Well, soon is a very vague term, and since then, we have released Water AND Air Mysteries! So, excuse our tardiness, but we’re happy to announce some new badges lines are coming out in the near future. To kick things off, we’ve gotten in touch with our roots for some awesome Earth Mystery Munzee badges!
You can now earn badges for deploying and capturing Earth Mystery Munzees. All of these badges will be retroactive and don’t forget that when you cap Earth Mysteries they turn on Recycles, which also have their own badge line. You can purchase Earth Mystery Munzees in the online store.
Hey, Bud- Deploy 1 Earth Mystery Munzee
Flower Power- Deploy 5 Earth Mystery Munzees
Sapling- Capture 1 Earth Mystery Munzee
Growing Green- Capture 100 Earth Mystery Munzees
In Bloom- Capture 250 Earth Mystery Munzees
All of the badges are currently available to earn, so get out there and help out Fauns and Munzee Mother Nature. Have fun, and Munzee on!
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