Archive for October, 2024

October 30, 2024

❄🐉 November Glass Guardian 🐉❄

A chilling guardian has emerged from the snowy peaks! This NEW yeti-like Glass Guardian roams the icy wilderness with frosty power. Add the Beast Glass Guardian to your collection by completing your capture streak and help defend the wintry realms with this formidable creature.

If you completed your October capture streak, prepare to receive the Wild Glass Guardian Skin (and corresponding badge) in early November. Read on to learn more about the latest addition to the Glass Guardian family!

November Glass Guardian Reminders

If you haven’t picked up a base Glass Guardian yet, they are available in the Freeze Tag Store for $3.

Glass Guardians Cyber Munzday Pack

With the recent announcement regarding the end of the Reseller program we have decided to to add a special Glass Guardian 4 Pack to our Cyber Munzday sales on December 2nd. For $4 you’ll receive 4 standard Glass Guardians, which should help those who have not yet reached the requirement to receive a permanent Guardian. This has been a common inquiry, which is why we wanted to let you all know in advance about this special pack.

As a reminder, this is how to have a permanent Guardian on your account next year:

  • Own at least 8 Guardians by the end of the year.
    • Each month, the price of a Guardian will decrease by $1.
    • However, players can only purchase 1 Guardian every 28 days.

November Glass Guardian Details

What Glass Guardian awaits in November? The Beast Glass Guardian acts as protector of both the North and South Poles, working hard to fight against the gradual melting and diminishing of its home.. The Beast Glass Guardian is a temporary POB that will remain on the map as long as the players with permanent Glass Guardians continue to use it.

Beast Glass Guardian
  • Deploy: 500
  • Capture: 250
  • CapOn: 300
Additional Info
  • Available for multi-capture
  • Non-blastable
  • Attracted to both Physical Magnets and Virtual Magnets
  • Filters: “All Limited-Edition Specials” and “All Expiring Specials”

As stated earlier, you’ll need to complete next month’s (November’s) capture streak to earn this skin. Once the skin is awarded in December, you can change the skin on the Glass Guardian to this one at any point! If you need some help refer to our Help Guide article for the instructions on swapping skins!

You can find this grizzled wizard at the following landing pads every 6 hours or when captured:

Additionally, when captured, the Beast Glass Guardian will scatter up to 1-3 NEW Frost Marbles nearby!

Frost Marble
  • Capture: 50 points
  • CapOn: 50 points


As a reminder, Glass Guardians will have 4 associated badge lines:

  • Unique type deploy badges — you’ll need to earn each month’s skin by keeping your streak up!
  • Overall deploy badges — the more guardians you deploy, the merrier!
  • Unique type capture badges — capture at least 1 of each skinned Glass Guardian!
  • Overall capture badges — capture as many Glass Guardians as you can find!

Check out the unique deploy and capture badges linked with the Beast Glass Guardians below!

Brave the cold this season and tame your Beast Glass Guardian before it vanishes!


October 29, 2024

Munzee Reseller Program Comes To An End

As Munzee has evolved over the last 13 years we’ve seen a number of programs come and go. We pride ourselves on our ability to adjust the game as needed in order to best serve our community, but unfortunately change can be hard to adapt to especially when difficult decisions must be made.  

After much deliberation, we have come to the difficult decision to end the Munzee Reseller program. This may come as a surprise to some, but based on in depth analysis we have found the best move forward is for the program to cease immediately. We understand that there are a number of personal relationships that have developed over the years between the Resellers and our players, and we’re extremely thankful for the passion that has been fostered throughout the community by these individuals. 

There will be a number of changes to Reseller themed munzees, which you can read about below, but we have also set up limited time deals in the Redeem Store that can be swapped for certain Reseller types. Please note that all of the game pieces both deployed and undeployed will retain their value. We want to encourage the continued use of these products, even if some of them will not be available for sale again in the future. 

Changes To Reseller Munzees

Redeem Store Exchange Program:

As mentioned above you will now be able to swap certain Reseller Munzee types in the Redeem Store. We want players to feel confident that any munzee purchased from Resellers will still maintain its value, but this swap option will be very worthwhile if you choose to take advantage of it. There are limited time deals available, but as with other Redeem Store items these will shift periodically.

RUM Retirement:

Similar to when other Resellers have bowed out of the program, all Reseller Unique Munzees (RUMs) will now feature a “RETIRED” stamp beginning on to indicate the individual types. As mentioned prior, you will still be able to deploy any RUMs you may have in your inventory, and these will all be available to capture permanently. There could be style changes in the future, but the ownership and locations of the munzees will always retain their value. 

RUM Point Increase:

We have also decided that beginning November 1, 2024 at 00:01 MHQ certain Reseller Munzees will see a permanent point value increase. You can see the difference in points listed below, so hopefully this will encourage you to deploy those that remain in your inventory. Please note that these 8 types will no longer be available for purchase from this point onwards.

Reseller Exclusive Types:

Although certain Reseller Munzees will be retired, others that are part of larger categories will be available for purchase directly from the In App or Online Stores in the future. These include Treasure, Postal, Computer & Flower Evos, as well as the Bounty Ship gaming types. Like other discontinued Flat Munzees, Flat Vans and Flat RUMs will remain on the map although there are currently no plans to sell these individually in the immediate future.

We thank the Resellers for their years of service, and wish them all luck in their future endeavors. Thank you as well to our players for your continued support and understanding through these transitions.

October 29, 2024

🧙‍♀️🐈 Familiar Flat Cat Scatters! 🐈‍⬛

We’re continuing our celebration of this wonderfully witchy month on National Cat Day! From NOW throughout the weekend, Flat Cats will be scattering a variety of cat toys when captured. Don’t worry — these toys won’t be going in the cauldron — Benji and Burr just use them when they need a break from potion brewing.

Limited Time Scatter Details

From the period of Tuesday, October 29th at 12:00 MHQ through Sunday, November 3rd at 23:59 MHQ, when you capture Flat Cats, up to 3 Cat Toys may be scattered nearby!

As before, the Cat Toys will be visible to any player and will be deployed on the Flat Cats owner’s account. This means that unlike Feathers/Boulders, there are CapOn points for the owner! They expire after 120 minutes, have a capture radius of 300 feet, and you’ll be able to use Rover Treats to capture them as well! These cat toy scatters will NOT count for deploy streaks, ZeeOps, or clan activity since they are passive deploys. However these scatters are the second (of 2) scatter events for higher level Clan requirements this month.

The rewards for Cat Toys are as follows:

  • Capture: 50 points
  • CapOn: 25 points

For more information about Flat Cats, check out our Help Guide article!


We’ve created 1 new badge for this special period. In addition, if you missed out on the badges from the original launch event, you’ll be able to earn them as well. You can see what these badges look like below. Make sure you cap as many Flat Cats as you can to receive all 3 badges!

Sale🏷️ Buy 2 Get 1 Free!

For the same time period as the scatters mentioned above, enjoy a special offer: Buy 2 Flat Cats Munzees and get 1 FREE! Stock up on this Flat favorite before they make a mess!

You must add 3 Flat Cats to your cart in the Freeze Tag Store to use it and are limited to 2 uses per order (in other words — put 6 in the cart, pay for 4, and 2 are free). There is NO CODE required — the discount should apply automatically!

Get ready to brew up a storm with these furry and friendly assistants!

Munzee on!

October 29, 2024

🦃 November 2024 Double Points Schedule 📆

After a jam-packed October, we’ve cooled off a bit in November — after all, many of you may be visiting friends and family during the upcoming holidays. However, we still wanted to give you something to look forward to this month, especially for those of you hosting or attending Munzee Events!

Double Point Events

Dates Double Points ON
Fri, November 8 at 00:01 MHQ to Sun, November 10 at 23:59 MHQ Jewels, Greeting Cards, Evolution Bouncers
Sun, November 17 at 00:01 MHQ to Sun, November 24 at 23:59 MHQ Greeting Cards, Cubimals, Flats (excluding Fancy Flats)

Don’t forget that double points are still active for Virtual Colors for the rest of the month!


October 28, 2024

November 2024 Clan Wars Requirements

November is upon us, and so are the new Clan War requirements! We’ve continued a few changes to our levels as we seek the right balance. Everyone, new and old, will find it easier to reach Level One. It only takes points for this base level this month! And to our ELITE players, Levels 4-6 have seen an increase in challenge. We hope our Level Six players feel like they’ve really earned all their rewards this month!
As with our last few months, we appreciate our loyal premium players and continue to choose to reserve levels specifically for them. Levels 3-6 are for premium only this month. We hope more of you will please consider supporting the game through a premium membership. This is available via monthly or yearly subscription in the app store, or a yearly purchase online.

Head over to the Clan section in our app for all the info and rewards. For enhanced gameplay, use CuppaZee app and website to track clan stats and daily gameplay!

New ClanPak for November‘s battle is available HERE! Tailored for Clan battles, it includes items to chase scatters, grow Evos, cap Bouncers, and deploy Mechz like never before. Limit 1 per player account per 30 days, and for $15 you’ll get:

  • 5 cogs
  • 3 QRowbars
  • 2 magnets
  • 2 virtual magnets
  • 3 capture radius boosters
  • 3 rover treats
  • 1 flat Murray
  • 1 air mystery
  • 1 jellyfish
  • 4 Quick Grow
  • 1 limited edition greeting card

Level 1 (Designed with new players in mind)


  • 5000 Total Points

Clan (in addition to individual requirements)

  • 10,000 Total Points

Rewards: 1 mace, 1 virtual + color, 1 clan war card, 2 cogs, 1 stamp

Level 2 (Intended to challenge new players and introduce them to different layers of the map)


  • at least 10 days of activity
  • at least 15,000 Total Points
  • at least 7 Places captures
  • at least 5 Wishing Well captures

Clan (in addition to individual requirements)

  • at least 75,000 Total Points
  • at least 500 Flat Friends/Objects Points
  • at least 150 Evo Bouncer Points
  • at least 10 Greeting Card captures/deploys

Rewards: 1 crossbow, 1 virtual + color, 1 temp virt, 25 Zeds, 1 evo reset, 1 Void Mystery, 2 stamps

Level 3 (Our lowest Premium only level with a temporary bouncer type to redeem)


  • at least 17 days of activity
  • at least 35,000 Total Points
  • at least 28 Places captures
  • at least 250 Greeting Card Points
  • at least 2 Claimed QRates
  • at least 1 Candy Corn Piglet tPOB Deploy*
  • at least 10 Wishing Well captures

Clan (in addition to individual requirements)

  • at least 150,000 Total Points
  • at least 1250 Flat Friends/Objects Points
  • at least 500 Evo Bouncer Points
  • at least 25 Greeting Card captures/deploys
  • at least 300 Elemental Scatter Points
  • at least 200 Cubimal Points

Rewards: 1 longsword, 2 virtuals + colors, 1 Electric Mystery, 3 cogs, 3 stamps

Level 4 (It’s time to ramp it up and prove you can reach for the stars. Your progress to elite play begins here.)


  • at least 20 days of activity
  • at least 125,000 Total Points
  • at least 200 Greenie Points
  • at least 56 Places captures
  • at least 500 Greeting Card Points
  • at least 4 Claimed QRates
  • at least 1 Candy Corn Piglet tPOB Deploy
  • at least 15 Wishing Well captures
  • at least 500 Cubimal Points

Clan (in addition to individual requirements)

  • at least 550,000 Total Points
  • at least 2000 Flat Friends/Objects Points
  • at least 10 QRewzee/Sleepzee Captures
  • at least 1500 Evo Bouncer Points
  • at least 75 Greeting Card captures/deploys
  • at least 600 Elemental Scatter Points
  • at least 500 Trojan Unicorn Points
  • at least 1000 Cubimal Points

Rewards: 1 crossbow, 1 battle axe, 2 virtuals + colors, 1 magnet, 1 virtual magnet, 75 zeds, 5 cogs, 1 capture radius booster, 1 duck, 1 tunnel of hugz, 5 stamps, 1 light mystery

Level 5 (Reserved for premium players who have grown the map and reached QRew/ZeeQRew status – it’s time to earn this high level and rewards!)


  • at least 23 days of activity
  • at least 275,000 Total Points
  • at least 500 Greenie Points
  • at least 150 Places captures
  • at least 10 QRewzee/Sleepzee captures
  • at least 1250 Greeting Card Points
  • at least 6 Claimed QRates
  • at least 1 Candy Corn Piglet tPOB Deploy
  • at least 25 Wishing Well captures
  • at least 1500 Cubimal Points
  • at least 5 Cubimal captures/deploys

Clan (in addition to individual requirements)

  • at least 2,250,000 Total Points
  • at least 3500 Flat Friends/Objects Points
  • at least 50 QRewzee/Sleepzee Captures
  • at least 5000 Evo Bouncer Points
  • at least 200 Greeting Card captures/deploys
  • at least 1500 Elemental Scatter Points
  • at least 1500 Trojan Unicorn Points
  • at least 2500 Cubimal Points

Rewards: 1 crossbow, 1 hammer, 4 virtuals + colors, 100 zeds, 1 evo reset, 1 turtle, 7 cogs, 1 virtual capture booster, 1 flat flashlight, 1 virtual deploy booster, 1 capture radius booster, 1 shield, 10 stamps

Level 6 (Our most advanced level for ZeeQRew members to test their abilities and battle for their place on the yearly leaderboard – more CHALLENGES added for this month)


  • at least 28 days of activity
  • at least 750,000 Total Points
  • at least 1500 Greenie Points
  • at least 300 Places captures
  • at least 50 QRewzee/Sleepzee captures
  • at least 3500 Greeting Card Points
  • at least 10 Claimed QRates
  • at least 1 Candy Corn Piglet tPOB Deploy
  • at least 50 Wishing Well captures
  • at least 3000 Cubimal Points
  • at least 10 Cubimal captures/deploys

Clan (in addition to individual requirements)

  • at least 7,500,000 Total Points
  • at least 6000 Flat Friends/Objects Points
  • at least 300 QRewzee/Sleepzee Captures
  • at least 15,000 Evo Bouncer Points
  • at least 500 Greeting Card captures/deploys
  • at least 3500 Elemental Scatter Points
  • at least 3000 Trojan Unicorn Points
  • at least 5000 Cubimal Points

Rewards: 6 virtuals + colors, 3 magnets, 3 virtual magnets, 250 zeds, 20 cogs, 1 virtual capture booster, 1 gingerBounce house, 1 capture radius booster, 20 stamps, 1 light mystery 

Access our Help Guide for complete information regarding Clan Wars. For tips on how to maximize your gameplay, visit our Tips & Tricks Guide, created by players! Find more information about QRates and see the qualifications for ZeeQRew here.

November Badges

Your Clan can earn monthly badges by reaching certain levels in Clan Wars. But remember, you only get a badge (and rewards) if the whole clan reaches that level. In November, there are six badges up for grabs. The first badge will appear as follows:

*The Candy Corn Piglet will be available to claim as a special trade in the Premium section of the redeem store beginning November 3rd. Cost will be 0 zeds (that’s right, ZERO zeds). Clan Piglets will be archived December 1st, so enjoy them while they are bouncing!

Older (but still important) reminders:

QRates must be found during the current clan war (after 00:10 on November 3rd) — give the system a few minutes to fully switch into the new battle.

Evo bouncer points are all deploy, cap or capon points from any type of Evo Bouncer. These include the final forms of Butterfly, Turtle, Frog, Jellyfish, Pumpkin, Bee, and Duck. See Nature Evolutions in CuppaZee – Explore Bouncers.

Garden Scatter points are all capture, deploy, and cap on points from the scatters that belong to the set of Garden bouncers. This includes garden gnome hats, garden flamingo feathers, garden hedge flowers, glass guardian marbles. In CuppaZee they are called Streak Bouncers scatters.

Storyland Bouncer points are Cap/Deploy/CapOn from any bouncer in the Storyland set of POBs. This includes the NEW Fenrir!


Note: Clan requirements may update before November 3 and we reserve the right to do so. The final requirements and rewards will always be shown in the app.


If you read all the way to the bottom, here is a Pro Reward Tip just for YOU!

Check out the new redeem options on CuppaZee Gardens. If you don’t like the physical items received this month, many can be swapped to virtual deploys in gardens. Or trade them in the Redeem store.
For those players who want more physical deploys in your area to attract bouncers, keep those physical credits and deploy them! #PlayYourWay (within the Code of Conduct 😜)
There are many more options available to help you meet clan requirements this month if you search for them! Good luck!

October 26, 2024

🕷️🤺 October 2024 GOTM Winners 🦋🦇

In August, we announced exciting updates to the Garden of the Month (GOTM) program, including the use of the CuppaZee Gardens Tool to select future winners! Remember, all completed gardens are now eligible for nomination via the CuppaZee tool, and each month we’ll also invite special guest judges to help with the selection process.

For October, the end of the month crept up on us so we decided to choose the gardens ourselves. As this month’s theme is  “Creepy Crawlers,” two gardens in particular caught our eye, and they both happen to be located in next year’s Geowoodstock location — Morgantown, WV! If you’re interested in attending a Munzee Event hosted by local players during that time, head over to this event on the Munzee Calendar and mark that you’re attending!

A big Munzee congratulations to Morgantown Spider Fighter, designed by DragonsWest, and Morgantown Mothman, designed by Buckeyecacher111, for being named the October GOTM winners! As always, special badges await the organizers and those who deployed in these fantastic creations. Thank you for helping our map continue to flourish with a touch of the terrifying!

Morgantown Spider Fighter by DragonsWest in Morgantown, WV

“When the spiders are that big, you need to call in a professional!”

Morgantown Mothman by Buckeyecacher111 in Morgantown, WV

“Spot this mythical Morgantown creature at next year’s Geowoodstock!”

Special Badges for all players who deployed within the winning GOTM:

Glow Worm Gardens Reminder

Don’t forget about the 2 special badges you can earn for deploying in Glow Worm Gardens! Deploy 10 or more Virtual Colors in any Official Glow Worm Garden and you’ll meet the requirements for both! Head to the original blog post for more information, or head to the Freeze Tag Store to stock up on Virtual Colors with our Glow Worm Virtual Garden Pak! Don’t wait too long though — as we all know, the early bird gets the worm, and the badges will be awarded in early November.

November 2024 GOTM Theme

Here at MHQ, the colder weather means we can make use of the oven without making the whole house feel like a sauna! As such, the theme for November 2024 GOTM will be Sweet Treats! If you have a Sweet Treats-themed garden you’ve already created OR if you’re feeling ambitious and want to create a new themed Garden be sure to complete it by November!

If you’d like to nominate a Virtual Garden for GOTM or need help deploying in a Garden, you can check out the Munzee Help Guide to learn more! Stock up on Virtuals from the Freeze Tag Online Store to bring your garden visions to life!


October 25, 2024

🔮 Final Tarot Cards Revealed: Unlock Your Fate ✨

The mystical journey reaches its grand finale with the release of the last set in our Tarot Card Collection! These final cards unlock the full power of the deck, each holding a piece of the magic that completes the circle. From the enchantment of the Faerie’s Kiss to the cosmic wishes of the Starfall, these cards will inspire you to embrace the wonders that surround you.

With this release, all 13 Tarot Cards are now available—collect and deploy them all to earn an exclusive badge! What final insights will the cards reveal as you complete your set?

The Tarot Card Collection: Final Set

All sets of Tarot Cards are available HERE:

As they are all Limited Edition cards, the points are as follows:

  • Deploy: 50
  • Capture: 60
  • CapOn: 30

Master the Tarot Badge

Complete your collection by deploying all 13 Tarot Cards to earn this exclusive badge. Let the magic of the cards guide you as you achieve this mystical milestone! Check out the badge preview below!

The journey is complete! With all 13 Tarot Cards now released, let the magic of the cards guide you as you unlock the final badge. Thank you for joining us on this enchanting adventure—your fortune has been revealed!


October 22, 2024

🧙⚗️ Brew NEW Potion Munzees to Boost Your Gameplay! ✨

We’re excited to introduce a NEW game piece that is a unique combination of Temporary Virtual and Booster — enter the Potion Munzees! Our first Potion Munzees are bubbling with enchantment, perfect for boosting your captures and sharing the fun with friends or at events. Whether you’re collecting extra points or scattering surprises, these mystical potions will have you brewing up some serious magic on the map. With Halloween just around the corner, it’s the perfect time to stir up some tricks and treats!

Brew Up Big Gains with Potion Munzees

There are currently 3 Potions available:

When you deploy a Potion, its effect will automatically be activated for you, and the same goes for other players when they capture it as well! Here is what each Potion does:

  • Potion of Plenty: the next Munzee you capture or deploy will earn x3 points!
    • Helpful Hint: Potion of Plenty = P for Points
  • Distance Draught: the next Virtual Munzee you capture will have x3 the capture radius!
    • Helpful Hint: Distance Draught = D for Distance
  • Scatterburst Serum: The next Munzee you capture will scatter 3 random scatters nearby!
    • Helpful Hint: Scatterburst Serum = S for Scatters

Potions will remain on the map until they have been captured 3 times. After that, the magic will be all used up! Each player who captures the potion will enjoy the same effect as the brewer.

The point structure for Potions is as follows:

  • Deploy: 50 points
  • Capture: 50 points
  • CapOn: 50 points

Stock Up Online or In-App

For a limited time, grab a pint of our magical brews with the Potions Pack, which can be purchased from our online store HERE! This pack includes the following, perfect for deploying near friends or at events!

  • 13 Potion of Plenty
  • 13 Distance Draught
  • 13 Scatterburst Serum

Plus order up some potions on tap individually from the in-app store for a promotional launch price of 33 Zeds each. Stock up while the discount lasts!

Magic System

As Potions are Temporary Virtuals, many of the same rules apply to them. For example:

  • Potions are visible on the Temporary Layer of the map
  • Deployers CANNOT capture their own Potions — this is why the effect is automatically applied on deploy
  • Players CANNOT capture the same Potions more than once
  • Potions will be archived when a condition is met — as mentioned above, the condition is 3 captures

However, there are also some rules unique to Potions:

  • They are NOT blastable
  • Players can only have 1 Potion active at a time — if they attempt to deploy or capture another Potion Munzee with one already active, the app will display an error message
    • However, Potions DO stack with Boosters AND Double Point Weekends if they are active, as well as Rover Treats
  • Potions DO NOT expire, and will remain active until applied to an appropriate deploy or capture
  • Potions DO apply to deploys done via the Munzee Website (all methods — via the Map page, direct editing of the munzee, Redeem Store, etc.) and via the Freeze Tag Store (i.e. Emeralds, purchased bouncers)
  • Potions DO NOT apply to auto-deploys (i.e. Evo Bouncers, scatters) as the owner has no control of when those are deployed
  • Potions DO NOT apply to Socials, Universals and Personals
  • When you use a Potion of Plenty and capture a type with multiple captures (for example Skyland or Timeshare) then it will only triple the first capture – meaning only the Skyland itself, not any of the bouncers.


There are currently 2 badge lines for Potions – 1 for deploying each type, and 1 for capturing each type. You can see what the badges for the Potion of Plenty look like below:

We hope you enjoy making the map a little more enchanting!

Munzee on!

October 18, 2024

📲 NEW Update! Visit The Redeem Store In The App! 🧰✨

We’re excited to announce a NEW App Update! Now you can access the Redeem Store via the app, which should be much easier to navigate on mobile devices than our webpage. Head to the Camp Hub and tap the Enchanted Toolbox to get craftin’ with your credits!

Although the Redeem Store itself has been around for a while, this app update continues our quest of making the game more accessible for new and veteran players alike! As a refresher in this section you can forge different Munzee types using various shards, stamps, cogs, and other credits that you’ve earned over time. Not only can you create new munzee types like Mechz, but you can also redeem your undeployed munzees for new credits like Jewel Shards to make superior game pieces.

Check out your inventory, and you might also see some discounted products for you to redeem as well! Be sure to visit each tab in order to take advantage of the Redeem Store deals while you can. To access this latest feature, you’ll need to make sure you’re on the latest version of Munzee from the App Stores (4.1.221 on iOS, 4.1.222 on Android), then restart the app to pull down the latest over-the-air update version #1147.

Munzee on!

October 18, 2024

🌕 Embrace the Magic: New Tarot Cards Awaken 🐉

The mystical adventure continues with the release of the next set in our Tarot Card Collection! These new cards invite you to explore even deeper realms of magic and wisdom. From the tranquil reflections of the Moonlit Lake to the courage of the Guardian Dragon and the ancient knowledge within the Elven Grove, each card holds a unique power to guide and inspire.

More enchanting cards are on the way, so keep collecting as we draw closer to completing the full 13-card set. What new insights will you uncover?

The Tarot Card Collection: Set #3

All sets of Tarot Cards are available HERE:

  • Send The Moonlit Lake Tarot Card to inspire calm and reflection. Help a friend find clarity and peace in moments of emotional turbulence.
  • Send The Guardian Dragon Tarot Card to encourage courage and protection. Remind someone of their inner strength to face any challenge that comes their way.
  • Send The Elven Grove Tarot Card to promote wisdom and learning. Encourage a friend to seek knowledge and enlightenment on their journey.

As they are all Limited Edition cards, the points are as follows:

  • Deploy: 50
  • Capture: 60
  • CapOn: 30

The magic is nearly complete! With just one more set to come, make sure to collect and deploy all 13 Tarot Cards to earn an exclusive badge once the full collection is revealed.

The final chapter is just around the corner—stay tuned for the last cards in this enchanting journey! 🌟
