Posts Tagged ‘tracking’

January 25, 2017

Mythological Munzee Coinz and Pins!

We’re excited to announce the release of the next set of Munzee Coinz featuring The Mythological Munzees! You’ll soon be able to track Unicorn, Leprechaun, Dragon and Yeti munzees with these limited edition coins.

As with previous Munzee Coinz, each coin has a distinct Munzee code and an Extagz code on the back. The Mythological Coinz can also be set to track each individual type by editing the coin’s settings on your Munzee online profile. By enabling this feature it will exclusively track every time you capture that particular Mythological Munzee. You can then see that tracking data on your Munzee online profile page.

For example: If you enable this feature for a Yeti coin it will only track the Yeti munzees you have captured. 

Due to the overwhelming response from our Coinz of The Month Club signups we have decided to expand our initial Mythological coin stock to include Mythological Munzee lapel pins as well. These pins will work just like Coinz, but once you purchase the pin the coin code will automatically be added to your account. Since this wasn’t initially planned the pins will not have the coin code imprinted on the back, but you can view this coin’s code on your Munzee online profile so you can still have others discover your coin.

Coins and lapel pins will go on sale Thursday January 26th at 3 PM MHQ Time in the Munzee online store. Munzee Coinz will cost $10 and and lapel pins with coin codes will cost $11. Please note that supplies are very limited. Players will be able to buy all 4 Mythologicals, but will be limited to either one coin or one pin. 

For example: You can buy a leprechaun coin and a yeti pin, but you cannot buy a leprechaun pin and a leprechaun coin. 

Follow THIS LINK to find both Coinz and Pinz!

Want to learn more about Munzee Coinz? Check out the informational video below!

January 17, 2017

UPDATE: Coinz Of The Month Club

WOW- The first signup for the Coinz Of The Month Club was a HUGE hit and ended in mere minutes. Unfortunately mere minutes isn’t nearly enough time to give everyone a chance to purchase so our supply definitely didn’t meet demand. Admittedly we wanted to roll this new subscription service out slowly, but the response has been overwhelming and we will have to plan accordingly.

We have already ordered more of January’s Coinz.  Unfortunately since there is such a long production time those Coinz will not be available for a few weeks. To make up for this we will put the next round of January Coinz for sale in the Munzee Online Store once we have received them.

NOTE that this will not add you to the Club subscription, this will be just to purchase those Coinz.

Based on the excitement around Coinz the MHQ staff are working hard to reconfigure this subscription experience, so stay tuned for more info!

We want to thank all of you for your interest and patience regarding Coinz Of The Month Club. We have some exciting stuff coming in the months ahead!

January 13, 2017

Coinz Of The Month Club

We’re proud to announce the latest addition to the MunzPak family: The Coinz of The Month Club! This monthly subscription service features two unique munzee game coins each month. The enamel coins include both a munzee coin code as well as an Extagz code. These limited edition items will come in a variety of fun designs and will be exclusive to this club. For $15 USD per month, you get a minimum of $20 worth of products.

Sign up for The Coinz Of The Month Club will be held Monday, January 16th at 3 PM CST at

Space for the Coinz Of The Month Club is very limited so subscriptions are on a first come, first served basis. The first month is limited to the first 100 subscribers, but we plan on expanding the subscription limits in the future.

Just register once and then you will be charged monthly. You don’t have to do anything again. Each month, from the day you registered, we’ll send out your next Coinz Of The Month and it will be on your door or in your inbox as fast as the Munzee elves can get it there. Or at least as fast as standard mail ships. (NOTE: The monthly cycle begins on the 16th of each month, i.e. new coins and spaces in the service become available on the 16th.)

Alongside new Coins every month, Coinz Of The Month subscribers will also earn an awesome new badge just for joining!

Want to learn more about Munzee Coinz? Check out the informational video below!