UPDATE: Coinz Of The Month Club
WOW- The first signup for the Coinz Of The Month Club was a HUGE hit and ended in mere minutes. Unfortunately mere minutes isn’t nearly enough time to give everyone a chance to purchase so our supply definitely didn’t meet demand. Admittedly we wanted to roll this new subscription service out slowly, but the response has been overwhelming and we will have to plan accordingly.
We have already ordered more of January’s Coinz. Unfortunately since there is such a long production time those Coinz will not be available for a few weeks. To make up for this we will put the next round of January Coinz for sale in the Munzee Online Store once we have received them.
NOTE that this will not add you to the Club subscription, this will be just to purchase those Coinz.
Based on the excitement around Coinz the MHQ staff are working hard to reconfigure this subscription experience, so stay tuned for more info!
We want to thank all of you for your interest and patience regarding Coinz Of The Month Club. We have some exciting stuff coming in the months ahead!