weapon points
  • at least 10 Reseller caps/deploys
  • at least 250 Gaming points
  • at least 2000 Mech points
  • at least 1 Broken Mech

Rewards: 1 crossbow, 1 shield, 1 clan war card, 1 earth mystery, 1 temp virt, 2 rover treats, 2 cogs, 1 flat Murray, 1 RPS

Level 2


  • at least 7 days of activity
  • at least 45,000 total points
  • at least 30 Places caps
  • at least 250 Jewel points
  • at least 400 Flat Friends/Objects points
  • at least 250 Elemental points
  • at least 400 Greeting Card points
  • at least 1 Claimed QRate
  • at least 200 RUM points
  • at least 200 Zodiac points
  • at least 250 Scatter points

Clan (in addition to individual requirements)

  • at least 220,000 total points
  • at least 10 Urban Fit caps/deploys
  • at least 500 Weapon points
  • at least 20 Reseller caps/deploys
  • at least 750 Gaming points
  • at least 4000 Mech points
  • at least 3 Broken Mechs

Rewards: 1 mace, 1 virt + color, 1 fire mystery, 1 temp virt, 1 citrine, 2 cogs, 1 maple chess set

Level 3


  • at least 12 days of activity
  • at least 75,000 total points
  • at least 50 Places caps
  • at least 400 Jewel points
  • at least 750 Flat Friends/Objects points
  • at least 500 Elemental points
  • at least 750 Greeting Card points
  • at least 2 Claimed QRates
  • at least 1 Golden Carrot deploy
  • at least 400 RUM points
  • at least 300 Zodiac points
  • at least 500 Scatter points

Clan (in addition to individual requirements)

  • at least 375,000 total points
  • at least 15 Urban Fit caps/deploys
  • at least 1250 Weapon points
  • at least 40 Reseller caps/deploys
  • at least 1500 Gaming points
  • at least 1 QRewzee/Sleepzee cap
  • at least 6000 Mech points
  • at least 5 Broken Mechs

Rewards: 1 longsword, 1 catapult, 1 virtual + color, 1 flat Rob, 1 temp virt, 1 evo reset, 1 air mystery, 1 Trojan Unicorn, 2 cogs, 3 stamps

Level 4


  • at least 17 days of activity
  • at least 125,000 total points
  • at least 90 Places caps
  • at least 750 Jewel points
  • at least 1500 Flat Friends/Objects points
  • at least 1000 Elemental points
  • at least 1 QRewzee/Sleepzee capture
  • at least 1500 Greeting Card points
  • at least 2 Claimed QRates
  • at least 1 Golden Carrot deploy
  • at least 750 RUM points
  • at least 400 Zodiac points
  • at least 1250 Scatter points
  • at least 1000 Evo Bouncer points

Clan (in addition to individual requirements)

  • at least 750,000 total points
  • at least 25 Urban Fit caps/deploys
  • at least 2500 Weapon points
  • at least 60 Reseller caps/deploys
  • at least 3000 Gaming points
  • at least 20 QRewzee/Sleepzee cap
  • at least 8000 Mech points
  • at least 10 Broken Mechs

Rewards: 1 crossbow, 1 battle axe, 2 virtuals + colors, 100 zeds, 2 destinations, 1 electric mystery, 3 cogs, 1 flat Cats

Level 5


  • at least 22 days of activity
  • at least 350,000 total points
  • at least 150 Places caps
  • at least 1250 Jewel points
  • at least 2500 Flat Friends/Objects points
  • at least 2000 Elemental points
  • at least 5 QRewzee/Sleepzee captures
  • at least 3000 Greeting Card points
  • at least 4 Claimed QRates
  • at least 1 Golden Carrot deploy
  • at least 1250 RUM points
  • at least 500 Zodiac points
  • at least 2500 Scatter points
  • at least 2000 Evo Bouncer points

Clan (in addition to individual requirements)

  • at least 2,150,000 total points
  • at least 50 Urban Fit caps/deploys
  • at least 3500 Weapon points
  • at least 100 Reseller caps/deploys
  • at least 5000 Gaming points
  • at least 50 QRewzee/Sleepzee cap
  • at least 10000 Mech points
  • at least 15 Broken Mechs

Rewards: 1 crossbow, 1 hammer, 2 virtuals + colors, 2 temp virts, 150 zeds, 2 evo resets, 1 butterfly, 2 rover treats, 3 cogs, 1 void mystery, 1 Celtic falcon, 6 stamps

Level 6


  • at least 27 days of activity
  • at least 600,000 total points
  • at least 250 Places caps
  • at least 2500 Jewel points
  • at least 5000 Flat Friends/Objects points
  • at least 4000 Elemental points
  • at least 10 QRewzee/Sleepzee captures
  • at least 6000 Greeting Card points
  • at least 5 Claimed QRates
  • at least 1 Golden Carrot deploy
  • at least 2000 RUM points
  • at least 1000 Zodiac points
  • at least 5000 Scatter points
  • at least 3000 Evo Bouncer points

Clan (in addition to individual requirements)

  • at least 5,000,000 total points
  • at least 100 Urban Fit caps/deploys
  • at least 6000 Weapon points
  • at least 200 Reseller caps/deploys
  • at least 7500 Gaming points
  • at least 100 QRewzee/Sleepzee cap
  • at least 25000 Mech points
  • at least 25 Broken Mechs

Rewards: 3 virtuals + colors, 1 magnet, 1 virtual magnet, 5 temp virts, 250 zeds, 2 evo resets, 2 rover treats, 2 QRowbars, 10 cogs, 1 flat flashlight, 1 pumpkin, 12 stamps

Access our Help Guide for complete information regarding Clan Wars. For tips on how to maximize your gameplay, visit our Tips & Tricks Guide, created by players! Find more information about QRates and see the qualifications for ZeeQRew here.

May Badges

Your Clan can earn monthly badges by reaching certain levels in Clan Wars. But remember, you only get a badge if the whole clan reaches that level. In May, there are six badges up for grabs. The first badge will appear as follows:

New (in March) ALL points categories:

  • RUM points category will include all cap, capon, and deploy points for most reseller specific products including: RUMbots, cards, vRUM, RUM, and Bounty Ships
  • Total Zodiac points will include all cap, capon, and deploy points from all Western, Chinese, Egyptian, Celtic, and Norse zodiacs. No scatter points are included in this category.
  • Total Mech Points will include all cap, capon, and deploy points from all mechz, including broken mechz. No scatter types are included in this category. (Trojan Unicorn is not a mech).
  • Total Scatter Points will include all cap, capon, and deploy points from all scatters. Examples: artifacts scattered from zodiacs, parts scattered from mechz, feathers from flamingos, feathers from air mystery, hats from gnomes, etc. This does not include limited-time MOB scatters.
  • Total Evo Bouncer points will include all cap and capon points from all bouncers that emerge from an evolution munzee. These are limited to all varieties of the Pumpkin, Bee, Turtle, Duck, Jellyfish, Butterfly, and Frog.
  • Broken Mechz refers to being the last person to cap a mech, causing it to break and archive.

Golden carrot will be available to claim as a special trade in the Premium section of the redeem store beginning May 3rd. Cost will be 0 zeds (that’s right, ZERO zeds).

QRates must be found during the current clan war (after 00:10 on May 3rd) — give it a few minutes to fully switch into the new battle.


April 25, 2024

Take A Break With The NEW Pit Stop Places Munzee!

Have you ever found yourself in the middle of playing Munzee and needing a quick pit stop but unsure where the nearest restroom is? Well, we want our players to help point the way when nature calls, so the ALL NEW Pit Stop Places Munzee is designed to help pinpoint quality bathroom breaks worldwide (available to the public)!

We know this may seem like a late April Fool’s joke, and far be it from us to shy away from potty humor, but this really has been a long requested addition to our growing list of Places Of Interest so we’re here to help. Shop the Pit Stop Places Munzee HERE!

With this release we’re also making a couple changes to ALL Places Munzees as well, so read on to learn more!

PERMANENT Double Points for Places!

Double Points Weekend has started 12 hours early only for Places Munzees* so you’ll earn 2x points for capturing and deploying POIs starting NOW. We’re also excited to announce that as DPW wraps up the fun will continue! Starting Monday, April 29th, at 00:01 MHQ each Places Munzee points will permanently be doubled! With the inclusion of daily greenie captures, we want to ensure Places retain their value and this change is in appreciation of your ongoing support and dedication to growing the game!

Places Munzee** points will be:

  • Deploy: 80
  • Capture: 40
  • Cap-On: 20

Explore and capture more Places Munzees, and with the Pit Stop on the map, quick bathroom breaks won’t interrupt your Munzee adventures!

*The other DPW types will activate at the originally specified time of 00:01 MHQ on Friday April 26. 

** Virtual Gardens have a different point structure. Those updated points will be 80, 20, and 10.

NEW Pit Stop Places Details

The Pit Stop is the latest addition in our lineup of Places Munzees and is now available in the Freeze Tag store as of 12:00 MHQ today.

Shop the Pit Stop Place HERE!

Pit Stop Place
  • Deploy: 80
  • Capture: 40
  • Cap-On: 20
Additional Info
  • Can be captured daily
  • Capture Radius: 1,000 feet
  • Not blastable
  • Filter: “Virtual – Places”

As with other Places Munzees, these can be captured daily! They will also contribute progress towards the Places Capture badge line and the Places Streak badge line.

For more information on how to deploy a Places munzee, you can check out our Help Guide article. This document will be updated with our guidelines should any changes occur.

Pit Stop Deploy Guidelines:

Remember, a Places Munzee has to have its location approved for deployment, so please be sure to read through these guidelines carefully. It is also very helpful for you to update the Munzee’s name and notes so our reviewers can verify it quickly and deploy it for you. These submissions will be a little bit more difficult to determine validity. Please remember the purpose of these is to provide other players a clean, safe, spot to stop so please don’t abuse the new type.

Pit Stop: This game piece is designed to help players find public restrooms while they’re out playing. Position your Pit Stop Munzee game piece strategically in locations where a break is essential!

Avoid placing it at homes. We will not allow entire towns to have them at every grocery store or restaurant. Many places like these have restrooms available in America and we understand that, but please use these sparingly.

Be helpful with this POI, if there is some specific place that others might not realize a public toilet is available. Please opt for public restrooms such as those at gas stations (again sparingly – not every gas station in every American town), rest stops, and similar facilities known as “services” across Europe and other parts of the world.

Towns across the United States, and some other parts of the world, may be quite unique with public restrooms available “everywhere”. Please help us keep this POI as it is intended.

Places Munzees are very unique due to the much larger cap radius (as compared with other munzee types) and aforementioned daily capture ability. As you can’t capture your own munzees, trade Places munzees with other players to make the most of your deploys!

Thank you all once again, and we hope these updates to Places Munzees will be helpful on your Munzee adventure!


April 24, 2024

April 2024 GOTM Winners!

After sorting through all the amazing entries that poured in, we are blooming with excitement to announce Garden Of The Month WINNERS! We have picked a festive pair perfectly suited to the spring occasion. Don’t forget, special badges await the green-thumbed organizers and players deployed in these winning gardens. Thank you for helping our map flourish!

A big Munzee congratulations to April Showers, designed by geomatrix and Rockland Easter Eggs, designed by Jeffeth as our winning April GOTM!

April Showers by geomatrix in Maple Grove, Minnesota – USA

” … bring May flowers”

Rockland Easter Eggs by Jeffeth in Rockland, Ontario – Canada

” An egg-cellent floral harvest! “

Special Badges for all players deployed within the winning GOTM :

If you’d like to nominate a Virtual Garden for GOTM or need help deploying in a Garden, you can check out the Munzee Help Guide to learn more! Stock up on Virtuals from the Freeze Tag Online Store to bring your garden visions to life!


April 22, 2024

Munzdalorian Mailbox Schedules!

Prepare for Munzdalorian galactic revelries all month long – make sure you’re up to speed when the Double Point Weekends and Special Themed Scatter Events blast into hyperspace! With 4 weekends of bonus points and 4 fresh scatters, this mailbox is your ticket to cosomo-trotting fun! So, without any more droid delays, here’s the schedule for the Munzdalorian Mailbox. If you haven’t joined yet, there’s still time to purchase a mailbox from the FT Store here before goodies start on May 4th!

Mailbox Owner Double Point Weekends (DPWs)

Dates Double Points ON
Fri, May 3 – 00:01 MHQ to Sun, May 5 at 23:59 MHQ Cards, Flats, Temp Virtuals, Greenies, Mysteries
Fri, May 10 – 00:01 MHQ to Sun, May 12 at 23:59 MHQ Cards, Flats, Temp Virtuals, Greenies, Virtual Colors
Fri, May 17 – 00:01 MHQ to Sun, May 19 at 23:59 MHQ Cards, Flats, Temp Virtuals, Greenies, Mechz
Fri, May 24 – 00:01 MHQ to Sun, May 26 at 23:59 MHQ Cards, Flats, Temp Virtuals, Greenies, Resellers
Fri, May 31 – 00:01 MHQ to Friday, May 31 at 23:59 MHQ (1 day) Cards, Flats, Temp Virtuals, Greenies, Scattered Types

Special Themed Scatter Events

When you cap the Munzdalorian Mailbox on certain days, up to 10 themed scatters will be deployed nearby. They expire 120 hours after they are deployed, to hopefully give you enough time to capture them all! While we’ll reveal the dates to help you plan, we’ll keep what will be scattering for the following four events a surprise until then:

Dates Special Themed Scatter
Mon, May 6 – 00:01 MHQ to 23:59 MHQ ?
Tues, May 14 – 00:01 MHQ to 23:59 MHQ ??
Fri, May 24 – 00:01 MHQ to 23:59 MHQ ???
Fri, May 31 – 00:01 MHQ to 23:59 MHQ ????


All Player Double Point Weekdays (DPWs)

All Player Double Point Weekdays include both non-mailbox owners and mailbox owners. So, if you seek a hefty bounty, get your Munzdalorian Mailbox to unlock more rewards!

Dates Double Points ON
Wed, May  8 – 00:01 MHQ to Thurs, May 9 at 23:59 MHQ Cards, Greenies
Wed, May 15 – 00:01 MHQ to Thurs, May 16 at 23:59 MHQ Cards, Greenies
Wed, May 22 – 00:01 MHQ to Thurs, May 23 at 23:59 MHQ Cards, Greenies
Wed, May 29 – 00:01 MHQ to Thurs, May 30 at 23:59 MHQ Cards, Greenies 

Gear up for interstellar fun!


April 19, 2024

Chase The Bounty With The New Munzdalorian Mailbox!

Become one of the most feared Munzee hunters in the galaxy with the ALL NEW Munzdalorian Mailbox just in time for May the 4th Scrap Wars celebrations! If you choose to walk the way of the Munzdalore, you’ll travel through space and time for a slew of sci-fi goodies delivered right to your door. This ALL NEW Mailbox is available to purchase NOW and features 28 days of caps, prizes, bonus gifts, the ROBO F3TT Mech, and more! If you were a fan of last year’s Dark Side Mailbox, prepare for a Return to glory and get ready to collect these cosmic treasures at lightspeed!

Get yours NOW in the Freeze Tag Online Store!

Incoming Mail Transmission!

You’ll need a Munzdalorian Mailbox Munzee to receive your rewards! This retro spaceship might seem similar to another 80s pop culture icon, but our mail delivery droid retrofit it to travel across galaxies (and timezones) far, far away in order to make deliveries this time around! This motored mailer will deliver virtual items to Mailbox owners starting on May 4th, 2024, but you’ll be able to start earning daily points as soon as you deploy it.

Munzdalorian Mailbox
  • Deploy: 100
  • Capture: 10

How the Munzdalorian Mailbox Works

Starting Saturday, May 4, 2024 at 00:01 MHQ, each day you cap your Munzdalorian Mailbox you will be awarded a different Scrap Wars themed Greeting Card capture, similar to the other mailboxes. Please note that you’ll only be able to earn that specific card on that day, so you really don’t want to miss a day. Once you cap that card you’ll earn points, and you may also get some extra prizes! To learn more about Mailboxes visit the Munzee Help Guide HERE!

The Munzdalorian Mailbox is available for $25 and includes the following:

  • 1 Munzdalorian Mailbox Munzee to deploy and move around anywhere at anytime!
  • 1 Daily Capture of the mailbox each MHQ day starting on April 19th or when first deployed, which should help with keeping up your streaks!
  • 28 Mailbox Prize Days starting on May 4th and ending on May 31st, which will deliver the goodies below when captured, including Cards, Zeds, Munzees to deploy and more!
  • 28 Themed Greeting Cards to both CAPTURE and DEPLOY!
  • 1 ROBO F3TT Mech deployed when capturing the mailbox on May 4th
  • Exclusive access to Double Point Events
  • Exclusive access to Scatter Events and Special Badges
  • This mailbox will archive on June 1, 2024

If you’re interested, you can purchase it in the FT Store! You will still be able to purchase the mailbox after it begins, but you won’t be able to earn rewards from the days that have passed. We suggest purchasing your mailbox as soon as possible to start learning the mysteries it beholds!


Beware the greatest bounty hunter bot the galaxy has ever seen: ROBO F3TT! Like the other Munzee Mechz, ROBO F3TT is a temporary POB. ROBO F3TT will remain on the map until it has been captured 10 times, as you can see below. You will receive a fully-built ROBO F3TT that will auto-deploy on your account when you capture your Mailbox on May 4th. You will also receive the Blueprint to rebuild it when you have earned enough Cogs in the future. It will cost 18 Cogs to rebuild this mech.

  • Deploy: 800
  • Capture: 250
  • CapOn: 150-200
  • Pitted (Crushed) Capture: 500
  • Pitted (Crushed) CapOn: 200-250
Landing Pads

You can find these high flying pyros at the landing pads above every 6 hours or when captured.

ROBO F3TT will be available for multi-capture. That means players can capture a ROBO F3TT on their own munzees, any previously captured munzees, and more than once if the same ROBO F3TT visits you. ROBO F3TT is non-blastable. It will be attracted to both Physical Magnets and Virtual Magnets. You can access it by turning on your “All Expiring Specials” filter.

When a ROBO F3TT is captured, it will scatter up to 3 BOBA T3A.

  • Capture: 50
  • CapOn: 25-35

These scatters will be visible to any player and will be deployed on the Mech owner’s account. They expire after 120 minutes and have a capture radius of 300 feet. These scatters will NOT count for deploy streaks, ZeeOps, or clan activity since they are passive deploys.


There are a variety of badge lines associated with this Mailbox, so look forward to earning even more as the month progresses!

  • Munzdalorian Mailbox Deploy Badge — deploying a Munzdalorian Mailbox will earn you a special badge that you can see below.
  • Munzdalorian Mailbox Card Capture Badges — capture at least 1 of each unique Munzdalorian Mailbox card! We’ll keep what these look like a secret for now.
  • Munzdalorian Mailbox Scatter Event Badges — You can also earn badges at various points during the specific scatter events, but we want those to be a surprise throughout the month.
  • ROBO F3TT Badges — deploying a ROBO F3TT mech will earn you the corresponding Blueprint badge that you can also see below. There is also a unique badge for capturing what the force has kept hidden for the time being…

Fire up that cosmic mail courier, hit 88 lightyears per hour, and bring in quite the bounty to celebrate our scrappiest Scrap Wars yet! 


April 17, 2024

Get Moving With Cappy on your Daily Stroll!

Prepare for a journey into worlds unknown with Cappy the magical unicorn! You may have seen this little guy popping up in various aspects of the game over the last few months, but we’re excited for him to make his grand introduction alongside some fantastic new in-game features. Meet Cappy in the ALL NEW Camp Hub where you can chase Shooting Stars on your Daily Stroll, and be on the lookout for any magical Wishing Wells along your journey! To access these latest features, you’ll need to make sure you’re on the latest version of Munzee from the App Stores (4.1.207), then restart the app to pull down the latest over-the-air update version #1116.

That all may sound new and mysterious now, but read on to learn everything you need to about these game-changing new features. This is just the beginning of Cappy’s journey so prepare for adventure and don’t let your new friend down! And can you hear that? Crank up the volume! Because for the first time ever, new music and SFX have been added to the game! Make sure you have your sound turned on and listen as you tap around and explore all the new features!


Adventure Awaits in the Camp Hub!

Where Cappy has come from and what brings him to our world is a mystery for now, but he’s set up camp in the corner of the Munzee map! Look for the entrance to Cappy’s Camp in the upper left-hand corner of the main map screen. This button will help Cappy let you know when it’s time to go on your Daily Stroll, but you can also check out his campground by tapping on Cappy. Once you enter the Camp Hub, whether it’s day or night, you’ll be able to explore and interact with a number of new features. Feel free to tap around!

Explore different areas of the Camp Hub by tapping on the icons below:

  • Daily Stroll Star
    • A new way to play Munzee every day, no matter where you are! Read on for more details below!
  • Star Power Bar
    • As you collect Star Credits during the Daily Stroll, the Star Power Bar will fill up! You can hold a maximum of 100 Stars. I wonder what you could use those for…
  • Wishing Well
    • Tap to find the nearest Wishing Well and use your Stars to make wishes! If none are nearby, you can request a new location.
  • Clock Lantern
    • This displays the current MHQ time, which is based in the CST/CDT time zone. You may also notice the scene changing as nighttime rolls around, which will shift the scene at Cappy’s Camp.
  • Calendar
    • Similar to the clock above, this displays the current month and date in MHQ time.
    • Tapping will also take you to the Daily Activity Tracker to keep up your streak!

You never know how Cappy’s campground might change in the future, and what new additions will pop up, so be sure to check out the Camp Hub each day. And what better way to start off your day than with a little stroll… NOTE: Players can use the option in the Settings menu to hide the Camp Hub button from the map after the Daily Stroll has been completed.

Take Cappy on a Daily Stroll!

Cappy has come to our world to explore and interact with magic previously hidden to us. Much like the game of Munzee there’s a whole world of mystery lying in wait if you know where to look. Help guide Cappy on his journey by participating in the Daily Stroll each day. Once you start your Daily Stroll you’ll have 15 minutes to collect as many Shooting Stars as possible, so you better get moving! This is the only way for you to collect Stars, which Cappy promises will be worth your hard work.

  • Before starting the Daily Stroll, make sure you are in an open area that you’re able to walk around and play! The Shooting Stars will start by scattering close by, but may eventually scatter farther up to 1 mile from your starting location.
    • The Capture Radius Booster and Rover Treats can be used to capture Shooting Stars that are too far to reach!
  • You’ll have 15 minutes to capture as many Shooting Stars as you can before time runs out! Each time a Shooting Star is captured, a new one is scattered nearby!
  • Earn 1 Star Credit for every Shooting Star captured, as long as there’s room in your Star Power Bar.
  • TIP: If you’re having trouble finding the next Shooting Star on the map, tap on the wiggling Star icon next to Cappy on the map!
  • TIP: Make sure you have the new Daily Stroll Types filter enabled to see the Shooting Stars on the map! It may be easier to hide all other types during the Daily Stroll.
  • At the end of the Daily Stroll a pop up will appear showing how many Stars were captured that day.

Once your Daily Stroll has wrapped up it’s time to make a wish! But you can’t make wishes just anywhere…

Discover the Magic of the Wishing Wells!

Shooting Stars come from a far distant land and even Cappy isn’t totally sure where they originate, but he knows what happens when you wish upon a shooting star! If you want to use your Star Credits to make a wish, first you’ll need to head to a Wishing Well! This all new munzee-owned type can be captured daily, but the real magic in Wishing Wells is, well, the wishing! To start off, making a wish at a Wishing Well will cost you 10 Stars and you’ll be able to summon a Well Wisp to track down. You can learn more about these cute creatures further on, but more types of Wishes could be in line for the future so if you have any ideas be sure to send them our way!

  • Tap on the Wishing Well in the Camp Hub to find the nearest location to you! If there is none nearby, a request for a new location may be submitted*.
    • Please note that there will likely be a surge of requests upon launch, so be patient with our approval process. We promise we want as many Wishing Wells on the map as you do! 
  • Tap on the Details to view the option to Make A Wish.
  • It will cost 10 Star Credits to Make A Wish.
    • NOTE: You can only capture and Make A Wish at each Wishing Well once per MHQ day.
  • Once your wish is granted, one of three different Well Wisps will scatter nearby for you to capture! Read on for more details below!
  • Have ideas for future Wishes? Let us know on social!

Once you make a Wish its back to adventuring for you and Cappy! What are these mysterious creatures scattered from the watery depths of the Wishing Well…

Summon Well Wisps!

Cappy isn’t revealing all of his mysteries just yet, but his ultimate goal is helping the bouncing creatures of all worlds return to their own homes. The Wishing Wells work as a portal for the watery Well Wisps, so when they get out it’s up to you and Cappy to follow their trail! The further your Wisp trail takes you the more unique the final Well Wisp Creature will be. What other wondrous watery shapes will appear from these Wishing Wells in the future?

  • Find the first Well Wisp scattered nearby and capture it to reveal the next one!
  • Follow the Well Wisp trail until they form to reveal the final Well Wisp creature!

Parting Notes!

All fun and games aside the introduction of Cappy, the Camp Hub, and more is the result of many (many) months of hard work on behalf of our team and we’re so excited to bring this new era into the game of Munzee! This has been one of the most significant changes we’ve made to the app in years, so thank you for your patience getting here. We want to encourage more daily gameplay for players new and old alike no matter where you live or how many munzees are near you. We hope the addition of the Daily Stroll and Wishing Wells help players along their journey, but this is just the beginning and more changes are in store across the land! We hope you’re as excited as we are because we need your help! It’s more important than ever that we #GrowTheMap because big things are in store for Munzee, Cappy, and of course, YOU- our players! 

We know this has been a novel to get through, and hopefully these new features are user friendly enough to get you going, but our friend Seemyshell has also lent his handiwork for a (truly) play by play tutorial. Check out Seemyshell’s video for all the ins and outs of the Daily Stroll and Wishing Wells in real time!

You can also check out Munzee Help Guide for even more information on Daily Stroll, Wishing Wells, and more! 

April 16, 2024

Secret ZeeOps – Space Case (April 2024)

You better brew up a cosmic-sized cup of coffee because this case is launching you into the stratosphere! An ALL NEW Secret ZeeOps is now available in the app ZeeOps Hub for the usual cost of 1,500 Zeds. It is NOW available for purchase until 23:59 MHQ on May 31st. If you’ve purchased a Secret ZeeOp, you can complete it and collect rewards even after purchasing it is unavailable.

Attention agents, the galaxy faces a dire threat with an intergalactic crime syndicate deploying Mech mercenaries to steal shipments of motor oil all across the galaxy. It looks like the case has gone “cold brew,” and it’s up to you to prevent caffeinated catastrophe! Your mission? Breach defenses and expose the real agenda behind their master plan. Completing a series of missions will unlock new levels in this operation. There are four levels, each with four missions. If you conquer every mission in Operation: Space Case, you’ll earn a celebratory badge, the NEW JAVA The Hub MECH (info below), and more exciting rewards listed in the app!

Start your stellar mission TODAY!

NEW Mech Details

Like the other Munzee Mechz,  JAVA The Hub is a temporary POB that will remain on the map until it has been captured 15 times.

JAVA The Hub
  • Deploy: 350
  • Capture: 230-330
  • CapOn: 100-200
  • Choked Up (Crushed): 500
Landing Pads
  • Greenies
  • Flat Cup
  • Reseller Munzees
    • Red Bounty Ship
    • Blue Bounty Ship
  • Elemental Mysteries
    • Earth Mystery
    • Water Mystery
    • Electric Mystery
    • Void Mystery
  • Jewels
    • Virtual Citrine
    • Topaz
  • POI Drink Depot
  • Gaming Munzees
    • Joystick Physical
    • Joystick Virtual
  • Western Zodiacs
    • Scorpio
    • Sagittarius
    • Capricorn
    • Aquarius
    • Pisces
    • Aries
    • Taurus
    • Gemini
    • Cancer
    • Leo
    • Virgo
    • Libra
  • All Virtual Colors
  • Treehouses & Skylands
  • All Temporary Destinations

This coffee bean bandit can be spotted on landing pads above every 6 hours or when captured.

JAVA The Hub will be available for multi-capture. That means players can capture JAVA The Hub on their own munzees, any previously captured munzees, and more than once if the same JAVA The Hub visits you. JAVA The Hub is non-blastable. It will be attracted to both Physical Magnets and Virtual Magnets. You can access JAVA The Hub by turning on your “All Expiring Specials” filter.

When JAVA The Hub is captured, it will scatter up to 3 Salacious Shakes on the Mech owner’s account.

Salacious Shake
Capture: 30-50

CapOn: 5-30

These scatters will be visible to any player and expire after 120 minutes. They have a capture radius of 300 feet. Since they are passive deploys, these scatters will NOT count for deploy streaks, ZeeOps, or clan activity.


As with other Munzee Mechz, the badge for deploying JAVA The Hub depicts the Blueprints, and is shown below:

JAVA The Hub Blueprints- Deploy 1 JAVA The Hub Munzee.

For those who capture Java The Hub, a badge awaits. As there’s just one badge in this category, we’ll keep it secret, for now.

On behalf of MHQ, we thank you for your continued service.


This message will self destruct in 321

April 15, 2024

🚨 Bonus Scatter Event! 🚨

We hope you’re seated for this exciting news: we’re kicking off a Bonus Scatter Event starting NOW on certain* Munzees that include a scattering type! For every Munzee you cap that scatters, an extra +1 bonus Scatter will be deployed nearby from Monday, April 15 at 12:00 MHQ until Friday, April 19 at 23:59 MHQ! 

This unique bonus event will impact a number of different munzee types including those listed below! If you want to help spread the love deploy any of the munzees in THIS COLLECTION and once they’re captured they’ll start scattering up a storm!

  • Mech Scatters
  • Elemental Mystery Scatters
  • Reseller Scatters
  • Glass Guardian Scatters
  • Zodiac Scatters


With all of these Scatters up for grabs get ready to shatter scatter records!



*Certain future scattering types will be excluded from this bonus event, but stay tuned for more info soon! 

April 11, 2024

Take Flight With Dragon Trainer Specials!

Attention all knights and dragon tamers, assemble! Ready your gear and prepare for an inferno of excitement because something blazingly cute is about to hatch near you. Dragon Trainer Specials are now LIVE for you to begin hatching! This new set of specials will now be an ongoing fixture of the game! However, certain styles may come and go but there will be dragons available to chase for the foreseeable future!

We told you it was the Year Of the Dragon and we’re taking that to heart! Take a peek at your map and scout for the nearest Dragon Egg. Armor up – this isn’t your typical egg hunt, these eggs are covered in scales! It’s up to you to crack them open with your captures and claim the reward of your very OWN DRAGON! Read more to find out how to become a Munzee dragon trainer.


Dragon Trainer specials are similar to Evolution Munzees in that they level up based on captures, but unlike other specials you’ll actually be able to earn your own unique Dragon Bouncers as well. 

  • Each will start off as a Dragon Egg MOB (Munzee Owned Bouncer) that will bounce around the map until it is captured 10 times.
  • On the 10th capture the Dragon Egg will hatch into a Baby Dragon tPOB (temporary Player Owned Bouncer), and the player with the 10th and final capture will be the proud owner of the new special!
  • Baby Dragons will remain on the map until they have been captured 15 times when they will turn into an Elder Dragon tPOB! Similarly the player with the 15th and final capture will be the owner of the new Elder Dragon. Elder Dragons will bounce around the map until 20 captures. After which, it will depart into the unknown!

There will be a number of different styles of Dragon Eggs, Baby Dragons, and Elder Dragons, but to start off we will be releasing 2 of each style. Please note that you never know what Baby Dragon will hatch from which Dragon Egg, and similarly Baby Dragons have a chance of evolving into different Elder Dragons as well! You’ll have to keep capping to fill the land of Munzee with all sorts of different Dragon styles!

Here’s a look at the first 2 Dragon Eggs:

Scaled Dragon Egg Speckled Dragon Egg
Points Points
  • Deploy: 25
  • Capture: 100
  • CapOn: 25
  • Deploy: 25
  • Capture: 100
  • CapOn: 25
Landing Pads Landing Pads
  • Greenies
  • All Virtual Colors
  • Greenies
  • All Virtual Colors

Here’s a look at the first 2 Baby Dragons:

Twilight Baby Dragon Viridian Baby Dragon
Points Points
  • Deploy: 50
  • Capture: 150
  • CapOn: 50
  • Deploy: 50
  • Capture: 150
  • CapOn: 50
Landing Pads Landing Pads

Here’s a look at the first 2 Elder Dragons:

Funfinity Elder Dragon Elemental Elder Dragon
Points Points
  • Deploy: 100
  • Capture: 200
  • CapOn: 75
  • Deploy: 100
  • Capture: 200
  • CapOn: 75
Landing Pads Landing Pads
  • Greenies
  • Jewels
    • Diamond
    • Ruby
    • Virtual Emerald
    • Aquamarine Munzee
    • Topaz
    • Virtual Amethyst
    • Pink Diamond
    • Virtual Sapphire
    • Virtual Citrine
    • Virtual Onyx
  • All Virtual Colors
  • Treehouses
  • Skylands
  • Greenies
  • Elemental Mysteries
    • Mystery
    • Fire Mystery
    • Ice Mystery
    • Earth Mystery
    • Water Mystery
    • Air Mystery
    • Electric Mystery
    • Void Mystery
  • All Virtual Colors
  • Treehouses
  • Skylands

All stages will be available for multi-capture until it hits its maximum number of captures. That means players can capture a Dragon Egg, Baby Dragon, or Elder Dragon on their own munzees, any previously captured munzees, and more than once if the same Dragon Trainer special visit you. These dragons are non-blastable. They will be attracted to both Physical Magnets and Virtual Magnets. You can access them by turning on your “All Expiring Specials” filter.

More About Dragon Trainer Specials

To clarify points made above, you can capture Dragon Trainer specials in 3 different stages:

  • Dragon Egg: Captures Needed to “hatch”: 10
  • Baby Dragon: Captures Needed to “evolve”: 15
  • Elder Dragon: Captures Needed to “archive/depart”: 20


There are a number of different badges you’ll be able to earn for interacting with Dragon Trainer specials! Those lucky enough to hatch the Baby Dragons and “evolve” the Elder Dragons will earn badges for deploying each type, but you can also earn badges for capturing 100 of each type. We know that’s a large goal, but we plan on these dragons being around for a while so chase one any time you see it! 

Expect more badges to be released in the future including overall Dragon Trainer captures, capturing complete sets, and more! These Dragons are here to stay for the foreseeable future, so set forth and adventure on!

We hope you enjoy now being able to cap these smokey hatchlings on the map, and let us know which scaled cutie is your favorite!
