Introducing the Jewel Thief Nomad!
In August of 2015, we allowed some escaped specials to roam the map as Nomads. Last April, Mystery Nomads joined the Virtual and Physical Nomads on the map. Now, a much more villainous nomad will be joining the crew.
The Jewel Thief Nomad travels around the globe in search of gems to covet. It bounces on the physical jewels every 12 hours or until it is captured and sent along its way. For capturing this heinous thief, you will earn 100 points and the owner of the jewel owner will earn 20 points. While it’s already too late to stop their escape, we do know that they will being making appearances at 10:00 MHQ time tomorrow, February 2nd.
Name: Jewel Thief Nomad
How Many Are There: 10
What Does It Do: Bounces on physical jewels (Aquamarine, Topaz, Diamond, Pink Diamond, and Ruby Munzees) every 12 hours or when capped.
- Capture: 100
- CapOn (for host owner): 20
Release Date/Time: Thursday, February 2nd at 10:00 MHQ time
We need your help to get the world’s jewels safe. Are you in?