Recycle Icons – Take 2
The launch of the Recycle Special at the end of June led to a large number of missing munzees being replaced or archived. This helped rejuvenate and clean up the Munzee Map. The problem with specials is that they’re often a limited time. Despite the great strides made during the Recycle Special time frame, there were still many Munzees that were left with icons when time was up. So by popular demand, we’ve decided to reintroduce the Recycle Special.
Starting tomorrow (August 12th) at 00:01 MHQ time, Recycle Icons will once again appear on the map. As a refresher, these icons will be on (some) physical munzees that have not been capped in the last 365 days. You will earn 25 points for capping the Recycle Special, and the owner will earn 10 points. You do not get the points/icon associated with the original munzee (e.g. If a Recycle Icon is on a Mini Mystery, you do NOT get the random split of points AND the points for Recycle Icon.)
This is again a “one and done” special. Once the icon is capped, the Munzee returns to its normal icon. You CAN capture this icon on munzees that you have capped before. You CANNOT capture this icon on your own munzees.
The affected munzees are:
- Clan Weapons
- Greenies
- Physical Mysteries
- Premium Munzees
The major difference between this time and the last is the exclusion of physical jewels. This is due to August Clan Requirements.
If you find one of the Recycle Icons is on a missing or damaged munzee, PLEASE mark it as Unable to Locate or Needs Repair. This is done in-app, at the location, from the Munzee details page. Use the dropdown menu in the top right corner, then tap “Leave Entry”. Maintenance of physicals is VERY important to the game.
The Recycle Icons will be on the map until Sunday, August 21st at 23:59 MHQ time.
Reminder: While this is a worldwide initiative it will only effect munzees that have NOT been captured in the last 365 days! Some areas may be covered while others are not. Consider yourself fortunate if your area has been active in the last 365 days!
We hope you enjoy the revival of the Recycle Icon. Munzee on!