ZeeOps- Operation: Outbreak Control (May 2020)
Agents, thanks to all the legwork you did last month, we’ve been able to identify some core components of the virus and prevent its spread to the remaining uninfected files. Now comes the tricky part — removing the virus from the infected files and salvaging what we can. Unfortunately, we found that the virus had not only spread through HQ, but to our overseas bases as well. Luckily, we have agents located all around the world to help combat it. We determined that the virus is particularly weak to extreme temperature changes, so you’ll notice a lot of Fire and Ice Mystery requirements below. However, the tech at HQ is not 100% weatherproof, so don’t overdo it!
In return for your assistance in cleaning the virus from our files, we’ve included a Stay Home Greeting Card Munzee as part of May’s rewards so you can warn friends or family who may be targeted by the virus. It’ll come direct from HQ, so that should be official enough for most to take notice!
May 2020 ZeeOps Operations are now live and you can begin planning your Missions to start on the following day. You will only have until May 31st at 23:59 MHQ to complete this month’s Operations. All four Operation types are available for this month- the Basic Op (3 days), the Advanced Op (7 days), the Mega Op (10 days), and the Ultra Op (14 days)! We hope this gives you something to do while you’re staying safe at home!
You can plan your Operations at munzee.com/ops/ and purchase more ZeeCred in the Freeze Tag Online Store. Remember that if you hit a snag at any point in your Operation you can use the Mission Mulligan feature to keep going! This month features a variety of munzee types so be sure to stock up in the Freeze Tag Online Store.
By completing any Operation this month you’ll earn the “Operation: Outbreak Control” badge.
This month’s Missions are as follows:
Level 1
- Weapons Training – Capture at least 10 clan weapons.
- Cargo Retrieval Training – Capture at least 20 munzees.
- Hazardous Materials Training – Capture at least 1 Fire or Ice Mystery Munzee. NOTE that burning or frozen munzees will not count.
- Re: Evolutionary Studies – Capture at least 15 physical or virtual Evolution Munzees.
- Clan Classification – Capture at least 5 of ANY type of evolution munzee and at least 5 of any type of Clan Weapon
Level 2
- Group Training – Earn at least 500 cap-on points.
- AIRial Pursuit – Capture exactly 23 munzees AND deploy exactly 23 munzees.
- Frostbitten Flames – Capture at least 10 Fire and/or Ice Mystery Munzees. NOTE that burning or frozen munzees will not count.
- Weaponized – Capture at least 15 Clan Weapons and deploy at least 5 Clan Weapons of any kind.
- High Score – Earn at least 600 points from All activity on Any Gaming type munzee
Level 3
- Advanced Training – Earn at least 10,000 points.
- Virtual Virus – Capture at least 500 virtual munzees of any type.
- Hot And Cold – Capture at least 20 Fire and/or Ice Mystery Munzees. NOTE that burning or frozen munzees will not count.
- The High Life – Capture at least 5 Virtual Resort and/or Timeshare Munzees (Rooms not included)
- Put The ME In MEAN – Capture at least 20 Greenies and deploy at least 10 Greenies.
Level 4
- Expert Training – Earn at least 50,000 points.
- Fight Fire With Fire – Deploy at least 5 Fire Mystery Munzees and 5 Ice Mystery Munzees. NOTE that burning or frozen munzees will not count.
- The First – Capture at least 75 Clan Weapons and deploy at least 35 Clan Weapons of any kind
- Mystery Mastery Program IV-D – Deploy at least 25 Mystery Munzees
- Get the Green – Capture at least 50 Greenies
Completing Operations will give you some hard earned rewards as well.
This month’s rewards are:
Basic Op
1 Virtual, 1 Virtual color credit, 1 Electric Mystery, 1 Air Mystery, 1 Stay Home card, 1 Briefcase
Advanced Op
1 Citrine, 1 Onyx, 1 Virtual, 1 Virtual color credit, 1 Stay Home card, 1 Briefcase
Mega Op
2 Virtual, 2 Virtual color credits, 1 Onyx, 2 Electric mystery, 2 Air mystery, 4 Evolution reset credits, 1 Surprise, 1 Stay Home card, 1 Briefcase, 1 Night Vision Goggles
Ultra Op
1 Surprise, 1 Sir Prize Wheel, 4 Virtuals, 4 Virtual color credits, 1 Electric Mystery, 1 Air Mystery, 1 Stay Home card, 1 Briefcase, 2 Night Vision Goggles
On behalf of MHQ, we thank you for your continued service.
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