As promised, our ZEE-Dayz is starting now with double points on all Greeting Cards from Thursday, October 13th at 12:01 MHQ through Sunday, October 16th at 23:59 MHQ.
To make sure you can maximize your points and Pumpkoin earnings, we have 5 new Limited Edition cards AND 5 old Limited Edition Cards for your deploying pleasure! You can head to the Greeting Card collection HERE to see everything, or read on for the direct links to each item, PLUS some more details on the double points period!
NEW Greeting Card Munzee Details
The first is a bit different compared to the others, as it’ll scatter 1 Screaming Balloon Munzee upon deploy as shown below, on the card owner’s account.
Screaming Telegram Card |
Screaming Balloon Scatter |
Points |
Points |
- Limited Edition
- Deploy: 60
- Capture: 50
- CapOn: 30
What makes the scatter unique is that it will remain for the ENTIRE 7-Day period, rather than disappearing upon first cap, AND it will be blastable. So, it’s basically 2 deploys in 1! If you get lucky, the balloon may end up closer to your desired location if the area is densely packed, as scatters are not subject to the same proximity rules as Greeting Cards.
For this reason, as it has the potential to earn you more points than the normal Limited Edition Cards, we’ve made it a 2-pack for $1 instead of the usual 3-pack. You can shop the Screaming Telegram card HERE!
The Screaming Balloon will have a capture radius of 300 feet, and you’ll be able to use Rover Treats to capture them as well. They will NOT count for deploy streaks, ZeeOps, or clan activity since they are passive deploys.
Greetings From Transylvania Card
Greetings From The Black Lagoon Card
Ancient Pyramids Card
Bermuda Triangle Card
The remaining 4 are additional “Greetings From…” cards, this time with some more spooky locations! You can shop them HERE, along with the previous batches of cards, if you missed out!
As they are all Limited Edition cards, the points are as follows:
- Deploy: 60
- Capture: 50
- CapOn: 30
You can stock up on these cards and save them for later (the Screaming Telegram cards will still scatter), BUT they will only be in the store until 12:00 MHQ on November 1st!
Past Halloween Greeting Cards Return!
You may recall that we released the CHOMPliment Greeting Cards last year! We thought it might be nice for us to bring them back for a short while.
Halloween Card
Frankenstein Card
Mummy Card
Vampire Card
Werewolf Card
You can shop the past Halloween Cards HERE! They will also leave the store at 12:00 MHQ on November 1st!
General Info
Don’t forget to edit the title and the notes to add a personal touch! While the capture message will contain your Munzee username as all Greeting Card capture messages do, we think typing in a more specific note will go a long way to creating a more unique and special experience!
Remember that these munzees will be archived 7 days after they are deployed, so make sure your intended recipient captures it before then!
Helpful Links:
We hope you enjoy sending ghoulish greetings this weekend!
Munzee on!