Don’t Get Caught Flat-Footed with the new Flat Nomad Munzee!
Tomorrow is 2x points on Nomads and RetireMyths for those that purchased Advent Calendars. We have another surprise launching on that special day for everyone! We’re excited to announce the new Virtual Flat Nomad Munzee!
Beginning Wednesday, December 12th at 00:01 MHQ 10 Virtual Flat Nomads will start bouncing on Flat Friends Munzees every 12 hours or when captured. Like other Nomads, you will earn 500 points for capturing a Flat Nomad and the owner of the host Flat Munzee will earn 250 points.
These captures will also count toward the Nomad Munzee Badge Line.
Name: Flat Nomad
How Many Are There: 10
What Does It Do: Bounces on all types of Flat Friends Munzees every 12 hours or when capped.
- Capture: 500
- CapOn (for host owner): 250
Better your chances at capping a Flat Nomad by deploying a Flat Rob, Flat Matt, Flat Lou or Flat Hammock near you! All four Flat Friends are now available in the Freeze Tag Online Store.
You can purchase Flat Munzees here:
We hope you enjoy this new Nomad!
Munzee on!