Physical MunzPak Changes Coming in March

Howdy! Here at MHQ, we are always looking for ways to improve the services andย  products we provide. Over the past few months, we’ve been tweaking and refining our MunzPak program. In that spirit, we will be making another change during March. The March Physical MunzPak will not launch at the beginning of the month as it has in the past. While we can’t give you full details right now, we can tell you the following:

  • All current Physical MunzPak subscriptions will end March 1st at 00:01 MHQ time.
  • Virtual MunzPak subscriptions WILL continue as they are for now.
  • When we are ready to relaunch Physical MunzPak, all former subscribers will receive an email with information regarding how to subscribe, and we will post full information here on the blog.

This IS NOT the end of Physical MunzPaks. Keep an eye out in March for information about the new and improved MunzPak! Thank you for your support, and Munzee on!