Ready for More NoMadness?!
While we were fleshing out the idea for the Zeecret Agent Nomad, we reviewed the other Nomads that were released and found that we had some gaps to fill! First off, we are excited to announce the new Gaming Nomad Munzee!
Gaming Nomad Details
Beginning Thursday, November 5th at 12:00 MHQ 20 Gaming Nomads will start bouncing on Gaming MunzeesΒ every 12 hours or when captured.
These captures will also count toward theΒ Nomad Munzee Badge Line.
To clarify, Gaming Nomads will only land on the original player-deployed munzee and NOT any types that scatter from them. In list form:
Landing Pads:
- Physical Gaming Nomad
- Prize Wheel
- Scatter — will scatter if capped while hosting a Gaming Nomad
- Rock Paper Scissors
- Bowling Ball — will not scatter if capped while hosting a Gaming Nomad; may change in the future
- Urban Fit
- Physical Joystick — will not scatter if capped while hosting a Gaming Nomad; may change in the future
- Virtual Gaming Nomad
- Surprise
- Sir Prize Wheel — will not scatter if capped while hosting a Gaming Nomad; may change in the future
- Virtual Joystick — will not scatter if capped while hosting a Gaming Nomad; may change in the future
- Capture: 500
- CapOn (for host owner): 250
Better your chances at capping a Gaming Nomad by deploying a Gaming Munzee near you! If you don’t already have any Gaming Munzees in your inventory, you can shop the collection at the Freeze Tag Store, or perhaps make a trade with other players who have them stocked up!
NEW Virtual Nomads
We also determined that the Jewel ThiefΒ and Warrior Nomads were only bouncing to the physical types of their corresponding landing pad categories. To correct this, we’ve released 10 new virtual versions of each as well! To keep the total number of each type at 20, this means that 10 of the original physical Jewel Thief and Warrior Nomads will be removed from the map.
To learn more about Nomads, check out the Help Guide article!
We hope you look forward to spotting these extremely rare pieces on the map!
Munzee on!