Player of the Week: Matt Stenson (Matt99972)
As Munzee has grown over the years, the game has evolved in so many more ways than any of the co-founders could have imagined. We’ve certainly had our fair share of growing pains, but in its essence Munzee has tried to stick to its core goal of getting people out into the world. No one knows this better than those players who have been with us since the beginning. This week’s Player of the Week is Matt Stenson (Matt99972).
Who are you?
My name is Matt Stenson (Matt99972).
Where in the world do you live?
I live in Ilkseton which is in the East Midlands, UK.
How long have you played Munzee?
I started playing in February 2014.
How did you find Munzee?
I was walking the dog when I spotted a QR code pinned to a tree. I was intrigued, so I scanned it with my phone which took me to the Munzee website. I downloaded the app, and I was hooked.
What do you most enjoy about Munzee?
I enjoy getting out and about, deploying long trails of physical munzees and then watching the CapOn points come in. When we’ve reached our cal target for the month, I also enjoy visiting some of the original Munzee trails in the countryside.
What is on your wish list?
I’d love to visit one of the big virtual fields in the world and see just how many points I could score in one day. I’m 2/3 of the way towards the Millionaire’s Club, so that is next on the wish list.
Tell us about yourself:
I am an accountant, so getting off my chair and getting exercise and fresh air is not something that I would usually do. I have a son, Quinn, who plays occasionally (Terrin) and an ever suffering partner, Jen, who comes along for the walk. When I first started playing, I was invited to join a Facebook group for local players and was made very welcome. Since then, our team (Munzee Team East Midlands) has grown to 6 full clans. Every month, everyone posts what level they think they will be able to achieve in the next month, and I organise everyone into the six clans. Sometimes, this can be quite a task, but the team works together and the admins in each clan do a great job. For a relatively small area, it’s amazing how many munzees we have deployed now (at the time of writing, we had the 20th biggest weapon cluster in the world).
Other hobbies include:
I discovered WallaBee when Munzee took over and have been hooked ever since. I try and play golf when the weather is nice, and during the winter, I work on my family tree.
Any last words?
It’s amazing to see how the game has evolved from when I first joined. I saw an old post the other day that reminded me that the first clan battle I took part in, there were only 4 levels and the “Chuck” was achieved by everyone in the clan scoring 2,500 points each, which at the time, seemed almost impossible!
Matt99972 also included a social, so cap away!