Pop! Goes the Jack In Zee Box!

Do you enjoy toy-themed munzees, like our Christmas Combat specials? Have we got a game piece for you! While this toy does have a lot of things in common with the Christmas Combat specials (particularly the non-scattering ones), we actually looked to another toy — our past Magic 8 Ball specials — for inspiration!

Jack In Zee Box Details

The Jack In Zee Box is the first temporary POB (tPOB) available for purchase in the In-App Store! It will cost 750 Zeds, but we aren’t sure how long this jack will stay in the box. It may pop away by the 4th, the 14th or the 30th, so pick one up soon if you’re interested! They are limited to 1 per player.

Jack In Zee Box will bounce to both physical and virtual munzees. It will stay on the map until 23:59 MHQ on May 11 OR after 41 captures (whichever comes first) when it will be automatically archived on your account.

  • Deploy: 300 points
  • Capture: 200 points
  • CapOn: 100 points

Though there will only be one icon shown on the map, once the Jack In Zee Box is captured, 1 of 10 possible icons will be revealed. Curious as to what you’ll find inside? We’ll give you a sneak peek, but you’re going to have to get busy capping to discover the other 9 icons. This first one may be a familiar face for those who played in back in 2017!

Jack In Zee Boxes will bounce around every 6 hours or when capped to the following types:

The Jack In Zee Box will be available for multi-capture. That means players can capture a Jack In Zee Box on their own munzees, any previously captured munzees, and more than once if the same Jack In Zee Box visits you. However, Jack In Zee Boxes are non-blastable. They will be attracted to Magnets.Β You can access Jack In Zee Boxes under the “All Limited Edition Specials” and “All Expiring Specials” filters.


All players who purchase a Jack In Zee Box will receive the deploy badge shown below:

Silly Spring- Deploy one Jack In The Box Munzee.

There is also a badge line for overall captures of Jack In Zee Box munzees. However, since these badges reveal some of the other Jack In Zee Box heads, we’ll keep their appearance a secret for now.

We hope you enjoy this newest invention from the MHQ Workshop!

Munzee on!