Let the Safar-Zee begin!
Last week we announced our March fundraising effort would focus on helping wildlife worldwide and now we’re excited to go into more detail on how YOU can help the majestic beasts of the wild.
For the month of March we will be selling Paw Print special virtual icons in the Munzee Online Store and all proceeds will go to help world wildlife rescue organizations.
These special Paw Prints will be on sale from now until the end of the month and the munzees will stay on the map through 23:59 MHQ Time on April 30, 2017.
For $5 you get a pack of 5 different Paw Print icons, each featuring a different animal print: Paw, Talon, Hoof, Foot, and Claw. Players will be limited to 20 sets of five Paw Print specials,
30 Capture, 10 Deploy, 10 CapOn
There are also a variety of badges you can earn for capping and deploying these temporary icons.The Safar-Zee, Charity Paw Prints and Animal Expedition badges will only be available while the charity specials are on the map so get to capping.
- Safar-Zee- Deploy one Paw Print Charity Munzee icon of any type.
- Charity Paw Prints- Capture one Paw Print Charity Munzee of any type.
- Animal Expedition- Capture all five Paw Print Charity Munzee icons- Lion, Zebra, Bird, Monkey and Crocodile.
In connection to raising money for a worldwide wildlife rescue organization, we’ve also hired a new local member of the MHQ team- Meet Mystery!
To add a local spin to our worldwide initiative Munzee has adopted Mystery for the year through In-Sync Exotics, an exotic feline rescue group based out of Wylie, TX.
In order to offer Mystery and her other furry friends everything they need we have set up a permanent Munzee Virtual Garden outside of In-Sync’s headquarters. You can help make Mystery welcome to the Munzee team by purchasing a golden paw print virtual icon for $10. The pins will be automatically deployed at the location.
30 Capture, 10 Deploy, 10 CapOn
Players are limited to one paw print pin and this virtual garden will be permanently placed at 3430 Skyview Drive in Wylie, TX 75098.
Checkout the virtual garden as it grows HERE.
To learn more about In-Sync visit http://www.insyncexotics.org/.
On behalf of Team Munzee we thank our players for their support and look forward to lending a helping hand to those with paws. Munzee on!
#E1EW #MunzEE