World Turtle Day Specials!
To celebrate World Turtle Day on May 23rd, we’re excited to announce new turtle specials will be crawling to the map! These shell-shocking specials go live May 19th at 00:01 MHQ and will stay until May 28th at 23:59 MHQ.
These 1200 turtle specials will bounce on greenies every six hours or when capped, and you can cap them on your own munzees! You’ll earn 23 points for capping a turtle and the owner of the munzee will earn 17 points for CapOn.
You’ll also earn this totally tubular tortoise badge for capping one of these specials.
We have also released a new version of the Specials Map which allows you to filter what specials you can see so be sure to check it out before chasing after these turtles!
World Turtle Day was started in 2000 by the American Tortoise Rescue to raise awareness and respect for turtles and tortoises, and encourage human action to help them survive and thrive. In connection with our Safar-Zee charity special Munzee encourages our players to show respect for wildlife of all sorts.
Thank you for your support and good luck! Munzee on!