Enjoy National Scavenger Hunt Day with FOUR New Specials!
Did someone say MOB?! That’s right, we did, and we are here to deliver! It just so happens that May 24 is National Scavenger Hunt Day. Hmm, can you think of any scavenger hunt games that you enjoy playing? It might be a good time for them to offer some specials… maybe in the form of FOUR brand new MOBs (Munzee Owned Bouncers) hitting the map on May 24 at 00:01 MHQ time!
We have an entire week of fun ahead! Prepare for our Scavenger Hunt Day specials arriving at midnight tonight (May 24 at 00:01 MHQ time) and lasting until May 31 at 23:59 MHQ time. If you have patiently been waiting for MOBs for Clan Wars requirements then you’re in luck! UPDATE: MOBs will be counted correctly for clan requirements at midnight tonight! These new specials feature all of the classic tools you’d need on a worldwide scavenger hunt.
Virtual Specials
To start things off, we are happy to announce two virtual specials hitting the map! You can enjoy 375 Compass Specials and 375 Telescope Specials bouncing to all colors of regular virtuals and Surprise Munzees every 6 hours or when captured.
- Capture: 100 points
- CapOn: 50 points
These virtual specials will not be blastable, but they will be attracted to Virtual Magnets. You can capture both the Compass Special and Telescope Special on your own munzees and on munzees that you have already captured.
Physical Specials
There will be 375 physical Magnifying Glass Specials and 375 Shovel Specials landing on the map as well! These physical MOBs will bounce to Greenies, Premium Munzees, Mystery Munzees, and all levels of Treasure Evolution Munzees every 6 hours or when captured.
- Capture: 100 points
- CapOn: 50 points
The physical specials will be attracted to Physical Magnets on Greenies. You can capture the Magnifying Glass Special and Shovel Special on your own munzees and on munzees that you have already captured.
Will your sense of adventure and eye for excellence guide you to glory? Seeking out these specials will give you the chance to earn FOUR new badges featuring pieces of a treasure map! Think you can earn all four and complete the map? You can earn a new badge for each of the different Scavenger Hunt Day Specials you capture. Plus, you can pick up a bonus badge by capturing at least one of all four! So what are you waiting for?? Get hunting! Oh wait— we have one more bit of information you might want to hear first!

Earn the Treasured Tundra badge by capturing at least one Compass Special!
Celebration Sale!
What better way to celebrate National Scavenger Hunt Day than with a Celebration Sale?! The following items will be on sale starting Thursday, May 23 at 12:00 MHQ time and lasting until Monday, May 27 at 10:00 MHQ time:
- Munzee Grab Bag – $20 (normally $25)
- Temporary Virtual Munzee – $2 (normally $2.50)
- Blast Capture – $3.50 (normally $4)
- Virtual Color Credit – $.25 (normally $.50)
- Virtual Munzee – $4.25 (normally $5)
- Flat Matt – $4.25 (Double points for ALL activity on 25th!)
- Flat Hammock – $3.75 (Double points for ALL activity on 25th!)
- Flat Rob – $3.75 (Double points for ALL activity on 25th!)
- Flat Lou – $3.50 ($.25 per each purchase will go to InternationElles sponsorship) (Double points for ALL activity on 25th!)
Are you ready to start shopping?! We hope the National Scavenger Hunt Day specials (and sale!) will invigorate your love for adventure! Don’t forget the Freeze Tag team and players from around the world will be in Fort Worth, TX for GeoWoodstock this weekend, so that might be a good place to deploy Temporary Virts! Now it’s time to get outside and start exploring the world!
Happy hunting, and Munzee on!