Posts Tagged ‘translations’

October 13, 2017

Munzee Podcast- October 2017

The Munzee Podcast is back after a very busy September! Rob and Matt recap MHQ Bash, reveal a fiendish Friday the 13th fellow, and warm up for the Tour De Cure charity race. Stay tuned for a reveal about what’s coming up for the rest of October!

Podcast Notes:

August 4, 2017

Munzee Podcast- August 2017

The Munzee Podcast is back again- and it didn’t take us another year either! This month Matt and Rob recap their trips during Birthday month, Louise gives us the rundown on Birthday Events from Jolly Old England, and we go over some of the new items that have been released. Enjoy and Munzee on!

Podcast Notes:

July 13, 2017

Birthday Coinz and more!

We’re proud to announce the release of a limited number of 6th Birthday Comic Book Special coinz! These golden brass coins look awesome and are a great keepsake from a SUPER month. Those in attendance of our MHQ Birthday Bash will be the first to to have the chance to buy them, so be sure to RSVP.

6th Birthday Comic Book Coin

Along with the Birthday coinz we are also releasing a Recycle coin and a ZeeOps coin. Remember you can use coinz to track specific munzee captures which is perfect when hunting recycles or completing ZeeOps missions. The Recycle coin features the Munzee Recycle icon and the ZeeOps coin features the ZeeOps logo inlaid upon a super unique white metal. Both are great additions to any coin collection!

All three coinz will be available on Friday at MHQ Birthday Bash, but will then be for sale to the public Monday at 3 PM CST. Everyone should be on the lookout for even more items on sale Monday too!

We hope to see a bunch of our players at the event tomorrow, but either way we hope you all enjoy these awesome keepsakes!

Munzee on!

July 3, 2017

Submit Your Pictures for Our Spectacular 6th Birthday Gallery!

Last year, we asked you to share your pictures from birthday events and Munzee outings during Birthday Month. We had a great response and put together a gallery showing off the events and players that make this game and community amazing. This year, we want to make an even better one!

If you have a picture (or pictures) that you would like added to our Spectacular 6th Birthday Photo Gallery, send an email to with the subject “6th Birthday Gallery”. Please include the following:

  • The high quality photo(s)
  • Your username and real name
  • A description of the photo(s)

These pictures can be of events, scenic views from munzee locations, or fun things you find while searching for munzees during Birthday Month. We will publish the gallery and continue adding to it throughout the month.

We can’t wait to see what you submit!

Have a great Birthday Month, and Munzee on!

July 1, 2017

Introducing Munzee Magnets!

Can you feel the attraction? We’re proud to announce a new gameplay feature called Magnets!

These brand new items are temporary credits you can use to attract Seasonal Specials and Mythological Munzees for a set amount of time. It’s easy, you just Magnetize a greenie of your choosing and that munzee will then attract up to 3 specials or myths for up to one hour! The magnet expires at the end of the hour or after the 3rd capture.

Think of it like a temporary shamrock or elemental that also attracts seasonal specials like the Birthday Comic Book specials. So now if you live in a less populated Munzee area you can increase your chances of capping specials and myths!

Magnetizing a munzee from the app is easy!

  1. Choose the Greenie you want to magnetize.
  2. Go to the Munzee Details page.
  3. Click on the three dots icon in the upper righthand corner.
  4. Click “Magnetize” and confirm.
  5. Wait for the fun to begin!

You can also Magnetize a munzee from the web!Β 

  1. Go to
  2. Click on the munzee you want to Magnetize and go to the Munzee’s page
  3. Scroll down and on the lower righthand side is a button that say “Magnetize”
  4. Click confirm and go find that Munzee!

Click the image to enlarge it.

A few things to note:

  • There is a limit of 10 magnets per player account purchased per 10 days.
  • When a Magnetized munzee brings a special or a myth anyone can cap it, so be quick or be nice and share with friends!
  • You’ll be able to Magnetize munzees you have already capped as well as your own munzees since you can cap specials on those.
  • You can see how many Magnets you have on the Credits page of the app or web.
  • Magnets will go on sale in August.Β Premium Members can expect some magnetic attraction next month too.

Magnet credits are currently exclusive to Physical MunzPak subscribers until they go on sale next month. You’ll receive ten Munzee magnets in your July Physical MunzPak subscription so if you haven’t signed up do it NOW!

Even though the Magnets are currently exclusive to MunzPak subscribers, it’s our birthday so we wanted to share the love a bit. Event hosts who are throwing Munzee Birthday party packages will also have the opportunity to buy Magnets to be used at their events. This will help bring some fun for your Event guests! You need to email Louise if you are interested in adding these to your event but remember she is cycling this weekend so don’t expect an immediate response.

***Event Details Edit*** Magnets may be purchased by event hosts. They are added to the event account only and event pricing is $10 for 10 magnets (maximum of 10 per event account).

We’re excited to see how you all use Magnets to your advantage! Happy hunting and Munzee on!


June 30, 2017

Spectacular 6th Birthday Specials!

It’s hard to believe that it’s already been six years since Munzee was launched. It’s surpassed anything the co-founders could have imagined as a game, company, and community. As you probably have noticed, we tend to celebrate, especially our birthday. So take a peek at what we have going on for our Spectacular 6th Birthday!


Like most 6 year olds, we love comics and superheroes so be prepared to cap special comic books! Starting tomorrow (July 1st) at 00:01 MHQ time, 2011 Spectacular 6th Birthday Special icons will be on the map. These icons will bounce on greenies every 6 hours or when captured.

When captured, these will scatter three onomatopoeia icons within one mile for two hours or until capped.

Each of these are worth 17 Capture points and 11 CapOn points for the host owner. You CAN capture these on your own greenies, and all four specials will count towards the new Specials Badges line.

The scattered icons will also have another surprise. Each of the three icons will award a different badge. Your goal is to collect all three.

When you collect all three of the badges, you will also earn the completed comic book page.

Earned by capturing all three of the scattered icons.

These icons will be on the map until July 31st at 23:59 MHQ time.

Flat Robs and Flat Matts

As we noted in our latest podcast, Flat Robs and Flat Matts will spend quite a bit of time on the map during the month of July:

Flat Robs:

  • 1st-16th
  • 21st-23rd
  • 28th-31st

Flat Matts:

  • 1st-10th
  • 14th-15th
  • 21st-26th
  • 28th-31st

They will also be available in the Munzee Online Store during the month starting tomorrow.

Birthday Sale

During Birthday Month, we will also be having a variety of sales. Starting tomorrow (July 1st) at 00:01 MHQ time, the following items will be on sale:

Throughout the month, other items will be on sale, so keep an eye out for more information on those!

Prizes and Giveaways

As always, keep an eye on our social media pages for prizes, giveaways, and contests.

We hope you enjoy Birthday Month. We know we will!

Munzee on!

June 30, 2017

Munzee Podcast- July 2017

We’ve brought back the podcast/videocast!

With a lot more space for fun activities in MHQ 3.0, we’ve set up an awesome podcast studio! We figured we should probably get around to using it though, so what better time than for some Birthday Month announcements? We had a few technical difficulties at the beginning (give us a break, it’s been a while since we’ve done this!) but the audio quality gets a lot better about 40 seconds in.

Watch the video below and enjoy!

Podcast Notes:

  • Pre-show ramblings.
  • Matt’s been flattened!
  • Swap out your old virtuals using our new Virt Swap tool.
  • Munzee Version 3.3.3 is now live. Update now.
  • Some super sick badges for capping seasonal specials.
  • Holy spectacular sixth Birthday Batman! Comic book birthday specials are coming your way!
  • Super Louise -with the speed of a locomotive- is going to be a bit busy in July.
  • New emerald gardens are popping up worldwide.
  • Superhero Birthday events and MHQ’s Birthday Bash.
  • Rob and Matt’s July event travel schedule.
  • Flat Rob and Flat Matt activation dates.
  • 150 MILLION caps!

June 29, 2017

Munzee App Version 3.3.3.

With Birthday month right around the corner we have a new app update that has been released!

Munzee 3.3.3 Β has been pushed to the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store.

New Features/Fixes:
– We’ve added an in-app ZeeOps dashboard to track your operations.
– The main menu now features accompanying icons for all entries.
– Badge details now show the original description even after a badge has been earned.
– The coin discover request popup will now only show as toast message (transparent at the bottom) when not on the coins page.
– Improved scanner (focus issues for some phones are fixed)
– Minor fixes and improvements

While the app has been made live in the app stores, there may be a delay in the propagation to your area. Please be patient if you don’t see it yet.

Check out the video below to see some of the new features!

March 30, 2017

Munzee App Version 3.3.2 Update and New Zodiac Badges

Howdy, everyone! We’ll be making a few announcements today, but we’re starting off with an app update!

Munzee 3.3.2 has been pushed to the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store. This update includes:

  • Changing of own Socials list to fit overall look and feel
  • Ability to deploy Socials from their details page
  • Fix of photo submission for Places Munzees
  • Ability to choose between installed navigation apps (not all apps supported)
  • Addition of quick way to reset filters or activate all filters
  • Updated scanner
  • Updated translations
  • Minor bug fixes and improvements

While the app has been made live in the app stores, there may be a delay in the propagation to your area. Please be patient if you don’t see it yet.

We hope you enjoy this update!

We are also launching a new badge line: The Constellation Badges!

Platus Robius – Capture 100 Zodiac Munzees of any type

These badges are for capturing Zodiac Munzees. These are hidden badges, so you won’t see the requirements for the following badges until you earn the previous ones!

These badges are retroactive and will begin awarding now (10:00 MHQ time)!

Munzee on!