Posts Tagged ‘Lone Star Bash’

March 26, 2019

Washington Iconic Location Munzees Join the Map!

We’re excited to announce the latest Tourism Munzee destination and welcome the Washington Iconic Locations virtual munzees to the map! Not to be confused with Washington D.C. (which is more than 2,500 miles away), Washington state earns the distinction of being the only state to be named after a United States president, which is why this lovely wigged man is on the icon.

The Washington Iconic Locations join other Tourism Munzees, such as Australia, Great BritainFlorida, California, and more. You can access these special virtual munzees by turning on your Tourism filter!

The Washington Iconic Location virtuals are deployed by an MHQ account based on a database of historical markers that player Jellybean88 helped us put together! Players will earn 50 points when they capture the latest Tourism Munzee in the state that also earns the distinction of housing billionaire Bill Gates, as well as the largest apple production in the country.

Like other Historical and Iconic Location Munzees, these new Tourism munzees will not be blastable. They also will not be accompanied by a distinct set of badges, as captures will instead count towards the Tourism line of badges.

Our Tourism badges are primarily linked to the Historic and Iconic Munzees from different countries around the world, as well as states in the U.S. There are six badges in total, with plans to release more Historic and Iconic Location Munzees in the future, so stay tuned! If you ever come across any Iconic Location or Historic Munzees deployed in the wrong place, please contact support with the name/URL of the munzee and correct information.

Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, to let us know your progress!

Munzee on!

February 12, 2019

Czech Republic & Slovakia Iconic Location Munzees Join the Map!

Two new Iconic Location Munzees will be dropped on the map today at 10:00 MHQ, with Czech Republic and Slovakia joining the likes of Australia as our latest Iconic Location Munzees.

Our most recent Tourism Munzees will join the ranks of Great BritainFlorida, California and more. You can locate these special virtual munzees by turning on your Tourism filter.

Iconic Location Munzees are deployed by an MHQ account based on a database of historical markers, with player d-n helping us map out our latest locations.  Players will earn 50 points when they capture either the Czech Republic Iconic Location Munzee or the Slovakia Iconic Location Munzee. These virtuals will be non-blastable, so it’s going to take a bit of work to cap them. Think you have what it takes?

Like some of our other Iconic and Historic Location Munzees, the Czech Republic and Slovakia munzees will not be accompanied by a distinct set of badges. Instead all captures will count towards the newly released Tourism line of badges. Tourism badges are largely linked to Historic and Iconic Location Munzees, which feature different countries from around the world. Currently there are a total of six badges.

With today’s release of our two new Iconic Location Munzees, we’ve also decided to launch an extension of the Great Britain Iconic Location Munzees. They will now be available to cap in the entirety of the United Kingdom! Keep your eyes peeled, because we plan to release more Historic and Iconic Location Munzees down the line!

If you ever notice any Iconic Location or Historic Munzees deployed in the wrong place, please contact support with the name/URL of the munzee and correct information. And don’t forget to connect with us on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook to let us know if you’ve capped an Iconic Location Munzee yet!

Happy Hunting, and Munzee On!

January 25, 2019

Australia Iconic Location Munzees Deployed for Australia Day!

G’day, mates! If this greeting didn’t tip you off, we’re excited to announce we’re dropping our Australia Iconic Location Munzees today at 08:00 MHQ since it’s officially Australia Day (1/26) in the homeland! Since we’re following the timezone of our friends Down Under, that leaves many of you with plenty of time to practice terrible Australian accents and commit the cardinal crime of confusing Aussies with Kiwis!

Our latest Tourism Munzee will join the ranks of Great BritainFlorida, California and more. You can locate these special virtual munzees by turning on your Tourism filter.

What better way to celebrate Australia Day than by pretending to be a tourist to capture some munzees? And if you happen to be a tourist, then you’re in luck! Now you have something fun to add to your to-do list while you check out everything that makes this continent great.

The Australia Iconic Location Munzees are deployed by an MHQ account based on a database of historical markers brought to us by Munzee player rubik80, and his team, including SpySmurf, SammyDiddly, and TeamKamikaze! Thanks for all the invaluable help! Players will earn 50 points when they capture these new tourism munzees. Like other Historical Location Munzees, these virtuals will not be blastable. That means you’re going to have to get out there and do some walking!

Australia Iconic Location Munzees will not be accompanied by a distinct set of badges. Captures for these will instead count towards the newly released Tourism line of badges! Tourism badges will be primarily linked to the Historic and Iconic Munzees from different countries around the world, as well as states in the U.S. There are six badges in total, with plans to release more Historic and Iconic Location Munzees in the future!

If you notice any Iconic Location or Historic Munzees deployed in the wrong place, please contact support with the name/URL of the munzee and correct information. Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook for all the latest news and to share how you Munzee.

So throw some shrimp on the barbie (even though they’re called prawns), and Munzee on!

November 14, 2018

Virtual Garden Places Munzees!

We’ve got an all new Places Munzee and this one is special! Have you ever wanted an easy way to identify where Munzee Virtual Gardens are without having to load the entire design on the map? Well you’re in luck!

Starting RIGHT NOW you can purchase Virtual Garden Places Munzees in the Freeze Tag Online Store at!

Virtual Garden Places Munzees can be deployed as an indicator of a Munzee Virtual Garden. These gardens can be made up of any type of virtual Munzee (clan weapons, jewels, etc.). Please note that this type is not a part of the actual Garden, but instead a pin to indicate its general location. Munzee Virtual Gardens are player created works of art based on Virtual Munzee deploys. Examples of Virtual Gardens include Sunset Cowboy in Ft. Worth, TX, Rose Garden in UK, and Scared Kitty in Lithuania. You may also choose to deploy this type of Place near an official Munzee Emerald Garden.

There are so many unique Virtual Gardens throughout the world, so this new Places Munzee will work slightly different than others. Virtual Garden Places Munzees have a lowered 0.5 mile deploy proximity, so if there are other Gardens nearby you’ll still be able to deploy one. Only one Place is allowed per garden, and the garden must contain a minimum of 50 virtual type Munzees. When submitting your Virtual Garden Places Munzee for approval we ask that you include a link to the Garden’s location on the Munzee map and also any helpful information in the Munzee Notes section. You can do this by submitting and then visiting the Munzee page to update the name and notes while it is pending approval. Also if there is a spreadsheet associated with the garden link it in the description so others can help grow it.

Since Virtual Garden Places Munzees will need to be double checked on the Munzee map it may take a bit longer than usual to approve these. Please bear with our support staff and if they decline your submission please work with them to locate the area for confirmation. You will receive an email with approval or rejection with a reason. Please see all details about Places Munzees in our help manual.

Virtual Garden Places Munzees are available for $5, and you can purchase two per account every 30 days. Normal Places Munzees are $10 each and you are limited to one per type every 30 days. Since these new Munzees are more affordable, and they are allowed to be closer together, the points for Virtual Garden Places Munzees are a bit lower as well.

  • Deploy: 40
  • Capture: 10
  • Cap-On: 5

Like other Places Munzees, these will have 1,000 ft capture radius, can be captured daily, but cannot be captured via Blast Captures. You can also earn badges for capturing Places Munzees as well as capture streaks!

With all of these new Places Munzees available we have expanded the Places Munzee filters in the current version of the Munzee app. You’ll now be able to filter the map by individual Places Munzee types. So if you’re just looking for Virtual Gardens, you’ll be able to make that a bit easier. The current layout of the filters may seem a bit clunky, but a filter reorganization is a big feature for Munzee 4.0, so this will be a lot more organized when that version launches soon. Once again thank you for your patience as we roll out new Munzee types alongside our 4.0 development!

So get out there and explore the artistic glory of Virtual Garden Munzees!

Munzee on!

October 11, 2018

Introducing Great Britain Iconic Location Munzees and Unique Attractions Places Munzee!

We’re excited to announce a new line of munzees based on Great British iconic locations! Just like World Heritage Locations, and Florida and California Historic Munzees, Great Britain Iconic Locations have been deployed at culturally significant locations throughout England with additional countries to follow over time!

Similar to the other tourism munzees, the GB Iconic Location Munzees are deployed by an MHQ account based on a database of historically and culturally significant attractions. This time we also had some help from Munzee player pilsleyguy who was gracious enough to gather notable locations! Thanks for all your hard work! These all new munzees will be deployed at a variety of areas like the Robin Hood Statue in Nottingham, Sir Steve Redgrave Statue in Marlow, and The Martian in Woking. Players will find these deployed across each of the counties in England.

When captured, players will earn 50 points. These virtual munzees are not blastable, so you’ll have to get out and learn a bit more about these iconic locations! If you notice any that are deployed in the wrong location please contact support with the name/URL of the munzee and correct information.

As we have stated before, we plan to continue to expand this line of munzees into more states and different countries as well in the coming months.

We’re also excited to announce a new Places Munzee for Unique Attractions. We want to see these at the weirdest roadside wonders the world has to offer! Get yours in the Freeze Tag Store TODAY at!

These new Places Munzees can be deployed at unique attractions across the world. These can include tourist traps like the World’s Largest Ball Of Twine in Kansas, or the Mirror Ball in England. Since these are a bit more obscure than other Places Munzees they will need to be searchable on Google Maps and may take a bit longer than usual to approve. Please bear with our support staff and if they decline your submission please work with them to locate the area for confirmation. You will receive an email with approval or rejection with a reason. Please see all details about Places Munzees in our help manual.

Places Munzees have a 1,000 ft capture radius, can be captured daily, but cannot be captured via Blast Captures. Please note that although these may be deployed at large structures or unique monuments, many notable spots may already be Historical Location Places or Museum Places.

Unique Attractions Places Munzees are available for $10, and you can purchase one of each type per account every 30 days. Remember that Places Munzees have recently had a point increase and you can purchase other types of Places as well!

Good luck on your iconic adventures! Munzee on!

July 26, 2018

World Heritage Munzees!

Following the release of the Florida and California Historic Munzees, we thought it would be good to release some international Historic Munzees. We are happy to announce we have launched a new Munzee type for just that! The World Heritage Location Munzees will be deployed at culturally significant locations around the world at 00:01 MHQ Friday July, 27.

Similar to the Historical Location Munzees, the World Heritage Location Munzees are deployed by an MHQ account worldwide based on a database of historically significant attractions. This includes locations like the Grand Canyon National Park, the Taj Mahal, Sydney Opera House and more.

When captured, players will earn between 19 and 45 points. These virtual munzees are not blastable, so you’ll have to get out and learn a bit more about these unique locations! If you notice any that are deployed in the wrong location please contact support with the name/URL of the munzee and correct information.

There is not currently a line of badges for these since they will be so spread apart, but expect news regarding an overall Tourism badge line in the near future! As we have stated before, we plan to continue to expand this line of munzees into more states and different countries as well in the coming months.

Good luck on your historical hunting! Munzee on!

July 19, 2018

California Historic Location Munzees!

Hot on the trail of the release of the Florida Historic Munzees, we’re proud to announce that we have expanded that line to the golden state of California! Just in time for our FTHQ Birthday event, we’re excited for our great community of California players as well as any travelers that make it to the West Coast.

The CA Historical Location Munzees are deployed by an MHQ account throughout the state based on a database of historical markers. When captured, players will earn between 18 and 50 points. These virtual munzees are not blastable, so you’ll have to get out and learn a bit more about the golden state! If you notice any that are deployed in the wrong location please contact support with the name/URL of the munzee and correct information.

The CA Historic Location Munzees will hit the map at 00:01 MHQ Friday 7/20. You’ll be able to earn a new set of five badges for capturing CA Historical Location Munzees.

We plan to continue to expand this line of munzees into more states and different countries as well in the coming months. We are actively planning a worldwide line right now!

Good luck on your historical hunting! Munzee on!

November 18, 2016

MHQ Bash 4 Dates

It’s only been a month since Lone Star Bash, but we’re already planning for MHQ Bash 4! While we don’t have full details quite yet, we do have the official dates for it.

MHQ Bash 4 will be taking place September 22-24, 2017 here in McKinney! We’re excited to continue this tradition and see players from around the world!

We will have more information regarding accommodations, schedules, packages, and everything else out soon. We can’t wait!

Munzee on!

October 18, 2016

Lone Star Bash Gallery

It’s hard to believe that Lone Star Bash was over a week ago! Once again, thank you to all those who participated in one way or another. It was an amazing weekend, and we couldn’t do it without you.

Also, thank you to everyone who submitted pictures for the Lone Star Bash gallery. We’ve chosen some of the best, and put them below. If you still have pictures you want to submit, feel free to upload them to the Google Drive folder. We’ll update it once more at the end of the week.

Enjoy, and Munzee on!

October 10, 2016

Lone Star Bash Wrap Up

Well Lone Star Bash is over now, and we had a great time. Team Munzee would like to thank everyone who participated, whether it was by attending the events, deploying for others, or interacting with us in other ways. We couldn’t do what we do without you. As Dylan said during his toast on Saturday night at TUPPs, “There are wood ships, and there are steel ships, but the best ships are friendships.” Cheesy? Very. True? Absolutely. The Munzee community brings people from all around the world together and creates lasting friendships. All of us are thankful for the friends that we’ve gained through Munzee, and we’re overjoyed to see the friendships that are created throughout the community.


The weekend was full of great events and great people. From Friday at the State Fair of Texas to Sunday at Celebration Park, there was never a shortage of munzees to cap or fun to be had. We enjoyed every minute of it and hope those in attendance did, too.

There are a few things to note:

  1. Announcements/introductions that were made during Lone Star Bash will be announced on the blog this week.
  2. If you have pictures from this weekend, don’t forget to add them to the Google Drive folder so we can add them to our gallery.
  3. If you did attend Lone Star Bash, keep an eye out for the survey we will be sending out. We’re always looking for feedback to make our events better.

Once again, thank you. You are the reason we do what we do, and we’re proud of how the game and community continues to strengthen and grow. We’re already excited for next year’s event.

Munzee on!

P.S. – If you haven’t seen the video of Rob getting taken down by Robbie during Bubble Soccer (or just want to watch it on a loop), you can check out the video on our Instagram.