International Left Handers Day Specials!

Lefties Unite! To celebrate International Left Handers Day and all of our left-handed players, we’ve put together a fun new special for the weekend. Starting at 00:01 MHQ on Friday August 11th, 1,976 Left Handed icons will be on the map until ย 23:59 MHQ on Sunday August 13th.

The Leftie Specials will bounce on greenies every 6 hours or when captured. To celebrate the 10% of the population that is left handed these specials will also have a 10% chance of scattering a Left Handed Thumbs Up icon.

Points for these specials are as follows:

  • Left Handed Icon:ย Split of 76 points between the capture and the host owner with a minimum of 19
  • Left Handed Thumbs Up Icon:ย 76 points for Capture and CapOn

You can also earn a badge for capturing both the Left Handed Special and the Left Handed Thumbs Up.

Remember that these will count towards the Specials Badges and you can use Magnets to draw them out. You can also capture these specials on your own munzees.

Thank you to all of our players and especially all the lefties out there! Munzee on!