Posts Tagged ‘Seasonal Munzees’

February 14, 2023

Charm Bracelet Specials for the Magpie in All of Us!

As today is Valentine’s Day, we wanted to treat everyone to something shiny and new to collect — charms for charm bracelets! As physical reminders of special occasions or even manifestations of one’s personality, charms are a fun conversation piece — so we’ve designed some lovely charms around upcoming holidays and events!

Charm Bracelet Specials

Charm Bracelet specials are now live on the map for everyone! We’re trying something new this time and don’t have an end date for them yet, but we’ll make sure you have ample time to cap them and that you’ll be informed well in advance of the end date once it’s decided. These specials will be released in waves, but will end at a total of 1,500 Charm Boxes and 1,500 Charm Cases.


  • Capture: 150
  • CapOn: 50

They will bounce around to the following landing pads every 4 hours or when capped:

These specials will be available for multi-capture. That means players can capture a Charm Box or Charm Case on their own munzees, any previously captured munzees, and more than once if the same Charm Box or Charm Case visits you. These munzees will not be blastable. They will be attracted to magnets, available from the Freeze Tag Online Store. You can access the Charm Box or Charm Case under the “All Expiring Specials” and “All Limited Specials” filters.

When a Charm Box or Charm Case is captured, it will scatter up to 1 Charm for all players. At launch the Charm Box and Charm Case will scatter different charms, and more charms will appear as the months go on, so make sure to keep an eye out!

While we want to keep most of the charms a surprise right now, here’s a sneak peek at one of them:

These scatters will be worth 50 points per capture and visible to any player! They expire after 30 minutes, have a capture radius of 300 feet, and you’ll be able to use Rover Treats to capture them as well!


There are two lines of badges related to Charm Bracelet specials.

The first line is based on overall Charm Box and Charm Case captures. These badges will show the journey of a growing jewelry collection! The first badge in this line depicts a green velvet jewelry box and is earned by capping either a Charm Box or Charm Case!

The second line of badges is based on capping different combinations of Charms, similar to last year’s Pizza My Heart specials. Make sure to cap at least one of each charm so you can complete your bracelets!

You can sneak a peek at the first of each badge line below:

We hope you enjoy collecting charms and building beautiful bracelets from them! If you love this artwork, look for it and so much more on our sister app, WallaBee!

Munzee on!

September 8, 2022

How Many Caps Will it Take to Travel Around ZEE World?

Yesterday we announced the results of our Soap Box Derby — congratulations again to all the winners! Even if you didn’t get a special badge, we hope you enjoyed the theme and collecting the different racer parts.

Since we’ve officially closed the book on those specials, and it has been a week since they left the map, it’s about time for a new set of specials to collect! This time, we’re mixing it up again, scatter trail style!

Now Boarding!

Around ZEE World specials are now live on the map for everyone and will remain available until October 2 at 23:59 MHQ.

These specials will be released in waves, ending at a total of 400 of each (physical + virtual). This means there will be 800 Tickets bouncing around on the map! They will bounce around every 6 hours or when capped.

Ticket to Ride Ticket to Fly
Points Points
  • Capture: 150
  • CapOn: 50
  • Capture: 150
  • CapOn: 50
Landing Pads Landing Pads
  • Virtual Colors
  • Places
  • Tourism:
    • Historical Location
    • Iconic Location
  • Destinations:
    • Vacation Condos
    • Resorts
  • Evolutions:
    • All Stages of Championship Horse
    • All Stages of Submarine
    • All Stages of Muscle Car
    • All Stages of Safari Bus

These specials will be available for multi-capture. That means players can capture a Ticket on their own munzees, any previously captured munzees, and more than once if the same Ticket visits you. These munzees will not be blastable. They will be attracted to magnets, available from the Freeze Tag Online Store. You can access the Tickets under the “All Expiring Specials” and “All Limited Specials” filters.

Make the Connection

Once you capture a Ticket to Ride OR Ticket to Fly, it will scatter 1 Steam Powered Roller Blades nearby!

This is your first mode of transportation, as you can see by the “1” at the bottom of the pin.

If you manage to capture it, it has a chance of scattering the next mode of transportation, much like the Walkie Talkie Watch scatters.

There will be 8 modes of transportation you’ll need to cap in order to complete the trip! While a missed connection can happen at any point during your journey, you’ll find that it is more likely to happen as you get closer to the end — just like in real life, small delays can add up to larger ones later on.

These scatters will be worth 50 points upon capture, except for the final mode of transportation, which is worth 100 points.


There are 4 badges related to Around ZEE World specials.

The first 3 are based on total captures of these specials, so make sure to cap as many as you can — even if you aren’t able to complete the trip, it will still contribute progress towards these badges. You can see the first badge in this line below:

French Connection- Capture 1 Around ZEE World special of any type.

The last badge does require you to make the full trip and capture at least one of each mode of transportation — but you only have to do it once! By our calculations, it shouldn’t take too many attempts on average, unless you’re EXTREMELY unlucky.

We hope you have a safe trip and make it back in one piece!

Munzee on!

August 11, 2022

The Great Wallaville Soap Box Derby Comes to Munzee!

After the madness that was the Wonder11and Playing Cards, anything would be more manageable, right? At least, we hope…

The gearhead in us has been tinkering under the hood, and we’re off to the races- the Soap Box Derby races that is! This month we’re putting a twist on our build-a-badge-style specials. The short version is, the more Soap Box Derby Car Parts you cap, the more Racers will be deployed on the map! These specials are now live for everyone and will remain available until August 31 at 23:59 MHQ, when we’ll announce the winner(s) of the race!

Build Your Racers!

You’ll need to collect 5 Basic Parts to build ALL Racers:

Please note that each Racer needs its own set of these Basic Parts — so, the first time you cap all of these items, you will build the Basic Racer. You’ll then need to capture another set of them to make progress towards the next Racer.

Speaking of the next Racer — in addition to the 5 Basic Parts above, you’ll need to collect 2 additional parts from Junk Boxes:

Junk Box Scatters

Special Race Cars need extra parts, as seen in the example below:

The points for ALL Parts are as follows:

  • Capture: 100
  • CapOn: 50

Basic Parts and Junk Boxes will be released in waves, ending at a total of 100 of each = (5 Basic Parts x 100) + (2 Junk Boxes x 100) = 700 total.

They will bounce around every 4 hours or when capped.

On Your Mark, Get Set, GO!

Once you’ve captured the necessary parts for a Racer, you will receive the badge for doing so, AND a new Racer of that type will be deployed on the virtuals account bearing your username!

You won’t get CapOn points, but you will get bragging rights for all to see, and 150 points whenever you cap a Racer doesn’t hurt either!

While you can collect multiple sets of parts, each user will only be able to trigger 1 deploy per Racer type. That means, at most, there will be 6 Racers deployed for each user. If you want to see more Racers on the map, make sure to get yours built ASAP!

Racers will be moving faster than their Parts, so they will bounce every hour or when capped.

General Info

The information in this section applies to Basic Parts, Junk Boxes, AND Racers.

The landing pads are as follows:

Physical Virtual

They will be available for multi-capture. That means players can capture a Basic Part/Junk Box/Racer on their own munzees, any previously captured munzees, and more than once if the same Basic Part/Junk Box/Racer visits you. They will not be blastable. They will be attracted to magnets, available from the Freeze Tag Online Store. You can access them under the “All Expiring Specials” and “All Limited Specials” filters.


There are three lines of badges related to Soap Box Derby specials.

The first line is based on overall Soap Box Derby special captures. These badges will show the progress of the Soap Box Derby race. The first badge in this line depicts Benson signaling the racers to start and is earned by capping any Part, Junk Box, or Racer!

The second line of badges is based on capping different combinations of Parts to successfully build a Racer, as mentioned above. Make sure to cap at least one of each special so you can build all 6!

You can sneak a peek at the first of these badge lines below:

July 5, 2022

Join the Queen’s Court with the Wonder11and Playing Cards!

— UPDATE: As of 7/8/22 12:30 MHQ — these specials now bounce every hour or when capped, to reduce the amount of alerts being created.

It’s about time for you to meet the Queen of Hearts! If you’re lucky, you may see her on the map right away — otherwise, you might need to go through a few of her guards first. Regardless, we know she’ll be mad about you, simply mad!

Wonder11and Playing Card Specials

Wonder11and Playing Card specials are now live on the map for everyone and will remain available until August 7 at 23:59 MHQ.

These specials will be released in waves, ending at a total of 100 of each card, except for the Joker and Jester, of which there are only 10 each. This means there will be (100 x 52) + (10 x 2) = 5,220 cards bouncing around on the map!

As there are 54 different icons to cap, they’ll be bouncing around much quicker than the usual MOB to make sure they visit as many munzees as possible — every 30 minutes 1 hour or when capped.

Black Cards Red Cards
Points Points
  • Capture:
    • Ace: 10 – 110
    • Two: 20
    • Three: 30
    • Four: 40
    • Five: 50
    • Six: 60
    • Seven: 70
    • Eight: 80
    • Nine: 90
    • Ten: 100
    • Jack: 110
    • Queen: 120
    • King: 130
    • Joker: 200
  • CapOn: 50
  • Capture:
    • Ace: 10 – 110
    • Two: 20
    • Three: 30
    • Four: 40
    • Five: 50
    • Six: 60
    • Seven: 70
    • Eight: 80
    • Nine: 90
    • Ten: 100
    • Knave/Jack: 110
    • Queen: 120
    • King: 130
    • Jester: 200
  • CapOn: 50
Landing Pads Landing Pads
  • Greenies
  • Gaming:
    • Prize Wheels
    • Scatters
    • Rock Paper Scissors
    • Bowling Balls
    • Urban Fits
    • Physical Joysticks
    • Walnut Chess Sets
  • Rubies
  • All stages of Rose
  • Virtual Colors
  • Gaming:
    • Surprises
    • Virtual Joysticks
    • Sir Prize Wheels
    • Maple Chess Sets
  • Onyxes

These specials will be available for multi-capture. That means players can capture a Playing Card on their own munzees, any previously captured munzees, and more than once if the same Playing Card visits you. These munzees will not be blastable. They will be attracted to magnets, available from the Freeze Tag Online Store. You can access the Playing Cards under the “All Expiring Specials” and “All Limited Specials” filters.


There is only 1 line of badges related to Wonder11and Playing Card specials.

It is based on capping different combinations of Playing Cards, similar to the Hot Dogz that just left the map. As we anticipate these badges being more difficult to earn than usual, we’ve decided to reveal all of them now:

Joker Jail- Capture a Joker or Jester Wonder11and Playing Card.

We hope you won’t lose your head collecting these cards!

Munzee on!

June 9, 2022

Hot Dogz Specials for a Sizzling Summer Start!

Is it hot in here, or is it just me? While it’s still a bit early to call it summer here at MHQ (it officially starts on the 21st), the temps are already feeling quite toasty. If you can’t take the heat as you’re cooking dinner, why not get out of the kitchen and grill instead?

If you don’t own a grill (or even if you do), let us serve you! We’ve cooked up some new specials for you to collect and build your perfect hot dog!

Hot Dogz Specials

Hot Dogz specials are now live on the map for everyone and will remain available until July 4 at 23:59 MHQ.

At launch you can expect to see the ingredients shown below, which are the Hot Dog Buns, Hot Dogs, Ketchup, Broon Sos, Bratwurst, and Mustard. These specials will be released in waves, ending at a total of 100 of each ingredient, except for Broon Sos, of which there are only 30. This is because Broon Sos is a rarer item in WallaBee, so we wanted to preserve its rarity here. More ingredients will appear as the month goes on, so make sure to keep an eye out!

They will bounce around every 4 hours or when capped.

Physical Ingredients Virtual Ingredients
Points Points
  • Capture: 150
  • CapOn: 50
  • All except Broon Sos:
    • Capture: 150
    • CapOn: 50
  • Broon Sos:
    • Capture: 200
    • CapOn: 75
Landing Pads Landing Pads
  • Virtual Colors
  • Jewels:
    • Emerald
    • Amethyst
    • Sapphire
    • Citrine
    • Onyx
  • Places:
    • Sports
    • Cinema
    • Play Park
    • Beach
    • Campground
    • Golf
    • Entertainment

These specials will be available for multi-capture. That means players can capture a Hot Dogz ingredient on their own munzees, any previously captured munzees, and more than once if the same Hot Dogz ingredient visits you. These munzees will not be blastable. They will be attracted to magnets, available from the Freeze Tag Online Store. You can access the Hot Dogz ingredients under the “All Expiring Specials” and “All Limited Specials” filters.


There are two lines of badges related to Hot Dogz specials.

The first line is based on overall Hot Dogz captures. These badges will show the journey of a growing hot dog empire! The first badge in this line depicts the humble hot dog stand and is earned by capping any ingredient!

The second line of badges is based on capping different combinations of Hot Dogz specials, similar to last year’s World Sushi Day specials. Make sure to cap at least one of each special so you can try each type of hot dog!

You can sneak a peek at the first of each badge line below:

We hope you’re able to cook up some fun with these delicious dining options! If you love this artwork, look for it and so much more on our sister app, WallaBee!

Munzee on!

April 3, 2018

MunzPaks are back!


We’ve been working on updates to our MunzPak subscription services, and we’re happy to announce that MunzPaks are once again available RIGHT NOW! We’ve made a couple of changes that we think you will enjoy:

  • There are now 3 MunzPaks to choose from: Physical MunzPak, Hybrid MunzPak, and Virtual MunzPak.
  • MunzPak subscriptions are now handled through the Freeze Tag Online Store.
  • The Physical MunzPak is re-launching with a new line of munzees!

New MunzPaks

Along with the Physical and Virtual MunzPaks that you know and love, we’re introducing a new Hybrid MunzPak that combines the best of the physical and virtual Munzee gameplay. The Physical and Virtual MunzPaks will retain their subscription prices of $15 and $25, respectively. The new Hybrid MunzPak will include physical and virtual game items and credits for $20.01. The April MunzPaks include the following:

Physical MunzPak

  • 5 New Dog Chinese Zodiac Munzees (keep reading for more info)
  • 5 Aries Zodiac Munzees
  • 5 Taurus Zodiac Munzees
  • 35 Micro Generic Munzees

Hybrid MunzPak

  • 20 Micro Generic Munzees
  • 1 Topaz Munzee Credit
  • 1 Pink Diamond Munzee Credit
  • 4 MVMs
  • 4 Virtual Colors
  • 1 Physical Munzee Magnet
  • 1 Virtual Munzee Magnet
  • 1 Blast Capture

Virtual MunzPak

  • 1 Carrot Evolution Munzee
  • 1 Peas Evolution Munzee
  • 1 Horse Evolution Munzee
  • 1 Eggs Evolution Munzee
  • 1 Family Evolution Munzee
  • 1 Field Evolution Munzee
  • 1 Submarine Evolution Munzee
  • 1 Muscle Car Evolution Munzee
  • 1 Safari Bus Evolution Munzee
  • 1 Virtual Resort
  • 3 Air Mystery Munzees
  • 2 Surprise Munzees

You can find all three new MunzPaks in the Freeze Tag Online Store here. When you are viewing the MunzPaks, you have the option of subscribing or making a one time purchase for a fee.

If you subscribe to any (or all) of the MunzPaks, you will be provided a link to an account dashboard where you can manage your subscriptions, see your delivery schedule, view and edit your billing information, and see your purchase history.

You will be billed monthly on your delivery date with one small change. Now, virtual and credit items will be applied to your account immediately after purchase instead of at midnight MHQ time the following day.

One time purchases of MunzPaks will result in being charged the minimum values of each MunzPak:

  • Physical MunzPak: $25
  • Hybrid MunzPak: $30
  • Virtual MunzPak: $40

We hope you enjoy the new changes to MunzPak! Without further ado, we’re happy to introduce the new Chinese Zodiac Munzee series!

The Chinese Zodiacs will work similarly to the Western Zodiacs in that they will be worth double points when capped and deployed during specific times. Instead of being worth double points during certain days/months, they will be worth double points during their corresponding days (00:01-23:59 MHQ time).

  • Dog: Friday
  • Pig: Tuesday
  • Rat: Thursday
  • Ox: Saturday
  • Tiger: Saturday
  • Rabit: Friday
  • Dragon: Tuesday
  • Snake: Friday
  • Horse: Wednesday
  • Goat: Monday
  • Monkey: Sunday
  • Rooster: Wednesday

We are beginning with the Dog Zodiac Munzee and will release a new Chinese Zodiac every month through the Physical MunzPak subscription. Each Chinese Zodiac Munzee is worth 20 points for Deploy, Capture, and CapOn. Those numbers double to 40 points during each Zodiacs’ specific day.

Dog Chinese Zodiac Icon

You will earn a badge for capping or deploying a Chinese Zodiac Munzee. Here is the badge for the Dog Chinese Zodiac:

Dog Chinese Zodiac Badge

We hope you enjoy the changes we’ve made to MunzPak and the new Chinese Zodiac Munzees! Be sure to join the monthly subscription to save money from the one-time purchase option.

Munzee on!

March 30, 2018

More MunzPak Changes

At the end of February, we announced that we would be making some changes to the Physical MunzPak. We haven’t forgotten about the Physical MunzPak even though we’ve had to entirely skip the month of March. However, the physical MunzPak WILL return in April. We are also making some changes to the Virtual MunzPak.

While we can’t go into all of the details quite yet, there are some things you need to know:

  • All current Virtual MunzPak subscriptions will end at 23:59:59 MHQ Time on March 31st.
  • Both MunzPaks will be available again early next week.
  • All the changes will be worth the wait (in our humble opinion)

We also have another surprise or two that we will announce early next week, so keep an eye on the blog!

Thanks for your support and understanding.

Munzee on!

February 27, 2018

Physical MunzPak Changes Coming in March

Howdy! Here at MHQ, we are always looking for ways to improve the services and  products we provide. Over the past few months, we’ve been tweaking and refining our MunzPak program. In that spirit, we will be making another change during March. The March Physical MunzPak will not launch at the beginning of the month as it has in the past. While we can’t give you full details right now, we can tell you the following:

  • All current Physical MunzPak subscriptions will end March 1st at 00:01 MHQ time.
  • Virtual MunzPak subscriptions WILL continue as they are for now.
  • When we are ready to relaunch Physical MunzPak, all former subscribers will receive an email with information regarding how to subscribe, and we will post full information here on the blog.

This IS NOT the end of Physical MunzPaks. Keep an eye out in March for information about the new and improved MunzPak! Thank you for your support, and Munzee on!

February 1, 2018

February 2018 MunzPaks!

Hey everyone!

It’s the first of of the month, and you know what that means… you can subscribe for February MunzPaks! Without any further ado, check out what’s in the February MunzPaks:

February Physical MunzPak

  • 35 Mini Generic Stickers
  • 5 Seasonal Munzees
  • 5 Aquarius Munzees
  • 5 Pisces Munzees

As with the past few Physical MunzPaks, all of these munzees are on one sheet as follows:

February Virtual MunzPak

  • 5 Air Mystery Munzees
  • 5 MVMs
  • 5 Virtual Color Credits
  • 3 Amethyst Munzees

You can subscribe to the Physical and Virtual MunzPaks here.

We hope you enjoy this month’s MunzPaks!

Munzee on!

December 1, 2017

December MunzPaks


Like the previous two months, December’s Physical MunzPak will include all stickers on one sheet. It includes:

  • 40 Mini Generic Stickers
  • 5 Rock Paper Scissors Munzees
  • 5 Prize Wheel Munzees
  • 10 Munzee Magnets – These will be credited to your account.

The layout for this month’s sheet is as follows.

December’s Virtual MunzPak includes the following:

  • 4 MVMs
  • 4 Virtual Color Credits
  • 3 Flat Matts
  • 4 Flat Robs

We hope you enjoy this month’s MunzPaks!

Order now at and Munzee on!