10/10 Means Time for 10 Pieces of Gameplay Advice!
It’s 10/10 today, which means no matter which part of the world you live in, we can all agree on the ordering of the date! And speaking of unity, we recently asked for players to send us their best gameplay tips via Facebook. After examining the many wonderful tips, we’re happy to compile 10 pieces of advice to help facilitate smooth gameplay for players who might be new to the game or are simply interested in hearing some friendly feedback!
The following advice has been compiled with the help of player feedback to assist in navigating all things Munzee. Enjoy!
1. Play it YOUR way. Munzee is all about playing exactly how you want to.
(Reart) – Play it your way. Don’t let anyone tell you you need to have so many points a day, be in a clan, do ZeeOps, or deploy lots of munzees. First get comfortable with capping and deploying a few (your free beginners pack) before you do all the other stuff. It will be less stressful.
2. Take advantage of the Munzee community. There are many player groups and resources eager to help you out.
(MetteS) – First 0f all: Have fun! 🙂 Second: Don’t be afraid to ask more experienced players for help and advice. Most of us don’t bite 😉 Events and Facebook groups are great for this.
3. Attend a Munzee Event. Connecting to players in real life is a wonderful element of the game that provides more than just special badges and extra points. Make new friends who share a similar interest and learn invaluable advice.
(mobility) – Go to an event and meet experienced Munzee players and feel free to ask them about their experience.
4. Think before you deploy. Consider the best spot to deploy your munzees.
(PelicanRouge) – If deploying locally, remember your munzee may attract specials which you will want to cap in the future. It is perhaps not the best idea to deploy your munzee underneath a bench in a very busy area, as you can guarantee someone will be sitting on it when you need to cap it! (Trust me, I’m speaking from experience ?). Think before you deploy!
5. Consider a Munzee strategy. While how you play is entirely up to you, a strategy will help facilitate future progress.
(gruenthaler) – Start with deploying Greenies in your homezone and reserve places for future specials between these Greenies for Elemental stickers (Fire, Water, Ice, Earth) and for other specials, you may get in the future. Try getting those badges that may be harder to earn as a player who gets a lot of capture on points (for example the Pi badge), and last but not least: capture and deploy at least one munzee a day. A munzee a day keeps the doctor away 🙂
6. Be prepared. Many players carry Munzee Toolkits with them to facilitate easy access to deploys and gameplay.
(Prmarks1391) – Buy a battery pack, it’ll make playing the game so much more fun and less frustrating when your phone goes flat. But also take a look at the badges you could earn. Get some of them out of the way before you purchase some of the bouncers that may be sold, because they’ll get harder to achieve when you own a player owned bouncing special.
7. Help keep the map clean. Many players are a part of ZeeQRew or QRew in order to help keep the map clean and fun for everyone.
(LVBuccsFan) – Log everything. Don’t feel ashamed if you didn’t find a munzee. Lots of munzees go missing. Logging a munzee you did not find helps clear the map for other players. I myself replace munzees that haven’t been found by a few others just to keep the map fresh.
8. Consider competitive gameplay. When you feel ready to flex your Munzee muscles, look into Clan Wars for competitive group gameplay or ZeeOps for personal competition.
(Aukush) – Get into Clan Wars as soon as you can. It’s easy to reach higher levels in Clan Wars when you haven’t already capped a huge part of the munzees in your city. From Clan Wars, you can get credits to build up your city and make it more appealing for visitors.
9. Grow the map by planning your travels. Consider how you can expand the map and earn big when you’re out of town. Along the way you’ll find an added element of adventure and exploration that will help you discover new places!
(Littlethrower) – My advice is if you’re going to be traveling use the Munzee website to see if there are available munzees in that area. Helps you to plan ahead if that is something you’re planning on doing while there ? or may even help you find a really cool place you wouldn’t have thought to check out!
10. Go at your own pace. In line with play it your way, don’t push yourself to master the game in a limited timeframe. Munzee is a multi-layered game that will take time, patience, and experience to learn. Consult the Help Guide to learn about new types, and enjoy the game every step of the way!
(Billykaren) – Take it slow! Read tips and tricks and any info you can gleam from Munzee and ask questions in the Facebook pages. Do not cap everything around you… save some for each day if you have limited deploys around you. Learn what and where to deploy your own to attract Mythologicals, Pouch Creatures, and more!
For more helpful tips and to stay in the loop with all things Munzee, be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, and check our our Tips & Tricks Help Guide! Thanks to all players who took the time to send us their tips! You can always e-mail any tips to iloveyou@munzee.com to share your gameplay wisdom.
Munzee on!