NEW Filters Allow You To Explore Like Never Before!
With the myriad munzee types out there, using Filters is a must to make the most of your time. After all, one of our mottos is “Play your way”, and you may not be interested in ALL munzee types.
We also know that many of our players have multiple hobbies related to being outdoors. So, to make things even more convenient for you, we’ve started a NEW line of filters that should make it easier to engage in some of those hobbies at the same time as Munzee! There are only 2 to start, but keep an eye out for more filter announcements in the future!
- Metal Detector Mode filter
- Paranormal Mode filter
The Metal Detector Mode filter will show the location of buried metal artifacts up to 8 ft deep. Please note that this filter’s accuracy is dependent on the size of the artifact and your distance from it. A wrench buried at a depth of 2 ft will have a much more accurate location than a paper clip that is at a depth of 6 ft.
The Paranormal Mode filter will show the location of ghosts as they take on a corporeal form. Please note that this filter’s accuracy is dependent on the strength of the ghost’s spirit. Older ghosts tend to be weaker as they begin to forget their purpose for haunting the Earth.
You’ll find the Metal Detector Mode filter in the Physical tab, the Paranormal Mode filter in the Virtual tab, and both in the Premium tab, as you can see in the screenshots below:
We hope these colorful new filters enhance your app experience!
Munzee on!