April Resolutions Badge Details Have Arrived!
Can you believe we’ve already completed a quarter of 2019? Our monthly Capture Streak Badges centered around a year of personal improvement have already brought us the resolution to eat healthy (January), make new friends (February), and explore new hobbies (March). This month we’re happy to introduce getting organized as out April Resolution!
Each month’s badge is dedicated to accomplishing a different New Year’s Resolution. Like our Super Streak badges, you will be awarded a badge if you capture at least one Munzee* each day for the entire month. Remember that each month is the chance to put your best foot forward, so if you’re new to the game or accidentally missed a day, there’s no time like the present to get started on your streaks!
Organize Your Life
Have you heard of the term “spring cleaning?” Even if you’re currently enjoying fall on the Southern Hemisphere, it can benefit your life greatly to join us folks on the Northern Hemisphere and get your life cleaned out and organized this spring.
Did you know that there are health benefits to being organized? Organization is linked to an increased boost in energy. Shake the midday slump with a quick desk organization. Having your personal and digital space in order can lead to a burst in energy. Organization can also lead to better eating habits! That’s right, organizational skills are linked to healthier eating. They can even potentially lower heart attack risks by getting people off their feet and moving!
Organization can also improve sleep habits, which are a critical component of overall health. Clutter can lead to an increase in stress which disrupts sleep time and quality. Give yourself the peace of minded needed to recharge and reboot by having your personal effects in order. Overall, organization is linked to a reduction in stress and an increase in happiness. So don’t forget to use your filters to organize everyone’s favorite game!
Munzee on!
* In order to encourage active gameplay we will not count Social Munzees for these capture streaks. If you know you’ll be in an area without munzees, plan ahead!