Archive for May, 2024

May 29, 2024

🌈✨June 2024 Glass Guardian ✨🦄

Marvel at the majestic protector of dragons and unicorns, releasing a radiant rainbow. Add this NEW Glass Guardian to your collection by completing your June capture streak and discover the wonders at the rainbow’s end!

If you completed your May capture streak, prepare to receive the Maiden Glass Guardian Skin (and corresponding badge) in early May. Read on to learn more about the latest addition for June!

May Glass Guardian Reminders

If you haven’t picked up a base Glass Guardian yet, they are available in the Freeze Tag Store for $8.

How to have a permanent Guardian on your account next year:

  • Own at least 8 Guardians by the end of the year.
    • Each month, the price of a Guardian will decrease by $1.
    • However, players can only purchase 1 Guardian every 28 days.

June Glass Guardian Details

What Glass Guardian awaits in June? The Horned Glass Guardian dazzles as it sprints across refracting light—a spectacle you cannot ignore! The Horned Glass Guardian is a temporary POB that will remain on the map as long as the players with permanent Glass Guardians continue to use it.

Horned Glass Guardian

  • Deploy Points: 500
  • Capture Points: 250
  • CapOn Points: 300
Additional Info
  • Available for multi-capture
  • Non-blastable
  • Attracted to both Physical Magnets and Virtual Magnets
  • Filters: “All Limited-Edition Specials” and “All Expiring Specials”

As stated earlier, you’ll need to complete this month’s (June) capture streak to earn this skin. Once the skin is awarded in July, you can change the skin on the hedge to this one at any point! If you need some help refer to our Help Guide article for the instructions on swapping skins!

You can find this mythical rainbow rider at the following landing pads every 6 hours or when captured:

Additionally, when captured, the Horned Glass Guardian will scatter up to 1-3 NEW Iridescent Marbles nearby!

Iridescent Marble

  • Capture: 50 points
  • CapOn: 50 points


As a reminder, Glass Guardians will have 4 associated badge lines:

  • Unique type deploy badges — you’ll need to earn each month’s skin by keeping your streak up!
  • Overall deploy badges — the more guardians you deploy, the merrier!
  • Unique type capture badges — capture at least 1 of each skinned Glass Guardian!
  • Overall capture badges — capture as many Glass Guardians as you can find!

Check out the unique deploy and capture badges linked with the Horned Glass Guardians below!

Gallop into June’s magic! Earn your Horned Glass Guardian today before it trots away!


May 28, 2024

June 2024 Clan Wars Requirements

June is here, and with it, Clan War requirements. Huddle up for tactics in scoring BIG! Check the Clan section in our app for requirements and rewards. For enhanced gameplay, use CuppaZee app and website to track clan stats and daily gameplay!

Note: Clan requirements may update before June 3 and reserve the right to do so. The final requirements and rewards will always be shown in the app.

New ClanPak for June’s battle is available HERE! Tailored for Clan battles, it includes items to chase scatters, grow Evos, cap Bouncers, and deploy Mechz like never before. Limit 1 per player account per 30 days, and for $15 you’ll get:

  • 5 cogs
  • 3 QRowbars
  • 2 magnets
  • 2 virtual magnets
  • 3 capture radius boosters
  • 3 rover treats
  • 1 flat Murray
  • 1 Jellyfish
  • 4 Quick Grow
  • 1 limited edition greeting card

Level 1


  • at least 4 days of activity
  • at least 25,000 total points
  • at least 20 Places caps
  • at least 250 Flat Friends/Objects points
  • at least 1 Reseller Cap/Deploy
  • at least 250 Greeting Card points
  • at least 250 Mech points

Clan (in addition to individual requirements)

  • at least 105,000 total points
  • at least 1000 Evolution points
  • at least 1000 Elemental points
  • at least 1000 Scatter points

Rewards: 1 crossbow, 1 virt + color, 1 clan war card, 1 temp virt, 1 flat DHS

Level 2


  • at least 7 days of activity
  • at least 45,000 total points
  • at least 30 Places caps
  • at least 1000 Flat Friends/Objects points
  • at least 5 Reseller Caps/Deploys
  • at least 750 Greeting Card points
  • at least 1 Claimed QRate
  • at least 750 Mech points

Clan (in addition to individual requirements)

  • at least 210,000 total points
  • at least 2500 Evolution points
  • at least 2500 Elemental points
  • at least 2500 Scatter points

Rewards: 1 mace, 1 crossbow, 2 virts + colors, 2 temp virts, 2 cogs

Level 3


  • at least 12 days of activity
  • at least 75,000 total points
  • at least 50 Places caps
  • at least 1250 Flat Friends/Objects points
  • at least 10 Reseller Caps/Deploys
  • at least 1000 Greeting Card points
  • at least 2 Claimed QRates
  • at least 1 Golden Carrot deploy
  • at least 1500 Mech points

Clan (in addition to individual requirements)

  • at least 350,000 total points
  • at least 4000 Evolution points
  • at least 4000 Elemental points
  • at least 1 QRewzee/Sleepzee capture
  • at least 4000 Scatter points

Rewards: 1 longsword, 1 crossbow, 2 virts + colors, 1 flat Lou, 1 electric mystery, 2 temp virts, 1 Trojan Unicorn, 1 evo reset

Level 4


  • at least 17 days of activity
  • at least 125,000 total points
  • at least 90 Places caps
  • at least 1750 Flat Friends/Objects points
  • at least 20 Reseller Caps/Deploys
  • at least 1 QRewzee/Sleepzee cap
  • at least 2000 Greeting Card points
  • at least 2 Claimed QRates
  • at least 1 Golden Carrot deploy
  • at least 2500 Mech points
  • at least 1000 Evo Bouncer points

Clan (in addition to individual requirements)

  • at least 700,000 total points
  • at least 7500 Evolution points
  • at least 7500 Elemental points
  • at least 20 QRewzee/Sleepzee captures
  • at least 7500 Scatter points

Rewards: 1 crossbow, 1 battle axe, 2 virtuals + colors, 2 temp virts, 100 Zeds, 1 evo reset, 4 cogs, 1 tPOB Pub, 4 stamps

Level 5


  • at least 22 days of activity
  • at least 350,000 total points
  • at least 150 Places caps
  • at least 2500 Flat Friends/Objects points
  • at least 40 Reseller Caps/Deploys
  • at least 5 QRewzee/Sleepzee caps
  • at least 4000 Greeting Card points
  • at least 4 Claimed QRates
  • at least 1 Golden Carrot deploy
  • at least 4000 Mech points
  • at least 2500 Evo Bouncer points

Clan (in addition to individual requirements)

  • at least 2,000,000 total points
  • at least 12,500 Evolution points
  • at least 12,500 Elemental points
  • at least 50 QRewzee/Sleepzee captures
  • at least 12,500 Scatter points

Rewards: 1 crossbow, 1 hammer, 2 virtuals + colors, 2 temp virts, 100 zeds, 1 frog, 2 rover treats, 1 QRowbar, 5 cogs, 1 flat Typewriter, 10 stamps

Level 6


  • at least 27 days of activity
  • at least 600,000 total points
  • at least 250 Places caps
  • at least 5000 Flat Friends/Objects points
  • at least 75 Reseller Caps/Deploys
  • at least 10 QRewzee/Sleepzee cap
  • at least 7500 Greeting Card points
  • at least 5 Claimed QRates
  • at least 1 Golden Carrot deploy
  • at least 7500 Mech points
  • at least 5000 Evo Bouncer points

Clan (in addition to individual requirements)

  • at least 5,000,000 total points
  • at least 25,000 Evolution points
  • at least 25,000 Elemental points
  • at least 100 QRewzee/Sleepzee captures
  • at least 25,000 Scatter points

Rewards: 5 virtuals + colors, 5 temp virts, 100 zeds, 10 cogs, 1 flat Cup, 1 Duck, 12 stamps

Access our Help Guide for complete information regarding Clan Wars. For tips on how to maximize your gameplay, visit our Tips & Tricks Guide, created by players! Find more information about QRates and see the qualifications for ZeeQRew here.

June Badges

Your Clan can earn monthly badges by reaching certain levels in Clan Wars. But remember, you only get a badge if the whole clan reaches that level. In June, there are six badges up for grabs. The first badge will appear as follows:

Golden carrot will be available to claim as a special trade in the Premium section of the redeem store beginning June 3rd. Cost will be 0 zeds (that’s right, ZERO zeds).

QRates must be found during the current clan war (after 00:10 on June 3rd) — give it a few minutes to fully switch into the new battle.


May 28, 2024

⚔️ Z33W0K Mechz on the Horizon 🌅

Scrap Wars is nearly over, but we’ve got one last surprise for you space cadets! The Z33W0K Mechz have emerged from their forest dwellings and they’re ready for battle. With short limbs and deadly aim, these furry warriors combine the magic of nature with mech tech to take on any plastoid-clad foes. Guided by elder wisdom, your strategy will lead them to victory.

There are 5 NEW Z33W0K Mechz to buy or earn. Let the battle rage on—read on to learn more!

Z33W0K Details

Like other Munzee Mechz, all Z33W0Ks are temporary POBs, remaining on the map until they have been captured five times. Each Z33W0K will automatically deploy to your account upon purchase, and you can rebuild them for 7 Cogs each. These Mechz will only be available to purchase/earn until Tuesday, June 11th at 23:59 MHQ, so make sure to grab these furry intergalactic forest fighters before they’re gone!

  • Deploy: 500
  • Capture: 150-250
  • CapOn: 100-200
  • Unstuffed (5th Cap): 500
  • Unstuffed (CapOn): 200-250
Landing Pads

When an Elder, Forager, Caregiver, or Sentry Z33W0K is captured, it scatters up to three weapons, each matching the skillset of that specific Z33W0K. However, when a Z33-Walker is captured, it will scatter 1-3 weapons randomly chosen from the four types associated with the other Z33W0K Mechz.

  • Capture: 50
  • CapOn: 25

These scatters will be visible to any player and will be deployed on the Mech owner’s account. They expire after 120 minutes and have a capture radius of 300 feet. Since they are passive deploys, these scatters will NOT count for deploy streaks, ZeeOps, or clan activity.


There is one Blueprint for each Z33W0K Mech and an additional badge for capturing at least one of each type. Remember, you can rebuild each of these Z33W0Ks with Cogs, but only if you earn the accompanying blueprint badge.

Grab your Z33W0K Mechz TODAY and send them soaring to the Golden M in the sky!


May 25, 2024

May 2024 GOTM Winners!

After sifting through all the entries that are blooming under the summer sun, we are beaming with excitement to announce the Garden Of The Month WINNERS! We’ve picked a radiant pair perfectly suited to this sun-sational season. Don’t forget, special badges await the green-thumbed organizers and players deployed in these winning gardens. Thank you for helping our map flourish!

A big Munzee congratulations to Cresting Wave at Sunset, designed by CoalCracker7 and Watermelon, designed by geomatrix as our winning May GOTM!

Cresting Wave at Sunset by CoalCracker7 in Orlando, Florida – USA

WAVE hello to SUMMER!”

Watermelon by geomatrix  in Watertown, South Dakota – USA

“Natures sweet treat!”

Special Badges for all players deployed within the winning GOTM:

If you’d like to nominate a Virtual Garden for GOTM or need help deploying in a Garden, you can check out the Munzee Help Guide to learn more! Stock up on Virtuals from the Freeze Tag Online Store to bring your garden visions to life!


May 23, 2024

💥CoExist With Correspondence & Deploy Bonus!💥

Our adventures across space are nearly coming to an end, but we have one last set of NEW Greeting Cards celebrating galaxy-wide CoExistence! Rob and friends are at GeoWoodstock in Flagstaff, AZ! celebrating location based games of all sorts, and to encourage lots of fun for all we’ve launched a Bonus Deploy Event on Greeting Cards from Thursday, May 23rd at 12:00 MHQ until Sunday, May 26th at 23:59 MHQ! Every time you deploy a Greeting Card, there’s a chance you could earn a Stamp Credit which can be used to deploy even more Greeting Cards!

Grab your new cards HERE and keep reading to learn more!

New CoExist Greeting Cards

Introducing our 3 new Limited Edition CoExist cards—uniting players old and new for the for the ultimate Munzee gaming experience!

  • The CoExist Card welcomes new players to Munzee! We’re happy you’ve joined us in celebrating real world gaming!
  • With the We Come In Peace Card, remember we can play differently and still have fun together. There’s space for everyone!
  • No matter your character, we’re excited you’re playing outside, and the Better Together Card will remind you that together, we make the world go round!

Stamp Credits

If you deploy any type of Greeting Card from NOW until Sunday, May 26th at 23:59 MHQ there’s a chance you could earn a Stamp Credit! You can swap Stamp Credits in the Greeting Cards section of the Redeem Store, including past card types you’ve deployed in the past. Learn more about Stamps in the Help Guide.

Mail Box Double Points Reminder

On top of the Bonus Deploy Event, don’t forget that Mailbox Owner Double Point Weekend starts tomorrow, Friday May 24 at 00:01 MHQ until Sunday May 26 at 23:59 MHQ. Shop the collection HERE to make the most of the weekend’s bonuses!

Grab your favorite Cards and CoExist with players around the galaxy! 


May 17, 2024

🎓 Out Of This World NEW Galactic Certification Greeting Cards! 🪐

Help your interplanetary peers get certified with our NEW Greeting Cards aimed at awarding Galactic Certifications for some spacey trades! Help others find their passion and place within the Munzdalorean realm! And don’t delay—there are plenty of opportunities for Double Points all month. Grab our latest cards and join in the fun! 

Shop the collection HERE or keep reading for more info on intergalactic educations!

New Galactic Certification Greeting Cards :

Ready to hit the interstellar books? We have 3 new Limited Edition Galactic Certification Cards available HERE!

  • Catching a bounty isn’t easy, but your hard work will pay off when the whole galaxy fears you with the Bounty Hunter License Card!
  • From malfunctioning Mechz, to defunct droids, the Droid Repair Certification Card will showcase your talent to repair any hunk of junk on this side of the outer rim!
  • Embrace zee light side of the force with the Zedi Academy Diploma Card– maybe you’ll even learn how to move stuff with your mind! 

Mailbox Double Points Weekend Reminder!

Remember Munzdalorian Mailbox owners can get double points on all Greeting Cards, Flats, Temporary Virtuals, Greenies, and Mechz this weekend from Friday May 17 at 00:01 MHQ through Sunday, May 19 at 23:59 MHQ. If you don’t have a Mailbox, grab one HERE to join in the fun!

Looking for a quick tutorial on Greeting Card deployment?

SeeMyShell has got you covered. Check out his tutorial below!



May 16, 2024

Baking Fun into Our 13th Birthday Munzee Style!

It’s our 13th Munzee birthday month 🎉, and we’re cooking up a celebration like no other with our Baker’s Dozen Event Packages that will leave you stuffed and satisfied! Prepare to indulge in some scrumptious Munzee Event experiences coming your way in July. A batch of goodies awaits your sweet tooth, plus a special surprise that we’ll keep wrapped up for now!

Rise to the occasion with our Baker’s Dozen Event Package for just $75! Elevate your July events with custom badges and exclusive Greeting Cards. Unwrap the details below for a taste of what’s included!

Baker’s Dozen Host Badge

For $75 you will receive:

  • Choice of a badge and icon from the options (badge is customisable with event name / location)
  • 50 Exclusive Gold Medal Baker Event Greeting Cards
  • No proximity restrictions (apart from standard event pin 100ft rules)
  • Bakers Dozen Host badge (up to 4 hosts)
  • 13 prize items per attendee:
    • 1 Bee
    • 4 Cogs
    • 8 Stamps

Contact Louise at with your event number, desired badge design, badge text, and icon to add this to your event!

Customisable Badges and Icons:

Mix it up at your events for personalized flair with six badges and icons to choose from. Customize each badge with the event name and/or location.

Here are your sweet art options:

Gold Medal Baker Event Cards:

It’s going to be a busy summer with all sorts of baked goods for birthday month, but there’s also some pretty stiff competition out there! From gold medal games in the City Of Light, to continued dragon celebrations blazing through the bakery, you’re going to have to be on your game! Do you have what it takes to earn gold?

Attend an Event and you’ll be off to a great start with 50 exclusive Gold Medal Baker cards. These are sure to help your attendees win big during birthday month!

Event Set-Up:

Remember, at Munzee events, you can enjoy the fun and have your cake and eat it, too! So don’t forget to grab your Munzee Cake Credits, which will allow you to collect party favours throughout the year!

  1. If you haven’t already, the first step is to get your July event on the calendar:
  2. Then purchase a Basic Event package using your event token received via email:
  3. You will then receive an email which kickstarts your communication with me so we can get your event set up. Let me know you want to upgrade your July event to a Baker’s Dozen Event — don’t forget to mention your choice of badge design, badge text, and icon! — and I will send you an invoice.

**Event accounts are only to be used for deploying munzees for the event. Capturing munzees, completing ZeeOps, earning and using additional prizes, and any other “normal” gameplay on the event account is a violation of the code of conduct.

Your presence is our present🎁! I can’t wait to hear about the fun you’ll whip up, hosting your very own Baker’s Dozen Munzee Event!

Thank you for hosting and attending!



May 15, 2024

Unlock NEW Dragon QRates!

Are you ready to take your dragon mastery to the next level? We’re thrilled to introduce our latest addition to the Dragon Trainer Specials: NEW Dragon QRates! Unlike other QRates, these special dragon themed boxes can only be obtained through the redeem store HERE, so get yours for 750 Zeds TODAY, and if you’re Premium you can also get one for 650 Zeds as well! This means Premium players can obtain up to 2 Dragon QRates every 30 days if they’d like.

When you acquire a Dragon QRate, you’ll have to unlock it by capturing 80 physical munzees (give or take a few QRowbars!). A temporary slot will appear in your QRates section to hold this exclusive item. Once you unlock it, the extra slot will disappear. 

What treasures lie inside these Dragon QRates? Dragon Eggs, of course! Each Dragon QRate guarantees the deployment of an ALL NEW Spiral Dragon Egg. The new type of Dragon Egg will function as the other MOB Eggs, but this will be a Temporary Player Owned Bouncer (tPOB) you’ll be able to earn CapOn points from. Please note that once the Egg evolves the Baby Dragon ownership will transfer to the capper as with other Baby and Elder Dragon types.

Watch as your new Dragon Egg follows the cycle of hatching and evolving into Baby Dragons and, eventually, majestic Elders.

  • When capped 10 times the Spiral Egg will evolve into the new Argent Baby Dragon!
  • Once the Argent Baby Dragon has been capped 15 times it will grow into the Razorwind Elder Dragon!

Check out the NEW Dragon Trainer Specials below!

Spiral Dragon Egg Argent Baby Dragon Razorwind Elder Dragon
Points Points Points
  • Deploy: 25
  • Capture: 100
  • CapOn: 25
  • Deploy: 50
  • Capture: 150
  • CapOn: 50
  • Deploy: 100
  • Capture: 200
  • CapOn: 75
Landing Pads Landing Pads Landing Pads
  • Greenies
  • All Virtual Colors
  • Greenies
  • Greenies
  • Clan Weapons
    • Mace
    • Longsword
    • Battle Axe
    • The Hammer
    • Crossbow
    • Catapult
  • All Virtual Colors
  • Treehouses
  • Skylands

Grab your Dragon QRate to crack open these scorched shells to reveal your Dragon waiting to be unleashed!

Munzee on!

May 15, 2024

June 2024 Double Point Weekend Date

We’re kicking off the (northern hemisphere) summer in June with a BANG 💥 as we introduce a special All-Player Double Point Weekend on ALL Munzee types! 😱 From Friday, June 14th at 00:01 MHQ until Sunday, June 16th at 23:59 MHQ, mark your calendars for non-stop point-earning action!

Stock up NOW to prepare for the weekend double point extravaganza HERE!

All-Player Double Point Weekend (DPW)

Dates Double Points ON
Fri, June 14 at 00:01 MHQ – Sun, June 16 at 23:59 MHQ ALL MUNZEE TYPES 

We know you all like to plan ahead as well, so be sure to visit the FT Online Store and stock up on supplies for next month! We’ve also got the fan-favorite 4 Layer Cake Booster Pack if you think your sweet tooth can’t make it until June. Get yours HERE today!

  • 4 Layer Cake Booster Pack – $15
  • Includes:
    • 1 Virtual Capture Booster
    • 1 Virtual Deploy Booster
    • 1 Virtual + 1 Virtual Color
    • 1 Flat Hammock
    • 1 Couch Potato Card
    • 1 Temporary Virtual

Fun In The Sun Awaits! 🎉

Explore events near you in June with the Munzee app’s improved Events List. All Munzee Events are now displayed and can be sorted by distance, date, and number of attendees. Find an event near you to attend or deploy some Temp Virts at another event site for extra CapOn points!

**Download the updated Munzee App (version 4.1.207), restart, and you’re all set for adventure.

Don’t miss your chance to join the Munzee frenzy and earn double points on ALL MUNZEE TYPES this JUNE!


May 13, 2024

🔩 ⚡️Double Mech Event!! ⚡️⚙️

Get ready to ignite your blasters and power up your laser swords because this Double Mech Event unleashes forces to be reckoned with! Whether you’re drawn to the light side like a true Zedi or tempted by the dark side, this event is your chance to conquer the Mech mayhem! From Monday, May 13th at 12:00 MHQ through Thursday, May 16th at 23:59 MHQ, any Mechz purchased or rebuilt will be doubled to deploy another twin Mech of the same type! 


If you’re looking to bolster your armory, warp over to the FT Online Store HERE! There, you can load up on vital Cogs for Mech rebuilding and snag some Scrap Stars, which attract Mech Bouncers to your side.  In the boundless reaches of the galaxy, every enhancement matters. Don’t delay, your cosmic conquest awaits!

Rebuild any past Mechz from the Mechz Event tab in the Redeem Store HERE.

Mech Blueprints Scrap Star Cog 10-Pack

Explore some of our galactic picks– which ones do you consider stellar standouts?

Choose your trusty Mechz and gear up for an electrifying cosmic expedition!
