What’s the Secret to a Munzee-Filled Weekend? Just Add Water!
UPDATE: The Water Droplet Munzee has been removed from our ZEE-Dayz list.
Can you tell we’ve got water on the brain? If it wasn’t apparent with the new Evolution Munzees we announced last week, it should be now! Starting on 12:00 MHQ on Thursday June 4, you will receive 2X the points on ALL activity on water-based munzees that we’ve listed below! This bonus will last until 23:59 MHQ on Monday June 8!
- Water-based Mythologicals:
- Hippocamp Unicorn
- Reptoid Yeti
- Hydra
- Cerberus Hydra
- Cthulhu Hydra
- Chimera
- Mermaid
- Hot Springs Mermaid
- Melusine Mermaid
- Siren
- Water-based Pouch Creatures:
- Vesi
- Vesial
- Vesisaur
- Jootmegu
- Other Water-based Munzees:
- Water Mystery
Water Droplet Scatter- Aquamarine Jewel
- Seaweed Evolution
- Fish Evolution
- Shark Evolution
- Canoe Evolution
- Motorboat Evolution
- Submarine Evolution
- Beach Place
- Turtle Egg Evolution
- Turtle Hatchling Evolution
- Jellyfish Planula Larva Evolution
- Jellyfish Polyp Evolution
- World Ocean Day Greeting Card ? (more info tomorrow!)
In conjunction with this event, Hydras will be available at the Freeze Tag Store! This means you can get double deploy points on Hydras purchased during this period! Remember last month we announced you can purchase multiple base-level myths — please do refer to that blog post for the specifics. Whether you want to have 1 of each Hydra variant or a small squad of regular Hydras, we’ve got you covered!
We hope this weekend will go swimmingly for you!
Munzee On!