Introducing Places Streak Badges!

After expanding the Places capture badge line last week we’re excited to announce new streak badges for capturing Places Munzees! One of the great things about Places Munzees is that you can capture them every day and visit your favorite Places over and over again. Because of this we want our players to see how long they can keep the streak going.

To earn these badges you will just have to consecutively capture a Places Munzee for a week, a month and a year.

CAUTION: MUNZEERS AT WORK – Capture any Places Munzee for 7 days in a row.

Now even though you can cap the same Places Munzee everyday you can also earn the badge by capturing any Places Munzee worldwide. That way you can still travel and capture lots of fun Places all while keeping your streak going.

You can currently buy Places Munzees in theΒ Munzee online store, so help out your fellow travelers and deploy a few Places! You can buy one of each Places Munzee a month.

These badges go live Thursday August 31st at 15:00 MHQ and they will be retroactive in case you’ve already started capping them daily.Β  We’re excited to see all the Places you’ll go! Good luck and Munzee on!