Flower and Animal Evos Available in the In-App Store!
We want to make sure you’re able to get some use out of your Zeds, so we’re constantly reviewing what’s available in the In-App Store. After some discussion, we decided it was time to add select Evolution Types!
- Jellyfish
Here’s a list of what you can now find in the In-App Store — if you’re on your Munzee-playing device, you can tap HERE to visit it:
- Frog – 750 Zeds
- Butterfly – 750 Zeds
- Turtle – 750 Zeds
- Jellyfish – 750 Zeds
- Lily – 600 Zeds
- Rose – 600 Zeds
- Carnation – 600 Zeds
You can find the Jellyfish and Carnation in the “Munzees” section of the store, while the rest will be in the “Credits” section.
Make sure to visit the In-App Store regularly to see what is currently in rotation! We will be updating the store on a semi-regular basis to remove certain items and add others, in order to better complement ongoing Munzee happenings. While we will continue to make blog and social posts when significant changes to the In-App Store are made, the actual In-App Store pricing and availability is the final authority.
Munzee on!