Elekter Joins Munzee as the Newest Pouch Creature!
The increase in positively-charged munzees seems to have drawn out a charismatic — dare we say, electric — new addition to the Munzee universe. Please welcome our latest Player Owned Bouncer (POB) to the game, as Elekter prepares to join the ranks of Magnetus, Puffle, and other Pouch Creatures!
You can shop Elekter HERE and the Pouch Creature collection HERE, but be sure to purchase before the sale expires!
Pouch Creatures are bouncing munzees based on items from our sister app, WallaBee. Like the Puffle, Elekter is a virtual-only Pouch Creature. It bounces to Virtual Munzees of all colors as well as Electric Mystery Munzees. Our newest Pouch Creature will cost $20 from the Freeze Tag Online Store. It will go live for sale today (March 25th) at 10:00 MHQ time! Elekter will be for sale until 10:00 April 1st, along with a number of our previous Pouch Creatures!
Like Tuli, Vesi, and Muru, Elekter is an evolving Pouch Creature that will change icons depending on the number of captures in a daily streak. After a specified number of total captures, the Pouch Creatures will “level up” when daily streaks are attained.
The timeframe is as follows:
- Level 1: 0 or 1 day of Capture (Day 2 new level)
- Level 2: 2 days of Capture in a row (Day 3 new level)
- Level 3: 3 or more days of Capture in a row
When the streak is broken, the Pouch Creature will revert to Level 1.
- Elekter
- Elekjoud
- Elektrivool
Elekter Details
Elekter joins the current line of Pouch Creatures as a virtual munzee that will bounce to Virtuals and Electric Mystery Munzees every 6 hours or when capped. Deploying an Elekter will earn you 250 points. The Capture and CapOn points will vary per level as follows:
- Elekter (Level 1)
- Capture: 200 points
- CapOn: 100 Points
- CapOn (Host Owner): 50 points
- Elekjoud (Level 2)
- Capture: 300 points
- CapOn: 200 Points
- CapOn (Host Owner): 50 points
- Elektrivool (Level 3)
- Capture: 500 points
- CapOn: 300 points
- CapOn (Host Owner): 50 points
When the Bouncer Upgrade credit is used, your Elekter will also have the ability to be “nudged” to a new munzee. You can use the nudge feature up to three times a day (MHQ 24-hour day), but only after your munzee has sat for at least 3 hours. Additionally, the Bouncer Upgrade will also allow you to rename your Elekter! The name will still retain the unique number, but feel free to get creative and customize your Pouch Creature’s moniker. Please keep in mind our player code of conduct, and be mindful of maintaining a family friendly environment!
Elekter will be available for multi-capture. That means players can capture Elekter on their own munzees, any previously captured munzees, and more than once if the same Elekter visits you. Elekter will be non-blastable. The capture radius is 500 ft (152.4 m). It will be attracted to Virtual Magnets ONLY as Elekter (Level 1). You can access Elekter under the “Only Expiring Specials” and “Only Pouch Creatures” filters.
New Badges!
There will be a number of badges to enjoy along with Elekter, including the following Deploy badge:
Additionally there will be three badges to earn for Elekter, Elekjoud, and Elektrivool for a total of 9 additional Capture badges. The first badge per each level will appear as follows:
- Bronze Elekter Scout- Capture 1 Unique Elekter Pouch Creature Munzee.
- Bronze Elekjoud Scout- Capture 1 Unique Elekjoud Pouch Creature Munzee.
- Bronze Elektrivool Scout- Capture 1 Unique Elektrivool Pouch Creature Munzee.
If you want to brush up on any Pouch Creature knowledge, be sure to check out our Help Guide! Remember to stock up on Virtual Magnets and deploy an Electric Munzee nearby to attract other players’ Elekters. Although a lot of us are still stuck indoors, we think the future is bright with Elekter!
Munzee on!