Posts Tagged ‘UPDATES and tagged 21st century scavenger hunt’

May 3, 2023

Welcome, CuppaZee!

We have some VERY exciting news here at MHQ that we can’t wait to share! We’re sure you all know and LOVE the amazing app, CuppaZee – and we do too! The creator, Sam Hindess, is doing AMAZING things over there, and his dedication to Munzee and CuppaZee is super inspiring. With all that being said, we’re extremely happy to announce that Sam and CuppaZee are now officially joining the Freeze Tag Family!

Sam started playing Munzee in 2013, being an avid Munzee player for almost a decade before joining Freeze Tag. For over half of that time playing, Sam had been developing CuppaZee, initially a 3rd party companion website (and later mobile app) for the game, regularly expanding its feature set based on the wants and needs of other players.

The CuppaZee app allows Munzee players to track their daily activity and ZeeOps progress, as well as keep track of items in their inventory and the locations of their bouncers. These features have become invaluable to the thousands of players who utilize the app!

This partnership between CuppaZee and Munzee will allow us to bring some very cool updates to you in the near future, so keep an eye out!

And now, a word from Sam:

“It’s awesome to have CuppaZee finally joining the Munzee family. I’m excited to be part of the Freeze Tag Team and look forward to seeing what brilliant ideas we can achieve together in the future!” 

And of course, a statement from our President, Rob Vardeman:

“I’ve watched Sam progress in his development skills over the past several years and seen CuppaZee grow to be a powerful sidekick to the Munzee app. I couldn’t be more pleased to welcome both to our family! The future is brighter together!”

And to go along with this exciting announcement, we have a new “Meet Sam Badge” as well! How can you earn this magnificent badge, you may be wondering? Find Sam at one of the Mega events happening in the UK on Friday, May 12 and Saturday, May 13! Rob and Lou will also be there to officially welcome him to the team! So many awesome reasons to attend!

March 29, 2023

April 2023 Skin: Swan Hedge

As the month comes to a close, we wanted to make sure you were heading into April with your desired Hedges! The skin for completing your March capture streak (and the corresponding badge), which is the Frog Garden Hedge shown below, will be awarded in early April. But, we couldn’t wait to share what’s in store for next month!

March Hedge Reminders

If you haven’t picked up a Hedge yet, they are available in the Freeze Tag Store for $10.

How to have a permanent Hedge on your account next year:

  • Own at least 8 Hedges by the end of the year
    • Each month, the price of a Hedge will decrease by $1.
    • However, players can only purchase 1 Hedge every 28 days.

Also, don’t forget that Reseller Garden Hedges have arrived!  These unique munzee types are only available for purchase from participating Munzee Resellersso shop now!

April Hedge Details

What Hedge Skin can you look forward to earning in April? The Swan Garden Hedge! Like the other hedges, the Swan Garden Hedge is a temporary POB that will remain on the map as long as players with permanent Garden Hedges continue to use it.

Swan Garden Hedge
  • Capture: 250
  • CapOn: 300
Additional Info
  • Available for multi-capture
  • Non-blastable
  • Attracted to both Physical Magnets and Virtual Magnets
  • Filters: “All Limited Edition Specials” and “All Expiring Specials”

As stated earlier, to earn this skin, you’ll need to complete next month’s (April’s) capture streak. Once the skin is awarded in May, you can change the skin on the hedge to this one at any point — refer to our Help Guide article for the instructions!

You can find this swimming shrub at the following landing pads every 6 hours or when captured:

Additionally, the Swan Garden Hedge will scatter up to 3 NEW Swan Flowers nearby when it is captured!

Swan Flower
  • Capture: 50 points
  • CapOn: 50 points

Like the other Hedge Flowers, these scatters will be visible to any player and will be deployed on the Hedge owner’s account. This means that unlike Air Mystery Feathers/Boulders, there are CapOn points for the owner! They expire after 120 minutes and have a capture radius of 300 feet. These hedge scatters will NOT count for deploy streaks, ZeeOps, or clan activity since they are passive deploys.


As a reminder, Garden Hedges have 4 associated badge lines:

  • Unique type deploy badges — you’ll need to earn each month’s skin by keeping your streak up!
  • Overall deploy badges — the more hedges you deploy, the merrier!
  • Unique type capture badges — capture at least 1 of each skinned hedge!
  • Overall capture badges — capture as many hedges as you can find!

While we revealed images for the first of each badge line in the original post, we are happy to show you the “Unique type deploy” and “Unique type capture” badges associated with the Swan Garden Hedge:

Don’t let April’s Hedge Skin swim out of your grasp!

Munzee on!

March 17, 2023

St. Patrick’s Day Sale!

Team Munzee is getting SUPER pumped for St. Patrick’s Day! And what better way to celebrate than a SALE on both new and returning items?! Get the rundown of everything on sale below!

Sale Details

Make sure to plan ahead and snag any deals before the sale ends on Monday, March 20th at 12:00 MHQ. Everything on sale can be found in this collection:


NEW Greeting Card Munzee Details

We have 1 new Limited Edition card for your deploying pleasure – the Pot of Gold Card:

While this card does have the same point structure as other Limited Edition cards, it does have some key differences, so here’s a breakdown:

  • When captured, it will scatter up to 3 one Rainbow Zeds which award different amounts of Zeds, to both the capper and owner.  This has been edited after sale completed to show only one scatter. We delivered an additional 1 free card per card purchased after the sale completed.
  • You may remember the Rainbow Zeds were previously introduced from MOBs in the past
  • Instead of expiring 7 days after deploy, it will expire after 3 caps, to ensure that the Zeds are awarded
  • These cards will be sold in packs of 2, vs the usual 3 for Limited Edition cards
  • Limit 20 per player (a total of 40 cards)

There is also a special new DOUBLE RAINBOW badge that can be earned below:

Don’t forget to edit the title and the notes to add a personal touch! While the capture message will contain your Munzee username as all Greeting Card capture messages do, we think typing in a more specific note will go a long way to creating a more unique and special experience!

Check out everything in the sale below!

  • Pot of Gold Card – $1 for 2 Cards
  • Scatters Zed coins when captured!
  • Limit 20 every 300 days
  • Luck o’ the Irish Pack – $4
  • Comes with:
  • 1 Virtual Shamrock
  • 1 of each St. Patrick’s Day Greeting Cards
  • Limit 20 every 300 days
  • Three Cheers Pack – $10
  • Comes with:
  • 3 tPOB Pub
  • 3 Green Cheers Card
  • 3 Virtual Magnets
  • St. Patrick’s Day Greeting Cards (3 Pack) – $1 for 3 Cards
  • Choose from the following:
    • Sham-Rockin Card
    • Green Cheers Card
    • Kiss Me I’m Irish Card
    • Lucky Charm Card
  • tPOB Pub – $3 for 1
  • Attracts multiple tPOBs when Magnetized!
  • Temporary destination that expires after 7 days
  • Emerald Munzee Garden Pin – $8 for 1
  • Deploys a pin from your account into one of our MHQ Emerald Gardens!
  • Double deploy points active during this sale!
  • Limit 3 per player per day
  • Sham Rock n Rolla Mech – $7.50 for 1
  • Temporary POB
  • Remains on the map until it has been captured 5 times
  • Can rebuild again at anytime using Cogs
  • Irish Creature Skins (3 Pack) – $15 for 3 skins
  • Comes with:
    • Lady Leprechaun Skin
    • Oillipheist Hydra Skin
    • Far Darrig Faun Skin
  • Limit 1 per player
  • Select Bouncers Have Returned!
  • To use the skins above, you’ll need to own the upgraded Myths below:


Munzee on!

February 24, 2023

March 2023 Skin: Frog Hedge

As the month comes to a close, we wanted to make sure you were heading into March with your desired Hedges! The skin for completing your February capture streak (and the corresponding badge), which is the Rabbit Garden Hedge shown below, will be awarded in early February. But, we couldn’t wait to share what’s in store for next month!

February Hedge Reminders

If you haven’t picked up a Hedge yet, they are available in the Freeze Tag Store for $11.

How to have a permanent Hedge on your account next year:

  • Own at least 8 Hedges by the end of the year
    • Each month, the price of a Hedge will decrease by $1.
    • However, players can only purchase 1 Hedge every 28 days.

Also, don’t forget that Reseller Garden Hedges have arrived!  These unique munzee types are only available for purchase from participating Munzee Resellersso shop now!

March Hedge Details

What Hedge Skin can you look forward to earning in March? The Frog Garden Hedge! Like the other hedges, the Frog Garden Hedge is a temporary POB that will remain on the map as long as players with permanent Garden Hedges continue to use it.

Frog Garden Hedge
  • Capture: 250
  • CapOn: 300
Additional Info
  • Available for multi-capture
  • Non-blastable
  • Attracted to both Physical Magnets and Virtual Magnets
  • Filters: “All Limited Edition Specials” and “All Expiring Specials”

As stated earlier, to earn this skin, you’ll need to complete next month’s (March’s) capture streak. Once the skin is awarded in April, you can change the skin on the hedge to this one at any point — refer to our Help Guide article for the instructions!

You can find these hopping hedges at the following landing pads every 6 hours or when captured:

Additionally, the Frog Garden Hedge will scatter up to 3 NEW Johnny Jump Up Flowers nearby when it is captured!

Johnny Jump Up Flower
  • Capture: 50 points
  • CapOn: 50 points

Like the other Hedge Flowers, these scatters will be visible to any player and will be deployed on the Hedge owner’s account. This means that unlike Air Mystery Feathers/Boulders, there are CapOn points for the owner! They expire after 120 minutes and have a capture radius of 300 feet. These hedge scatters will NOT count for deploy streaks, ZeeOps, or clan activity since they are passive deploys.


As a reminder, Garden Hedges have 4 associated badge lines:

  • Unique type deploy badges — you’ll need to earn each month’s skin by keeping your streak up!
  • Overall deploy badges — the more hedges you deploy, the merrier!
  • Unique type capture badges — capture at least 1 of each skinned hedge!
  • Overall capture badges — capture as many hedges as you can find!

While we revealed images for the first of each badge line in the original post, we are happy to show you the “Unique type deploy” and “Unique type capture” badges associated with the Frog Garden Hedge:

Don’t let March’s Hedge Skin ribbit round’ the corner!

Munzee on!

November 6, 2017

Munzee Version 3.4!

Happy Monday players!

Munzee version 3.4 has been pushed to the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store this morning.

This update includes:

– add customizable filter presets,
– add Apple Health as fitness vendor,
– alert list and details page of a myth host munzee show more details,
– fix quick deploy list not loading automatically when open it multiple times,
– updated scanner,
– show location update message when deploying Premium Personal,
– updated translations,
– other minor fixes and improvements

– add customizable filter presets,
– fixing GPS not turning off on some Androids,
– alert list and details page of a myth host munzee show more details,
– fix quick deploy list not loading automatically when open it multiple times,
– updated scanner,
– show location update message when deploying Premium Personal,
– updated translations,
– other minor fixes and improvements

Per usual, there may be a delay in propagation to your area, so please be patient if you don’t see the update just yet.

Enjoy and Munzee on!

September 30, 2017

ZeeOps- Operation: re:Launch

Agents, ZeeOps HQ’s system has been hacked and all of our files on past missions have been erased! You’ll have to recreate past Operations in what we’re calling LegaZeeOps. It’s up to you to keep the legacy of this organization in tact. By completing any Operation this month you’ll earn the “Operation: re:Launch” badge.

The October LegaZee Operations are now live and you can begin planning your Missions to start on the following day. You can plan your Operations at and purchase more ZeeCred in the Munzee Online Store.

This month’s Missions are as follows:

Basic Training- Earn at least 500 points.
Defensive Training- Deploy at least 10 munzees.
Offensive Training- Capture at least 25 munzees.
Undercover Training- Capture 1 event indicator pin.
Weapons Training- Capture at least 10 clan weapons.

Group Training-
Earn at least 500 cap-on points.Group Training Earn at least 500 cap-on points.
AIRial Pursuit- Capture exactly 23 munzees AND deploy exactly 23 munzees.
Precious Stone Stockpiler- Capture at least 20 jewels.
Spurious Stones- Deploy at least 5 jewels.
Virtual Surreality- Capture at least 100 virtual munzees of any type.

Advanced Training-
Earn at least 10,000 points.
Breaking and Capturing- Capture at least 25 jewels AND deploy at least 5 jewels.
From The Outside In- Deploy at least 50 greenies.
Interrogation Practices- Capture at least 100 greenies.
Virtual Virus- Capture at least 500 virtual munzees of any type.

Expert Training-
Earn at least 50,000 points.
Intelligence Infiltration- Deploy at least 100 greenies.
Jumbling Jewels- Deploy at least 20 jewels.
The Emerald Cities- Capture at least 100 Emerald munzees.
Zee Only Hope- Capture at least 200 physical type munzees.

This month’s rewards are:

Basic Op- 
Rewards: 1 diamond, 2 virtuals and 2 virtual colors, with 5 Zee Creds

Advanced Op- 
Rewards: 1 diamond, 1 amethyst, 2 MVM and 2 virtual colors, with 10 Zee Creds

Mega Op- 
Rewards: 1 diamond, 1 ruby, 1 sapphire, 1 amethyst, 5 MVM and 5 virtual colors, with 25 Zee Creds

Ultra Op- 
Rewards: 2 diamond, 2 ruby, 2 sapphire, 2 amethyst, 5 MVM and 5 virtual colors, with 50 Zee Creds

On behalf of MHQ, we thank you for your continued service.

This message will self destruct in 3… 2… 1…

September 18, 2017

MHQ Bash ZeeOps

Agents, those of you who purchased the Royal Flush MHQ Bash package* have been chosen for an exclusive ZeeOps Operation.

You will all automatically be added to “Operation: All In” a special 3 Day Operation which will last the weekend. Starting Friday at 00:01 MHQ you can begin the pre-assigned missions. It’s up to you to go undercover and investigate the Event Hosts.

Once the Operation is live you can view your daily missions on the ZeeOps Dashboard or in the Munzee App. You do not have to choose any missions as these have all been pre-set to your account. If you happen to be doing another Operation, no worries, these have been set to allow both Operations to function at the same time.

The Missions are as follows:

Casino Royale (FRI): Capture a Pink Event Indicator Pin, a Business Munzee, 10 Personals and earn at least 5,000 points.

Mission Mythological (SAT): Capture a Pink Event Indicator Pin, a Business Munzee, at least one Mythological and earn at least 5,000 points. 

Trail By Error (SUN): Capture a Pink Event Indicator Pin, complete a 5 Stop Virtual Trail, and earn at least 5,000 points. 

By completing the 3 Day Operation you’ll earn a variety of rewards as well as the exclusive “Operation: All In” badge.

The rewards for completing the Operation are as follows:

  • 200 ZeeCred
  • 1 Flat Rob
  • 1 Flat Matt
  • 1 Magnet
  • 1 Emerald Garden slot in the a current garden.

If you did not sign up for the Royal Flush package and would still like to join “Operation: All In” you can purchase an add on package in person at the MHQ Store.


August 31, 2017

ZeeOps: September Missions

Despite Director Zee’s return, little has been spoken regarding the First Clan’s ominous warnings of the war to come. The Director insists we must continue to focus on the work at hand, because peace is only temporary in this line of work.

Mysterious Zodiac symbols have begun showing up all across the world. It’s up to you to investigate and report back to HQ.

The Zodiac Munzees appear to be reactive to the stars and the time of year. Reports also suggest a masked vigilante is behind the ominous deploys. Be careful and if you come across this Zodiac Vigilante, do not engage until we can figure out his motives.

September ZeeOps Operations are now live and you can begin planning your Missions to start on the following day. You can plan your Operations at and purchase more ZeeCred in the Munzee Online Store. You can also track your Missions in the new Munzee app update.

We have also extended our ZeeOps badge line for completing different Operation levels. Now you can earn an updated spy gadget badge for each Operation you complete 5 times. These badges are retroactive and currently available to earn.  It won’t be easy, but we know you’ll emerge victorious.

Walkie-Talkie Watch 2.0- Complete 5 Basic Operations in ZeeOps.

This month’s Missions are as follows:


Basic Training +- Earn at least 1,000 points.
Defensive Training- Deploy at least 10 munzees.
Offensive Training- Capture at least 25 munzees.
Zee Is For Zodiac I- Capture at least 10 Zodiac Munzees of any kind.
Zee Is For Zodiac II- Deploy at least 5 Zodiac Munzees of any kind.


Group Training +- Earn at least 1,000 CapOn points.
Moon Watchers – Capture at least 12 Zodiac Munzees and deploy at least 6 Zodiac Munzees of any kind.
Star Crossed – Capture at least 24 Zodiac Munzees of any kind.
House of The Rising Son- Deploy at least 12 Zodiac Munzees of any kind.
Virtual Surreality- Capture at least 100 virtual munzees of any type.


Advanced Training- Earn at least 10,000 points.
Always Aware- Deploy at least 50 physical munzees of any type.
Son Shine- Deploy at least 36 Zodiac Munzees of any kind.
Shooting Star- Capture at least 48 Zodiac Munzees of any kind.
Virtual Virus 2- Capture at least 250 virtual munzees of any type.


Expert Training- Earn at least 50,000 points.
Dark Side Of The Moon- Deploy at least 100 greenies.
The Falling Star- Deploy at least 60 Zodiac Munzees of any kind.
Setting Son- Capture at least 84 Zodiac Munzees and deploy at least 36 Zodiac Munzees of any kind.
ZEEnith– Capture at least 250 physical type munzees.

Completing Operations will give you some hard earned rewards as well.

This month’s rewards are:

2 MVMs, 2 Motel Munzees, 1 Hotel Munzee, 2 Virtual Colors, and 5 ZeeCred

2 MVMs, 3 Motel Munzees, 2 Hotel Munzees, 1 Virtual Resort Munzee, 2 Virtual Colors, and 10 ZeeCred

3 MVMs, 3 Motel Munzees, 3 Hotel Munzees, 1 Virtual Resort Munzee, 1 Timeshare Munzee, 3 Virtual Colors, and 25 ZeeCred

4 MVMs, 2 Motel Munzees, 2 Hotel Munzees, 2 Virtual Resort Munzees, 2 Timeshare Munzees, 1 Air Mystery Munzee, 2 Munzee Magnets, and 50 ZeeCred

On behalf of MHQ, we thank you for your continued service.

This message will self destruct in 3… 2… 1…

July 31, 2017

ZeeOps: August Missions

Agents, despite our best attempts to keep this confidential, Director Zee is missing. After being replaced by the Dictator last month, his whereabouts have become unknown. Despite his absence, it’s up to ZeeOps Agents worldwide to continue their missions and protect the world.

Random archaic weapons shipments have begun popping up all over the world. You’ll need to investigate this by capturing and deploying Clan Weapon Munzees throughout the month.

The Clan Weapons that have begun to pop up all over the world may contain a hidden message from Director Zee. As a collector of weaponry of all sorts, Director Zee may be using these weapon deploys as a communication tactic. It is up to you to save Director Zee from whomever holds his fate.

August ZeeOps Operations are now live and you can begin planning your Missions to start on the following day. You can plan your Operations at and purchase more ZeeCred in the Munzee Online Store. You can also track your Missions in the new Munzee app update.

This month’s Missions are as follows:


Basic Training +- Earn at least 1,000 points.
Defensive Training- Deploy at least 10 munzees.
Offensive Training- Capture at least 25 munzees.
Back To Barbarianism I- Deploy at least 10 Clan Weapons of any kind.
Back To Barbarianism II- Capture at least 25 Clan Weapons of any kind.


Group Training +- Earn at least 1,000 CapOn points.
Weaponized- Capture at least 15 Clan Weapons and deploy at least 5 Clan Weapons of any kind.
A Study In Swords- Capture at least 40 Clan Weapons of any kind.
Axe And You Shall Receive- Deploy at least 25 Clan Weapons of any kind.
Virtual Surreality- Capture at least 100 virtual munzees of any type.


Advanced Training- Earn at least 10,000 points.
Always Aware- Deploy at least 50 physical munzees of any type.
CLANdestine- Deploy at least 40 Clan Weapons of any kind.
First Is The Worst- Capture at least 50 Clan Weapons of any kind.
Virtual Virus 2- Capture at least 250 virtual munzees of any type.


Expert Training- Earn at least 50,000 points.
At The Helm- Deploy at least 100 greenies.
Armory Amendments- Deploy at least 60 Clan Weapons of any kind.
The First- Capture at least 75 Clan Weapons and deploy at least 35 Clan Weapons of any kind.
Co-Founding Fathers- Capture at least 250 physical type munzees.

Completing Operations will give you some hard earned rewards as well.

This month’s rewards are:

Basic Op
Rewards: 1 MVM, 2 Diamond Munzees, 1 Ruby Munzee, 1 Virtual Color, and 5 ZeeCred

Advanced Op
Rewards: 1 MVM, 2 Diamond Munzees, 2 Ruby Munzees, 1 Amethyst Munzee, 1 Aquamarine Munzee, and 10 ZeeCred

Mega Op
Rewards: 2 MVMs, 3 Diamond Munzees, 2 Ruby Munzees, 2 Amethyst Munzees, 3 Aquamarine Munzees, 1 Sapphire Munzee, and 25 ZeeCred

Ultra Op
Rewards:4 MVMs, 4 Diamond Munzees, 3 Ruby Munzees, 4 Amethyst Munzees, 5 Aquamarine Munzees, 2 Sapphire Munzees, and 50 ZeeCred

On behalf of MHQ, we thank you for your continued service.

This message will self destruct in 3… 2… 1…

June 30, 2017

ZeeOps: July Missions

Agents, due to your hard work in June the contaminated outlier strain of Evolution Munzees has been controlled. Despite investigations into what caused the issue, there have been few leads as to who was behind the leak. ZeeOps Agents must focus on forward though, so prepare for this month’s Operations.  

Since the leaders of the Mean Green Gang have seemingly all been eradicated Director Zee has kicked off a probation program for former MGG members. The program has been named “Going Green.” He has requested that ZeeOps agents worldwide begin rounding up Mean Greenies to present them the opportunity to join forces. The program has been met with some resistance from both ZeeOps agents and former Mean Green Gang operatives though, so be careful.

July ZeeOps Operations are now live and you can begin planning your Missions to start on the following day. You can plan your Operations at and purchase more ZeeCred in the Munzee Online Store. You can also track your Missions in the new Munzee app update.

This month’s Missions are as follows:

Basic Training + – Earn at least 1,000 points.
Defensive Training- Deploy at least 10 munzees.
Offensive Training- Capture at least 25 munzees.
Greenie-ology I- Capture at least 20 greenies.
Greenie-ology II- Deploy at least 15 greenies.

Group Training + – Earn at least 1,000 cap-on points.
Going Green – Capture at least 20 greenies and deploy at least 10 greenies.
Green With Envy – Deploy at least 25 greenies.
Not So Mean – Capture at least 35 greenies.
Virtual Surreality- Capture at least 100 virtual munzees of any type.

Advanced Training- Earn at least 10,000 points.
Always Aware- Deploy at least 50 physical munzees of any type.
Growing Green- Capture at least 100 greenies.
Green House Games- Deploy at least 50 greenies.
Virtual Virus 2- Capture at least 250 virtual munzees of any type.

Expert Training- Earn at least 50,000 points.
Gone Green- Deploy at least 100 greenies.
The Dictator – Capture at least 150 greenies and deploy at least 50 greenies.
Resistance – Deploy at least 100 physical munzees of any type.
Missing Zee- Capture at least 250 physical type munzees.

Completing Operations will give you some hard earned rewards as well.

This month’s rewards are:

Basic Op
Rewards: 1 Virtual Munzee, 2 MVMs, 1 Timeshare Munzee, 3 Virtual Colors, and 5 ZeeCred

Advanced Op
Rewards: 2 MVMs, 1 Surprise Munzee, 1 Flat Rob, 1 Flat Matt, and 10 ZeeCred

Mega Op
Rewards: 3 MVMs, 2 Surprise Munzees, 2 Amethyst Munzees, 1 Flat Rob, 1 Flat Matt, 1 Blast Cap, and 25 ZeeCred

Ultra Op
Rewards: 5 MVMs, 4 Surprise Munzees, 2 Amethyst Munzees, 2 Flat Robs, 2 Flat Matts, 1 Blast Cap, and 50 ZeeCred

On behalf of MHQ, we thank you for your continued service.

This message will self destruct in 3… 2… 1…