Submit Your Pictures for Our Spectacular 6th Birthday Gallery!
Last year, we asked you to share your pictures from birthday events and Munzee outings during Birthday Month. We had a great response and put together a gallery showing off the events and players that make this game and community amazing. This year, we want to make an even better one!
If you have a picture (or pictures) that you would like added to our Spectacular 6th Birthday Photo Gallery, send an email to with the subject “6th Birthday Gallery”. Please include the following:
- The high quality photo(s)
- Your username and real name
- A description of the photo(s)
These pictures can be of events, scenic views from munzee locations, or fun things you find while searching for munzees during Birthday Month. We will publish the gallery and continue adding to it throughout the month.
We can’t wait to see what you submit!
Have a great Birthday Month, and Munzee on!