Czech Republic & Slovakia Iconic Location Munzees Join the Map!
Two new Iconic Location Munzees will be dropped on the map today at 10:00 MHQ, with Czech Republic and Slovakia joining the likes of Australia as our latest Iconic Location Munzees.
Our most recent Tourism Munzees will join the ranks of Great Britain, Florida, California and more. You can locate these special virtual munzees by turning on your Tourism filter.
Iconic Location Munzees are deployed by an MHQ account based on a database of historical markers, with player d-n helping us map out our latest locations. Players will earn 50 points when they capture either the Czech Republic Iconic Location Munzee or the Slovakia Iconic Location Munzee. These virtuals will be non-blastable, so it’s going to take a bit of work to cap them. Think you have what it takes?
Like some of our other Iconic and Historic Location Munzees, the Czech Republic and Slovakia munzees will not be accompanied by a distinct set of badges. Instead all captures will count towards the newly released Tourism line of badges. Tourism badges are largely linked to Historic and Iconic Location Munzees, which feature different countries from around the world. Currently there are a total of six badges.
With today’s release of our two new Iconic Location Munzees, we’ve also decided to launch an extension of the Great Britain Iconic Location Munzees. They will now be available to cap in the entirety of the United Kingdom! Keep your eyes peeled, because we plan to release more Historic and Iconic Location Munzees down the line!
If you ever notice any Iconic Location or Historic Munzees deployed in the wrong place, please contact support with the name/URL of the munzee and correct information. And don’t forget to connect with us on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook to let us know if you’ve capped an Iconic Location Munzee yet!
Happy Hunting, and Munzee On!