Posts Tagged ‘april fools’

April 1, 2021

NEW Filters Allow You To Explore Like Never Before!

With the myriad munzee types out there, using Filters is a must to make the most of your time. After all, one of our mottos is “Play your way”, and you may not be interested in ALL munzee types.

We also know that many of our players have multiple hobbies related to being outdoors. So, to make things even more convenient for you, we’ve started a NEW line of filters that should make it easier to engage in some of those hobbies at the same time as Munzee! There are only 2 to start, but keep an eye out for more filter announcements in the future!

The Metal Detector Mode filter will show the location of buried metal artifacts up to 8 ft deep. Please note that this filter’s accuracy is dependent on the size of the artifact and your distance from it. A wrench buried at a depth of 2 ft will have a much more accurate location than a paper clip that is at a depth of 6 ft.

The Paranormal Mode filter will show the location of ghosts as they take on a corporeal form. Please note that this filter’s accuracy is dependent on the strength of the ghost’s spirit. Older ghosts tend to be weaker as they begin to forget their purpose for haunting the Earth.

You’ll find the Metal Detector Mode filter in the Physical tab, the Paranormal Mode filter in the Virtual tab, and both in the Premium tab, as you can see in the screenshots below:

We hope these colorful new filters enhance your app experience!

Munzee on!

March 31, 2021

Pop! Goes the Jack In Zee Box!

Do you enjoy toy-themed munzees, like our Christmas Combat specials? Have we got a game piece for you! While this toy does have a lot of things in common with the Christmas Combat specials (particularly the non-scattering ones), we actually looked to another toy — our past Magic 8 Ball specials — for inspiration!

Jack In Zee Box Details

The Jack In Zee Box is the first temporary POB (tPOB) available for purchase in the In-App Store! It will cost 750 Zeds, but we aren’t sure how long this jack will stay in the box. It may pop away by the 4th, the 14th or the 30th, so pick one up soon if you’re interested! They are limited to 1 per player.

Jack In Zee Box will bounce to both physical and virtual munzees. It will stay on the map until 23:59 MHQ on May 11 OR after 41 captures (whichever comes first) when it will be automatically archived on your account.

  • Deploy: 300 points
  • Capture: 200 points
  • CapOn: 100 points

Though there will only be one icon shown on the map, once the Jack In Zee Box is captured, 1 of 10 possible icons will be revealed. Curious as to what you’ll find inside? We’ll give you a sneak peek, but you’re going to have to get busy capping to discover the other 9 icons. This first one may be a familiar face for those who played in back in 2017!

Jack In Zee Boxes will bounce around every 6 hours or when capped to the following types:

The Jack In Zee Box will be available for multi-capture. That means players can capture a Jack In Zee Box on their own munzees, any previously captured munzees, and more than once if the same Jack In Zee Box visits you. However, Jack In Zee Boxes are non-blastable. They will be attracted to Magnets. You can access Jack In Zee Boxes under the “All Limited Edition Specials” and “All Expiring Specials” filters.


All players who purchase a Jack In Zee Box will receive the deploy badge shown below:

Silly Spring- Deploy one Jack In The Box Munzee.

There is also a badge line for overall captures of Jack In Zee Box munzees. However, since these badges reveal some of the other Jack In Zee Box heads, we’ll keep their appearance a secret for now.

We hope you enjoy this newest invention from the MHQ Workshop!

Munzee on!

April 1, 2019

You’d Have to be a Fool to Miss These Specials…

Qu’est-ce que tu as fait aujourd’hui? Le train train? Ou un chose plus cool? Arrêtez! C’est le temps pour un surprise! MONTRE-MOI, tu dis? D’accord! Un peu de patience, mon ami…

Happy April Fools’ Day, or as the folks in France say, Poisson d’Avril! If you don’t have a flat fish to stick on someone’s back, don’t worry, because MHQ has got you covered with a Flat Fish special of your own! Quel bon chance!

Flat Fish 

Physical Flat Fish Munzee seasonal specials will be foolishly flopping around the map today at 11:11 MHQ time, so in a rare turn of events, you might want to make a wish that you end up an April Fools’ fish! Fortunately, if you don’t have a foolish first today you still have until 11:11 MHQ time on April 11 to enjoy this fishy special.

That Daniel Fischer surprised us with a whopping 401 fish flopping their way onto the map. However, much like a fish out of water, this special might just flop around when it comes to numbers deployed. Quel bordel! These Munzee Owned Bouncers (MOBs) will remain in place for four hours or when capped, whichever comes first, so you’re going to have to be a clever fisherman or woman to reel them in.


  • Cap: 100 points
  • Host: 44 points

These one-dimensional aquatic animals will be drawn to Greenies, Scatter Munzees, the new Urban Fit Munzees, and all five physical Mystery Munzee types (Regular, Ice, Water, Earth, and Fire). These flopping, flapping flat fish WILL be attracted to magnets, which you can pick up from the Freeze Tag Online Store.

There will be two badges to earn for reeling in this holiday special. The first badge will appear as follows:

Flat Fishing- Capture 1 Flat Fish

But wait- THERE’S MORE?!

Fish swim in schools after all, and it looks like our Flat Fish brought along a Red Herring for company.

Mon dieu! Beacoup des poissons! 

Red Herring 

This Virtual MOB will also remain in place for 4 hours or when capped, whichever comes first. There will be 0104 Red Herrings on the map to shake things up. These fishy fellows will be attracted to all color virtuals, as well as crossbows, because what better way to catch a fish than with a crossbow? C’est un blague!… je pense.


  • Cap: 100 points
  • CapOn: 44 points

Comme les autres poissons, the Red Herring WILL be attracted to magnets. The capture radius will be 300 feet, but these virtuals are NOT blastable. (Don’t cry, because fish can’t!!!) They will also be on the map from April 1 at 11:11 MHQ time until April 11 at 11:11 MHQ time unless Daniel Fischer feels like mixing things up.

There will also be two badges associated with capturing the Red Herring. The first will appear as follows:

Swimming Sleuth- Capture 1 Red Herring

Just remember…

We hope you have a foolishly fun time with this France-inspired April Fools’ Day. If you’d like to participate in Poisson d’Avril, we even have a Flat Fish PDF you can download, print out, and stick on your friends’ backs! What are friends for? You can also find a .PNG version below if you have trouble with the PDF.

When your friend discovers the fish taped to their back, be sure to shout “poisson d’avril!” as your friend has now become an “April fish” for falling for the prank. Share a picture of your successful shenanigans with the hashtags #FlatFish and #MunzeeOn and be sure to tag our Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter pages! We would love to have some fishy fun to share. ?

Bon Poisson d’Avril, and Munzee on!


March 30, 2017

April Fool’s Day 2017 – The Prankster

All sorts of shenanigans occur on and around April Fool’s Day, and this year is no different. We’ve noticed a mischievous character going by “The Prankster” around the office lately, and we think we’ve learned his plans.


The Prankster has been taking some cues from a few of our newest Mystery Munzees, so you need to be careful when you go after him. When you capture him, one of three things will happen:

  1. The Prankster Burns You – When you feel the heat of The Prankster’s jokes, it doesn’t end well. You lose five (5) points, but the burn counts towards the First-, Second-, and Third Degree Burn badges.
  2. The Prankster Freezes You – The Prankster is cold hearted, and he’ll show you that. You lose one (1) point and you get frozen for one (1) minutes, but the freeze counts towards the Frost Bite, Big Freeze, and Ice-Solated badges.
  3. The Prankster Gets Foiled – Just because you don’t lose doesn’t mean you win. You don’t lose or earn any points.

Each scenario will also earn you a badge! You can earn the Playing With Fire, Cold-Hearted, and Zilch, Zip Nada, Nothing badges for getting burned, getting frozen, and foiling The Prankster, respectively.


Dates: March 31st at 00:01 MHQ time through April 9th at 23:59 MHQ time

Capture Points: -5, -1, or 0
CapOn Points: 14

Number of Pranksters on the Map: 1,741

Bounce Time: The Prankster will bounce on greenies every 6 hours or when capped

The Mystery Munzee line wasn’t the only line of munzees that The Prankster was taking cues from. He also learned something special from the Mythological Munzees. You CAN capture The Prankster on your own munzees.

Have fun!