Flat Lou is Suiting Up in Something Fancy!
You’ve seen Fancy Flat Rob and Fancy Flat Matt… but are you ready for Fancy Flat Lou? The regular Flat Lou was already easy to spot on the map due to her bright pink color, so we wanted the Fancy version to be even more eye-catching! Please welcome these new variants, featuring designs based on real cycling kits provided by Lou!
- InternationElles Flat Lou
- Team GB Flat Lou
- Polka Dot Flat Lou
Fancy Flat Lous are on sale in the Freeze Tag Online Store (through Monday at 12:00 MHQ)! These Player Owned Bouncers (POBs) are variants of Flat Lou that players can own.
Like the Fancy Flat guys, the new Fancy Flat Lous will bounce around every 12 hours or when captured. Fancy Flat Lous will bounce to Flat Lous, Flat Robs, Airport Places, Transportation Places, Pink Colored Virtuals* (specified below), Treehouses, Skylands, and an additional other type based on the variant!
Bounces to: ย
- Flat Lou
- Flat Rob
- Airport Places
- Transportation Places
- Virtual Pink
- Virtual Carnation Pink
- Virtual Mauvelous
- Virtual Salmon
- Virtual Tickle Me Pink
- Virtual Magenta
- Virtual Wild Strawberry
- Virtual Violet Red
- Virtual Red Violet
- Treehouse
- Skyland
All Fancy Flat Lous will have the same point values, though there will be a random distribution of Cap and CapOn points.
- Deploy: 500 points
- Capture: 200-300 points (random)
- CapOn: 50-100 points (random)
The Fancy Flat Lous WILL be attracted to Virtual Magnets. They will also be equipped with the ability to be nudged. You can capture Fancy Flat Lous on your own munzees or previously captured munzees, but they will NOT be blastable. Now let’s get to know a little bit more about each variant!
InternationElles Flat Lou
Flat Lou is ready to show competitive cycling is not just for the boys! This variant of Fancy Flat Lou bounces to Flat Lous, Flat Robs, Shamrocks, Airport Places, Transportation Places, select Pink Colored Virtuals, Treehouses, and Skylands.
Team GB Flat Lou
Flat Lou is ready to represent her home country! This variant of Fancy Flat Lou bounces to Flat Lous, Flat Robs, Fire Mysteries, Airport Places, Transportation Places, select Pink Colored Virtuals, Treehouses, and Skylands.
Polka Dot Flat Lou
Flat Lou owns this more whimsical style signifying cyclist royalty and her ability to climb anything on her bike! This variant of Fancy Flat Lou bounces to Flat Lous, Flat Robs, Pink Diamonds, Airport Places, Transportation Places, select Pink Colored Virtuals, Treehouses, and Skylands.
Store Sale!
When a player goes to the online store they will be able to choose among three Fancy Flat Lous:
- InternationElles Flat Lou
- Team GB Flat Lou
- Polka Dot Flat Lou
The only store limit will be up to one per variant per player account, meaning you can buy all three, but not more than one of each. Fancy Flat Rob variants are also available for sale!
The Fancy Flat Rob variants are available for purchase for players who do not already ownย all three. Like the Fancy Flat Lou variants, each player is allowed to purchase one of each Fancy Flat Friend variant per account.
Fancy Flat Robs and Fancy Flat Matts will also get two new landing pads! As of now all Fancy Flat friends can land in treehouses and skylands!
The Fancy Flat Lou variants will NOT count towards the other Flat Lou Capture or Deploy badges. Instead, Fancy Flat Lou will have their own Deploy badge that can be earned by deploying any Fancy Flat Lou variant. The badge will appear as follows:
Celebrate Fancy Flat Lou’s wonderful fashion sense with these three personal tags! Collect all three Fancy Flat Lous tags in the store today by clickingย HERE!
Which of Fancy Flat Lou’s kits do you like the best? Well, if you can’t decide, you can get all 3!
Munzee on!
Cycling kits provided by Attacus
Check out Lou and the InternationElles on Instagram @loukew @internationelles