Munzee Reseller Program Comes To An End

As Munzee has evolved over the last 13 years we’ve seen a number of programs come and go. We pride ourselves on our ability to adjust the game as needed in order to best serve our community, but unfortunately change can be hard to adapt to especially when difficult decisions must be made.  

After much deliberation, we have come to the difficult decision to end the Munzee Reseller program. This may come as a surprise to some, but based on in depth analysis we have found the best move forward is for the program to cease immediately. We understand that there are a number of personal relationships that have developed over the years between the Resellers and our players, and we’re extremely thankful for the passion that has been fostered throughout the community by these individuals. 

There will be a number of changes to Reseller themed munzees, which you can read about below, but we have also set up limited time deals in the Redeem Store that can be swapped for certain Reseller types. Please note that all of the game pieces both deployed and undeployed will retain their value. We want to encourage the continued use of these products, even if some of them will not be available for sale again in the future. 

Changes To Reseller Munzees

Redeem Store Exchange Program:

As mentioned above you will now be able to swap certain Reseller Munzee types in the Redeem Store. We want players to feel confident that any munzee purchased from Resellers will still maintain its value, but this swap option will be very worthwhile if you choose to take advantage of it. There are limited time deals available, but as with other Redeem Store items these will shift periodically.

RUM Retirement:

Similar to when other Resellers have bowed out of the program, all Reseller Unique Munzees (RUMs) will now feature a “RETIRED” stamp beginning on to indicate the individual types. As mentioned prior, you will still be able to deploy any RUMs you may have in your inventory, and these will all be available to capture permanently. There could be style changes in the future, but the ownership and locations of the munzees will always retain their value. 

RUM Point Increase:

We have also decided that beginning November 1, 2024 at 00:01 MHQ certain Reseller Munzees will see a permanent point value increase. You can see the difference in points listed below, so hopefully this will encourage you to deploy those that remain in your inventory. Please note that these 8 types will no longer be available for purchase from this point onwards.

Reseller Exclusive Types:

Although certain Reseller Munzees will be retired, others that are part of larger categories will be available for purchase directly from the In App or Online Stores in the future. These include Treasure, Postal, Computer & Flower Evos, as well as the Bounty Ship gaming types. Like other discontinued Flat Munzees, Flat Vans and Flat RUMs will remain on the map although there are currently no plans to sell these individually in the immediate future.

We thank the Resellers for their years of service, and wish them all luck in their future endeavors. Thank you as well to our players for your continued support and understanding through these transitions.