Spectacular 6th Birthday Specials!
It’s hard to believe that it’s already been six years since Munzee was launched. It’s surpassed anything the co-founders could have imagined as a game, company, and community. As you probably have noticed, we tend to celebrate, especially our birthday. So take a peek at what we have going on for our Spectacular 6th Birthday!
Like most 6 year olds, we love comics and superheroes so be prepared to cap special comic books! Starting tomorrow (July 1st) at 00:01 MHQ time, 2011 Spectacular 6th Birthday Special icons will be on the map. These icons will bounce on greenies every 6 hours or when captured.
When captured, these will scatter three onomatopoeia icons within one mile for two hours or until capped.
Each of these are worth 17 Capture points and 11 CapOn points for the host owner. You CAN capture these on your own greenies, and all four specials will count towards the new Specials Badges line.
The scattered icons will also have another surprise. Each of the three icons will award a different badge. Your goal is to collect all three.
- Earned by capturing the BAM! icon.
- Earned by capturing the POW! icon.
- Earned by capturing the BANG! icon.
When you collect all three of the badges, you will also earn the completed comic book page.

Earned by capturing all three of the scattered icons.
These icons will be on the map until July 31st at 23:59 MHQ time.
Flat Robs and Flat Matts
As we noted in our latest podcast, Flat Robs and Flat Matts will spend quite a bit of time on the map during the month of July:
Flat Robs:
- 1st-16th
- 21st-23rd
- 28th-31st
Flat Matts:
- 1st-10th
- 14th-15th
- 21st-26th
- 28th-31st
They will also be available in the Munzee Online Store during the month starting tomorrow.
Birthday Sale
During Birthday Month, we will also be having a variety of sales. Starting tomorrow (July 1st) at 00:01 MHQ time, the following items will be on sale:
Throughout the month, other items will be on sale, so keep an eye out for more information on those!
Prizes and Giveaways
As always, keep an eye on our social media pages for prizes, giveaways, and contests.
We hope you enjoy Birthday Month. We know we will!
Munzee on!