Holiday Goodies are on the Horizon with ZEEster Eggs!

Update: All ZEEster Eggs and Hatched Eggs count as MOBs (Munzee Owned Bouncers.)ย 

Will the Easter Bunny be hopping to your house this year? Even if you’re not expecting a visit from this furry friend, you can still fill up your Easter basket with plenty of treats. However, these goodies aren’t of the edible varietyโ€” but that doesn’t mean that they won’t satisfy! The Munzee ZEEster Eggs will launch on April 17 at 00:01 MHQ time and stay on the map until April 28 at 22:22 MHQ time for quadruple the holiday fun!

ZEEster Eggs

How do you like your eggs cooked? Scrambled? Over easy? With a side of points? (We’ll have the last option!) The ZEEster Eggs will introduce four new Munzee specials to the game, including the physical Blue Egg, Red Egg, and Yellow Egg, as well as the virtual White Egg. Worried about being able to cap one? Allย four Eggs can be magnetized. Be sure to pick up your Virtual Magnets and Physical Magnets from the Freeze Tag Online Store to increase your capping chances!

The ZEEster Egg specials will hit the map April 17 at midnight MHQ time and enjoy a comfortable run until April 28. In that time span, the Eggs will bounce around every 6 hours or when captured. There will be a set number of each Egg landing on the map, with 419 White Eggs, 140 of both Blue and Red eggs, and 139 Yellow Eggs.

The Eggs will not be blastable, but you CAN capture on your “owned” munzees or any previously capped munzee. You can access this special under the Premium “All Expiring Specials” and “All Limited Edition Specials” filters. The physical and virtual specials will land on greenies and all color virtuals, respectively.


  • White Egg: split 60 points with a minimum of 15 for Capture and Host PLUS receive 1 PinPoint (What’s that?!)
  • Blue/Red/Yellow Egg: split 75 points with a minimum of 17 for Capture and Host PLUS receive 1 PinPoint
  • Hatched Eggs (all colors): Cap 100 points PLUS receive 5 PinPoints, No CapOn points

Hatched Eggs

Wait, did the points include Hatched Eggs?! We almost forgot to mention, there is a fair chance that capturing a ZEEster Egg will lead to a Scatter in the form of Hatched Eggs!

There is a chance upon capturing a physical Egg or a virtual Egg that a Hatched Egg will be caused to scatter. Capturing the White Egg has the possibility for a Hatched White Egg to scatter within 2,000 feet as a new virtual, similar to how the Feather Munzee works. Upon capturing one of the physical Eggs, the corresponding Red/Blue/Yellow Hatched Egg has the chance to scatter within 1,400 feet as a new virtual. The capture radius will be 300 feet for the Hatched Egg scatters. They will not be blastable OR have magnet attraction.


  • Hatched Eggs (all colors): Cap 100 points PLUS receive 5 PinPoints, No CapOn points


That’s not all the fun to be had! In addition to our ZEEster Eggs and Hatched Eggs, there will also be a line of badges associated with the specials. Be sure to capture lots of different combinations of both Egg and Hatched Egg colors, because there are a total of five badges you can earn! Since we’re celebrating a holiday, we’ll give you a sneak peak of the first badge in the series below:

The ZEEster Bunny– Capture 1 ZEEster Egg Special of any kind.

Remember, April is all about fitness, so lace up your shoes and get out there for some hunting! Hopefully our latest specials will give you that extra initiative to get moving. Are you ready to have some early Easter fun?

Happy Hunting (and Happy Holidays!) and Munzee on!

P.S. Thanks to Robbie and the WallaBee team for sharing more amazing art and putting a Munzee spin on it for these specials!