A Kaleidoscopic ZEE-Dayz: February 2023

We know many of you like to host events towards the beginning of the month to knock out Clan Wars requirements as quickly as possible! To start off February strong we’ve featured two types of munzees in this ZEE-Dayz (if you follow us on FB | TWTR | IG you got a heads-up earlier this week!) — one that is part of Clan War requirements, the other not directly specified — but should be easy to rack up points with due to their abundance on the map.

Special Bonus Details

From the period of Friday, February 10th at 12:00 MHQΒ through Sunday, February 12th at 23:59 MHQ, enjoy double points on ALL Virtual Colors and Jewels!

Sale Details

For the same time period mentioned above (Feb 10 at 12:00 MHQ – Feb 12 at 23:59 MHQ), everything in the Jewel Munzees Collection at the Freeze Tag Store is 50% off!

Similarly, the price of a Virtual Munzee + Color Credit will drop from $5 to $3! This should make it easier to stock up on these game pieces if you’d like to deploy some near friends!

We hope you’re looking forward to a more colorful weekend!

Munzee on!