Archive for June, 2022

June 30, 2022

July 2022 MunzPak Contents Revealed!

This month, each Pak contains a very rare Booster! We don’t often put these up for sale, so if you’ve been waiting to pick one up for a rainy day, now is your chance! In addition, each Pak is quite unique as there’s practically no overlap between the contents (just the Greenies and the Greeting Cards) so check out the breakdown below to see exactly what’s in them!

MunzPak is a monthly subscription service that delivers munzees directly to your door! Each of our three MunzPak options contain a variety of munzees, including some new items that you won’t be able to find anywhere else! The three different types of MunzPaks that you can subscribe to each month are as follows:

  • Physical MunzPak features blocks of generic stickers and pre-coded stickers including brand new munzees which can only be purchased through the subscription service. $~25 value for $15 each month.
  • Virtual MunzPak features a variety of virtual munzees that are automatically added to your account each month such as Destination Munzees, Jewels, and more. $~40 value for $25 each month.
  • Hybrid MunzPak is the best of both worlds! Get both physical and virtual munzees such as Places Munzees, Magnets, and more. $~30 value for $20.01 each month.

Never subscribed to MunzPak before? If this is your first month subscribing, you’ll have the chance to earn one-time badges for each type of Pak! All you have to do is stop by the Freeze Tag Online Store and subscribe today!

The July MunzPaks will contain the items listed below, effective as of 00:01 MHQ time on July 1. Please note that any purchases made before then will be for the June MunzPak, which contains different items.

July Physical MunzPak

Purchase HERE!  Remember the stickers in this pak can be shared with others!

  • 25 Generic Stickers
  • 1 Physical Deploy Booster
  • 1 Mystery
  • 1 Fire Mystery
  • 1 Scatter
  • 1 Motel
  • 1 Hotel

July Virtual MunzPak

Purchase HERE!

  • 1 Virtual Deploy Booster
  • 1 tPOB Pub
  • 1 Virtual Resort
  • 1 Sir Prize Wheel
  • 1 Surprise
  • 1 Flat Hammock
  • 1 Flat Lou
  • 1 Air Mystery
  • 1 Void Mystery
  • 1 Electric Mystery
  • 3 July 2022 Exclusive MunzPak Greeting Cards

July Hybrid MunzPak

Purchase HERE!

  • 25 Generic Stickers (sent via mail)


  • 1 Physical Capture Booster
  • 1 Prize Wheel
  • 1 Earth Mystery
  • 5 Cogs


  • 1 Scrap Star
  • 1 Flat Matt
  • 1 Flat Cats
  • 3 July 2022 Exclusive MunzPak Greeting Cards

Exclusive MunzPak Greeting Card Details

In April, we announced exclusive, Limited Edition Greeting Cards in Hybrid and Virtual MunzPaks! Here’s a sneak peek at what this month’s card looks like:

MunzPak July 2022 Card
  • Limited Edition
    • Deploy: 60
    • Capture: 50
    • CapOn: 30

Don’t forget to edit the title and the notes to add a personal touch! While the capture message will contain your Munzee username as all Greeting Card capture messages do, we think typing in a more specific note will go a long way to creating a more unique and special experience!

Remember that these munzees will be archived 7 days after they are deployed, so make sure your intended recipient captures it before then!

For more information on the Greeting Cards, you can check out our Help Guide article.

We hope you’re looking forward to another Munzee-filled month!

Munzee on!

June 29, 2022

UnBirthday Mailbox Schedules

One especially good thing we learned from Sir Prize Santa is that knowing when the Double Point Weekends and Special Themed Scatter Events are is most helpful in deciding whether or not the mailbox is right for you. So, without further ado, here are the schedules for the UnBirthday Mailbox!

Double Point Weekends (DPWs)

Week Tier Dates Double Points ON
1 #3 Friday, July 8 at 00:01 MHQ to Sunday, July 10 at 23:59 MHQ POBs + tPOBs + Nomads + Destinations + Bouncer Destinations
2 #2 & #3 Friday, July 15 at 00:01 MHQ to Sunday, July 17 at 23:59 MHQ Mysteries + Elemental Mysteries + Flower Evos + FL0W3R Mechz
3 ALL Friday, July 22 at 00:01 MHQ to Sunday, July 24 at 23:59 MHQ Virtual Colors
4 #3 Friday, July 29 at 00:01 MHQ to Sunday, July 31 at 23:59 MHQ Greeting Cards + Gaming

Special Themed Scatter Events

When you cap the UnBirthday Mailbox, up to 10 themed scatters will be deployed nearby. They expire 36 hours after they are deployed, to hopefully give you enough time to capture them all! While we’ll reveal the Tiers and Dates to help you plan, we’ll just reveal what will be scattering for the first week:

Week Tier Dates Special Themed Scatter
1 #3 Thursday, July 7 at 00:01 MHQ to 23:59 MHQ Drink Me Potion
2 #2 & #3 Thursday, July 14 at 00:01 MHQ to 23:59 MHQ ?
3 #3 Thursday, July 21 at 00:01 MHQ to 23:59 MHQ ?
4 #2 & #3 Thursday, July 28 at 00:01 MHQ to 23:59 MHQ ?

We hope you’re looking forward to a fun-filled July! If you haven’t joined the UBCCC yet and would like to do so now, click HERE!

Munzee on!

June 28, 2022

July 2022 Clan Wars Requirements

It’s almost July! You’ll find all the latest details to our clan requirements and rewards in the clan section of our app. There have been a few issues with activity not counting for some players in the opening minutes of the clan war. Please be sure to give our servers a bit of time to switch from Clan Wars OFF to Clan Wars ON. 🙂 This will ease frustration, just 10 or 15 minutes will make all the difference. We’re happy everyone is so anxious to get started on the 3rd of each month! In addition: Please do not change your clan membership for at least 2 hours after the month ends. The calculations are still being made and it could ruin your efforts.

It is possible that we could update clan requirements prior to July 3 and reserve the right to do so. The final requirements and rewards will always be shown in the app. All of this is up in the air based on how situations continue to change worldwide based on COVID-19.

July ClanPak

Last year, we introduced the ClanPak! While MunzPaks started as a product to aid in Clan Wars, they have transitioned over time. Sometimes you may need a few things to help meet Clan War Requirements, (i.e. magnets, QRowbars, etc.) and reach your goals.

There is a limit of one per player per product/month. You can purchase the July ClanPak HERE! This is NOT a subscription program.

Level 1


  • At least 5 days of activity
    • 2 days must be at least 3,000 total points
  • At least 23,000 total points
  • At least 44 total captures
  • At least 10 total deploys
  • At least 20 Bouncer captures
  • At least 14 Places captures
  • At least 100 Greeting Card points
  • At least 250 Destination points

Clan: in addition to the above individual requirements

  • At least 100,000 total points
  • At least 10 Weapon caps/deploys
  • At least 2 Gaming cap/deploys
  • At least 5 Reseller Caps/Deploys
  • At least 500 Mystery points
  • At least 400 Flat Munzee points

Rewards: 1 Virtual + Color Credit, 50 Zeds, 1 Flat Flashlight, 1 Diamond, 3 Clan War Cards, 1 Trojan Unicorn, 1 Crossbow, 1 QRowbar, 3 Rover Treats, 3 Cogs

Level 2


  • At least 10 days of activity
    • 3 days must be at least 3,000 total points
  • At least 50,000 total points
  • At least 80 total captures
  • At least 20 total deploys
  • At least 40 Bouncer captures
  • At least 24 Places captures
  • At least 250 Greeting Card points
  • At least 500 Destination points

Clan: in addition to the above individual requirements

  • At least 250,000 total points
  • At least 20 Weapon caps/deploys
  • At least 5 Gaming cap/deploys
  • At least 10 Reseller Caps/Deploys
  • At least 1,000 Mystery points
  • At least 800 Flat Munzee points

Rewards: 2 Virtuals + Color Credits, 100 Zeds, 1 Trojan Unicorn, 1 Air Mystery, 2 Destination Credits, 1 Flat Typewriter, 1 Hammer, 1 Catapult, 1 Aquamarine, 1 Qrowbar, 5 Cogs

Level 3


  • At least 14 days of activity
    • 4 days must be at least 4,000 total points
  • At least 75,000 total points
  • At least 136 total captures
  • At least 35 total deploys
  • At least 54 Bouncer captures
  • At least 46 Places captures
  • At least 500 Greeting Card points
  • At least 1,000 Destination points

Clan: in addition to the above individual requirements

  • At least 450,000 total points
  • At least 50 Weapon caps/deploys
  • At least 20 QRewzee/Sleepzee capture
  • At least 2 Claimed QRates
  • At least 12 Gaming cap/deploys
  • At least 15 Reseller Caps/Deploys
  • At least 2,000 Mystery points
  • At least 2,000 Flat Munzee points

Rewards: 1 Flat Friends Set, 150 Zeds, 1 Pink Diamond, 1 Void Mystery, 1 Ice Mystery, 1 Virtual Joystick, 1 Mace, 1 Battle Axe, 4 Rover Treats, 6 Cogs

Level 4


  • At least 22 days of activity
    • 5 days must be at least 6,000 total points
  • At least 125,000 total points
  • At least 215 total captures
  • At least 55 total deploys
  • At least 85 Bouncer captures
  • At least 80 Places captures
  • At least 1 QRewzee/SleepZee
  • At least 1 Claimed QRate
  • At least 750 Greeting Card points
  • At least 2,000 Destination points

Clan: in addition to the above individual requirements

  • At least 700,000 total points
  • At least 66 Weapon caps/deploys
  • At least 30 QRewzee/Sleepzee capture
  • At least 3 Claimed QRates
  • At least 30 Gaming cap/deploys
  • At least 30 Reseller Caps/Deploys
  • At least 5,500 Mystery points
  • At least 4,000 Flat Munzee points

Rewards: 4 Virtuals + Color Credits, 2 Destination Credits, 200 Zeds, 1 Electric Mystery, 1 Flat Hammock, 1 Amethyst, 1 Crossbow, 1 QRowbar, 3 Rover Treats, 7 Cogs

Level 5


  • At least 26 days of activity
    • 5 days must be at least 8,000 total points
  • At least 200,000 total points
  • At least 348 total captures
  • At least 90 total deploys
  • At least 180 Bouncer captures
  • At least 124 Places captures
  • At least 5 QRewzees/SleepZees
  • At least 2 Claimed QRates
  • At least 1,000 Greeting Card points
  • At least 2,500 Destination points

Clan: in addition to the above individual requirements

  • At least 950,000 total points
  • At least 90 Weapon caps/deploys
  • At least 55 QRewzee/Sleepzee capture
  • At least 5 Claimed QRates
  • At least 60 Gaming cap/deploys
  • At least 45 Reseller Caps/Deploys
  • At least 8,000 Mystery points
  • At least 6,000 Flat Munzee points

Rewards: 5 Virtuals + Color Credits, 500 Zeds, 1 Flat Cats, 1 Flat Typewriter, 1 Vacation Condo, 1 Virtual Onyx, 1 Ruby, 1 Catapult, 1 Surprise, 1 Magnet, 1 Virtual Magnet, 5 Rover Treats, 12 Cogs

July Badges

Your Clan can earn monthly badges to earn for reaching distinct levels of Clan Wars each month. You won’t be able to earn a badge until the entire clan has reached the specified level. Since there is NO Level X this month, there will be a total of 5 badges available in July. The first badge will appear as follows:

Overall Clan Notes:

Please keep in mind Levels 4 & 5 are considered advanced gameplay and not recommended for brand new players. Be aware when allowing new players to join your clans. QRew/ZeeQRew status will be required for any clans earning levels 3, 4 & 5. See qualifications for ZeeQRew here. If you are not a member on July 1st you will not be able to qualify until July 15th. If you lose qualification before the 15th you will not be able to qualify until August 1st.

*Claimed QRates will not carry over from before the clan battle starts. The QRate must be found, opened, and claimed during the month of the current clan battle. This time period begins on the 3rd, same as the clan battle.

*All shards may be redeemed at
Total points include Cap, Deploy, and CapOn of all types.
Reseller caps/deploys include all types of RUM/vRUM/reseller card but NOT reseller gnomes or any scatters.
Bouncer captures include any POB, MOB, or TOB (even the temporary POB).
Social and Personal will not count for Deploy requirements.
Social and Universal will not count for total Capture requirements.
Personal and Universal will not count for Physical points of any sort.

For complete information regarding Clan Wars, access our Help Guide!

Hints for how to play during Stay Home orders:
Use the swap feature for brand new virtual deploys.
Use the online map to deploy virtuals worldwide or find gardens to deploy in on social media groups.
Watch the online store for sales during the month to help meet your goals.
Use evolution reset credits to get new CapOn points from OLD deploys (they do NOT count as new deploys)

And finally, be responsible. If your local government, your health, or any circumstances require you to Stay Home – DO NOT participate. It is up to each of us to determine what is safe and what is allowed. This is a game and not worth risking your own live or the lives of others.
Munzee on, stay safe and Play Your Way!

Requirements and rewards found in app are the final word. Please report any issues to Munzee support.
Play at your own risk, within the laws of your local area.

June 27, 2022

A Wonder11and Universal for our UnBirthday!

There is no occasion more special than our UnBirthday (of which there are 364), so to commemorate this special time, we’re releasing a NEW Universal for you to collect! Get your all new Wonder11and Universal HERE!

Similar to our thoughts with the past Universals, if you’ll be attending a UnBirthday Event but don’t feel safe touching and scanning others’ Personal Tags, ask other attendees to share their Universal code (if they have one) online so you can scan it from your home. Of course, the same goes if you are not attending any events but want to join in on the fun virtually — play your way!

Universally United

Featuring bits and bobs from Wonder11and, it has the best of both Social and Personal Munzee functionality as other players can capture it from anywhere in the world AND activity on it will earn you points. However, as this makes it incredibly valuable, we are limiting it to 1 per player. You can find this limited edition Universal HERE!

This Wonder11and Universal is a limited release item only available through August 1 at 12:00 MHQ.

A Universal has the same point structure as a regular Personal:

  • Capture: mystery random points 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45
  • CapOn: sum of 50 between player capture and residual
    • Example: player capture = 30, owner residual = 20. Total = 50
  • Deploy: 100 points (only deploy it once with no proximity or expiration!)
  • **Boosters will have no effect on Universal points.

You can find your Universal in the My Social Munzees section of the app, or the corresponding page on the website.

Like the 10th Birthday Universals, these will be auto-deployed upon purchase!

For more information, check out the Help Guide article.

Celebrate In Style!

We’ve also put together a collection of Wonder11and gear so you’re prepared for any UnBirthday parties near you! Alongside the new Universal you can dress for success by checking out the whole collection in the FT Online Store HERE!

Munzee on!


June 25, 2022

July 2022 Skin: Birthday Flamingo

As the month comes to a close, we wanted to make sure you were heading into July with your desired Flamingos! The skin for completing your June capture streak (and the corresponding badge), which is the Aloha Garden Flamingo shown below, will be awarded in early July. But, we couldn’t wait to share what’s in store for next month!

June Flamingo Reminders

If you haven’t picked up a Flamingo yet, they are available in the Freeze Tag Store for $7.

Each month, the price of a Flamingo will decrease by $1. However, players can only purchase 1 Flamingo every 28 days.

Don’t forget that you’ll need to own at least 8 Flamingos by the end of the year to have a permanent one next year — so make sure to stock up soon if you’re a fan of these brightly-colored lawn decorations!

We also released special Reseller Garden Flamingos in February — if you’re interested, you can check out our blog post on them HERE!

July Flamingo Details

What Flamingo Skin can you look forward to earning in July? The gilded Birthday Garden Flamingo! Like the other flamingos, the Birthday Garden Flamingo is a temporary POB that will remain on the map as long as players with permanent Garden Flamingos continue to use it.

Birthday Garden Flamingo
  • Capture: 250
  • CapOn: 300
Additional Info
  • Available for multi-capture
  • Non-blastable
  • Attracted to both Physical Magnets and Virtual Magnets
  • Filters: “All Limited Edition Specials” and “All Expiring Specials”

As stated earlier, to earn this skin, you’ll need to complete next month’s (July’s) capture streak. Once the skin is awarded in August, you can change the skin on the flamingo to this one at any point — refer to our Help Guide article for the instructions!

You can find these balloon-toting birds celebrating at the following landing pads every 6 hours or when captured:

Additionally, the Birthday Garden Flamingo will scatter up to 3 NEW Confetti Feathers nearby when it is captured!

Confetti Feather
  • Capture: 50 points
  • CapOn: 50 points

Like the other Flamingo Feathers, these scatters will be visible to any player and will be deployed on the Flamingo owner’s account. This means that unlike Air Mystery Feathers/Boulders, there are CapOn points for the owner! They expire after 120 minutes and have a capture radius of 300 feet. These flamingo scatters will NOT count for deploy streaks, ZeeOps, or clan activity since they are passive deploys.


As a reminder, Garden Flamingos have 4 associated badge lines:

  • Unique type deploy badges — you’ll need to earn each month’s skin by keeping your streak up!
  • Overall deploy badges — the more flamingos you deploy, the merrier!
  • Unique type capture badges — capture at least 1 of each skinned flamingo!
  • Overall capture badges — capture as many flamingos as you can find!

While we revealed images for the first of each badge line in the original post, we are happy to show you the “Unique type deploy” and “Unique type capture” badges associated with the Birthday Garden Flamingo:

We hope you don’t party too hard earning July’s Flamingo Skin!

Munzee on!

June 23, 2022

Leap from Page to Stage with Flat Typewriter Scatters!

Before our month-long UnBirthday party starts we hope you’re game to do one last round of Flat Scatter hunting (for a while)! Today is #NationalTypewriterDay, so we couldn’t think of a better opportunity to release scatters for Craig’s Flat Typewriter!

Limited Time Scatter Details

From the period of Thursday, June 23rd at 12:00 MHQ through Sunday, June 26th at 23:59 MHQ, when you capture a Flat Typewriter, up to 3 Stories may be scattered nearby!

The Stories will be visible to any player and will be deployed on the Flat Typewriter owner’s account. This means that unlike Feathers/Boulders, there are CapOn points for the owner! They expire after 120 minutes, have a capture radius of 300 feet, and you’ll be able to use Rover Treats to capture them as well! These Story scatters will NOT count for deploy streaks, ZeeOps, or clan activity since they are passive deploys.

The rewards for Stories are as follows:

  • Capture: 50 points
  • CapOn: 25 points

For more information about Flat Typewriter, check out our Help Guide article!


There are 2 badges available for this special period. Make sure you cap as many Stories as you can to receive both badges!

Flash Discount!

Need more Flat Typewriters near you? We’ve got a “Buy 2, Get 1 Free” discount at the Freeze Tag Store! You must add 3 Flat Typewriters to your cart to use it, and are limited to 2 uses per order (in other words — put 6 in the cart, pay for 4, 2 are free). There is NO CODE required — the discount should apply automatically! It will be valid for the same time period as the scatters mentioned above.

We hope you enjoy tracking down these stageplay scripts!

Munzee on!

June 22, 2022

June 2022 GOTM Winners

This month we filled the first few weeks with Flat Scatters! Flat Murray was anxious to share his dog toys during the week of the Platinum Jubilee, and we had a rerun of the Flat DHS tapes, but this time with new badges to earn!

We also started releasing things in preparation for our UnBirthday Celebration! Just last week, special UnBirthday Event Add-Ons were made available to those who’ve purchased a July Event Package. We also put together the UnBirthday Mailbox with some fun Wonder11and-themed capture messages for you to see in the days leading up to July. And earlier this week, we revealed NEW FL0W3R Mechz, which are much more polite than the flowers Alice encountered — but also much more lethal!

Lastly, we made some additions to the Education Set Evolutions and released new Hot Dogz specials for everyone to cap — but there’s still more to come for June! After all, we’ve got a little bit more than a week left!

We are now happy to announce the winners of the June Gardens of the Month (GOTM)! The badges will be awarded by early July, but we couldn’t wait to share the winners we’ve chosen!


This month is for the birds again — but this time, with a tropical twist! Remember that all winning GOTM organizers and all players who deployed in the winning gardens will be awarded special badges for their contribution to growing the map. This month we’re happy to award the Papagei Crumstadt garden, designed by stineB, and the Pirate Pete’s Parrot garden, designed by prmarks1391, as our winning June GOTM! The gardens appear as follows:

Papagei Crumstadt by stineB in Crumstadt, Riedstadt, Germany

With a body composed entirely of colorful Evolutions resting on a branch of Catapults, this bird is not only beautiful but useful!

Here’s a note from one of the players who nominated this garden:

StineB loves to design virtual gardens, especially with cute animals and colourful virtuals.
I think the garden would deserve the title “GOTM” 🙂

We definitely agree with this player! While they brought it to our attention all the way back in May 2020, and it was certainly an eye-catcher with the unique combination of colorful munzee types, we were waiting for the perfect time for it to shine in the spotlight. As summer officially started yesterday at MHQ, we still wanted to feature some gardens with a beach-y feel, and this garden fit the bill (pun intended) perfectly!

Pirate Pete’s Parrot by prmarks1391 in Narre Warren, Victoria, Australia

The darker colors of Virtual RUMs and Night Vision Goggles are not the first things you think of when choosing colors for a parrot, but this garden managed to make it work!

Here’s a note from the player who designed this garden:

The inspiration behind the design was the Pirate Nomad that lands on RUMs. A parrot is usually associated with a pirate in many movies and stories, and my family owns a ringneck parrot. It also allows locals to capture some Virtual Reseller Unique Munzees aka Virtual RUMs. Seeing as we are enduring regular lockdowns it has been a life saver to have these icons nearby whilst following the restrictions of our state government. Without the garden some of the limited time badges would not have been possible.

Like people, parrots come in all shapes and sizes! While the preceding garden depicts the quintessential parrot, we like that this garden represents the small, cute ones that make perfect pets! In addition, the note from the garden designer shows the thoughtfulness and teamwork present in the Munzee community to help others earn the limited-time badges we released during our RUM ZEE-Dayz!

All players who deployed in the respective winning gardens will receive the following special badges:

Rules for GOTM nominations:

  1. Garden must feature non-licensed character designs.
  2. The garden must feature a Garden Places Pin.
  3. The garden must be built using a publicly available spreadsheet which we will ask to be locked after being 100% deployed.
  4. We’re asking for ongoing nominations and we will release the winners throughout the year.

Based on your feedback, we’ve created a Google Form where you can submit GOTM nominations — here’s the link:

We’ll still check the inbox for stragglers, but please try to send your submissions to this new Google Form instead. Keep in mind that we take all former nominations into consideration for upcoming months. Just be sure your garden follows the nomination rules in order to be considered eligible!

If you need help deploying in a Virtual Garden, you can check out this step-by-step tutorial that will making deploying in a garden easy no matter how long you’ve been playing. To fill in the gardens, make sure to stock up on Virtuals and Color Credits from the Freeze Tag Online Store.

Munzee on!

P.S. Are you looking for POTM requirements? Remember that last year, we announced that we were holding off on POTM for now as we develop a new way to highlight our unique player base!

June 20, 2022

Spend a Golden Afternoon with FL0W3R Mechz!

To bring even more of the colorful Wonder11and characters to life, we were inspired by the beautiful blooms Alice encounters for our newest set of Mechz!

NEW FL0W3R Mech Details

These Mechz are most similar to the MONK3Y, PriM8, and KiNG CoG Mechz in that they are a special combination of Evolution and Munzee Mech. Like the other Munzee Mechz, these are temporary POBs. The S33DL1N9 will remain on the map until it has been captured 7 times, the SPR0U7 will remain on the map until it has been captured 5 times, and the final FL0W3R will remain on the map until it has been captured 3 times as you can see below.

However, we’re introducing something new with these Mechz! This time, you have the option of purchasing the S33DL1N9 HERE, which will evolve according to the table below OR you can wait and try to earn some special FL0W3R Blueprints via certain gameplay actions (more on that below!).

Points Points Points
  • Deploy: 533
  • Capture: 150
  • CapOn: 33-40
  • Capture: 250
  • CapOn: 70-100
  • Deploy: 10
  • Capture: 300
  • CapOn: 100
  • Wilted (3rd Cap): 500
Additional Info Additional Info Additional Info
  • Lasts for 7 caps
  • Lasts for 5 caps
  • The FL0W3R is chosen randomly from the player’s pool of Blueprints if evolving from SPR0U7.
  • Regardless of the way the FL0W3R is deployed, the action of deploying will award 10 points.
  • Lasts for 3 caps

You can find these portable plants uprooting to the following landing pads every 3 hours or when captured:

All stages will be available for multi-capture. That means players can capture a S33DL1N9/SPR0U7/FL0W3R on their own munzees, any previously captured munzees, and more than once if the same S33DL1N9/SPR0U7/FL0W3R visits you. These Mechz are non-blastable. They will be attracted to both Physical Magnets and Virtual Magnets. You can access them by turning on your “All Expiring Specials” filter.

When a FL0W3R Mech is captured, it will scatter up to 3 PETALs.

Points Points
  • Capture: 50
  • CapOn: 10-15
  • Capture: 50
  • CapOn: 10-15

These scatters will be visible to any player and will be deployed on the Mech owner’s account. This means that unlike Air Mystery Feathers/Boulders, there are CapOn points for the owner! They expire after 120 minutes and have a capture radius of 300 feet. These scatters will NOT count for deploy streaks, ZeeOps, or clan activity since they are passive deploys.

More About FL0W3R Mechz

To clarify some points we made above, you can deploy FL0W3R Mechz in 2 ways:

  1. Randomly evolves from SPR0U7 based on your pool of FL0W3R Blueprints
    • If you purchase the S33DL1N9, your pool includes the 7UL1P and the BL0SS0M shown above
    • You can earn more FL0W3R Blueprints via gameplay which will add to this pool
    • Deploying a S33DL1N9 costs less Cogs than deploying a FL0W3R
  2. Deploy directly from their Blueprint and bypass the Evolution process
    • You will receive the 7UL1P and BL0SS0M Blueprints the first time your SPR0U7 evolves into them
    • As mentioned above, you can earn more FL0W3R Blueprints via gameplay
    • You have the luxury of choosing which FL0W3R is deployed!

Here are the future FL0W3R Mechz you can look forward to earning in July: the SUN, the R053, and the Painted R053!

We’ll reveal how you can earn these Mechz as July unfolds, but as stated above, you’ll be able to deploy them directly without buying the S33DL1N9, though it will take more Cogs to do so. However, if you do buy the S33DL1N9, then as long as you own the Blueprints for these, they’ll be part of the pool that the S33DL1N9 can evolve into!

— UPDATE: As of 7/4/22 00:00 MHQ — The SUN is now available via UnBirthday QRates! Here’s what its scatter looks like, and its Blueprint has been added to the Badges section below:

— UPDATE: As of 7/11/22 12:00 MHQ — ICYMI, the R053 has been available since the start of the month via Event QRates! Here’s what its scatter looks like, and its Blueprint has been added to the Badges section below:

— UPDATE: As of 7/13/22 12:00 MHQ — The Painted R053 is now available via the [Wonder11and Surprises] tab in the Redeem Store! Here’s what its scatter looks like, and its Blueprint has been added to the Badges section below:


As with other Munzee Mechz, the badges for deploying the S33DL1N9 and its various final FL0W3R Mech forms depict the Blueprints, and are shown below:

There is also a badge for capturing a FL0W3R Mech. Since there’s only one badge in this line, we’ll keep it a secret for now.

We hope you enjoy spotting these earthy androids on the map!

Munzee on!

June 15, 2022

Start Your Descent into Wonder11and with an UnBirthday Mailbox!

Many of you have enjoyed our past mailboxes as they bring a fun surprise to look forward to each day. You got a sneak peek at the theme for our birthday celebration on Monday — since we still aren’t able to celebrate in person, we’re calling it our UnBirthday this year! If you were a fan of last year’s 10th Birthday Mailbox or this year’s Valentines Card Collectors Club, here’s another club you’re sure to love! We are excited to introduce the UnBirthday Mailbox, which you’re able to purchase starting NOW in the Freeze Tag Online Store!

Expect a surprise inside every day in the month of July! Like the VCCC, Club members will receive virtual items only.

Mail Call!

You’ll need a UnBirthday Mailbox Munzee to receive your UnBirthday goodies!

When you deploy this new game piece nearby it will only be visible to AND cappable by you. IT MUST BE DEPLOYED IN APP! To ensure that you are able to capture this new game piece each day, you’ll also be able to update its location if you’ll be traveling at any point during the mailbox period. You can only move the mailbox in app and do NOT need to undeploy first. We really don’t want you to miss out! It is very important you capture it each day in July.

The UnBirthday Mailbox is worth 100 deploy points! When it comes to captures, you’ll receive 10 points before July; during the mailbox period the points will vary. The mailbox can be captured up to 1000 feet away and is found under the Virtuals filter but ONLY visible to the OWNER. It will be archived after July 31st.

How the UnBirthday Mailbox Works

Starting July 1st at 00:01 MHQ, each day you cap your UnBirthday Mailbox you will be awarded a different UnBirthday-themed Greeting Card capture, similar to the VCCC. Please note that you’ll only be able to earn that specific card on that day, so you really don’t want to miss a day. Once you cap that card you’ll earn points, and depending on which tier of Club Membership you purchase you may also get some extra prizes!

There are 3 tiers of Club Membership you can purchase HERE. As stated above, you can deploy the UnBirthday Mailbox right away and get 2 weeks of extra caps before the actual mailbox period starts! You are only able to purchase ONE tier per player account.

  • Tier 1 “Capper” is available for $10 and includes the NEW UnBirthday Mailbox, which will deliver 31 Greeting Card munzees for you to capture.
  • Tier 2 “Giver” is available for $15 and includes everything in Tier 1 PLUS a matching UnBirthday Card each day for you to deploy, maybe near a friend? That’s 31 new cards to deploy on top of the 31 you can cap! You’ll also get some special bonuses scattered throughout the mailbox period, which could be double points days, exclusive specials or scatters to cap, credits or undeployed munzees, etc.
  • Tier 3 “Collector” is available for $25 and includes everything in Tier 2 PLUS all bonuses we have planned (some that Tier 2 will not have access to), AND a special March Hare Garden Flamingo Skin worth double capture and capon points during the month of July! The bonus rewards will be well worth joining this tier over the previous two. You can find out more about March Hare Garden Flamingo below!

Once you’ve decided on a Tier, you can purchase it in the FT Store! Please make absolutely sure you’re satisfied with the Tier you select before purchasing, as we may not be able to change it. You may only join one tier. You will still be able to purchase these Club Memberships into July, but you won’t be able to earn rewards from the days that have passed. We suggest purchasing your Club Membership as soon as possible to start learning the mysteries of the mailbox and prepare for July fun!

March Hare Garden Flamingo Details

Like the other Garden Flamingos, the March Hare Garden Flamingo is a temporary POB that will remain on the map as long as players with permanent Garden Flamingos continue to use it.

March Hare Garden Flamingo
  • Capture: 500 during the month of July, 250 during the remainder of the year
  • CapOn: 600 during the month of July, 300 during the remainder of the year
Additional Info
  • Available for multi-capture
  • Non-blastable
  • Attracted to both Physical Magnets and Virtual Magnets
  • Filters: “All Limited Edition Specials” and “All Expiring Specials”

If you haven’t picked up a Garden Flamingo yet, they are currently available in the Freeze Tag Store for $7, and will be $6 in July. The mailbox must be capped on July 1st 00:01-23:59 MHQ time to add the March Hare Garden Flamingo skin to your account. Once the skin is added to your account, you can change the skin on the flamingo to this one at any point — refer to our Help Guide article for the instructions!

You can find these harried hosts hopping to the following landing pads every 6 hours or when captured:

Additionally, the March Hare Garden Flamingo will scatter up to 3 NEW Mad Feathers nearby when it is captured!

Mad Feather
  • Capture: 100 during the month of July, 50 during the remainder of the year
  • CapOn: 100 during the month of July, 50 during the remainder of the year

Like the other Flamingo Feathers, these scatters will be visible to any player and will be deployed on the Flamingo owner’s account. This means that unlike Air Mystery Feathers/Boulders, there are CapOn points for the owner! They expire after 120 minutes and have a capture radius of 300 feet. These flamingo scatters will NOT count for deploy streaks, ZeeOps, or clan activity since they are passive deploys.


As a reminder, Garden Flamingos have 4 associated badge lines:

  • Unique type deploy badges — you’ll need to earn each month’s skin by keeping your streak up!
  • Overall deploy badges — the more flamingos you deploy, the merrier!
  • Unique type capture badges — capture at least 1 of each skinned flamingo!
  • Overall capture badges — capture as many flamingos as you can find!

While we revealed images for the first of each badge line in the original post, we are happy to show you the “Unique type deploy” and “Unique type capture” badges associated with the March Hare Garden Flamingo:

We invite you to celebrate our birthday month with 31 days of joyous surprises! Are you ready to join the Club?

Munzee on!

June 13, 2022

Have a Very Merry UnBirthday Event!

We hope you are having something to look forward to each month with our Monthly Munzee Events!

? We’ve got a new Add-On Package you can upgrade your July Monthly Event with – it’s our UnBirthday!!! If you’ve already bought a July Event Package, contact Louise at to add this to your event, and if you haven’t bought a July Event Package yet, what are you waiting for?!

We are offering a great add-on package available for July Monthly Events:

For $50 you will get the following:

  • UnBirthday Event Host badge
  • UnBirthday Event Attendee badge
  • Emerald Pin for all attendees
  • UnBirthday Event QRates guaranteed to be found upon the first capture of an Event Indicator pin
  • 50 Exclusive UnBirthday Event cards

If you haven’t already, the first step is to get your event on the calendar:

Then purchase the 2022 Monthly Event Package for July using your event token received via email:

You will then receive an email which kickstarts your communication with Louise so you can work on getting your event set up! From there let Louise know you want to upgrade your July event with the UnBirthday Add-On and she will send you an invoice.

We look forward to seeing all your events on the calendar and celebrating our UnBirthday with you! ?

Munzee on!

**Event accounts are only to be used for deploying munzees for the event. Capturing munzees, completing ZeeOps, earning and using additional prizes, and any other “normal” gameplay on the event account is a violation of the code of conduct.