Gaming Munzees Available in the In-App Store!
We want to make sure you’re able to get some use out of your Zeds, so we’re constantly reviewing what’s available in the In-App Store. After some discussion, we decided it was time to add select Gaming Types!
Here’s a list of what you can now find in the In-App Store — if you’re on your Munzee-playing device, you can tap HERE to visit it:
- Virtual Joystick – 350 Zeds
- Physical Joystick – 350 Zeds
- Bowling Ball – 225 Zeds
- Urban Fit – 125 Zeds
- Rock Paper Scissors – 175 Zeds
You can find the Virtual Joystick in the “Munzees” section of the store, while the rest will be in the “Credits” section.
We hope these additions will make it more convenient to play with Gaming munzees!
Munzee on!