As we move closer to the release of Munzee 4.0 some decisions have been made regarding certain features of the app and gameplay. In order to offer a more comprehensive gameplay experience we will be removing certain Munzee types leading up to the release of the new version. We understand that some of these types are liked in the Munzee community, but by removing them we can enhance the gameplay experience for both new and old users, as well as maintaining accountability on all munzee types.
Business Munzees:
Alongside the launch of version 4.0 all Business Munzees will be archived. The development process is still ongoing for the new version, so no firm date has been set. The Business Munzee program was halted years ago and with no more growth it makes more sense to move on and remove this type from active gameplay. With only 208 deployed, and many of these munzees inside businesses, it is easier to just remove them from the map rather than convert them.

Business Munzee
NFC Munzees:
Although we removed the ability for players to deploy NFC munzees years ago, we will be removing them all together with the launch of 4.0. Unfortunately the technology for Near-Field Communication (NFC) is not easily accessible for developers on all platforms, so we will be moving on from the type. All NFC munzees will be converted to a different type around the launch of the new app, but more details regarding this specific change will be available soon.

Accessible & Quiz Munzees:
Beginning Friday September 28 at 00:01 MHQ players will not be able to deploy any new Accessible, Quiz Munzees or Virtual Quiz Munzees. Although these types offer unique gameplay experiences, many have been misused from their original concept and it has proven too difficult to enforce regulations on them. When the new version of the app is launched all Accessible and Quiz Munzees will be converted to Greenies. Virtual Quiz Munzees will be converted to virtuals, but similar to the NFC conversion there will be more information regarding that change soon.
Accessible Munzee
Quiz Munzee
Virtual Quiz Munzee
Although all of these types may be brought back in some form in the future, there are currently no plans to do so.
Greenie Point Increases:
There is a bright side to the conversion of Quiz and Accessible Munzees though. When 4.0 launches an increase in Greenie points will also occur. Currently Accessibility and Quiz Munzees have a CapOn value of three points, but when converted to new Greenies that value will increase to 11 points. Remember, these types will not be archived, simply converted so if you have deployed any of these they will still be available for capture.

New Points:
Deploy: 18 Points
Capture: 20 Points
CapOn: 11 Points
Thank you all for your understanding. For years we have experimented with many different munzee types and not all of those have been successful. As we continue to innovate the game we look forward to your open-mindedness regarding new and exciting types.
We’re just as excited for the launch of 4.0 as you all are, but remember this is just the stepping stone to all sorts of grand ideas! We can’t wait to share them with you. Munzee on!