World Laughter Day Specials — Because We All Need a Good Laugh Right Now!
We’re pretty sure most people have a bad case of cabin fever, so what better way to take your mind off of it than with some humor? World Laughter Day specials are out NOW, featuring jokes that have passed our staff’s (somewhat low) standards! (Note: Freeze Tag is not liable for any head injuries sustained after reading a corny World Laughter Day joke ?.)
Our World Laughter Day specials will launch at 10:00 MHQ time on May 1, with 503 hitting the map until 23:59 MHQ time on May 17! Though there will only be one icon shown on the map, there are a possibility of 10 different icons that will not be visible until captured, similar to how the Greeting Cards work. Also similar to our Magic 8 Ball special last year! They will bounce around every 303 minutes or when capped.
Each of the 10 icons will correspond to a different joke! Will you be able to collect them all?
- Capture: 53 points
- CapOn: 35 points
These Virtual Munzees will not be blastable. They will bounce to all virtual colors and be attracted to Virtual Magnets, available from the Freeze Tag Online Store. You can access the World Laughter Day specials under the “All Expiring Specials” and “All Limited Specials” filters.
There is also a line featuring 5 new badges to earn based off captures of World Laughter Day specials. The first badge in the series appears as follows:
One special badge can only be obtained on World Laughter Day (May 3) which you can see below:
It’s up to you to figure out the requirements for the remaining 3 badges! Cap as many of these specials as you can to set yourself up for success!
Munzee on!